ILiE CA.NADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14th., 1926 MILLER'S BEAUTY PARLORS LOCAL AND OTHERWISE ROYAL WELSH LA[ Phone in your appointment to Mr&. W. H. Williamts and Mrs. liiller's Beauty Parlors at No. 131 Barrett are visiting friends in Tor- , t Satisfactoiy work done. A new anto. experiexiced operatori charge. Op- Mrs. B. M. Warnica is visiting ber en 8 a. in. to 6 P. M. SPecial P- dahtr Mrs. J. Frank George et Steele, Opetrtor. 4- Thanksgiving Festival and Fair in St. Paul's Lecture Rooni on Friday, . November tb. AUCTION SALES Miss Lulu Roberts, Cobourg, was ________weekend guest oi Mrs. R. T. Steph- Thuraday, October 14th-Auction ens, Beech Ave. j aeof 50 head of choice fresh cows. Miss Allie Warden, Ebenezer, - adsprinlgers. some with calves at spent the weekend witb ber aunt. foot, the proplerty of Oliver Denny, Mrs. Chas. Manning. Sale at 1 :30 P. m. sharp. Sec bills, spending a few weeks at home bas' Win. Maw. Auctioneer. 40-2ý returned to Toronto. MonaiOctberl8t-Co. Wl- The Stateiman to end of 1927- liamn Farrell, Tyrone, wiUl selI at his ner315 ons-r$20ton'. residence, opposite Byam's store, is i subscribers. Order today. household effects inluding couches, M r. and Mrs. James Milligan and dresser, bed, oillotb, stoves, car-I daughter, Oshawa. were weekend etc. Sale at 1 p. m. Terms- Ladies' Aid of Trinity United MONDAY, OCTOBER ISth SIMCOI cash. Tbeo. M. Slemon, Auctioneer. Cburcb Chicken Pie Supper will be held on Tuesday, November 2ad. Female choral singing occupies a- Monday, October 25th-Messrs. Dr. and Mrs. Tatham and Mrs. very important part in the musical D. E. Rutley and Lloyd. Snowd en Edmontos. Ineer hmlt will sell by public auction on lt Gallowvay, Edotn, Alta., were re- ieo ae. I vr ait 18, con. 2, Darlington. (on Govern- cent guests of Dr. and MrS. B. j. village and town the formation of 1 met Hgwyfr tci-Hazlewood. a ladies' chorus may be termed a O plements, feed, etc. Sale at 1 Town Bowling League starts tbe necessity. Concerts are given U o'clock. See bills. W.J. Challis, faland winter scbedule M onday througbout the length and breadth 7. Auctineer.evenîng next at Martyn Bros' Re- of th e land by tbe most promising a creatio Club.aggregations witb resultant national T Aucioeer ceaionClb.fame. %I Mr. James Gale of the United The Royal Welsb Ladies' Choir- Cburcb Publîsbing Co., Toronto, was was organized ini the historie town on A uction Sale a Sunday visitor with Mr. and Mrs.1of Caerphilly, near Cardiff, the capi- an C. B. Kent and Mrs. H. W. Burk. tal of Wales. The nesgndhsri Eddie, the seven-year old son of 1 For several years Miss Gertrude undersctgnds recevd Mr. and Mrs. Herscbell Hooper, Car- Gronow, musical director, bas work- intrcton fomlisle Ave., feIl out of an apple treel ed with untii-ing zeal in perfecting o, LEVI ROBBINS, on Monday and broke bis right leg this renowned organization. Several Po to seli by publia, auction on in two places. rehearsals are beld each week. In te Lot 16, Con. 5, Darlington Mrs. Percy Hamm and dauiglters this lies the secret of sces DoTotby and June of Toronto, spenti The "Royal Websb Ladies' Choir" on1 the weekend with bier grandparents, bas appeared in ail parts of the Brit- 4'U SD Y OCTOBER 19 Mr. and Mrs. C. Rehder and other ish Isles, and on the Continent, and The following Farm Stock, Impiemetits, relatives here. was commanded to sing before the A etc: Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Rawbon and1 Prince of Wales and other Royal pet- dî HORSES-1 Brown Mare, General son Jack and Mr. and Mrm Robt. sonages. H. R. .1. Prince of Wales b Purpose, il years; 1 Grey' Percheron, 3 Adams and soa Robt. of Toronto,lwas 50 depely moved by the singing years; 1 Black Driving Mare, 7 years; ta i etaEeillte oMs 1 General Purpose Mare, aged. were guesta on Sunday of Mr. and that exe a speia letterto Mis CATTLE-1 Grade Durham, bred In Mis. A. A. floneyman. Grnwepesgbiapeiai. June; 1 Roan Cow, bred In July; 1 Red A Hallowe'en Supper will be beld' As a result of this Royal recogni- Cow. bred in July; 2 Year-old Helfera' tion tbe Choir was called upon to 1 Steer, 2 years; a Steers, 1 year; 2 in the basement of St. Andrew' give concerts aill ver the country. dl Calves. Presbyterian Church on Friday even- Today it is a well-known national -M PIGS-1 Brood Sow with Pig. ing, October 29th froni 5:30 to ognzto ihabgrptto.J HARNESS-2 sets double harness; 2 7:3 0 p. m. Tickets 25c. 40-41ognzto ih i euain sets single barnesa. Mrs. Edna Haxamond, Toronto,'u FEED-12 to 15 tons Tlmotby Hay. and daughter, Miss Betty Hammond YOUNG PEOPLE'S RALLY iMPLEMENTS--1 Massey--Harrls Bnd-____ er, 6 ft; 1 Horse Rake, 10 ft; Spring af Havergal College, Toronto, spent s Tootb Cultivatur; Manure Spreader, the weekend with bier aunt, Mrs. Young People's Rally of Cobourgy Deering; Seed Drill; Dise Harrow; Set (Rev.) W. C. Washington. Presbytery af the. United Church of iron Harrows, wide widtb; 1 Double Irnt n Turnip Drill; Double Riding Plow; 2 Mrs. Gibson, Belfast, Ireland Mr Canada will be held inTintU- Furrow Gang Plow; Single Plow; Scu-1 and Mrs. Waler Robb, Toronto',Mr* ited Church, Bowmanville, on Tues- fier; 2 Farm wagons; Set Knee Sieighs;,M *dyOtbe 9t.SsHas on Cutter; Roller; Combination Stock andi J .Stevens, Htton, Sask., LMis aynctob lt11 . mSessions 71om Hay Rack; Fanning Mill; Covered Bug- Eleanor Stevens. Toronto, spent Sun- leeea 1:1y. i. 2ad :1g gy'; Forks; Hoes; itakes andi other ar- day witb Mr. and Mns. E. H. Leigb- p. mi. A grand rally of ail the on ticles people in the district is expected. Sale at 1 P. m. ton. Adrses will be given by Rev. -rERMS-on Hay, and ail sumfi of $15 Mr. and Mrs. John Percy acconi- Francis Smith, returned mlsslonary and under, cash; over that amount 6 panîed Mrs. W. R. Clemnens and Mr. of ChJina and India, Rev. Manson i months* credit on approYedi notes with Bruce Honeywell, Toronto, to Balti-DoeTrnRv.GL Cap interest at 6 per cent per annum. mr hr hyvstd M.adDyeTrno e.G ap THEO M. SLEMON, Auctioneer rs .HClesoertevekI bell btaa ev. F. J. Maxwell, Theran Mountjoy, Clerk. Mrd. W .Cemn vrth ek Chairman Presbytery, Oshawa, and Mr.W.d . Ptrsmowavil ny other active workers it>e Mr. . A Peers Bomanvlle Prsbyerywjll lead in discussiofis. Ont. announces the engagement Of! Let every Society be represented. flu~'Itin?%2~ is "aaughter, Elsie Armanel, to Mi. Meals will be served in thet.uch A u ti n Sa e David Russel Allread, Tt one ffer"gainai Ont., tbe marriage to take place thel L The undersignedlubis rc i n. latter part of October. -~ trcton fomMr. and Mrs. J. W. Lancaster, HAMPTON j RICHARD GREENIS Port Granby, announce the engage- ____ to selI by public auction at tht. Agnes, to Mr. Ivison Mark Munday, with Port Perrv friends on Sunday Gilhrst' Cothngson of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Munday, . Mr. Frank Trenoutb, Detroit,4 Reai o Stores' lohn Jr., of Bwmanville, the marriage to vLsit *ed bis parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Storetake place quietly the latter part of Trenouth .... Miss Laura Virtue, Tor- onOctober.1 onto, was at Mr. J. J. Virtue 's, over Saturday, October l6th T We welcomnt to town Mr. and Mrs. the weeked. . .. Miss N. Johns, Tor- thefolowngvaret ofaricls: T.H. Lockhart of Hamilton, wbo on to, Mr. and Mrs. M. Slemon and 5hRfellogres,5 ho of a2Rubr-tice have bougbt the residence and five sons. Haydon, visited at Mrs. C. De oRfls 1 Set Gne lrss, Rub erre es of laiid on High Street owned Jons'. ... Miss Marjorie Martin bas odd"parts of haness, 1 Single Piow, il by Mr. Alex. Colville, and formerly returned front visiting friends at set steel Sleighs, 5 ' Magnetos, 2 Gener- known as the Mutton property. Mr.I Oshawa .... Miss Grace Hastings en- ators, 1 Starter, 7 Carburators. 2 wind- shielfis, 5 Auto H-orns, bunch colis. ý Lockbart is a Bowmanville boy of tertained a number of bier friends at carpet Rugs,. 200 rounds oflodf shelîs forty years ago so bas come back ber Bîrtbday party on Friday e-cen- number o!f chairs, tables, 2 col Heaters, to bis old home town to renew bis ing . . . Mr. R. Ros.s and 'Mr. M. Hast- 1 large cool oxl heater, 1 walnut bed-vuh Hei otmltn a-igDrivstda M.CHs- stead. 1 folding camp bcd. 1)10w points, yub ei otmltn a-iga eriviie tM.C at Binder chains, tongue for er or 1 ing considerable improvement to this ings'. . Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Rorn, binder, wagon longue, whiffletrees and1 property which will make a desir- Mr. Wallace Hornl, Miss Bessie Sar- neckyoke,, 2 hanging lamps; trunks, or hm en ndMs ubJon ooe gan, 1000 skeins of imlodt-Y slik. aab3 to Peterboro on Sunday.. . Mr. S. auto jacks, pumnps, 1 pipe vice and pipe A number of old friends of Mrs. Kre a ucae i .G cutter, vices, planes, tools of ail klnds. esybsprh-e r .G walnut tab)le, b)ox of glass, quantity of W. W. Dickinson, Concession St.,Buras' property. Mr. Burns is er- silk ribbon, lot of embroidery lace, aEs, gave ber a ectîng srpis scythes. washing machine and wwr.EronFa y t, pl wesn theyrpas- ciganwhmeo h tlt quantity of paints, il anti brusheswal-o rdyeeig hnte st Coucb. Johnston & rdma nut writing desk. 2 set weigh scales. sembled ta say a frieadly farewellCrdmn paper rackl 32-ft extension ladder, step previons to ber leaving ta spend the still have sanie widtbs la Oilcloths ladder, s traight ladder, 2 Pair horst., ne ihbrso i .G ik and Linoleums which they are selling clippers. 4 dloors and s;ome sashes, shot.- wne ibrsn r .G ik makrs utiteietrc hate, umbrinson, Los Angeles, California. A at greatlv reduced prices. of walnut, butternut and hardwood toi kindly worded address was read and The Statesman to end of 1927- for tables, and many other articles t00 Mis. Dickinson was pîesented with a nearly 15 monts-for $2.00 ta new numnerous to mention. aice wool sweater. Lunch was eer- subscribers. Order taday. 6*FERMS CASH SALE 1.30 p- m-1 ved and a pleasant social tme was ThrnMlntoy. heo. M. Siemnon,1 Clerk. Auctiobleer. enjoye by ail. j Mrs. F. O. Mason bhas been. vis- k. il ville. Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle is the new- ly elec:zed President of the Masonie Pastinasters' Association of Ontario District No. 12. Wanted HOUSE WANTED-Small bouse 01 furnishe'i rooms. APPlY to A. R. Drawer B3, iowmanvtlle. 41-1l Property For Sale FARM FOR SALE-100 acres, souti hait lot 21, con. 5, Darlington. Plowlni possession at once. Full possec;sion Apri 1, 1926. Fror terme appiy tb Mrs. C. J Kersiake, R. R. 1, Hampton. 37-t PROPERY FOR SAL.E--Good fram house on Brown St.. Bowmanvlle. rooms, town water, electric light, 1 acr garden. aIl klnds fruit, stable. .Apply 'WY P. Ward, Barrister, Bowmanvllle. 41- ~IES' CHOIR - - ý ý- )E ST. CHIJRCH, OSHAWA, BIRTHS SILLINGS-At Orono, on Saturday, )t. 9, 1926. to Mr. and M.%rs.Cari Bul- Igs, a daugbter. LEDGER-At Pontiac, Mlch., on Oct. 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ledger,l son. <Elton Samuel.) FORSEY-ItI Uowmalville? H-ospital, oni ruesday. September 21, 1926, to Mr. and drs. Georg, Forsey, a son. WILCOX-1n Bovmanville Hospital, )n Wcdnesday. October 6, D~26, to MIr. Ld ',ra. Milton Wilcox, a son RUNDLE-I) Bowmiaville Hospital, )n Tuesday, September 21, 1926, to Mr. ind -Mrs Frank Rundle, a son. (Ray). JOH NSTON-In Bowma-nville. Hospital, Loat or t ouna iMONEV LOST-On Wednesday, Oct. 6-, ln or between the Cemetery and town. Reward for return to Drawer B, Bow- manville. 41-lw FOX HOUND LOST-Large size, spot- ted black and white ,tan across eyes. legs white, large boned, heavy set, sup- posed stolen. Information rewarded. HnyC. Bowen , Orono, Ont. 41-1 MILLINERY Rats made to order, trintmed or remodelled at moderate price. Mrs. W. J. Reynolds. Solina, phone 167- 13. 40-2w ii ,DIES' CHOIR Agents Wanted AGENTS-Get ln a profitable all-year commission business of your own. Every property owner ls a customner or pros- pect. Nine hundred varieties of hardy Red Tag Nursery products. Cash every week._ Comple te equipment and Instruc- tions free. 'Write DOMINION NURSER- lES, MONTREAL. 90 Tenders Wanted Oshawa Fruit Growers' Limited will offer for sale the following Fruit Storage buildings: Audley, size 40 x 66 ft; So- lina, 41 x 64 ft. aides and roof of metal; Brooklin, 30 x 64 ft, metal roof. Tenders to be in no t luter than Oct. 3th. 1926. IHlghe st or any tender flot necessarlly ýaccepted. R. W. Grierson, John Johnston, President. Se'y. -Treas., 40-3. Oshawa. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT ýaI and Mrs. J. H. johnston. a daugb- IN THE ESTATE OF' H. H. HOLD- er. AWAY, Butcher and Grocer, Authorized Asaignor. ______________________TRUSTEE'S SALE 0F ASSETS: MARRIACSES THERE WILL BE offered for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION on the. 23rd day of RORKEARMSRONG-n .1October, A. D. 1926, at Ont. O'clock p. m. ROFtK -ARM-rFtOG-In Detroit. 1 at the premises formerly occupied by the August 27. 1926, Dorothy Margaret, said H. H. Holdaway, on the nortb side aughter of Mr. A. D. Arm strong, Milli- of Walton Street, ln the Town of Port rook,' to George Melilît, son of the late Hope, the followiag property:- Cev. S. G. Rorke, Bratford. Parcel Number Ons.-Conslating of a stock of Grocemies also Butcher's Equip- ment. Including Scales, Meat Slcer, Meat Grinder, Saws, Knives, Refrigerator, DEATHS (Eureka), (Knocek dowa Type), Meat McCULOCHI11 indsy, o Wedes-Blocks., etc. .ay, OCr , 126 Lieut-oI. Joni Parcel Number Two--Part of Lot 4, M. D.tbe 6 1, gd 4 eaa.- on west side of Elgin .Street in tht. Town MeCulloch, . Daed5 easf Port Hope, on which la erected a VICKERY-In Bowmanvillt., October 7, Brick Veneer House, which will be sold 926, Margaret, widow of the laIe Joseph aubject to a Firet Mortgage, particulars Vickery, aged 87 years. Iaterred lnj of whlcb will be made known at, the Union Cemnetery, Oshawa urnie of sale. MANN-On Monday, October 11, 1926, For furthem particulars appiy ta JOHN al Western Hospital, Toronto, agle A. R. ELLIOTT, Trustes,. or WILLIAM ITilliams, beloved wife of D. R. Mann, FREDERICK MCMAUHON, Solicitor. formerly of Bowmanvile, aged 56 yt.ars. Port Hope, Ontario. nterment ln Baltimore Cemetery. GEO. E. CALDWELL. Auctioneer. atWESLEY-On Sunday, Ocat. 10, 1926. 41-1 itht. residence of ber son, Frank I. Wesley. 22 Weybourne Crescent. Tor- onto, Matilda Ivor, relict of the late John Wesley, formerly of Bowmanvlillt.. EARN $6.00 PER DAY DICKSON-Ifl Newcastle at tht. resi- Eamn as yeu leara. Automotive dence of her aon-in-law. Christopher Work, Bicklaying, Barberinv. Sunday. October 10, 1926, Elizabeth. Beauty Culture. Caîl or write for reidow of the late John Dickson, agedi Fret. Book, "The Road 10, Proaper- 80 years. Interred at Bond Head 1ity". Hemphilî's Dominion Chart- ..emetery. ereti Company, 163 KCing Street IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Elizabeth Bart- lett, who passed awçav October 10, 1916. Eigbt years have passed since triat sad day, Forget her. no, we neyer will God called the one we iove<i away As time rolls on xve love her still. What would we give to clasp ber hand Her lovlng face to se To hear her voice and see ber smile W~oul(i mean so miuch twme No one knows the silent heartache Only those wbo've lost can tell, 0f the grief that's borne in silence For the one we've loved so well. More each day we miss ber Friends may think the. wounds are heal- ed. That lies withln our hearts concealed. Sadly missed by mother and sister. Articles For Sale FOR SALE-200 bushel of mangels. Apply ta Geo. Mason, H-igh St., Bow- manvilît.. phone 451WV. 41-1 LITTLE PIGS FOR SALE-6 weeks' old. Apply H. A. Farrow, Bowmanville R. R. 3, phone 477-14. 40-ti STOVE FOR SALE-Small teel range, practically new. Apply Richard Tudor, 8 Carlisle Ave.. Bowmanx ille. 41-t QUESEC HEATER FOR SALE- Cheap. for quick sale. Apply te Mrs. E Brummell, St. Gporge St., Bnwmanville. 41-2w COW FOR SALE-Holstein, T-.B Tested. due October 121h. Applly A. H3 Clemence, R. R. 6, Bownman'.ile, phone 237-3. *40-1 FOR SALE-Leicester sbeep an( iambs both sexes, some registered. Apý piy M. W. Blackburn, R. R. l2, Bow. manville, phone 183-24. 41-v FOR SALE-Small cook stove, Crowi Huron, coal or wood. Apply te Mns H. Wolfmaim. corner WVelington anq Liberty Ss, Bowmanvillîe. 41-2 FOR SALE-Creamn Wicker Baby Car niage, newly upholstered. aiso a tw bumner cool oil stove, botix in good condi tion. Mrs. R. H. Westaway, Quecti St FOR SALE-Ont. 6 H. P. Gasoline En gine; ont. 13-hot. combined seed dril rboth in goo<l condition. Apply S.' Henry, Massey Harris Agent, phone 2132 or 13, Bowmanviile. 40-2 HONEV FOR SALE-rurt. Clov( Honey In 5 and 10 lb. poils. Larger con taîners at spec ial price. Amber honey1 the. near futture. Your container fllei as desired. R. J. Smith, King St. I hBowmanville, tiret door west Pasteurize gMilk Plant. 37. 1.FOR 5AL.H-DolliOfl Pian6of o!& Lf kinds .ald on paymentsa preLd over tu -yae -Steinway, Reintumnau and Gel e yaru. Hointzt118flunad piano. taien. a 8 part parmnt on Domidnion piano. wi e ,be cleared et bargain prile" and =n s" 7terme. Y J. Mitchell, DistributoLr, oii - mnvile. 6. bouse. 3-pitee bath, furnace, hardwood floors. kitchen wlred for electric stove. garage. Apply Len Elliott, Owner, 12 Carlisle Ave., Bowmanville. phone 348 or 393. 41-3 HOUSES FOR SALE-Two new brick veneered bouses, ont. 24x2g, 6 mrnem, tht. other 24%30, 7 rooma. each have 3- piece bath. furnace. oak floors. wood- work of Douglas ir, central location Ready for occupsncy about October 16. Apply to J. E. Elîbot. Conceasion St. Bowmanvilie. Phone 292. 40-tf SALESMEN-AGENTS Calendar and Advertieing Specialty oalearnen, are you making as mucb money au your ablity aLnd energy war- rants? If no0t, write us. We have an opening for real wid-awake salesmen ln your vlcinity. Our lins cavera com- plete adverticing specialty field over tbree hundred Items; every piece manu- factured and said excluaiveiy by un. Over three hundred and fifty saaiémen ln Can- ada a.nd the United States now making good wlh the Dow lUne. Write glving fulîparticulare ta Salem Manager, Louis P . Dew Co., Ltd., 878 Donald St.. Winni- peg, Canada. . 80-1 FOR SALE-Ont. Percheron Geldiag. rlsing four, well broken, weight about ,1600 Ibe; alec three other older horsea; ont. 12 monthe' old, pure bred Holatein Bull, sired by a 32 lb. sire dam by a 33 lb. sire. One. Massey-Harris doublei furrow riding plow, good au new.' Alan Campbell .Raby Head Farm, Bowman-J ville. phone 475r5 or 279w. 41-2W. To Let FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT-Ail modemn Improvements, centrail ocation.1 garage. AppIy to W. H. Dustan, Queeni St., Bowmnanvilie. 40-t HOUSE TO RENT-Itrlck bouse con- tainlng 5 mrnea electric ight, onj Queen Si. E., Bowmanvilie. Barn and garden. Apply to Ira F. Purdy, 4cor Duke St. and Base Line. 4-ti FARM TO RENT-Conveentiy iacat-1 ed on main raad, close ta centre of Osh- awa. Excellent mal, good buildings, running water. Immediate paue@ian I ta plough and f ull possession tbis fail If, deslred. Far particulars apply ta own- er, 0. D. Co*nant, Barrister. etc.. Osh:j awa, Ont. 87tf A WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT for the healing of varicase ulcers, running sores, eczemna, etc., while working. Write for particulars ta Nurse Dencker, 601/Z Portage Ave., Winnipeg, Man. Mrs. H1. David, Rheln, Saskatche- w'an.rites; 11 just want to tbank you for the medicine received a year atnd a haif (1%,) ago approx- lmately, and for the wonderful belp It has be.en to m e. After I received the m..dlcine, Iu only used It 14 day, followlng the rules to the letter and my legs were healed. Thanking you for yoiîr kind assistance. You have my permission to use my letter for advertising and if it wili beip Others like it dld me, I arn sure their thanks will be Juat as sincere". 41-43 It bas always been Sorneone' s Fire Some Day It may be yours INSURE with N. E. NEADS PROVISION WEI The most exacting care is taken to sec that onlY th sions are au pplied through aur stores. Strict exi= purchases--freq1Cnt deliveries.-collstaflt supervisio ta sec that aaly absolute fremh, quality merchandii addition ta this is the enormous savings ta be inad, stervic 1 a ur stores. SMOKIED PICNIC HAMS 19lb. CHOIC PEAMEACuTTAGE ROLLS 25cib. MAPLE LEAF BACON PURE PUREPORK Mafflld Branad LA&RDI îA~IL Braiu 3-1b. PAIL 30c b- l45e1b- .59c GOLDEN HALLOWI PAIL DATES Nêw Season'a FruitS Shortenin¶> 2 lb-. 19C Thompson Seedleu 2n- 9C Oi..I DOMINO 15 oz. Seeded 17c 49ew BLLD emn r PEUL 29c lb. C ES TEA Recleaed Currants Ziis. 27 Fjnest New Large PRUNES 2 lb.. 29c2iC CHRISTIE'S GOLD MEDAL SODA WAFERS 1i 5%,g. Thot* Prices in effect for one wook front date of this paper 147-C BOR. New Customers Coming Daily to the New Butcher Shop. 1Ail we ask is a trial otdler to convince you that we seil the choicest meats that are to be had -and at the most reasonable prices good meat was ever bought in Bowmanville. Our reputa- tion is at stake and we are out to make good. We Do a Cash and Delivery Business LANCE GARNET I.&Phare s& *5McCoy Ceh and DoIivery Butc esPhom 18 Bownavll PAGE IV NEW LOCATION In order to meet the ever growing demand for Dominion »Stores Economy Service, new and larger quarters have been'obtained at King and Temperance Streets (formerly occupied by Standard Bank) STORE OPENS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1Zth .1 SOLID COMFORT With A McClary "FURNACETTE" Looks like a handsorne piece of furniture- does the work of a furnace. This wonderful new heating device wilI keep the entire house warrn and comfortable and pay for itself over and over again in the fuel it saves. Corne to our store and see the Furnacette in operation. McClary Quebec Heaters and Cook Stoves just received. W. Len. ELLIOTT Sanitary Plurnbing, Heating and Tinsrnithin& King St. W., hone 348 Bowmnanville Settiing the Big, IQuestion --- the Coat Do It in the Easy and Effeçtive Way --- Sèe the Superb Selection of -Mod- els Now on View at the Little Shop with the Big Stock --- Styles for Every Taste and Every Figure. £lhe Little Shoppe - 9h~/>e Larqge &c, OWMANVI~LSpecialit in Wom en t Apare Exclusive but not Expk'nsive Women's Coats -Suits- Dresses -Hosi ery> - Gloves - Underwear -Etc. he fineat Provi- unnation of al san of the stores se insosld. In de and personal 1 1 1