Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Oct 1926, p. 2

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PAGE TWO FIG-LAX The Tonc and Vegetable Laxative Sure Relief for Constipation At Druggists 25 and 50 Cents Send 25c for trial box. Fig-Lax Laboratories, Limited Woodstock, Ont. NOTICE I amn prepared to supply your needs for almost ail kinds of fuel. No. 1 CHESTNUT COAL HARD AND SOFT WOOD CARTING DONE Blake Wilkins King st. W. Bowmanville Phone 340 Good- Prices FOR POULTRY Don't seli your poultry until you have first con- sulted me. I arn prepared to buy any quantity of poultryV at good prices, and if you have fat hens will give'ex- tra good price. Phone 81, Whitby, and reverse charges, or drop a card and I will eall. 1. STEIN Whitby Ont.1 Protect Them! tV is the duty of every busband and father Vo proteet the future wei- fare af those be laves. Provide for their future. Insure their future. It la the unexpected hat ai- ways happons. Tamorraw may be tao late. For an insignificant surn xou can proteet your home against destructior, xaur posses- sions againat lossz-3 ur life againat death. See us today. nom Insurance Gompany W. J. BRADD District Agent Phone 245w Elgin St Bowrnanviile We neyer tell you that NU RLBUT'S JFuSt as goodi ~HULUT are the Standard by wlichal childrena' 'hes areqw jiidged Fred Knox BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Tor UJniversity. Graduate of the E College of Dental Surgeons of aria. Office King St., Bowman, Office phone 40. House phone DR. J. C. DEVITT Graduate of Royal Dental Col] Toronto. Office, King St. East,1 manville. Office hours 9 a. m. p. m. daily except Sunday. p] 90a. House phone 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate of Toronto versity and mnember of Royal Col of Dental Surgeons. Licensed practise in Ontario and the Doi ion. Dentistry in ail ité branc Ofmlce-King St., Bownianvilie, pasite Bank of Montreal. Phone LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL.I Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money Vo lban on Farm and Ti Property. Royal Bank Build Bowmanviile. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Successor to lste D. B. Simpson, à Barrister, Solicitor, Not.ary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money ta Loan Phone Bowmanville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money ta boan. Bonds fora Offices-Bleakley Block, King Bawmanvilie, Ontario. Phot Office 102, Homse 409. ronl Ivill Ilegi Bov Vo lhon Un ffleg mir or 301 D. ing Li e 9 aie St. ýnes c le ýle at- dis- ian- *tf. ity, >hy. mel 1. ýge, Bet, 4-t. or to. [le. Bc. of Ipt s: ,y. 0. f. ic- ta te -t. iS !M n ge n ýg t: in FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Complete Motor -~ Horse Equipmer Ail caîls prompt atnded to. \UVI Bowmanville phon 10 and 34 Branch Store- Orono & Newcast ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Direct Cails given prompt and personal tention. No extra charge for tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowmý ville, Ont. 3- MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. à Gold Medalist of Trinity Univers' Toronto. Four years attending Pl sician and Surgeon at Mt. Cari Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Officea Residence, Wellington Street, Bo manville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical Colleý Toronto, formerly of Enniskilh Office and Residence, Dr. Beit] former residence on Church Stre, Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44 VETERINARY DR.* F. '.TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day Night calls promptly attendedt Office: King St. East, Bowmanvîll Phone 243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. 5 Orono flonor Graduate of Universityi Toronto. Ail cases given promI and careful attention. Office- Dr. McElroy's former office. Phone Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Fat-m and House Sales a Specialt: Terms moderate. Enniskillen P.( Phune 197r3. 14t WILLIAM MAW Licensed Auctioneer Having met with considerable su( cess in conducting sales for the pa- 19 years, 1 now offer my services t the people of Bowmanviile and vi( inity. For terms and dates see F O. M4ason, Bowmanville, or phon 288. Whitby, Ont. 12-1 CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLES THEROPY DLJRWIN E. STECKLEY hon or graduate of Toronto Colleg of Chiropractic will be in the Bow manvîlle Office Tuesday, Thursda and Saturday evenings, phone 141J Residential calîs made during iore nonOOs. Frank Converse Smiith TEACHER 0F THE VIOLIN In Bownanviil on .t.idv Studio ut Trinityviiiihnîl iîîrelh Inqju irî, t Statsinar, PAINTING AND DECORATING Before painting get my prices on labor and all materials; alsa see my Wallpapers. Some fine remnants cheap for immediate sale. J. H. ABERNETHY Ph&ne 431 Bowmanville Standardine ~I 5 tube Radio$75I Coast to Coast-No IdIe Boast D. X. ENGINEERING AND SALES CO. LIMITED 20 BLOOR ST. W., TORONTO 38-121 m to 'al n ýe. 2. e, v- 6 ie ýi- ,e n THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14th., 1926 o We should do something Vo bringi back what aforded us s0 manyl means of enjoyment, culture, quick- ening of imagination and enrichment of life. If that can't be done can we not do something ta see that whati lay at its beart does noV altogether escape and completely leave us. The home, the fireside,- the place of ail places where men, wornen andi little children can learn kindlîness and sympathy, mutual forbearance and understanding, where the finer things of the spirit may have a chance ta grow, flourish and become strong. must not be alowed ta pass away or the future well-being of the race wiil sufer beyond repair. Therefore, if October, Novemnber and December with their foretaste of the coider days ta came will caîl us al I back into the heart of -the homeI araund the warmn fireplace we should freelv forgive theni their blustering and chilling breezei. * * * NoV often do we find such meaty articles-muitum in parvo- as appoar in these paragraphs sent Thie Statesman by a good friend from the Pacifie Coast on the editor's favorite subjects. They will well repay readîng three imos: "He bas achieved succoas who bas lived well, laughtod often, and Iovod much; who bas gainod the respect of intelligent men and the love of littie children; wbo bas fiiled bis niche, bas accomplisbod bis Va.k; who bas left the world bettor than he found iV, whethor b.ý an improvod poppy, a perfect poemi, or roscued soul; who bhs nover lackod appre- ciation of earth's beauty or failed ta excpress it; who bas always iooked for the best in others and given the best ho had; whose life was an in- spiration; whose monoy a bonedic- ian". * * * metaln every day right, for your metlattitude is a great determin- ing influence in your daiiy life, says IGlenville Kliser. Begin the day with an expectant and energeztic jmental attitude Vaward yaur work, plansae poe, anenhancoall youract- pansanrpoeandnd 1V wal yuraivi l- ies. The spirit in whicb you regard your fellow men and the ivorid about you wiil be refiec-,ed back Vo you. When you are in the right mental attitude, many things will seem Vo conspire and cooperato ta advanc e your work and interoats. Printarily iV la your mental attitude' wbicb makes the day happy and pro- ductive, or the contrary. You cani demonstrate the trutb of thlistad ay by resolving ta look oniy for the best Va be inteiligontiy optimistic, adV have confidence in the eternis- premacy of go-ad. * * *1 John D. Rockefeller is 87 years aid and ls the greatost American busi- ness man alive and the ricbost, saysi J. George Frederick wbo tolls read- ers of S uccess Magazine for N,>vem- ber of Mr. Rockefelier's "Vision of Tomorrow". His ideas about monoy are noV ho.ýe of the conventianal rich man. He ak,"Wrhat is Suc- co.ýs? Is 1V money? Somo of you bave ail the monoy you need ta pro- vide for yaur wants. Who is tho p>c)o m, stnan in tho world? Tho pooroat man I know is the man who has nothing but manoy, nothing olse in the world upon wbic'h Vo devote hi.; ambition and thougbt. Money is good oniy if you knxx ow h- ta use iV". "N'ow lot nme lave this littie %%-od of counsei Va young mon. Keep a li:ti4 iodger as 1I did. Write in 1V hanied ta write in it what you puyl out. Sec -hat you pay it out in ýuch a manooer thiat vour fa'her or nifltfler namy ho( k -er vour book ani see just what yu did with your nioniex-. 1Vxiii h14IP ou ta save iion, v ai - hat vou 'ught Va do ". Tho ma,, whi has aothing else but miono-;does noV help his o',wn har- acter iror di't-; ho boul up the ar acero aohe. i ca religious duty ta g-r ail the m n-y ou can fairiy and hône-Vix; ta kocp ail y>u can and to give away ai] you can" - Mr. Rockefeller'& OnIy Poemn: 1 was early taughct a4 work as weli as phay, My life bas been one long, happy holiday; Fu of work and fulaf play, 1 droppe-d the worry h- the vax- And God was good Vo nmeeovtry day. That c ail, sayýs the writer ,f the storx-, yet w-hen we cose-ider V -it is everything, John D. Rockefeller isý iii the evening aof life, anti the world ia fad ing spectac le, out ovex- whk-h mn hm- ime ho, has gazed witb boh o.ves f a faicon. Those oyec. Sar tiim now ani vet sa wise and ail-cee- i ng, have laid boforo the vision ofý aur young mon bis conception of ta- morrow-. IV is a groat Vamnorrow hoý avers, full of ovon grearor promiâze than yesterday. Wililbis- propbosy, came true? The stary of Rockefeiier's lifo a.s told iîn Success Magazine is mos;t pregnant or human interest-it shouid inspire every young man Vo do bis bast wbo reads it. Success is only 25c a single copy-puiblished at 451 Fourth Avenue, New York, N. Y., and for sale by newsdealers. Mr. M. Cameron Cowan. 1014 Metropolitan Building, Toronto, was in town Iast week la the interest of some very valuable mining pro- perties in Northern Ontario of wbich ho is Presidont of the company. Mr. Cowan la a native of Cartwright township, being son of the late Wm. Cowan who taught for a number of years in Durham Counitv and laVer was a sucsecfui generai merchant at Biaekstock and Burketon. Mr. Cowan bas spent the greater part of the iast decade in lnining develop- monts in British Columbia and On- aria and promoting the proportios in which ho la interestod. He re- turned rocently from a trip Vo Red Lake and Woman Lake whero he ob- tained first-hand infýormation. Ho predicts this mining ares bas a great future. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman in- vite any lady who thinks of buying a Fur Coat ta cail at their store as thoy will noV only soul any kind of a Fur Coat at much less than the or- dinary price but every coat they seli carries their guarantee with 1. i - Order toýday and get opening chapters of "A Sister ta Evangelino" Subscriptions are taken at .S1tatesman Office, Bowman'villo, or may be sent ea THE WITNESS. Witness Build- ing, Montreai, Que. Fly-Tox the cows before miiking. disl Rdotomorrow ngi R GHT in your own homne we'Ii let you prove to yourself that King Radio is simplified radio, easy to operate, built for the whole family to enjoy. This picture gives you but a faint idea of the King 62. It's a beauty in lboks- and a beauty i performance, too. Six tubes, fully-shielded, stabilized circuit. A single knob piCks up the parade of stations on the air-and gives you volume and real musical quality. We know radio-and every set you buy here gets service from our experienced men. Depend upon that from the time it is installed. Corne in todaY--get a demonstration. Or merely phone us and we'll send a mani to instali this set for three nights' ril right in your own home. Sniall Down Payaient Balance bMonthly You can pay for this set as you enjoy it. A small down payment puts it in your home-including ail batteries, aerial or other accessories you may need. Cornein-or phone us tod.ay. Rernem.. ber-if you haven't a good radio half tie world is passing you by. Empire Sales Co* DowunanvlUe, Ont. KIN(G RADIO dMost RadioPer Dollar"e '9 Wel ban you THE EDITOR TALKS Who does not note the passing of the seasons? Octaber is with us again. Lîfe gives us many goad things because they are different- the seasans with their changes among others. Variety and change in weather make the world seem dif- forent. A xriter in The New Out- look referring Vo October's chilly xeather says it sends men indoors ta sit around the fire which has for ages heiped ta give us family ami home life, friendship, culture and a hast of other best things in m*dern life. Some dlaim that the trend of modern hf e is away from intimate family life,-a close fellowship with aur own and witb neighbor and friend, f rom reading of bo-oks and the sinapier, quieter joys and satis- factions of life. WhaV we miss by' noV being able Vo sit around the liv- ing fiame of the fireplace and warm ourselves in the grateful giow of the fire can't be reckoned. Many of us cherish fond memories of the ali home with its glowing fireplace. 1 DURHAM COUNTY BiOYS fMany of aur readers will be inter- sested in the following despatch from 1Washington~ D. C., where a weil- -knoýwn Durhaan Boy was a prominent sspeaker: ? Pratection of «ichoal children and -babies against tuberculasis was urged -today as the most immediate and rvaluable method for controlling the ravages of that dis:ease bv speakers rat the 22nd annuai meeting of the 1National Tuberculasis Association. tDr. Jabez H. Eiiiott of Toronto, said 1that a Program for contrai of the rdiseases in chiidhaod must include -the discovery and supervision of ail iincipient cases, isolation of far ad- [vanced Cases in contact with 1cbildren, examination of al] children in contact with affiicted persans, fre. quent periodic re-examination of ail chiilren of scbool age. and even of pre-achool age, and rhe adequate treatinent of ail physicai defects in childhoýod. This system, he added, had reduced the tubercuosis deathi rate among children in Toronto fronil 240 per 100,000 ta as low as 65 per 100,000.1 OCT. 1 TO FEB. 1 FOR 40 CENTS Order To-day and Get -A Sister ta Evangeline" by Charles G. D. RoberWe Owe It To Ourselves, A few weeks ago the great Cana- and dian author, Charles G. D. Roberts u u t m r visited Newcastle and was given a -oO rcu t m r reception. His thrilling and fas- cinating, tale "A Sister to Evange- newIl begin to appear in the Mont-real Witness and Canadian Homestead-$2.00 a year-in its first October issue and the Witness publishers are offering that splendid famiiv newspaper ta new subscrib- ers-a trial subscription for 4 months -Octaber ta February-for 40 cents or three trial subseriptions inX one order for $1 ta any P. O. i Canada or Eng]and. Mr. Roberts is one of the most beloved of Canadian writers and The Witne*s is one of the best of Canadian family news- hv papers. We advise every non-sub- tohv banking relations only scriber to take advantage of this Trial Trip offer at 40c. * with people of good repute Who Sin-ce 1845 The Witness has beenlàà..aehnsadprmti er recognized thruout Canada as the areshnesoltons.rmp n hi leading national weekîy. Edited bybunesoigtn. John Redpath Dougaîl. "The Week's Outlook", a regular feature is a clear -t make a fair profit on the service we render to and complete commentary on world customers Sa that the bank can grow in strength and national affaais. "The Crow's Nest" page notes developments in and usefulness. prohibition and social progress. Be- sides its splendid News FeaVurefs it -to make boans with the. utrnost care and upon bas Special Departmnents, edited by experts, of interest Voalal members approved security to the end that the funds of the of the fanily, and toalal walks of bank and its depositors wui be safely and construx- life. Its Market and Stock Reports tvl mbyd are fair and trustworthy. Its splen- tvl mlyd did Short and Serial Stories, Home Department--cover a wide range of It is to the interest of every ckpositor that we human interest. Its Queries and Answers on ail subjects, including stllct!y observe these principles without which Agriculture, Veterinary, Poultry, no bank can be strong and permanently helpfuL. etc., and itis Farrn and Garden De- partants are greatly prized for their practical and timely hints and ATV A N JTI AI 1- * * * 1

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