Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jun 1926, p. 7

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THE CA$ïADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUR.SDAY, ýTUE 1lti., 1926. Nelles sella groceries for lésu. Public Sehool téachers cf Cobourg, keld their annual picnic at Presq'Ile Point on King's birtbday. W. Ernest Payne, K. C., soc cf Mir. W. L. Payne, K. C., and Mrs. Payne of Coborne, is the Conser- vative candidate in Redi Deer, Al- berta, for the provincial elections. MT. and Mis. Gea. Hart, oshaws, have Voue on a trip ta London, Eng- land. They will return samétimé in Auguat. Mr. M. H. Winter, who has been repressentative cf the departinent of agriculture at Rénlrew for the past twelve yéare, bas bee ntransferréd ta Lindsay. Without Shouting We would like to tell you that our large and ever increasing list of satisfied customers are de- lighted with the appetizing assortment of Fresh, Cooked and Cured Meats we always have for sale. If you are not a customer of our store it will be well worth your while to give us a few orders and you will be convinced that it is worth your while to deal here regularly. G, A. Edmondstone Phone 21 Bowmanville SPLENDID OFFRINOSf IDAKING REQLJUM BSWNDRU AYDOGS FLOUR pi« 24 Do.Rag 97ci IBra'd BAMJG POWDU 1 9mj NçomAunaRe* .% COCOANUT 231b SEEDLESS RAISINS là oz.c TEAS ame MW Specwaty Alwaya urifoin RticUEILo 79le. sELECT 73L. D.S.L nu"631k Ffibs»Om& LEMONS 23D= T.y Pan 14lima. BuNTER23e SHORTENING PaC49 CLARK'S STERLING CHUi rsQGAim SARDINE BEANS m«Mt dCORN mKzdà 2,.25c 1W2902,m~25c,2,.25 CHRISIEISSILVER BAR CRUSHE IVANILLA 2 cPINEAPPLE 1 WAFERS3iaFb. 1 N. 1TN 19 T«e Prie«. in. .Wct for orne we&f rom "dof tef la per e12@-C FOOTBALL Sofia& 3-Bwmanvulle 2 A league ga.me was played at So-1 lina Saturday the K. O. being at 7 p. m. under good climatic conditions and quite a nurnber of people were in attendance. Solina won the toss and decided to kick with the Sun inl their favour. The game started very fast, So- lina pressing well an.d scoring withir the flrst ten minutes, by a well placed shot from Pas-coe, the bal sliding up Ptter and beating him easily. The home team took most of the first haîf. Bowmanville, how- ever, on one occasion pres.sed the home team's goal, when Harding nearly succeeded in scoring the bal just missing the upright. Solina wasl undoubtedly the lette r team the first' hal£. The second haif started very tame. but Pascoe livened ii *p by scoring for Solina. This was shortly followed by BowmanviUle scoring for the first time. Solina soon &dded another goal, by a fine shot from Pascoe ,followed by a rush on the Bowmanville goaliceeper by thé So- lina forwards toward the close of the game. Bowianville surceeeded in sooring again after same pressing by a well delivered shot from the boot of Harding, which shortly s.fterwards brought a very interesting gamne to a close. Bowmanville-Goal-Potter; Ba.cks ~Cowley, Lob (Capt) ; HaLf Backs -Williams, Harding, Cole; Forwards -Foster, Faulkner, King, Brown, Hall. Solina-G'aal--Gibk; Bac ks-Rc y. nolds, Blanchard; Ha£ Baks-J. Reynolds, Wilbur, Vice; Forwards- Vice (Capt.>, Tink, Bush, Dewell, Pascoe. Rev. Dr. Jas. T. Daley, Inspector of the Counties Children's Aid So- ciety, in one year alane collected the su.m of $5,200, under the Act, which provides for the children of unmar- ried parents. These figures are for Northumnberland and Durham. Hale and Hearty at Seventy-Eight Years of Age To live teo be seventy-eight years of age and enjoying good health is the proud b>oast of Mr. S. B. Ripley, highly respected gentleman residing at 849 Church St., Windsor. Mr. Ripley formerly conducted a grocery and provision business at Thames- ville, Ont., and his many friends wiUl be glad ta know that he is hale and hearty. "H.>wever", stated Mr. Ripley, "for a long time I suffered with constipation and stomach and kidney -trouble. I was very restless at night and had sevére pains ie. the small of my back. Many medicines would net afford me any relief. At last, seeing and hearinfg of thel prompt relief soenany people were securing from the new remedy HERBI JUICE, I decided to try it. The quick resuits were simtply aston- ishing. New, alter taking HERB JUICE only a short time aIl my troubles -have disappeared. 1 eat well, sleep splendidly and feel spry ahl thé time. HERB JlUICE is a rémark- able mediciné for troubles like I ha4". For sale by Jury & Loyell, Ltd., Bowmannvulle, and other druggi&ts., Price $1.00. A Remcuorkably L.ow Price EUR I-ly Apd' ts / As. a4, mode possble b. m. mde fremendous produchon wP Price is no barrier to your owning a Marshall Sprlng Mattress. This superb, new comfort mattress has chang- cd the sleeping habits of generations. Yet it costs less per year to own than the ordinary stuffed mattress. The many hundreds of highly resilient springs in the Marshall Spring Mattress give even, gentie support to the entire contour of the body. Natural even body sup- port ensures complete rnuscular rela.xation, an essential requisite to true healthful sleep. Feel full of renewed vigor and vitality by sleeping on a Marshall Spring Mattress. The M attress which assures complete muscu- lar relfaxation, the one essential ta perfect body-building sleep. The cost is within reach of ail. 2-Bach 8p'mstta.ncased in Con Q#m»D rt ,mtug /re mfownwi* iU ,howidtnl'ng or making a noue. 3ý-The ipnnge in Caono. pockcs at n.sed togedi.r t'.rmiusn4 U84 of rwror. ng4s eim.nai nt daner of spinis 4-,Santta.'y Botu Kna<-DuMt- 5- VnlatossnIer alucwy jresh. cdéan and san.fary. The.AMarshaLi -tpeial- Mat- tres, àpadded wah Ail. grad.e cwton fait, Qand ts cord ,é,t r ood durable tickini wh tu andl#s on dc d sdanid end. Serid for our fret bookiet. l-'erject Slep MARSH-ALL VENTILATErD MATRESS oe). LIMITED. TORONBP, ONTARIO 182 TRADE ~MARK Sprin eÇM ttiresai $730$ o $ IE ER u s p P ________ OBITUARY Wilbur C. Henry On Manday, May 31, at Toronto Geneal osptal, Wilbur C. Hen.ry, laté of Newmarket, passed away. Mr Henry was born in Clarkce 'ownship in 1882, spent several vears in Brantford and in Péterboro as man- ager and assistant manager cf the Singer Sewing Machine Company., Three years ago he wen:te f oronto, owing te ill-héalth and then engaged for a short tinté in work st New- market. Hé was an Orangemnan, a membér of the Park Street United Church. He is survived by twr, smali childréc. Thé intermént took place at Orono. William Ridge, Pantypool The death of William Ridge which teck place on Thursday, May 20th., 1926, followieg a short ilîness, re- nuoves a very highly réspected resi- dent cf Milbrook. He was bore in Clarke Township 79 years ago, and is a son cf the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ridge who came train Yorkshire, Englaed, on their honeymo.on trip, sailing véssels being then thé only meane of crossing thé océan, they weré .many wéeks on the water. Théy séttled in Clarke Township but shortly removed te Manvers and set- tled néar Pontypool. Mr. Ridge was a lIard worker and with his farming duties conduoted ehingles and saw mills. The land owned by hint wa.s over 600 acres. Thé cemetéry lot at Pontypool and thé land upen wbich thé first Meth- odiet ehurch there was built, were docated by Mr. Ridge, Sr. Their homte was slways open ta their friends and many enjayéd their hos- pitality. Thé subject of this sketch was one ai ight childréc, flue sens and thrée dsughters; those surviving are: George cf Lotus; Hiraim et Win- nipeg; Thos. of Chagrin FaIls, Ohio; and Mrs. G. Carn of Winnipeg; thoso who predéceased hlm were: Mns. Ssyles cof Milbrook, Mrs. S. Cain ai Toronto and Richard. Mr. Ridge was twice married, his first wif e being Elizabeth Thasenpson whom he msrried fifty-ifive years ago, Rev. Mr. McKecf Fraserville, per- forming thé ceremony. To their union three sons were bore, two cf whomn survive their tather, Théy are Jo>hn cf Sarnia and Wibert of Oshawa; Joseph died 25 yes age. Hie second wife, Mary Tbo«epson, formerly ai Manvere, survives ber huaband. Déceased was a mesnber of thé Methodist Church and wss a Libéral. Hé wass ceest in al bis dealings and hie word was as gaod as bis 'bond. Thé funersi on May 22, to Pontypo.el Cemetery was very lsrgely attendéd. Revs. F. H. Howard and Jos. Wîlks conductel thé services. Pall béarers wére six nephéws: Messrs. Walter and Fred Thompson cf Bethaey; Jas. and Thos. Ridge et Toronto; G. W. Sayles of Milhrook; and Harold Thorpson of Manvers. The floral offerings weré mscy and béautiful. Albert E. Gooda, Bowmanville c News of thé sudden passing of Mr. Albert Ernest Good4on Tuésday, June 1, came as a shock ta hie many friécds in town and country. t Hé was bore in Bowicanvilé 58t years age, being thé yeungest soné cf thé late William and Jane Hey- i hall Goodé wbo cane te Canadaa front Newbidge, Isle aif Wight, anda wbo lived je this town for soe years, previeus te moving te thé homéstéad faimn on Lakeshore, Dar- lington. Mr. Geode was fond of music and2 posessing a good ténor voicé was quite popuhar in quartét singing as-« sistîng et Base Une and Maple qogve ichsynunger years. Héwus ec- retary-Treasurer ci S. S. No. 3, Dar- ling'ton, and f«r soe years was roadnuastér ie thé section wheré b. livéd. Since meving te town hé bas lookéd aitér bis garden and on thé day of his death had been te Port Bewznanvilé assisting in somm repaîri work st one cf te cottages. Not1 feeling very wpll hé came homne at 3 p. m., gat a hot drink and st around thé bouse fer a t!tméý Latér hé was seizéd witb an acuté pain inj hie uhet, and suxnmonéd médical aid hé went to béd and rerfnedies weré appliéd and though seningly sa lit- thé better shortly after six o check when Miss Goodé returned fr«nie downstairs found hé bsd passéd away. Thé funeral teck placé T.hureday i ntérnoon fraie hie résidence on1 Browe Street, many f romu South Dar-1 licgton attending who réspectéd and honered hlm as a good neigh>or a'd friénd. Rev. J. U. Robins, Pastor ai Tricity Uiited Churc.h, of which décéased was a mendier, cenductéd thé service asisted by Rev. W. A. Bunnér. Thé pall-bearers weré Messrs. Wesley R. AllUn, D. W .Downey, W. H. Woods, A. E. Belhinac, Gordon VanCamp and Blake Short. Of a tamily of éîght, thrée sisters and titrée brothérs have passéd te thé Great Béy'and, Mies Clara Geede and Miss Edith Goade bei.ng théeely remaining miembérs bésides one Cep- how and cne niecé, Walter an.d Helen Dorotby Goodé. Thé. floral offérnegs were véry prétty expressing sympaltby ai the friénda fýor ltéebereavéd. Antong thosé présent frein a dis- tancé were: Mr. Resalé Hey3flhand Mrs. Alian Diébi, Toronto, and Mrs. Robt. Murray, Detrait. CARD 0F THANKS Miss Cars and Edith Goocdé dé- sire te tbaek their many fried for thé kicdneéssand sympathy exténd- éd ta them duricg their sudden ber- eavemetand for thé beautiful floral off erings. Nellés sella greceries for léss. Men'a Sprlng Coate and New Suits are pnceod ta prejudicé you le their favor. Ses tb.m thîs week at Ccuch, Jobsuton & Cr7derman'a. MANY MEN WANTED te earn garage werki and Barberint. W. are attértng .pegli harrangements hi whlch yau oau eara sogté maney by work furnished whlle sttendint aur acheel. Hemphihh Trade Ocoels Ltd.. 148 King et. w., Toronte. Cau or wrtte for par- ticuhar& OBITUARY J. R. Dewol, Orillia Thé déath occuréd on Sunday, May 30, at Orilca, of a well-known and réspeictéd résident in thé person -of J. R. Deweh. Mr. Déwel was in bis 84th yésr, and was a native cf thé Township of Darington. He has residéd in Orillia for the past eléven yéars, movicg hère tramt Dalton Township, wheré he tarmed 34 years. Mr. Dé'wél had been cocllnéd ta his home sinice last July. Hé is sur- vivéd by his wifé Bnd twa, sons, John H. Dewél of Feneion, and Thonmas W .Dewel of the township ai Dal- ton. Hé la also survivéd by twa brothens, Thaias Dewel of the Township cf Fenelon, and Jereuniah Dewél ot Pecetangui.ehene. Thé lste Mr. Dewéh was a stauech Baptiat. Thé funéral took placé on Tués- day to St. Alidrew's Cemetery, Rev. P. C. Cameron, offiiating. Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER 0F théesF-tate et ANN MARTIN, ate et thé township et Darlingten. le thé County et Dur- ham, spineter. deceaeed. NOTICE le héreby givén pursuant te Sec. 56 ef Chap. 121, R. S. O,, 1914, and Amedmente théreto. that ahi persona having dlaims or demands againet thé estate et thé said Âne Martin, dé- céaséd, who died on er about thé fourteenth day of May, 1926, are requlréd te send by post pré- paid or déliver te W. Rose Striké, Solici- ter for thé exécuter et thé will et said déceased, on or before thé itteénth day et Juné. 1926. théir Christian and sur- camés and addreeé with full particu- lare ie writing et théir chalmes, and statéinént ef their acceunts and thé nature of thé securitUés (if any) held by thém duly verifiéd by etatutory dé- claration. AND TAItE NOTICE that afttr thé said lSth day ot lune. 1926, thé executer wihl prccéed to distributé thé assete et thé naid decesaéd among thé parties éntiUéed thereto baving regard enhy ro thé dlaims et whlch ho ehal thén havé notice. and 'thé said exécuter wIhh net bé iable for said soae, or any part théréof, te any péreen or persons cf whoeéchaim notice shah net havé been recéivéd by his said Seicitor at thé tinte ef such distribution. DATED May 29th., 1926. W. ROSS STRIKE. BownianvlUê.Ont. 22-2 Solicitor for Exécuter. Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER 0F thé Estatéeto JOHN PÂYNTER FPOLLEY, late cf the tewn cf Bowmanvlille. in the County of Durham, gentleman, deceas- ed. NOTICE le hereby given pursuant te Sec. 56 of Chap. 121, R. S. O., 1914, and amendmente thereto. that ail perdons having dlaim.i or demande agaînet the estate of the sald John Paynter Foliéy. deceaesed, who .died on or &bout the third day et February, 1915. are required te eend by post, prepaid. or deliver te W. Rosa Strike, Soliter fer the Adminie- trater of the eaid éstate. on or beforé the tlfteenth day of June, 1926. their Christian and surnames and addresses with full particulare In writing of their dlaims, and etatemént et their accounts and the nature et the securitiée (if anyl held by them, duly verifiéd by statutery declaratlon. AND TÂKE NOTICE that aftr the eaid ISth day of June, 1926. thé said Ad- mînîstrator wiii proeéed te dietrubuté the assete of the eaid deceased among the parties entitled thereto. having re- gard eniy te the claime of which he ebaîl then have notice, and the said Adminietrater wll net be liable for said assets, or any part thereot. te any per- son or persena et whoee daim notice shall net have béen received t.y hie said Soliciter at the tizue et such distribution. DATED May 29th., 1926. W. ROSS STRIKE. BewmnanvIlle. Ont. 22-2 Soliciter for the Adminietrator. Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER 0F thé Estatéeto TIMOTHY LA.RIIN. late et the tewn et Bowmanville, ln the Ceunty et Dur- ham, labourer, déceased. NOTICE la héreby given pursuant te Sec. 56 et Chap. 121, R. 3. O., 1914, and améndmeete thereto. that aU persona having dlaims or demandea against the éstatéeto the eaid Timothy Larkin. de- ceased. who died on er about the l9th day ot Septembér. 1920. are required te sénd hy peet, prépaid, er deliier te W. Rose Strike, Solicitor for thé exécu- ter ef the wilh ef eaid decéased, en or betore the fitteenth day et June. 1926, their Christian and surnaméesand ad- dresses with foul particuhare In writing et their dlaimst, and statemént ef théir acceunts and te nature et the recuri- tiess(if any) held by them duly verlfied by etatutory deciaration. AND TAKE NOTICE that aftr the said 15th day ef Jone. 1926, thé said ecuter wilh preceed te dietribute the assets et the said deceaséd ameng the partie@ eni.itléd thereto having regard ellly to the dlaims et which he shalh then bavq notice. and thée aid exécuter will flot be lhablé fer said amets, or any 11xallt thereof, to any pereon or persona of whosee daim notice ehall nfot have been recéived hy hie said *Solicitor at thé time et such distribution. DATED May 29th., 1926. w. ROSS STRIKE. Bowmanville, Ont.i 22-2 Sehiciter fer the Eélter. Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER 0F the Estte or ALFRED MANN et the telwn et Bew- manville, ln thé County et Durham, gentleman, deceased. NOTICE ia herebY given pursuant te Sec. 56 ef Chap. 121, R. S. O., that ail persoa having chainis or demande against thé estate ef the said Alfred Mann, déceased, whe died on or about thé eighteénth day etflMay, 1926. are required te send by pont, prepaid or delivér te thé undereignéd executor and trustes Thé Trusts and Guarantée Comn- pany, Limitéd, Torento, or te thé un- dersignéd Mre. Edith V. Scobéli.Its agent, on or betoe the tiret day et July, 1926, their Christian and surnames and addréses with full particuhars in writing et théir clainis, and statemént et théir accounts and thé nature et thé securitiés (If any) held by them duly vérifléd by statutory déclaration. AND TAXE NOTICE that atter thé eaid tiret day etf.Tuiy. . 1926, thé said exécuter and trustee wili proeed te dis- tributé thé asséts of thée ald deceaeéd 1aineng thé parties éntitied theréte hav- ing regard only ta thc mlaime ef which It ehali then have netice, and thée aid exe- cuter and trustée wIli net be hiablé for saiti asete. er any part thereot, te any persan or persona et whosé dlaim notice shah net havé beén recéived by It or !te sald Agent at thé tume et such distribu- tion. DATED May 313t., 1926. THE TRUSTS & QUARANTEE CO., LIMITED, 120 Bay St., Tarante. MRS. RDITH V. SCOBELL, Bowmanvihe. Agent fer thé raid Exsout- or and Trustas. 22-3 Unvaryrng Quality DOIcT ADaf TEA That la why people. maist on Sulmdm. You«re bi$rbe Of yJOUR aid sparatorwh"c yen think i. sk;mming dema zay actuafy be waating a pimt af crease a day-$l.40 a week led thez.calvesbecause yen huve navar tk-nthe tam. ta find «at Loi a Melotte Sepaator wil mve yen dii. tremendaus w*ste. We hmw o mach casme very day houa farmnwsin evewy section of Canada who dzeught they wr ademing the fun cream content una t6ey bought their Meotte. Oay twglad wurthyto dS- c«due. lmai Now they arm settzag e- - butter fatevy snilk of aitiair Lard. And yen can di.cover tdii.an mnvng. justt sday leaed of it. SSda without obligtien. for a booklet describing the original Medotte Separator snd its ne- chanical conatuctuan which for over forty yemr bas made it the naa effeicieut sepapter through- ont i. wom4. Th. Meotte in dzq ouly separatur diat has the mupended bowl. always in bel- anoe. square cut genre that hast a ifetizn.-how easy it in ta wasb -howw frecly at turne--vu espic retates it for twenty-five minute. Thmee ame addional facts diat yen as a fariner or dairyman ahould kaw if you vwish ta malte tb. most ont of your béai. So finlout the cou- p-n this very Mnsntewjlâeit's fremh an your nzn.Just your na.neand sal- rires-bringa fulh infa rmiatiena about theoriganr. al Meotte Se-amtr. a3b coach ,Culwin Priceur At the lowest price in Chevrolet hWa tory this handsome, rugged coach gives you every quality feature essentiel to modem motoring satisfaction. In the Chevrolet Coach you get a beautiful Fisher Body closed car,,fià- ished in beautiful colors of lasting Duco and off ering such quality features m 3-speed transmission, balloon tires, Alemite lubrication, ohi and water pumps, and Remy electric startig, lighting and ignition!, Core ne 1 Learn how fittie it now coits to own and drive a quality cloaed car of modemn design. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD., 99 Simcoe South, Oshawa W. E. Daîci, ph... 34 Ri"g 1 Oromo G AILIT AT LOW COST PAGE OUVEN ..... T o . ....... Local Representative: THERON S. MOUNTJOY Phone 32OR23 R. . 61 Bowinanffle, Ont. L i-- T 1

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