Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Oct 1926, p. 6

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PAGE SIX Getting Skinnier Every Day Something Must Be Don. and Donc Right Now- Quick Hollows in CLeeke and Neck Grow- ing Deeper Every Week Tens of thousands of thin, run- down men-yes, and women too- are getting discouraged--are gving up ail hope of ever being able to take on flesh and look healthy and strong. Ail such people can stop worrying and start to smile and enjoy life righbt now for McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tabiets which any druggist w*11 tel' you ail about are putting fieh o hasts of skinny f oks every d'Y. One woman, tired, weak and di,- couraged, gained 15 pounds in five 'weeks and now feels fine. We ail know that the livers of Cod Fish are fuil of vitalizing flesh producing vitamines and these Eame vitamines of the highest class are found in McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tabets-sugar coated and as easy ta, take as candy. And this shows what faith the makers have in McCoy's for they say; if any thin person don't gain at least 5 pounds in 30 days your druggist is authorized to give yau your money back-and oniy 60 cents for 60 tablets. Ask ý;nv liie pharmacist anywhere in North or South America. But be sure to get Mecoy's, the original and genuine. 51I Pile Sufferers You can only get quick, safe and iasting relief by removing the cause --congestion of bood ln the lower bowei. Nothing but an internai remedy can do this-that's why cnt-1 ting and salvea fail. Dr. Leon- hardt's Hem-Roid, a harmiesa tab- let, is guaranteed ta quickiy and safeiy banish any form of Pile mis- ery or money back. Jury & Loveli and druggists everywhere seil it with thiia guarantefi. When You Feel It Coming -When that aId Headache sends lts warning that you are gain g ta sufer- take ZUTOO. When you fec! a Cold coring on take ZUTOO. At the first sign ai a pain-at the first feeling af sick.. ness-take ZUTOO. You will bc ail right in 2o minutes if it's a headache, or the next morning i f it is a cald. Pain ail gone, and the whole body refreshcd. Dont wait-don't take chances. Get ZUT')') Tablets to-day-and hai e therm ready to take at the first sign of a Head- ache or cold and TAKE THUEM. 25C a box-at dealers or by mail postpaid B. N. Robinson& Co. Regd.,Coaticook, PAINS AL OVER 8DYD Two More Cases of Feminine 111. mess Relieved by Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound Barrington, N. S.-"I had terrible feelings, headaches, back and side aches and pains ail over my body, I would have to go ta bed every month and nothing would do me good.* My husband and my father did MnY work for me as 1 have two children and we have quite a bik place. 1 read in the paper about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and thon got a littl book about it throu gh the Mail, and rny husband sent to Eaton's and got me a bottle, and then we gt more from the store. 1 am feeling .fine now and do al My work and arn able ta go out around more. I tell my friends it is Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Comepund that mnakes me feel Bo weli. "-Mr.VICTOR RiCHAABON, Barrington, Nova Scotia. Duil Pains in Rack St. Thomas, Ont. - "I took four bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- tahle Com pound and found great re- lief from t he dulI, heavy pains in the ernaîl of my back and the weakness f rom which 1 suf ered for five years after my boy was born. After taking THE CANÂDIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER l4th., 1926 I - Mrs. O. W. Rolph who 5suces- fully played the part of "Peg" in the drarna "The Three Pegs" presented. I here under the auspices of the Lad- I les' Aid, assisted in the concert at, Fenelon Falls ena their fair nigbt,! taking the same part with the Dram-1 atic Club of that town. The Fene-1 Ion Falls Club have .since receivedi requests ta plav at several otheri places, notably Lindsay and Bab- caygeon. Great Rejoicing 1y RIieumatic Cripples if So Crippled You Can't Use Arme! or Legs, Rheuma Will Help You or; Nothing to Pay. Get a bottle of Rheuma today and wear a satisfied smile on your facel tomorrow.i It's a remnedy that is astonishing' the wboîe country, and it'a just asi good for gout, sciatica and luxnbagoý as for rheijmatism.1 It drives the poisanous waste fromi the joint.s and musces-tbat's the secret of Rheumna's success.i But we don't ask you ta take ourî word for it; go to Jury & Loyal! or' any druggist and get a bottle ofl Rbeunia taday; if it doesn't do as, wg promise get your maney back. 1It wili be there waiting for you. Thon on we stroli by t he military 1,goods thua saving the purchs.ser the barracks wbere can be seen on thes agent'a commission. A cali aolicited. parade grounds, detacbments of the famous Scots Guards, Irish and F. H. BOUNSALL Woisb Guards in drill manoeuvres. Proprietor Bowmanvtl. To see these soldiens drill semant-I1 Phone 826W Box 94 ]y is a troat. Heno, aiso, sentriesI with fixed bayonets pace theirT beatsl daiîy in 4-hour shifts. No one isa ailowed ta enter the parade grounds unless they belong ta the militia or, MU M OJ ORONO (From The News of October 7th) Fly-Tax yaur home. Health authorities reconimend it. Mr. Clarence Duncan and iamily are moving sbontiy ta Millbnook. Mrs. Allia, dressmaker, is moviag ta the late Mrs. Hill residence. Mn. and Mns. Haw, Canton, are sbortly ta become residents of titis town. Mr. W. J. Orchard, Tregarva, is visiting bis brotber-in-law, Mn. Ed. Davey at Leskard. Carns disappear when treated with Holloway's Carn Remover witbout leaving a scar. Mn. Frank Batten, Toronto, spent a couple ai days at his brother-im- law's, Mr. John Gibsan . Mn. Gardon Wright motened down from the city Sunday and spent trie day with Mn. Robert Foster. Miss M. A. Taylor bas returned home after several weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. E. Harper, Rohstn1 N. Y. Mn. and Mrs. M. Kilîmasten, Al- landale, Miss Lillian Cutteli, and Mrs. J. Johnston, Toronto, attended the fair, staying at Mrs. H. Junken's, sister of Mrs. Kilimasten. Mn. and Mrs. Wesley Ough, Ter- anto, visited Mn. E. J. Hawke and at:ended Orono Fair. Mr. Ougb is on the city Police farce having change of the City Coroners Courts. Mr. W. A. Waddell bas gone ta Harniston ta take aven t.he Manage-, ment ai that braacb ai the Standard Bank. His successar at the locali brancÉhebre, Mr. Drumnmond is now la charge. Mr. and Mns. Gibson and daugh-, ters, Mrs. James Carscadden, Stay- 1ner, are visitiag the latter's sister, Miss Jane Carscadden. Mn. Car- acadd on is now in bis 90th year and is hale and hearty. Mr. Howard Challis has bougbt the B. P. White residence, south 'Main St., and will move there la about two weeks. Mn. White wil occupy bis new residence shortly ta be vacated by Mn. W. A. Waddelî. Millei's Worm Powdens are the medicine for chiidnen who are fouad suffering from the ravages of worms. Tbey immediately alter the stom- achic conditions unden wbich tbe worms subsist and drive them frn the system, and, at the sanie time, tbey are tonical la their effect up- on the digestive organis, restorng them ta healthful operation and on-1 suring immunity fromin urther dis- orders from such a cause. Mr. Frank Walter, recently ai Winnipeg, and a nephew ai Mrs. A. A. Rolph, was struck on the bead by a stone from a steani shovel at the gravel pit east of Newtonville where gangs are paving the Highway, and several stitches were necessany ta close the waund. Mr. George Mitchell returned homne Friday evening from bhis trip: ta the West, and Mns. Mitchell who, bas been visiting lier people in Belle-ý ville duriag is absence bas also ne-I turned. While in Saskatcbewaa i Mn. Mitchell assisted the Stewart 1 Bros. who bave a fine crop. i Mrs. Thomas Patterson la visitingi at bier father's, Mr. Joseph Carscad-i den, Collingwood, wbere a familyl gatbering was held on Wednesday.1 A family of seven sisters met for the I first tme la many years, tbey camel tagether from distant parts, Port-i landl, Oregon, Parry Sound. Cremore,j Everton and other places.. No Astbma Remedy Like It. Dr. J. D. Keiiogg's Asthma Remedy is distinctîv diffenent froni otber sa- called remedies. Were this nt5 it would not bave continued its greatl work ai relief until known froni 1 a cean to acean for its wonderful I value-. Kelogg's, the foremost and.1 best of ail asthma remedies, standsI upon a reputatian founded 'la the b eants of tbousands wbo have kaownl its benefit. We received a eaul this week froni Mr. David Stevens oi Liadsay, I formenly of tbls town. Dave was i a member ai the aid band of that day, ho now ruas a taxi business tal Lindszay. One tbing about Orono i stree:s, Dave gave a parting shot,l tbere's no danger of an accident or, breakîng the speed lumit. Ho and! Mns. Stevens attended Orona Fair. 1 "Shirley was so surprised to hear my voice! " "You know, I h.ave iead a good deal about Long Distance se- vice, so this aft ernoon 1 calicd my nmarried uaughter." "Do 'cou mean Shirley ,\ho nîaved un ta Morganville, last spring?" "Yes, and dIo yau knaos I could hear ber vaice as distinctly as 1 hear yours. Shirley was so surprise(l and (lelighted that she wants me ta cal! ber every -,eek." Constant improvemnent in tele- phone equiprnent and service bas virtuallv abolishled dis- tance. Everv uiay friendq la cities hundreds of miles apant, are re-united by the modemn magie-Long Distance. Hlave 'cou e'cer vi5rited a dis- tant friend by telephone? If not, wby not give sameono a pleasant surprise. Caîl ber by Long Distance. MY VISIT TO LONDON THE LABOR PROBLEM f Mr. Byron HyIand, Cartwright, By Chas. M. Bice, L.awyer, Denver, Write. No. IV of Hi& Travel Colorado, Native of Solina, Ont. Articles._____ Wben in this country Capital be- (Continued fro)m last week) came interstate, Labor followed suit. Then after the program of the Today Capital is International and allotted five minutes in one place ail the time becames mare se, and which they are alîotved, a stalwart~ Labor proposes to foliow it beyond Bolyby wha bas had the King's uni- national baundary lines, althougb1 for onhîmelfby is ervce ib-for the latter, being less volatile forr onhimelfby is ervce ib-than the former. there are obstacles bons, and who knows their plight in the way says "Came now boys, you must move aiang", and witbout any besi- A few days ago papers la the tation or disobedience they good- European iran* and steel trust were naturedly îimp away on their crut- signed at Brussels, invalving Ger- ches ta a fresh position. many, France and Belgium and sev- A faorit plce fr tese ooreral lesser states around thinm inaa feliows ta gather is in front of a' heargoad-fst ntr of eali.wTh hotel or theatre where they will col- trhundrk of nuthereement is co- lect far more pennies and shillings gonwr fteareeti n froin the tourists than from the cit-i operation between the i-ast ore de. zens who see se many every day tbat1 pasits of Lorraine and the cake pro- the sem e cmpetey gnoe hem iduction of the Ruhr. A system has Oneyseem gtahcomieti gnore te.been prepared for the French ta sup- tOn s eeinsgle first gro p he ply are ta Gerinany, and the latter touistfels o iadat eig py-coke ta France, under mutually ad. sically fit that hoe doos not begrudge vantages conditions. The samne rule what bie gives ta those less fortun- wiIl applv where possible ta lesser ate. We who are able and -strang fields and smaîler nations in the are not tbankful enaugh compared pool. An allotment of production with the plight of those wbo were bas been made ta caver a nuniber of 1 strong and well once upon a time years for each party ta the con- but now they are physical wrecks or. tract, Germany leading witb 43.18 worse. per cent of the total, and France If one has plenty of money, is following with 39.19--close figuring. kind bearted and sympathetîc bie A centrai board is ta fix prices from sure can part with bis riches wbile time ta time. and arrange for for- strolling down the streets of London , eîgn distribution. Ail this bad ta especialiy at night. Unemploye be done as a mater of ecanomic if e and disabled returned men are net1 or death-a necessity that knows no the only ones who beg in tbis great law or national boundary lino. city, for bere will be a blind man American banking interests, re- playing softly an accordian and presenting several billions of Ameni- singing ta its music, wbile bis cap can investients in Europe, gave lies at his feet; or perhaps a blind their benediction ta the internation-1 female witb a religious turn of mind!al trust thus formed. Banking is will stand and sing for hours some first always in the international out- of bier favorite bymns; again Per- look. Guarantee la given by it haps an oId ragged woman will be1 that for somne time ta came the yelling "Lo'vely Rases" and if Yeu, European trust will not encroach on dare glance at hier and catch bier eye Ainerican "Steel" territories. she will chase and toi-ment you Later, when the British coal strike along the street for blocks begging is ended by attrition, and the steel you ta buy until you shako bier off byý industry returns ta near normai con- Iasing bier in the crowd. . ditios ti h ntn eelr I foolisbly made google eyes at teonrsit isotmeintent toenlargn one aid dame and bad ta resort ta1e pretcobn tam eitn that practice, as a fox wiîî cross Al-Eunopean iran and steel trust. a stream ta foul the hounds. Neyer About the tîme of the epochal once stop te consider about purchas- gatherin of industrialists at Brus- ing from any Lon don street beggar sels. the International Metal Work- un]ess you neally intend te buy1 ors' federation was in session at De-1 their goods, for you will be fonced trait, and what was being done in 1 te buy ta get nid of tbem. As us-' Europe, had close attention and ual. females are the worst offenders formed the chief interest for thel but thon, you know, tbey are sharper forleratian, naturally. But the labor] on a deal anv, time than we men folk. meeting was net se uflanimous as The reason many of these are se the industtial conference abroad. eager ta sl is ta have enough pence Argument was adduced that labor ta buy a meal, a nigbt's Iodging or a mnust also be international in fact, bottîe of beer. Many of these pests, wbîcb t ls not at present. A few I was tald, were well off at one time labor bodies have tbe titie "inter- when younger, in London society but national" attached ta them, but in, liquor bad gotten the upper band of naine only; in mosit things they are themn and they bad gone down, national. The chief point stressed down until they were beggars. was that se soon as industry became After aIl, London is one greatl loselv internationaiized. it would wonderful metropolis. One wil; deaî internationally with tbe ques- hear praetically every language la tions of wages and hours. the world. Quite often wiIl one seel Internationaliini is witbout emo-, the fez of a Turk, the turban of al tion or sentiment, and it was assert-1 Hindu or the swartby face of al ed tbat long hours and 10w wages in Spaniard.1 Europe migbt become universal. In Nearby stands that famous Ceno-' the metal trades alone, 2,500,000, taph, surrounded by flags and persans îvouid ho affected directly. Al wreatbs, erected la loving memory fourth of the total number was of the 869,000 British soldiers whýi American. Foreign delegates te marcbed away from Piccadiliy and the federation said the United States~ Leicester Square, singing "Tipper-1 had the balance of power, and tbe ary", or "The girl I left bebind 1 European worker looked te the Me", witb a smile on their faces American one for aid. and these .songs ini their hearts an di u h mrca okri n who are amnong the "Immortal Dead"j der tbe aegis of the United States in the "Gardon of tbe Unforgotten",, goverrament, in a manner, and hne who paid the suprenie sacrifice, wbo looks te it first. The goverament (lied that you and I would be spared bas placed a barrier between Amnen- to live and enjoy life as we should, 'ica and Europe la restricted immi- and wbo marcbed up the mudd y'gration, and a protective tariff in roads of France an<l Belgium, into most things. Conditions bore in thei the trenches and ilhere âioulder toi metal trades as in other trades are shoulder with their Belgian andlInot those of Europe. Why should French conirades and oui' own Cana-I1 Arnerican labor seek ta break dovnj dian boys, fell and died arnidst thel the bai-rier and becoie internation-, shot and sheil of ba-,tle. j al? Human nature is human nat- Perhaps no other citv respects lU' i ure. Reverse the onder: Would dead much more sincerely than doesi Ruropean labar give up its advan- Old London, wben I relate bowItages la the iaterest of the Ameri-1 practically every patriotie persan, can worker? Hadly- Argument Iwbo passes this cenotaph ln bus or that in time the American worker canniage, street car or train or on wouid ho brougbt ta a level with the foot shows bis or ber respect by European worker tbrougb such in- maintaiaing silence and eitber rais- ternational trusts as the newly form- ing the bat and bearing the head ed European steel trust, but the or in tbe ladies' case, bowing their American metals' union finally vat- heads and se sbowing some respect, ed in favor of international iodera- ta those who beld on witb grini de- tien, wbicb bardly seema consistent termination and saved aur greatiwitb their previaus position. British Empire and alIied nationJ ________________ froni the iran beel of the Prussian -_________________ tyrants. can produco suitable credentials. Those who ignore this practice Near the street inside tbe iran fonce itber forget or are too ignorant and are displayed vaiaus German guns, unthankful enougb te considen it howitzLýrs, trophies, etc., captured wortb wbile. At al bours of th eiby these rgmns day, throngs can ho seen around thisi Ltrrgmns centap, ethr amirng heflowers of te we pass through tbe yard or laying a wroath in sulent tributelftefmu etadyr ed ta a deceased relative or friend. e quai-tors the pick ai the London "Engand mvEngland" ertaini lMetropo.ta Police. Hero are kept "Enlandhe, me Eey anfv .tthe weapo ns, photograpbs and finger didnt pay the pi-uo.Every man ffot it bis du-y ta do hi- littie bit and 1 gprit fdneos rmnl o those wbo di<n't, 1I(do not sec bow1aspat Ontario-Womnan Lake Mines Ltd. (No Personal Liability) Capitalization- -$200,000. Par--$ 1.00 The flrst block of th's stock offered to the public bas now been subscribed, and ail the necessary surface work on the properties situated between. Woman Lake and Narrow Lake is completed with veryj satisfactory results- High values have been found in gold acroýýs a good width in well de- fined veins. The management nowv have decid- ed on a vigoî'ous diamond drilling programme, and to complete this work another offering o£ 25,000 shares at $2.00 is made. Full information from the head office, 1014 Metropolitan Building, Toronto M. Cameron Cowan, President "Coal represents the finest type af winter comnfort and its present purchase is advised".-Luntber Jack. Buy your coal now and avoid the last minute rush. You know howl mariy tons you need. Tell us and we'Il deliver it naw. Tboughtful per-; sons save a lot of money by advance buying of their fuel needs. NcL LLWC. LTfD. P HON E -.E IDENCE OFF ICE- 5.4-41a 2M2-8274 15 ::: --218 #pis god teW I91LA Have you tried our 'SALLY BROWN CAKES' and 'DEVIL'S FOOD' fresh daily NEILSON'S JERSEY CREAM CHOCOLATE BARS 25c size, 19c; SPECIAL We Handle Nothing But Pure Food The Bowmanville Bakery Successars ta Christie's Bakery Bowmanville AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE A REAL NECESSITY Auto owners are taking a big risk if they drive a car these days without carrying insurance. Just look at the accidents that are happening daily. The cost of insurance is smail compared with protection given. CONSULTATION FREE regarding insurance-Publie Liability, Property Damage, Collision, Pire, Theft. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville '4

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