Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1926, p. 2

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DENTAL THE EDITOR TALKS CAPABLE COUNTRY ANGLICAN YOUNG PEOPLE'S DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Presented on our 53rd wedding CORRESPONDENTS 1 ASSOCIATION CHAIRMEN Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto anniversary with two books, my wife The high standard of The. States- At the A. Y. P. A. meeting held University. Graduate of the Royal and I have seldom enjoyed reading main, its steady growing circulation on Monday night in St. John's Parisit College of Dental Surgeons of On- any book more than "Adventures of ad coinuditrs n eadHl tevroscmite ce tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. David Grayson" by Mess.rs. Double- fr is great famlly journal is due these chairmen: Program-Mrs. B. Office phone 40. House phone 22. day, Page & Company, price $2.50, in nmall degree to the faithful, Oliver; Missionary-Miss N. E. comprising four volumes: (1) Ad- connscientious and capable staff of Neads; Social-Miss J. M. Hicks; Vis- DR. 3. C. DEVITT ventures in Contentment, (2) Ad- country correspondents in the more iting-Miss Gwenn Pawsqn. Mr. Graduate of Royal Dental College, ventures in Friendship, (3) The important villages and communities L. Hl. Cooke, Miss Irene Pawson, Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- Friendly~ Road and (4) Great Posses- throughout West Durham. Miss Boylan and Miss Neads were manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 sions. The chief duty of these Assistant elected delegate to the Dominion p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone David Grayson was a city man, Editors is to chroniclýe each wveek Convention to bie held in Toronto 90a. House phone 90b. well educated but he said he had "aIl the newvs fit to print" from their froni October 2lst to 24th. The been a failure there. So hie rented respective districts. We do flot ask next meetine will be a Hallowe'en DR. R. E. DINNIWELL a small farm and he and his sister' theni for editorial comment underi Masquerade party to be held in the Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- Hary.iett left the city and becarneordinarv circumstances, but shoul<I Parish Hall at 8 p. m. on Monday, versity and member of Royal College fariners without any experience in the opportunity present itself mo-zt October 25th. Ail young people of Dental Surgeons. Licensed to agricultural matters. We must skip, of them are equal to the occasion. wishing 10 become nienibers of the practise in Ontario and the Domin- pages of David's adventures and For instance, this week we quote the A. Y. P. A. are cordially invited to ion. Dentistry in aIl its branches. narrate only disconnected parts. mIn following obýervations from Stark- take part. Office-King St., Bowmranville, op-1the Faîl after his first crop was ville which shows that our con-es-'_________________ posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. housed he had come to love the farmj pondent there itot only bas the "nose ____ and its surrounding so much that he for- news" but is alert to the broader!Sc slftesaeso tgso decided to have it for bis very own, issues of the day: Sc slftesaoso tgso and husy tllsof he oy f ps- Te Eito's alk inlas wek'sour life, too, have cheer and good LEGAL an thusytlso h o fpS h Eio' ak nls ve' hngs in store for us and life is what session : 'How sweet the west wind; Statesman, have set many of US we make it. WVe can rob it of this M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. sounds. How graceful climb these tbinking. Really the editor has ceradfi ofn h odtig Barrister, Solicitor, Notary shadows on my bilh".soi good, sound, sensible and prac- if ean fail to putindth o our life vh Money te boan on Farm and Town ** tical talk.0 which are well worthP d emfand edofus. n O ur Crfe at Prpry oa ak Bidn, The afternoon of my Purh reading. In Iast week's paper speak- dd not place us mbt this wvorld to Browmani. holBn Builingvas one of the great afternoons of' ing of the seasons and its variou sIgeal we could out of it, but to put Bowmnvile. Pone 51.my lîfe, David Grayson says. I* cbarms, awakens a deep thought our best into it and to live for oth- W. R. STRIKE came to me thon like an inspiration within my own bceast. Are flot our ers. Then we in the winter of life Successor to lato D. B. Simpson, K.C. that I might now go out and take j lives like the seamons of the year? can gather around the living fireside formaI possession of my farin. Il Springtimie, with its buds and youngî and wvarm ourselves with the fond Barriater, Solicitor, Notary might experience the emetion of a, haves, budding into lîfe-sucb is memories of kindly deeds and wel- Solicitor for Bank of Montreal land owner-swell with dignity and, vouth. Then comos the sunimer, with come smile or a helping hand to our Money to Loan Phone 91 importance for once. I walkedj lis flewers and warm sunshine which fellowmen. BowmnviloOntrlo around my acres. The Lord made1 ripens the grain for harvest-such* * Bowmavill, Onario it-the sunshine, autumn baze, red is the prime of life. Thon comes Last week's talk on the "Teacher" W. F. WARD, B. A. trees, yellow fields and blue dis- the autumn, the October of our life,, was also of great value to the teach- BarseSolicitor, Notary tances. The air had a tang which the falling of the beaves, say the failj er. There is certainly a wonder- Bariser igot into a man's blood and set him ing oyesight, the grey hair, etc. Af-ý fuI and golden oppertunity for the Money to boan. Bonds for sale. Jc tianting ail the poetry he ever knewv. ter aIl this comnes the cold wintei buhfltahra h rh a Offce-Beale Blck KngS, 1 examined my fences, considred the with its frost and snow-such is thelI'n their hands the "Spring" or life Bowmanville, Ontario. Phonos: quality of the soil, pulled dow a rot-Id age of lifo, the ending of the! 'of youth, therefore the moulding of Office_102,_Bouse_409fen of prop itorhipan important. season. The Editor speaks of the, the coming nation. The richeýst and . feeatingofwrise-th farm1 could do ýgathering around the fire place aI- gcandost oppertunity, no, I shal what1 wshe-thefar ismine.. so of the cheer and the good things say duty, is witl- the parents of the FUNERAL DIRECTORS How sweet an emotion is posses- 1 esn aefru.hm is uyadrsosblt sion Wha chain s ineren inof whicb account will have to be F. F MORIS O. ion. Wba cbam i inhron ingiven of thc use made of these most F. F.MORRI CO.wnership! What a basis for van- brown earth, giving the sense of excellent chances. Complote Motor or ?î isi îtepeet. Mny eudî- HoseEqipety wes ay posse ortodso htels L dit-warm, genereus odour Hor-~ Ai cse qupmptly bt tby giosss on oo r sncb impr f 0fdaylight and sunahine and the Wo cannot help but notice the ctedd t. ieesass thtY bu he ie fe pelin otl of cloyîng sweet fragrance of wild large number of auction sales taking rate Abned o fmieers uoasoth at isibis: thati sýrab-apple blossoms, almost -tropical place here and thero. Does it fore- 10 aeAua ncd34 testerupon silt atismaîamis: t acrid amoîl of the ardh. ow fe tecus o the telscasrf r ecotry ? offarm Bowmanville phone part of the deep eartb is bis with ali1 i hin ibes n blwta h eiadsstrfrtecuty si ran tors- the atrep o cr a sawl in he bol s o f us give ourselves fully to the use help, or the scarcity of money whichE Orono &StNewcaa t al hrds or cinwecis tht l f y i '1of our senses and thru sheer indo- s meeted out te the farmer, who is ir bv t thtes srbfoes lence miss haîf tbe joy in the the foundation of our nation, our cit-t airaboe i, il reo, srus, bowrsworld. It is marvelous wbat a man ies and towns? If so, it's aboui and grass that gl-ow upon ft, allý can do wben hoe gîves to bis senses time a change was made in whicuht t ALAN M. WILLIAMS bouses barns and fences-alI are bis.' braina and puts bis entire mmnd up- ail will feel that the farmer is worthy Embalmer and Funeral Director. Every senso I possessed-sight, hear-1 on one faculty and bears down real of bis bire. And if paid accerding i! Calls given prompt and personal at- ing, smell, touch feed upon the new bard, ite the city fohlow with bis electric tention. No oxtra charge for dis- joy. ovnecs i ae rpywl tanc. Pone 58or 19, owran-Se I walked tbis morning, net be largely increasee.. There are tee ville, Ont. 3-tf. So lhe mused until evening and hej bearing or soeing but smelling, and many vacant farms, tee many empty s says: The air was keen and cool andl I havetbought bow, if our senses bouses through the country, for a I touht ee tbugts.I te~ed were reaîîy perfect we might lose tbrift and success and for the geod m inte the stable. My horse stepped: nothing eut of our lives-sigbts, of our country. It's te be boped t MEDICAL a.ide witb a soft expectant whinny; If sounds cor emotions. What a ou0r Governments will look into tbis ti smelled milk-my cow was there- wonderful seer, bearer, ameller, matter and remedy it before it's toc B B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. odor of dry bay and pungent smelli atr feeler Shakespeare must lato.y Gold Medalist of Trinity University, of manure, not unpleasant. Thef tastere l h wiehs m Toronto. Four years attending Phy- stable felt warm after tbe cool of! p ee pn aI tbe wbe bs ____________________ ician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmelthfilswhannml rt ht nothing si range about great men. H ospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and struck into me scotbîngly. I said They are like us, only deeper, high- Residence, Wellington Street, Bow- to my horse, "You shaîl bave your er, broader; tbey tbînk as w-e do but manville. Phono 108. oats". Thon I spoke gontîy te the with more ictensity; tbey sufer more cew and sbe stood over te, be milked. keenly and love more tenderly. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. When I came into the clear bright ilT o1r Grauat ofTriityMedcalColbegeý night the air was sweet and cool and b'm glorifying the sense of sml Tronutfrl of Trn eniklbe my dog came bounding te meot me. because 1 walked tbis morning in a Torono, frmery ofEnnikillnI carried the milk into the bouse and world of odeurs. Smell is net the OffceandReidnce D. Bit ~Harriett said in bier heartiest tone: Treatest sense ncor hearing-but former residence on Cburch Street, "You are late ,David, but sit up ,sight. What would flot any man Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44t' bave kept the biscuits warm". David exchange for sight: for faces one ---- rmars: hatnigt m slep asloves, for scenes one h.lds Most S rmak: ht ibtm sep a dear, for aIl that is beautiful and seu . * * * changeable and beyond description. VETERINARY As winter came I tbought thje lifei Milton writing of bis blindness is DR. F. -. TICHE ef a farmer might lose some of its pathetic. Our senses are the tools VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or charm. Se I loeked forward te bav-' hy wbich we lay hold upen theJ Night calîs premptly attended te. ing timo for my books and quiet con- woIdipe ntofcsiunss Office: King St. East, Bowmanville. templation of the life areun d me-1 and growth. Se long as they are Phone 243. summor for activity and winter for' usod upon the good eartb-used te refloction. But wben Winte r came wbo lesome weariness-tbey romain E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. every day hrought some new work boaîîhy, yield enjoymnent, nourish Orono or somte now adventure te enjoy cjgrwh btlt hmoneb1rmv Honor Graduate cof Univorsiy c is surprising bow many things bappen' ed from their natural employment Toronto. Ail cases given prompt on a smaîl farm. an tbytradfeduo tem an *rfl tenin. Ofie selves; they seek the stimulation cf and arefl atenton. ffic- . luxury, tboy wallow- in their ow-n Dr. McElroy's former office. Phonos: David Grayson bad koen imagina-1 corruption. Vice is evor the senses Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. tien. Listen te this: "If the day! gono astray. ______________________and the nigb-t are such that you greet j *é, them witb joy and life omits a frag-j ecocue thesefre' a rane ikefiwer ad seo-smeling witb oneocf Grayson's eulogies on AUCTIONEERS berhs, is more elastic, more starry, Work. THEO M. SLEMON more immrtal-that is your success". In ail the days of my life I bave It s curieus that when at bard Auctioneer nover been se weîî content as I am physical w'ork one stops thinking for Farn and House Sales a Speciabty. tbis Spring. Last Summer I tbeught' long periods, yet I have discovered Ternis moderato. Enniskillen P. O. I was happy, the Autumn gave me a' that happiness la nearby aIvrays a re- Phono 197r3. 1-tf. finali:y of satisfaction, te t er ofthefroles of ote iagis ne imparted perspective, but Spigcn1o h oleso e oiaieta WILLIAM MAW veys a wheîîy new senise cf life, a!they can enjey more tbought, emio- Licenned Auctioneer quickening the like of whicb I noveb' tien or son.iment. As welI try te Having met with considerable suc- hefore experienced. It seems to me oat beauty, for happiness must be ceas in cenducting sales for the past tbat everything in the world isaimore ed. She loves te sec mon at 19 yoars, I now offoer my services to interesting, more vital, more signifi-1 work-loves sweat, w-ariness5 soIf- the people of Bowmanville and vic- cant. It comnes te me as the wonder! sacrifice. She will ho found net in inity. For termis and dates se, P of wondors, these Spring days, how' places; but on the fat-m burking in O. Mason, Bownianville, or phone auroîy everything, spiritual as' weîî the fields, in busy factories and boy- 288, Whitby, Ont. 12-t. las material, proceeds eut cf tbe' ering ovor littered desks in offices. ea rth. Somotimes I could bow and l Happiness crowns the unconscious S touch my face te the wac-m haro ole odc h uycid If you look' CHIOPACICAND DRGLSSWe are often asbamed of the earh_ up s uddenly froni bard work you will the soîl cf it, the sweat of it, the see ber. Oh, the joy cf the 121 THEROPY gà dcmmncorsnsac i oc1c w1i:---1 1.bbse -eudi o oerwh h tey --have distilled oS cioed. MFint Stan ardme trogbb night. Se it was this 5~~ tu eRaomrning. As 1 walked along the Omt4J 0W' ofmari ol h-v aoaw conesEA4GLE BRAND Coast to Coat-No IdieBo as ssociates witb the nigbt, as of ~i O. . NGNEEIN AD oi.st woods and ear'th mould. The Codens"M 10 . EN IEON AE pentrating scent of the nîgbt re- ThBodnC.Lmie CO. LIMTED TO mains long after the sigbta and Th odnC.Lite 20 3L.OOR ST. W., TORONT sounds if it disappear. In aunny MONTREAL 162 38-12 spots I bad the fragrance of the open162 a _1ý cornfiold, the aromatlc breath of themm N d h huhesfrm eri replinerscid tinhAmýdseran BaktersAsocia- tiont icovzereba t nthe mntbl paympentple sbaslsun thelamen-f debt. Investigations by s:tate attorneys dîsclose that 300 Chicago policemen bave heen on the regular pay-roll of the liquer gangs that have terrorized the city. Mr. Richard Greenis' auction saleý attracted a packed bouse Saturday. As it w-s impossible te dispose cf ail the goods in one afternoon an- other sale will ho held Nevember 6th. Under the 3000 family scheme emigration under trial 'in Great Britaic, 1000 familles numhoring 5500 persons, have heen sent te Can- ada this year, 83 per cent of whom are wvell satisfied. Mr. Ralph Rea who was formorly employod with F. F. Morris Ceo., Bowmanville, spent mest cf the weok visiting bis sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Fol- lick, hefore gcing te, Portage la Prairie wbere ho bas a position witb the McKillep Furniture and Undor- taking establishment cf that place- Two Canadian fit-ms, the Getfred- .on Truck Corporation, and the Bickle Fire Engine Company, Limit- ed cf Woodstock, wbo recontly sup- plied Bowmanville with a triple fire truck, bave submiîttd the lowest tender te Toronto for fire-figbting ipparatus of approximately $78,000. A~n interosting feature cf the tender is the fact that the retar type cf pump is entireiy in Canada, wbile 60 per- cent cf the complote unit is Canadian made. The oquipment submited bas passed aIl tests credit- ahly. The first test of three heurs was follewed by a second oneo f twelve, according te the specifica- tions laid down by the National Board ef Fire Underwriters of New York. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Send in that list cf "Do You Re- membor When?" commonts you in- tended mailing te the editur long ago. A new and beavy trek is predict- ed from the Western States te Can- ada, by farniers w-ho want te get farms of their 0w-n. Mr- Wm. J. Challis who recently teck on the agonèy for Dodge Cars made the first sale ef a sedan te Mr. G, A. Edmcndstone. Thero are 26 new' churches being erected in Otarie for Presbyterian cengregations which have lest their properties tbrougb the Union. Rev. Geo. Mason who advei-tised mangels for sale in The Statesman last wveek zaid ho could seli 1000 T HE home is no place for valu- able papers-neither is your office. For a small sum you can have the protection of a Safety Deposit Box. We shall bc glad to rent you one. Tu safcpiard Wills. Bonds, Stocks, Decds, Policies. Family Papers Smnail JewreI1erv. etc., etc. TheRoyalBiaink ;wnavlo f Canada 2 BowanvUeBranch - R. F. Aitchison, Manager a Womaf Lonelyffours .ASIK to ee nV Radio 63. Six tubes, filly shielded, single - dial station selecioryetsthe ir station Wiih a simple turn of a single knob. Beau tif ul cabinetIm "Most IRadio Per Dollar" hem has gene to work and the children , the house seems as big and empty as cat for mother te turn on the radio and ings that are on the air every mornîng. v menus, talks on hcalth, marketing as on heuse-furnishing. And music ta ýhem work. ng Radie 63 that will please mother 's a six-tube set, which means distance -d tene quality. And it has the new al Station Selector by means of which ck up the station she wants with "a single knob!" No bothcr-nothing ta lctricity"l or radio--just turn the knob tion the wants. mg Radio 63 is something moee than is a beautifM piece of fumniture open difng in two-tne--will harmonize with almost any finish. Your neighbers wi]l neyer bive c) better radie than yen if yen have a King. Sutal Down Payment- Balance bMonthly We will place thîs King Radie in Your home-jet yen try it three nîgbts te prove te Yourself that King is tt-uly "most radio per dollar." Get the great parade of stations on the air. And then You'Iî neyer part with youm King Radie. A smalî dowc paymcnt gets the set. The balance yen pay in conven- ient monthly amounts as yen enjoy the set. We do ail the installing-turn the King ever ta yen, show you in five minutes how to operate it-then it's yeums ta enjoy. Corne in today and see this King Radio. Bring your wife along. For you must see it as well as hear it-to reaIIy appreciate itl Or if you ca' cm phone us, and weU1 have a King m iycn' home befor tamorrow nigbL Ç~ '~A Joint Savings SAccount Is a Real Convenience PARTICULARLY a.s a matter of family convenience does the joint account dernonstrate its value. Ail funds deposited are subject to, with- drawal at any time by either of the BANKING persons ini whose names the joint FM acout i opeed. In aseof the ~gijy decease of one of- the parties hold- L ii ing a joint account, ail money may TMAR be withdrawn by the other. A joint - ----- sav!nigs aucount in the Standard Rank is a real convenience where tw people desire access to the same funds. THEF STAN DARD BAN K 0F C.AàDA BOWMANVILLE BRANcH-H. W. Lapp, Manager Branche. llso et Newca.tIe, Newtoniville, Orono, Oshawa Epire Sales Cos Zlst., 1926 -4 * PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY. OCTORPR 91-f 1090

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