Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1926, p. 2

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?AGE TWO THE CANADIM~ STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY. OCTfl1wI~ ~ - - - - T ,INT,. FIG-LAX The Tonic and Vegetable Laxative Sure Relief for Constipation At Druggists 25 and 50 Cents Send 25c for trial box. Fig-I.ax Laboratories, Limited Wooclstock, Ont. NOTICE 1 amn prepared to supply yeur needs for almost ail kinds of fuel. No. 1 CHESTNUT COAL HARD AND SOFT WOOD CARTING DONE Blake Wilkins King St. W. BownianyiIIe Phone 340 Good Prices FOR POULTRY Don't seli your poultry until you have flrst con- sulted me. I amn prepared to buy any quantity of poultry at good prices, and if you have fat hens will give ex- tra good price. Phone 81, Whitby, and reverse charges, or drop a card and I wiII ealu. 1. STEIN Whitby Ont.1 Proteet Them! It is the duty of every husband and father te protect the future web- fare of those ho love-s. Provide for their future. Insure their future. It is the unexpected -bat ai- r wavs bappens.Ton orrow may he tce late. For an insignificant runi ou can Iprotect cour home against dostructierý, aur passes ions against la s-your life against death. See us teday. Insurance Company W. J. BRADD District Agent Phono 245w Elgin St- Bowmanville A "'Rebuilt- Service" permits outgrown Ruributs to be enlarged a full size. Your deal- er wil be glad to show you how, for a smail charge, you can have a rebuilt shoe almost as good as new. Do flot iforget that Huributs can now be secured up to Size 7 for Growing Girls and Size 5!/z for Boys. 4 We flot only ocIl, kg Irççom- flnd theri4 Fred. Knox, BOWMAN VILLE ONT.~ DENTAL I~ DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Hanor graduato in Dentistry Toron' University. Graduate of the Royi Colbege of Dental Surgeons of Or taria. Office King St., Bowmanvill Office phono 40. House phono 2ý DR. J. C. DEVITT Graduate of Royal Dental ColbegE Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow manvibbe. Office bours 9 a. m. ta p. ni. daily oxcept Sunday. Phon 90a. House phono 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduato of Toronto Uni versity and niember of Royal CoIlegi of Dental Surgeons. Liconsed ti practise in Ontario and the Domin io n. Dentistry in ail it.a branches Office-King St., Bowmanville, op posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301 LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to loan on Fanm and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Successor to biste D. B. Simpson, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Nota.ry Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan Phione 9 1 Bowmanville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Mloney to boan. Bonds for sale. Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., Bowmanville, Ontari.o. Phones: Office 102, Bouse 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F.F ORRIS CO. Coplteý,Motor or Horse Equiprnent il caîls promptly attended to. Private Ambulance Bowmanville phone 10 and 34 Branch Stores- Orono & Newcaatle ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Director. Calîs given prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowman- ville, Ont. 3-tf. ME DbCAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Gold Modalist of Tinity University, Toronto. Four years attending Pby- sician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmiel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Residonce, Wellington Street, Bow- manvilbe. Phono 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical Colloge, Toronto, fonmerly of Enniskiblen. Office and Residence, Dr. Beitb's former residenceoan Chunch Street, Bownianvibbe. Phono 259. 44-t. VETERINARY DR. F. "'. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Nigbt calis proniptly attended ta. Office: King St. East, Bowmartville. Phono 243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. Orono Honor Graduate of University of Toronto. AlI cases given prompt and careful attention. Office- Dr. McElroy's former office. Phones: Clanke 3921; Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farm and House Sales a Specialty. Ternis moderate. Enniskillen P. O. Phone 197r3. 1-tf. WILLIAM MAW Licented Auctioneer Having met with considenable suc-1 ress in conducting sales for the past 19 years, 1 now offer my services ta the people of Bowmanville and vie- inity. For terms and dates see F. O. Mason, Bownanville, or phone 288, Whitby, Ont. 12-t. CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY honor graduate of Toronto C ollege of Chiropractie will be in the B aw- manvilbe Office Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings, phone 141J* Residential calîs made during iore-t noons. Frank Converse Smith TEACHER 0F THE VIOLIN Studio lit Trîuît. Uî1. 111-11ijn. at suit.s : PAINTING AND DECORATING Before painting get my prices on labor and al mateialh; absa scee my Wallpapers. Some fine rpninants ch'eap for immediate sale. J. H. ABERNETHY Pbc>no 431 Bowmanville Standardime P 5 tube Radio t05 Coast to Coast-No Idie Boast D. X. ENGINEERING AND SALES CO. LIMITEO 20 BLOOR ST. W., TORON TO 38-12 THE EDITOR TALKS SCHOOL TEACHERS COMING DURHAM COUNTY BOYS Bo%,mnanville will have this week This Thur.-day and Fniday, Oct- Mr. Clark Taylor, son of Mrs. [t a snmall ai-mv1 of character-builders. iber 7tb and Stb, the Annual Con- Alex. Taylor. Concession St., Bow- ral representatives of the highet and vention of the Teachers of Inspect- manville, and Mr. Chas. Toms of n- noblest profession in the world- orate Number Onie Nvill be hield in Newcastle, who have been ini part- e. school teachers. A rocent writer the Lecture Rooni of St. Paul's Un- norship in the drug business under 2. sai(l: Divine agency and humian ited Church. It is always a pleasure the nanie of "Taylor & Toms" for instruniontalit.v are in all the events to welcome the school teaJýhers of 1 the last five years at the busy corner of life. The only difforence is that Durbam to aur beautîful town. Hope, of Avenue Road and Dupont Street, e, the one for -the moŽt part is shrouaied weather conditions -,vill be l)r(pitirrus Toronto, have purchased for a N- from xiew, while *he other is evor and the convention ail that the mostl branch store, the flourishing business 6 naked and open ta our senses. optimiýstic can desire. The public of R. S. Harris at 774 St. Clair e To the young especially thoir par- iliewco .l Ave. West.. Mr. Toms, who is to ents and school teachers constitute Thursday's sessions open at 101 manage the new store, will be as- the chief human agency that caap- a. m. and 1 :3 0 p. m. At 3:20 p. ni. 1 sisted by Mr. Wm. Metcalf, son of erating with their Cieator help to the teachers will visit the Bovs'I Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Metcaif, Bow- i- form their characters. With adultts Training School to witnes.s a spýrti manvible, while Mn. Taylor will have ,e L may be said that aur characters prograin af-,er wbich lunch will bie as his assistant, Mn. Ray Snowden. aare whatsoever wc desire ta make served. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Snowden, them. Children being great imi- Friday's sessions open at 9 a. ni also of Bowmanville and Maple statars the foundation of their char-, and 1:30 p. mi. Grove. pacters is laid largely in their homes Mr. Thornton Mustard, B. A. Their numeraus -elatives and land schools. We agree with Dr. Head Master of Normal Model 1 friends in the Home Land of Dur- Jaes L.asHublicscloforispmect3r School, Toronto, in which Normal hani will boe glad to hear of the con- of ar aespueoos hat character School students practise the Art of tinuod success of those young nien. buildng i of reate imprtane.in Teaching, is ta bo the chief speaker ______ bheldig ife of gcherimorntance n at each session. Thursday a-, 2:20 uh a ltrionpofuhlrn int teirp. m. bis subject, announced is "The The Toronto Evening Tolegrani nîlinsa sÎtof fap s rin noi seooIdeal Lesson'". features oach day "A Poep Bebind nbooks. As Mr. Mustard is the chief toach- the Curtainz of Time" in which it * ** r critic of the Normal School «.teach- reproduces photos of prominent Tor- ers-in-training. we are quite sturte ontolans as thev appear at present We wish everv man and wonian ail will he interested in bis subjects and in their youth. La.st week could realize fubby that in thein daily and conduct of a Question Drawen at prominence was given ta a former life and associations they constantby 10:30 Friday marning. Lt. Col. E. native of Durham County which radiate an influence for weal on woe E. Snider, B. A., Scbool Inspoctor, read: not only on the yrouth but on ail will address the teachers at 11:45 Frank G. McLean is Wonshipful persans within the circle of thoir in- on Friday forenoon. Master of Zetland Lodge, A.F. & A. fluence. Their characters tell on M., which is ceiebrating its twenty- aIl, mare or ess, ith whom tbey fifth annual "Canadian Nigbt" this came in contact. Note too that COBOURG PRESBYTERY evoning. Mn. McLean waa bonn in character bas more to do with the the village of Kendal. Ont., and healthy buman progress than any Ministers and Isymnen from the spent bis early years an a farm in other of tbe many agencies of civi-l sixty charges met in King Street Durhami Caunty. He came ta Ton- lization; chanacter, in fact, is thel United Church. Oshawva. on Tuosday onto in 1889 and attended Wellesley gem of life, it ennobles man, and Sept. 28th. The opening session and Victoria Street Public Scbools. l ifts the buman ta tbe divine image,' comnionced at 10 a. m.. presidedi He playod basebaîl with the oId Reso- therehy bringing hlm in dloser comi- aven b.7 the chairmnan of the Pres-' lutes, wben tboy were junior champ- m iunion xitb the divine source froinibytery. Rev. J. U. R dins. of Bow- ions. Ho is a meniben of the St. wbich ail good originates. Every manville. The devotional exorcises Patrick Chapten, Royal Arch Masons, man has bis work and bis' sphere is were conducted by Revs. Dr. Best, and the Scattish Rite, and is a appointed bum froni above, and the W. Higgs and S. T. Tuckor, after momben of the Howand Park United bient of bis th.augbts, bis affections1 whîch the election of officers tank Cburcb and of the Board of Trade. and pursuits is the on]y decisivo testi place: Chairman, Rev. J. F. Maxwell, In business, Mn. McLean is asso- of bis character. His future life Oshawa; Secrotary, Rev. J. G. Mc- ciated with'tho Pease Furna-ce Comn- depends wholly upon bis Wo(kintbe Kee. Baltimore; Trcasurer, Rev. C. pany. presont everyday lîfe, as t btD. Daniels, Caniphebîfard. Rev. C. __________________ kind of seed hoe is sowing, n teC. Washington, cf Courtice, moved - ______________ mariner in whicbholi is sowing hm the following resolution: Resolved Ackermnan prize of $500 for being that this pneshytery request the BaV the first pebtr ntec fr of Quinte conference at its next once recbyteryminteaceaner In he entl ad scia wobd w~session ta subdivide the presbytery extension objective. fin d that like attracts ike and ideas inoo advsOshaaho knowtras Dr. Sobandt, reprosenting the book othoeres of h cersani kind Atcrd-rspectiveby, and that such action hoe room, and Dr. Laird, for the main- othes o th sane knd. Accrd-taken whetber or not the other pros- tenance and extension fund, gave ingby, wo should pick aur fnbends, veisaecngd Itw un-drse. do aur work, and livo our lives with beisae cbaed. Ittiwarsolutn-ddess two objectives in nind-exaniPle and lim aivd oci thaeutithe reot inspiration. Sanie of aur fellownien ho laid onfteetabdle nilther wo should associate with bI ce f theconfrene debiICKitEtS our -uperior advantages. Byauex-f question sbould hoe received.SEA S PTIK S ample, we can lift their lives toa a The baundaries c onimittoe in deal- M. A. JAMES highor plane. We can humbby and ing wit the Zion church, near To Europ-Canadian Pacific, White quietly give theni the benefit of auri Bewdley, pbaced it under the super- Star Dominion, Cunard, Arnieica4 [oxperienco. They need us, our! vision cf Rev. J. F. Lane, of Canton. Ask for infonxnatiori. Phone 5.? aonel ur fellowship, aur nor Cobourg pebtr eevdteSaemnOfc.Bwavle agentent. nurjpobteyrcie teStts nOfieBonavle And ed those who can serve us in the sainie way. It is honorable ta seek out those who know more than we do. wbase lives have been lîved on the height,, wbose exper- ience bas touched life and came in contact with human nature fart more, oxtensively than aur own. i In our teacbing days we advised' our scholars ta seek the campany of those who knew mare than they did and therehy gain henefit froni asso- ciating with theni. There is inspira- tion in seeking out and finding those Uzuls that inspire us to -ce a visioîn wbicb they see; who have piowovd their %way to ome rugired lîsiitht.. and can show us that -he effort wasi worth whiie.1 The greatest dlaim for the exist- I once of mankind is the fact that ho' is constan:ly trying ta improve. Evobutian is abs-olutely necessary ta the wvell-heing and perpetuation of mankind.' It is the duty and should ho the pleasure of mankind to m- prove. Every persan, youth and aduit alike, should feel a pride in the pos%- session of a good character. 'let, while it woubd ho most painful ta hear our friends' hones-, etimate cf aur character, it would do us an las- menise amount of good, if it couldi bo rightby done, because wo aIl soc oursolves as botter than we reabll are; because w~e justify aur actions te oursebves, neoniatter baw ques- tionable thoy may ho. It is abways easy te find an excuse where self is c on c erned. XVe miust ho alivayz on our t-uarrd for the cal of the worbd are niany atnd varien and each of u- al-. a naý- ure waiting for its call. Whcn it contes, how vill we anSwer? Dosai down in u s sniething stirs. XVe mav int know w hat it means yet, in it-I my-tic way, lfe an'ý%vers and w, nters, as it niakes respan.ze. Wben one %vo realize andi kncw that tve tavo- within us an invincihh.! power thatý att ta-ter an%, cûtnli'iro,rt irua tance, haro will he no endti a ur acconipýi 'bnients. There haive been monients in the life rof everv niai, %hen he fel-, that ho badth te passerý rf Uit niouns.ain_ý, se t,,, peak. Thoa(? veti e tihe moments Nvheni the. real rOU. the life, the Divine foôr,-e at the ceýnter cf your being. iva-.-r ing ta c,me fortb. ln otir wo. rds, he inner YOU. What a grand. comnituni-,%, that woculd be were every ian ami wansan constantly striving aniong the youthi ta shed their influence for building of humnan charac-,er according to the div ine ransosanri: Let ,rt igh-, ýo shine that others seeîng yor good work .- shal lorify the FaUîer. If it rs truc that ail full-gruwn, cour- ageaus andl <aring nmen and svonen who are the truc individuals ansong Ih4 Us is îof pet.rontîiti(- alie (atti- ~cîOu5ly aware of the invincible power within their heing, then tha: evervane whù 5eek.s te know the ;anie power is within the reach of truth about biniself. Vvhen you have discoered its presence ithin your heing and how te appby this pow(er toward achieve- ment of your ideais, the satisfatin of your bongings, tho accomplish- mont cf youn definite purpase:s te make your ideals become real, you thon become a master of conditions and circunistances, instead af heing their slave. We have conimitte the GoLden Rule toa nmory; let us aIl cornmit it te life and to the up- building of aur character. I. Our' Farme,'s Account Book will protte usefu! in managing yourjorn A skiorao Ce>Z. 61HM Can Always Get a Loan 19 TH'I fariner who cleans up his loans at the bank after every harvest rarely has di.fficulty in financing his farin. When you need credit f roui the bank, a statement af your affairs given ta the manager in confidence wfll create a better understanding between yOU and The Royal Bank o-r0 Canada Bowmanville Branch R F. Aitchisan, Manager 8ht Tub«s, Three Dia! Cono r< hl Bmetd Twx-Tou n.s h 7oothll cames TH'EREPs noth*ing more thrillng an the air than the breathles broadcasting ofthis falI's football gane- frorn aroffs the field the stmirng music of college bandsa led by haughty drn major*=himhighat9-the tirnng foar osf cbeeng thousaxxs>-.te-Sîia"-,andoff they go 1 You can get fit al-inye own homoe-if ym bave a King Radio. A King wMI giv o u the statio ycx w i da&îIgh-bring fit i dear and lcnd and sUSrano 80 at Ymi need neyer miss a singe çday that sla odas. The King Radio ahown here is the 61. It»e a dr-tube *et buta gi ve you diaance and volume andi quality. It's in a beautiful cabinet. Yau'il always be proud dt And the price fa so reascmable it wif niaa you. Sinaf Down Payumun Geutahs RadU Beat of ail, you can et it for a arnail cown paymet the balance to be taken care of in anmai nontuiy arnaunts as youen rjoy the set. We wifl instail the s anl ready ta tune in and sho you i>ow ta use k. CRne in today and sem thingfi Raduo. We ha"u other up ta $210.00 froin which ta, choose. If you caifl corne, phone us and we wilî have the oet in bekn's t> rnorrow night. But kmn't delay-end mim the h8 Sxma bail events. Corne i tdayl Empire Sales Co. BowmauvilOnt. KING RADIO "Most Radio-Per Dollar" ~~Î}Bank Collections IN MAKING our collectioýns through The Standard Bank, you en- list the efforts of an organization mwhich extend-& the efficiency of its courteous service into every part of BANING Canada. hu can you be assured fIfTY or a t distant points, with the court- L ii esy due those wizh whom you tran- YEARS act business and the efficien-cy o STANDARD BAN K OF CA2.NADA. BOWMANVILLE BRANCH---H. W. Lapp, Manager Branches alzo at Newcastle, Newtonville, rnOhw PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7th.- 1926 1 1 BowmanviUe Branch R. F. Aitchison, Manager Il

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