Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Sep 1926, p. 8

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PAGE IGHTTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPT. 3th., 1926 WEST DUJRHAM EXHIBITION BOYS' TRAINING. SCHOOL NEWS (Contnued from page 4) Once the Fair was ove r, the boys room Sliîîîrs-Nlrs. Perey, .%Mes. Gerry: lost little trne in î'esumiflg theie W'ork Apren-Mes. Rlice. .Mrs. Gerry; sport prograrn. Friday tbey defeat- 1-ane-niade Knickers- Mes. Perecy. '.N. d Public School basebal teamt. Af- Davi-s; Incsnt's D)resi-.Mrs. Perey. Nrs And.rson. rio. Pilow ani Crib Ceovr- ter town boys bati filleti bases in first Mes. Anderson, Mes. Coucli ;Do, Car- inning witb none eut, raie halteti riaze Rug-M'%rs. Jackman. Mrs. Coueit; proceetiings for haîf an heur. FolIow- Do. Hood anti Jacket-.%rs Anderso,. M. Pavies; Ladies'X\'ool Sweateýr-Nirg. eg. tbis deIay, tearns went at it Percy. Mrs. Andersonî; Slk Sweater- again, anti Morley Oke doubleti -o Mes. R. T. Steplîcos. n Sw~ate- di-ive in two rues. Then followed Mes. Anderson, Mrs, Nichoils: Sport Battb feur pay ftegae be -Mrs. Gerey, Mes. Asliee. Jackson of e B. oft.hS. areti an Fancy Work Jcsno h .T .satdat Chesterfietd pio-r M. J. Eliitt; triple play whicb eut off a allyan Sofa Cushion-MeIs. Gerry, Ma u de Rey- saveti the game for bis team. With nolds, t.amî ShadeP, Paecient-Mrs. Alan Osborne on third anti Morley Grry: Do, any,--Mrs. ics. Mrs J îck - man. De. bel-:"Irs. Gerey. :ýîrs. Pctrcy; Oke ce second. the bail was linacl le- Carti table vover, black-MIrs. W. Cad te centre fielti anti it lonked l l&e a well. Missvs Perey, Do. any-M)rs. safe it, su rueners starteti for Caldwell, %Mra, Anderson. Linen hancdker - chiefs. colored-.Nisses Perey, AnnO, home. However, Jackson matie a Lyle,: Do, ht-r Stephiens 2nd. iPin great catch andti tbew te second be- Cushion. iol head-Mýrs. Gtrry, %Mrs. fore Oke coulti return, anti Blasak's Caldw,1;Eli Emoidery, ey'eiet okMsîro totii Jackman, Mrs. M. W. Blackburn. Mol - hrdcaugb: Osborne away crn Cross Sitch-Misses Percy, Mes. off the bag. It ail happeneti se Couch. Tatted trinîmed article-Misses quickly tha-, the town beys were stun- Prcy, Mrs. Backburn; New ide'île aniIne design or stitcli-Mirs. Gerry. Mesr. Jack- ce dnerqutrcorei mana. Fancy Beaded Bag-Mrs. Ricoe.\Mes B. T. S. won the garne in> the fourth Jackman; Faecy work bag-MNrs. Perey, anti fiftb innings when tbey scoreti Mrs Gerry. Shopping lî-M.. 'ld well, .%Mes. Percy; Beadxok-Mrs, . Jacs- rueis,%vinning 10 to 6. Line-up: man. Mrs. Perey, Seaina \ratMs B. TY.S.-Hobson ss; Flude c; As- Percy nd: W'ood-cerving--MrS. J 2jn- key lb ;Walters p; Mange 3h; Fin cee: Recd basket-MeIs. Jackrnait.Ms f Jcso\fIrteraa.r; ls C. Il.Osborne; Reed tray-M\rs. C. .I;Jcso1f'uhrln f ls Osborne. Mrs. M. J. Elliott........ak 2b. Girls' Special% Publie Scool-Cîarence Osborne, Iiedreem lowes-NorS. 3ilîsan. PhYllis Jack Turner, Alan Osborne, Morley Challis. Tucker Couch; Fudgc Alron- 0keC aso R sBrwob Maude Reynolds, Tucker Couch. Crochet eCVasneRsBonob work. cotton-M%. Davies. .,ora Gibson, ert Bates, Jack Hobbs, Lawrence Mlauîi.- Reynolds; Handiker(I'hieC. lieni- Williamns. stitched- Maude Reynolds, Phyllis Chiai- lis; Fancy sork. colered thread-Ný>ora The beys sbowed four Hefstein Gibson, Phyllils Challis. Tucker t'oiieh; calves at Bow'manville anti won two Doili, drtssed-Phyllis Challils, TCucker ~e Couch M.Davius: Buttonhoe-Maude ntsanti a third. Reynolds, Nora Gibson. Phyllis CIsiis. Mmrs. Cairns ieft the Hospital on Domestie Manufacture Suntiay anti is staying with Mrs. W'ool hearth rug-Mrs. Ashise, '.\rs. Spencer ,Concession Street for a Couch; Hlooked mat-MeIs Couch. A. W. tîrne befome retumnîeg to the School. Anais: 'ouch cover-MeIs. G. B3. Bickl., 1 MeIs.M. J. Ellott; Cotten qtiit-MeIs. Six new boys arriveti last week Niclîcllîs.Mes. Challis; Silk or Wool quiit fromt Toronto, Londion anti Belle- -Mes. G. B. Bickie. Mes. Anderson; ville. Quilt. applique-A. W. Annis; Cotton comfortee-Mrs. John Barr, >irs. Ander, A carloati of coal was unloatieti« son; Fancy b.oIspread. knîtted or cr0- Iast week. Along with it came an- 1 chet-Mrs. Nichoils, Mes. Couch, Do applique-Mes. Jackmann Bedsjpread; other car loati of tile for the Sorners1 candIs sick désign-Mi's. Spiencer. Fan- Farn drainage. cy bedspread, any-Mrs. Bickie, Nies. M.Kly Anderson; Ladies' taiiored bieuse-Maude M.Kly Superintentient of Reynolds, Mes, W. Caldwell; House Press Cbiltien's Aid Society, London, was1 -Mesa. Pawson, Maude Reynolds; iland- deligbteti with wbat be saw on bis e- made shirt-Mes. Nichoirs; Do. Scx-Mes Barr, Mes. Anderson; Do. înitts-iiîlrs, cent visit -,o the Sebool. He pre- Perey, Mes. Niciiolîs. tiits a great future for the school. FINE ARTS Boys have taken up lacrosse, anti Oil Painting, portrait-E. WaiicllI; Do, shoulti tevelop speetiuly under the1 animal-E. Waddeli; ùDi arie-E. Waddell; Do. iandscape-Artise îer:n, E ce aching cf tb eir two able mentors, WVaddell; Do .vegetabe-AnieIitrwin, E. Mm. Minore anti M. Hintis. Netbing Waddell :Do, still lits-E. Waddeli, A. neeti be saiti of the admirable e- Iewin; Fie. any suject-A. Irwin. E. e f hs Waddel.; Water coier, îgire-0e Wad- codotee two fermer lacrosse dcli. A. Irwlnt Do, fiah or gane-E. stars. Tbey bave shown the great- Waddell; Do, marine-E. Waddsll A. est intemest anti skilî in initiating the Irwin; Do. fiowers-E. IL idelil,%Mes. J.h E. Alun; Do, originai-Annis lrwin, E. yos into Canatia's national garne.~ M-a,1l1,11; Sepia, any-E. Wauldell. Anniâ Iewin; Crayon drawing. colors-Annie Ir. win, E. Waddeii; Pastel. scene-A. Ie- win. E. Waddeli; Do, figure-A. .rin, OBITUARY E. Waddell; Peecil drawing-Dougas _____ Carruthers. A. Irwin; Stencil design-A. Iewin. E. Waddlli; Landscaue gardening Richard Ernest Tudor -A. lewin; Pencil drawieg, H S. s3tud. cnt-Rance Dilling. Marie Villeau; Sepia A brigbt young life was sutidezîly copy-A. Irwln, E. Waddsll.y DOMESTIC SCIENCE entiet on Sunday, September l9th., Bread, yeast-Liilian G. Csînence. hen Richard Ernest Tutior, eider M.rs. R. Poolsy; Do. whole what-Mrs. son cf Me. anti Mrs; Richard Tutior, R. Pooicy: Do. raisin-L. G. Clemence, Cbuecb Street, passeti away after Mes. R. Pooley; Do, mt-Mes. Il M. four tisys 'illness froni peritonitis Mitchell. Mrs. A. Taylor; Date coaf- Mes. Fred J. Foster, Mrs. A. Taylor. te is 18h year. He was bore ini Plain bons-Mes. J. E. Allin, î_ G. Carlisle, Engianti, anti came te Can- Clemence; Park house ralls-L. G.. Ciem.- ada witb bis parents wben four yeams ence, Mes. Newton Taylor; Iaking pet- der biscuits-Mrs. Wm. Mcntosh, NMes, cf age settling in Bowmanvîlle Fred B. Lovekin; Graham mutfins3--L. G. wbeee tbey have lveti ever siece. He Clemence, Mes. Ashice; Spanislîi tnr-ýersateieiPbcaniHg Sbos A. Taylor; Short lr'ad-Ann ' Lyle. Mrs. atne uleadHg col J. Spencer; Ginger Bread-MNrs. Lùî'ekin. anti since then bas been employeti Mes . . E. Allie; Do, coakier-Mýr,;. Ta>-- wth Mr. H. C. Allie, Bicycle andi ]oe, Oatmssl cookies-Mes. T. iaker, Radio Agent anti repairer. He was Mes. R. MI. Mitchell; Sugar coo)kies -Me. s. T. Baker, Mrs. W. G. Werry; Date a member cf the Sons of Engianti cooks-L. G. Clempnce, Mers. Mitchell; Juvenîle Banch. Lay. - Cake. light- Mes ,W. Mclntosh, Tefnmlia et nTeta L. G. Clernence; Chocolate -Anni' Lyle, h uea a edo usa Mesra W. G. Werry; Cocoanutt a'ers afteenoon at the resitience cf bis J. E. Anderson, Anne Ly!e. Liglît fruit parents, service being cenducteti by1 cake-M.%I McýIlntosh; Cocoanu t macar- Rev. J. U. Robins, Pastor cf Trî-aity1 oons-.Mes. Lovekin, M. Reynolds; Ange! food cake-Mes. Lovekin. MesIr. Ancer- Uni cd Cbumch. son; Chees.- traw&--Anne Lyle. Mes. Tebaeswm ess .C Spencer; Apple pe-L. G. Clemence, 'Ia ThMeseswreMsrs .C S. Snowden. Lernon pie-L. G. Clernce, anti Wrn. AIlin. F. Puedy, V. ,Ieffemy, M. Davies; Pumpkin pi-MeNis. T. l3tk- N. Barton anti A. Fletcher. e, L. G. Csmence; Chocolats pie-Mis W. G. Werey. Anne Lyle; Cream pie - Tbe interment teok place le Bow- L.G('eece .Davies; Raisin p;'ý manville Ccrntery. Besities bis- -Mesrg Anderson, Mes. Snowden; Lemon sorowing parents be leaves onee tats-Maude Reynoflds, Mes. Mitch ýI; Buter tarts-Mes. W. G. Werry, Mirs. brother Leslie te meure bis carly Mitchell; Fancy Salad--L. G. Clernence, passing. An- Lyle; Sour Pickles-Mes. 'liott, M. Davies; Sweet Pick.--Mrs Mitchell, The floral offerings ivere beauti- Zrs. [lot, To'na'o Casup-Mes. L- fu ferorn Mother, ,Fatber anti lîct. Mý. Reynolds; ý*hiIi Sauce'-.Mes Brother, Uncle Aunt anti Bo'>by, ElliottNi. MReynolds; Caned 4itrîr;ecs M Da'ieî Ms RIcItti' .,ne Bowrnville Fife anti Drum Bandi, Peaches-NI. Dasies. .MIr S. \nI rsori; L. O. L. PompIe Guards, Welling'ton Canned. Strawbeeies-M. Davics, Mes9. Lotige S. O. E., White Shiciti Club, Black'buirn; <'anned Rsbîre-.N . etrHgfed D)avis. 1Mrs. Ashîce; Cteon preîs'r,,d- Trinity W. ýS.LetrHgild Mers Ellict, Mes. loveiîn; t-ne.ppl' S. anti E. Tcrlinsoe, Mm. anti Mes. Preer'î-MDavies, Mes Elot Can- W. A. Thornpson, Mr. anti Mes. Bar- neil Toma tes-Mes. mlîî,l. 'I ia nt aii m at es k ies; [se. ('oen-Mrs. Mci' ort.i, M. Rey- ton adfmlM.adMs k notds. Do. Beans-Mes. Taylor, Mesr. Mc- anti family, M. anti Mes. Brookham Intosh; Do, Pî'as-M. Davies, Mes. Tay - anti farnily, Mr. anti Mre..L. Roach 1r; Do., Asparagus-Mers, Bîckle' Do' Bets-Mes. Ellioit, %Mes. Taylnr.Pr-s - anti farnily,. Mm. anti Mes. A. M. Pip- ervel P. ars-Mes . Anl'rs,,n M îr. e anti famiiy, Mr. anti Mrs. Wake- nolîls. (urrant 2%y es1 r nNislnaî e eti e niMc Couds; Apple Jelly-M't*7 Couch, Mes. lnadM. wd M. n s Elliott; Gralie Jelly-\Mrî .ovFiin , rs. W. B. Pincb. Mes. Ween, Mes. Coucli; Best cake oiked 1»' girl ue Clarke, Mrs. F. Clarke, Me. anti Mms 17 years-AIa Annis; Beit1, do-i'hy- Puedy, Me. anti Mes. W. J. Bag.1efl,ý lis ('hallis B.(Clarke, J. Culley, Me, anti Mes. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE SPECIAL T. B. Glchrist, Me. Kilgannon anti loîs în;invill,. Soîna and Tyr,,ne tInstit - ' Ms .M~ .H ut,.s comnpeteil. tIe letter following the' family, Miw .'%utton, ir.C.H prize winnees came indîcates the naine Br'own, Me. andt.irMs. Lace .' and of Branch. aivMran r.Drh'a- Knitted Scs-r.Thos. Ilakpr (S.) iM. niMe.DrrMr Vanlly Set-Mes. E. R. Botnsali iL), ga ret anti Freti, J. Childs, B. Tait, M;ss E. M.\. Wpekes ([i). WrkAron Mr. ani Mes. Bluet, J. Parker. Mr. -Mes.E. R. Bounsal(B), Mes. M.- A. antdlMes. King, H. C. anti Jaekie, Mes Bason Mi tilio,. 1h sp.~ Alimn an4i family, Me. anti Mes. J. Mes, rF). Ht. Jamieson 'YB), Mes. John Ba.ke(S). Ilookel Mat-Mesa.BFI.G a r- Poîîitc,n, MT. ant inMs, Gooti, Mrs When You Need GROCERIES-BREAD-BUNS-CAKES- PASTRY-CHOCOLATES-ICE CREAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. Bring or send your order to this store where it will receive prompt attention and you will get good valut. I H. S. BRITTON, Baker & Grocer Newcastle 1- Oficers electeti for the year art': M.AutnCapet President-Major W. J. Hoar, Bow- C. Butler, Librarian. ja d manville; Vice-President-Majer A. __________M. V. Tbîîrin, Newcastle; Secretary- Treasurer-R. S. M. George Adkins, Wante4 ODS Port Hoîpe; Assistant Secetary anti Convener cf Banquet Con'îrittee- CUT THIS OUT FOR LUCK-Sitnd Segt. J. C. Samis, Bowmanville. birth date and loc for wonderfui horo- Disric rereGnttivs wre e-scope of your entîre Itte Prof. Distict epreentaives were re-Raphael. 94 Grand Central Station, New ' electeti as ie 1925. York. si-$@ le c t t u 9 Il u v P t The NiewvcaLt1ge lridepgercerit THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3th., 1926 NEWCASTLE FARM FOR EIIERY BOY OBITUARY BOY FOR EVERY FARMI MisLillian Clemence is visitiflg htfnrsg cudoewh1 Rev. Wmn. Farncomb, B. A., Former' Miss Vera Glenney, Lindsay. WbtNnrsgc ol n ih ewcastle Boy Spent Hi& Life in Mr. John Douglas întends dispos- to see at an agricultural fair than Helping Others ing of bis milk dairy next month. that of Mr. J. F. Osborne and bis Don't forget the play "The Path four sons each exhibiting a prizeý There are few men who in the I Across the Hill", Friday, October 1, winning Shorthorn at Bowmanvillejestimation of his feUows and espe- I in the United Church. Fair, and with the five cattle in a cially of ail those to whom hi.s life We are pleased to see MiSs row constitutîng a herd entry, win- bas been a continuaI blessing wbol Blnce oubbein tecounter ning the first prize ticket? Here have walked more devoutly at aanafter two weeks' illness. was an impressive examiple of ideal conscientiously in the footsteps of again R Jmsha etre farm practise.. Persons diligently bis Master than the late -Rev. Wm. Rev E R Jaesba reuredenquiring for the cause of rural de- Farncomb, B .A., of Toronto, wbose; from bis bolidays and took bis ser- population and wby young men leave death occurred in that city Qn Tues- vices in St. George's Cburcb on Sun- tbe farmi might consult Mr. Fran k day, September 2lst. AlI wbo were day. Osborne wi-bh profit and learn why acquainted witb Rev. Wm. Farncomb Mr. Hugli Hunter, daugbter Hel- bis four sons are so enamnoured of know tbat bis was a life of noble en and son Billie bave been enjoying farm life that it would take a lot sacrifice in the interest of bis needy a holiday at bis mother's, Mrs. Win. to drive them away. Mr. Osborne fellownien and to the glory of bis Hunter. and sons have for some years now Lord and Savinur. How aptly Mr. and Mrs. Len Dudley and been building up a grand herd of migbt the words of the Lord be ap-I son Mac. Toronto, spent Sunday as Sbortborn cattle and wîth sucb suc- plied to Him over and over again, guests of bis parents, Major and Mrs cess that they again this year won "Inasmuch as ye have done it untoi H. W. Dudley. the herd first prize at Bovmanville one of the least of these my breth-I Mr. AIf. Graham entertained a Fair. The four sons who are ail ren, ye bave done it unto Me" ....' score of bis young gentlemen and keenly in-'erested in tbe Sborthorn "Corne, ye blessed of my Fatber,I lady friends at an enjoyable party on business, as well as in general farm- inherit the kingdom prepared for I Tuesday evening. ing, and ivho assisted their father You from the founidation of the at last Wednesday's fair are Russell, world: for\J was an hungered and ye Mr. Robt. Walton, Baritone, as Earl, Orville and Hubert. Mr. Os- gave me m eat: tbirsty and ye gave sisted the choir of the United Church borne while looking well after tbe me drink: a stranger, and ye took last Sunday evening and contributed present in every way bas always me in: naked and ye clothed me: I a beart appealing solo "«It was for planned well for the future and was sick, and ye visited me: I was, .Me". while increasing the value and num- in prison, and ye came unto me". St. George's Cburcb, Rev. E. R. bers of bis farm stock has been The late Win. Farncomb spent bis James, Rector. Sunday, Oct. 3rd: steadily addîng to the farm holdings. boyhood in Newcastle, being the eld- 10) a. m.-Sunday School; il a. ni. Witb tbe recen- purchase of the est son of Frederick and Jane Farn- -Holy Communion; 7 P. m.-Even- Tbos. Jackson farm bie and his sons comb. He received bis early educa-i Song. now own four farms between New- tion at the Newcastle Grammar Dr. Alfred and MXs. Farncornb castle and Bowmanville on the Third School and afterwards took a course wýere in Toronto last Tbursday at- Line of Clarke and the Second Line in a commercial college, Toronto, tendîng the funeral of the Doctor's of Darlington. A farm for every On the completion of bis course he brother, the late (Rev.) W. W. Farn- boy and a boy for every farm-hats returned to Newcastle and engaged comb. off to J. Frank Osborne and sons! as boQkkeeper of the Nei asl The Community Hall present Woolen Milîs. When the Milîs were tbe film "The Wanderer" f eaturing RALLY DAY SERVICE bieurne d Tnd the Co oed elsT ret,' Wallace Bury, on Friday and Sat-_____beetrdTity olgTrno, urday, October 1 and 2. Prices Sudy cboenussm nth co study for the ministry. Here bie and15e pat ona cherofierhsan puie graduated in Arts and took 1Hyly r- 25ecn 5.pr o eces ficr n ufl ders in 1880, and in thesame year MÀr. and Mrs. Wes. Glenney, Pon- ran to a high pitcb at the Rally Day received an appointment -as Assist- typool, were Sunday guests of Mr. service in the auditorium of the Un- ant Recter of Hol7 Trinity Church,J and Mrs. Ho.ward Glenney baving ited Cburch on Sunday morning. The Yonge St. His first mission was I corne out to bear W. W. Staples cburcb congregation sbowed its in- Bobcaygeon, being sent later te give bis Rally Day address. terest by attending in large nurn-1Craigburst and again to Fenelon St. George's Cburcb Choir wiîî p.ers and there were also many v.is- Falls wbere in subsequent years bie sing in Orono on Sunday, Oct. 1Otb, tors present. The floral committee and Mrs. Farncomb. sometimes witb bot monig ad eenng n cn-of whicb Mrs. Wm. Parnaîl and 'Mrs a few relatives, bave spent a brief bothmornng ad eenin in on-j. M. Cobbledick are the principals, summer vacation therctaeb nection with the Harvest Home Ser- had again excelled themselves in the telk.a bi otg y vices of St. Saviour's Cburch. designing and application of a Suit-th ae Mr. W. W. Staples and Lawyer able decoration schem-c. These lad- FrteIs 0yer ebsfle Bradford, Lindsay, wbo took dinner ies are notbing if not orig-inal in the important position of Chaplaîn witb Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Riekard their ideas of chur-cb floral decora- to the General Hospital, Toronto, and tea at the home of Mr. Howard tion. Neyer a Sunday passes holding divine service every Sunday Glenne\- enjoyed a very pleasant day without there are some flowers or mornin g and giving consolation to on Sunday. plants to brighten this bouse of God the sick, during the week. 'He was Mis Ad Brke, oroto wh ~and there is always variety. The of a most kind andi cheerful dis- ispndigapart of brotnigbt' i committee's tboughtfulness and godý position beloved by ail the staff of speninga prt f hr frtnghtS taste was verv evident on Sundav the hospital and by the thousantis vacation at Sunnyside with Mr. andi in the adorninent of tbe choir loit of patients witb wbom lie bas corne Mrs. J. R. Fisher. spent a few days inla r~'nt ibauunfo-~ contact. He truly gave bis life in Lindsay last week with bier sister, an . . reicswt atm lw for others anti wben be contracted, Mrs. Stanley. ers, «grain and foliage wbicb formed influenza wbile taking a service in an attractive setting for two good S ae ahda atEse ts Unitedi Cburcb, Rev. E. B. Cooke, sized artstie placards hand bord-StJae thdlls Etri o Pastor, Sunday, October 3rd. il ered îitb maple leaves witb the Iei- undermined bis bealtb that bis -worn a. m.-Morning Worship and Sac- tering Sunday Sebool on one and and fragile body was unable to throw rament of the Lord's Supper. 2:30 Rally Day on the other. off the germs of the disease; and bie p. m.-Sunday School. 7 p. m.- Js eoetesriecmecdwbo bati brougbt blessing and con- Eveninge heseviedayenedsolation te 50 many was summoneti Eeigservice. . the various S. S. clasecs. with their at the age of 72 into the peace and Mr. and Mrs. Woods, andi Dr. anti teachers fileti in from the S. S. rest and joy of his Lord. Mrs.. James Cotton, Toronto, with Rooms and occupied ..ea.ts in the Tefnrlsrie wi front of the cburch. Rev. E. B. Te unra srvce wc ews Mrs. Cotton's mother. Mrs. Long, Cooke, Pastor, anti Mr. Howard private was belti at bis latehoe who bas now closet iber cottage at the Glenney S. S. Superintendent, ac- 107 Hazelton Ave., Toronto, on lakefortheseaon, ereweeendcompanieti on the platform by Mr. Thursday, September 23, tbe remains guests of the Misses Breen, Pier- W W.. Staples of Lindisay, conjointîy being interreti in St. James Cerne- view. cnductedthe opening devotionalex tery. Mr. Norman Allun with f r fani- ercises. A choir of young people Deceaseti is surviveti by bis wid- eti Leicester sbeep anti Mr. indsay Of the scbool accompanied by the 0w, formerlv Miss Isabella Parker; of Roîyat Poultry Farm have been Young People's Stringed Orchestra one sister, Miss Dora Farncomb of taking in aIl tbe faîl fairs witbin witb Miss Beatrice Bragg at the Toronto, known te ail reatiers of the their reach anti carryieg off as us- piano, led in the singing of the scbool Farmer's Ativocate as well by the ual the big percentage of the top choruses and aIse rendereti two good pen bnaine of Hope; andti tree prizes. anthems. The Orchestra aIse pro- rThors. Rev. Frederick of Torontio,, vided additional music at the o pen-Dr hs of Trenton anti Dr. Alfred Mr. andi Mrs. J. Anderson Smith ing and closing of the service. Other of Newcastle. The late Rev. Can-j andi family, Mr. anti Mrs. W. H. features of the prograrn were added on John Farncomb, M. A., for several. Pearce and son Eric, motored te by the younger boys and girls and years Rector of St. George's Cburcb. Toronto te spenti the weekend and includeti a recitation by Evelyn AI- Newcastle, was a brother. RLev. caîl on Mr. John Hall who bas been lin, a group recital by four littîe Wmn. and Mrs. Fancornb batine ili for some time but wbose condition boys-Douglas Wight, Lloyd Han- chiltiren anti now in bier loneliness at present. we regret te learn, is rock, Joe Hockin and Elford Cobble- and sorrow tbe deepest sympatby of very grave. dick and the reciting of tbe Charitv frientis every-wbere is extended te Chapter 1 Cor. 13 by a group of the bere-aved wiio'w, as well as to St. George's Cburch choir bas girls, verse by verse in tomn. the sorrowieg brothers and sisters. been re-organizeti witb Mres. (Dr.) w .Sals A-.Sp.o'Deceaseti's life was a busy one witb FarncomW.as.organist a position she of.very few bolîdays but there was one basnom aesdor sveal yearpstonthe Cambridige St. United Cburcb S un- day bie liketi to commeniorate in a han d saifaon ofra eas the boe 0y day Scbool, Lindisay, gave a very special way and tbat was Dominion gregation. and Dr. R. L. Wright as fn drs hthliteclo-sest Day wbicb coincided witb bis birtb- leaer a psiionforwbch y nt-attention of the chiltiren anti adults dey. He was 13 years of age the orale apsitinftrinighe ises- as weIl, from bis cbeery salutation day the Dominion was borh and lhe pecially fitted. The choir unde>- Dr.wat thef beiile hist clsngssalways endeavoreti wben possible tol Wrigbt's direction is now training wrso h iieCrsinbsn' celel;rate the two events at Eborf fora msicl rogarninconectonman 'bat lie is. . Staples an-e House witb bis brother, Dr. Aifre di fitb amst. a GeorappinrobeHar- noueced as bis text the well knowe Farncomb and Mrs. Farncomb, and vet Ht osrvie's apoa. ng words of advice, Hitcb your wagon bere bie spent one happy day for1 ve2stHomeservies .te a Star, and before« proceeding manv a year reveîling in the memor-1 As a resuIt of an automobile col- wvitb the exposition cf it, thorougbîy ies anti scenes of bis youtb. lision, in whicb tbree cars figureti on impi'Ossed upon his youtbful bea rers ______ tbe provincial bigbway at Mr. W. the wo.rding anti reaning cf bis J. S. Rickamd's corner on the even- text. It is net founti in the bible in Mrs. Wrn. Hepburn. Ketiron, visit- ing of Bowrnvîlle Fair day, Mr. these exact wortis but tbe underly- ed ber sister. Miss Nettie Ormiston Allan Brown of the Lake Shore' ing tbcught is th4ere in a buncîreti and attenet Bowmanville Fair on Clarke, hati is car batily dainaged, Places-. Mr.Stapl-es bas. drunk dicep 1Wetinestiay. Tes Pots................ 75c Disb Pans................78e Mixing Bowls............ 78e Water Pitchers........... 85c Coffee Pots.............. 90e Double Boliers......... $1.14 Tes Kettles............ $1.38 WHITE GRANITEWARE Pudding Dishes........... 25c Oblong Trays............ 90c Wash Basins............. 43c Potato Pots............ $1.08 Sink Strainers............ 50c Water Pails............ $1.25 Oblong Roast Pans....... 75c Cereal Cookers........ $1.29 Large Sauce Pans....... 84c Copper Boiler $2.90 Shop Early Saturday Pony Votes Given With Every 25c Purchase Dust an's Cash Hardware PHONE 74 BOWMAN VILLE IIf You Want Clothing 11 HERE IS THE PLACE FOR YOU TO COME Men's Suits and Overcoats ....$15.00 to Boys' Suits and Overcoats ....$ 6.75 to Men's and Boys' Caps ........... . .75e to $3 $1 Men's New Fali Hats $ ........$ 2.00 to $ Men's Work Pants .............$ 1.75 to $ Men's Work Shirts .............$ 1.00 to $ 35.00 12.50 2.50 5.00 2.50 1.50 My Prices Are Lowest In Town S. G. CHARTRAN 1 door west of Bell Telephone Phone 26 Bowmanville FALL IS HERE BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME WITH NEW FURNITURE We are well stocked with the latest and best in Furniture. We believe we have just what you rquire and- prices are very low right now. Beds, Mattresses and Spr'ings are splendid value right now, as articles are well made and prices very Iow. We have a large display of Dressers in Wal- nut and Walnut finish and ail are low priced. Chi ldren's Fuî'niture, Doîl Carrnages, Rock- ers, Velocipedes, Wagons, Kiddie Kars, Toy Sets, Etc., well made, durable and low l)iced. Just what your child wants.0 F. F. Morris Co. Furniture and Home Furnishings Phone 10 Bowmanville Stores-Orono and Newcastle Graniteware Sale We have recently purchased a consignment of slighitly imperfect Graniteware which we are p)utting on Sale Saturday at the followîng EXTREMELY LOW PRICES GREY GRANITEWARE Pudding Dishes......... 17e Daisy Ketties............ 63e Fruit Jar Fillers. ....... 19c Potato Pots.............. 89e Tea Steepers........... 25e Round Roasters.......... 98c Dippers................. 25c Oblong Roasters........ $1.17 Milk Pitchers............ 30c Combination Sauce Pans Sauce Pans.............. 35c $1.20 pr. BLUE GRANITEWARE r4 IL PAGE EIGIIT Basting Spoons........... 13e Latiles...................18e No. 9 Pie Plate........... 20e Sauce Pans.............. 35e Wash Basins............. 40c Sauce Pans.............. 45c Preserving Kettles .......58e

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