At a mea ily.1 eM C 0 inco everý ated The is a perft Iayq j. an: you4 Sup lamn sturc muent type. Ask abom Elect book A1 PDSHOSPIIODN. The Grecat Fnglish Preparatmn. STories aed nigcrates the whoie nervous sytem. makes new Blood onj old Vcrne. Used for Nervous l>Iebist3,. Mental and Brain Worry. Despondancy, Los.s o!f nerrv, Palpitation of th Heart, Failin.t Memo'-y. Price 52 Pcbox.3c' for $5.9 Sold by ait druggisis. or mailed in plain p&g. on receip t price. New'panmphWt mailed 1 rg.TUE WOO MEDICINE COJTORONTOONT. "Stay on the iarm", is the advicc ni Hoci. John S. Maitir., Ontario Min- ister ai Agriculture, to the voung farmers of thi, province. "Thete are j4as great cppcrtunuies on thef fanmaa, ici the c:ty, and ini the n- jority ai ca.-es a young mani will! reach a zocner". THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, B-OWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE l0th., 1926. __ qmaý ORONO0 (From The News of June 3rd) O - Mr. WilI H. Cobbledick, 6th 'ine, basq been il]. Mr. JamesQ Maguire lest a horse irom paralysis. Mrs. Chas. Mowa.t bas been with L J ber mother, Mrs. Richards, for a szhort turne. Mrs. (Dr.) J. P. Ross and daughter Eleanor, Sudbury, are visiting her sister, Mrs. H. Junker. C-24 Congratulations to Mr. Andrew A. Somerville on successfully passing bis second year in Dentistry at Tor- onto. '<loy Of Mr. and Mrs.. F. W. Tamblyn at- CC001&tended the Ordination services at Kingston last week of Rev. John~ frIcC okI~, Wîlkinsor.. Et ric wihintheParnga corn is both toiyan âlb of every farn- use Holloway's Cern Reniaver and Intheconstruct- eradicate theni entirely. of this new range Mr. Ollie Cooper who has been ry known con- engaged in the barber business at ience for Electric Oshawa the past year, bas 1bought Dking hs beenou t the F. C. Duncan barber shop. îking hs been iss Dorothy Thornton ai Leland, Drporated and El., a daughter of the laie Dr.. Thern- ry fault elimin- ton, an aid Kirby boy, is visiting ber . uncle, Mr. C. J. Thornton and other narne Finday iriends. guarantee of a Complete in itseif. Mother Graves' 'ect ange.Find-Worm Exterminator does not require ~ct ang. Fnd-the assistance of an.y other medicinel ualityand finish ta make it effective. It does not 2 extra for which fail to do its work. do flot pay. Congratulations ta Miss Mary >plied with Knox and Mr. R. H. Armstrong, who tty open pcrce- successlully passed their finals in ielernents or Arts at the University ai Toronto dy ion-lad le.received tbe degree ai B. A. 1Y irn-cla cie-Orono Crearnery Ca. have added te of the lateot ta their up-to-date equipmnent an- t. ather new modern pasteurizer. The your dealer cenipany have also put an anrther ut the Findlay new truck on their creani routes. trcor vWrite for Mrs. Thomnas Vinson who at onel rw. tinte carried on a millinery business in this town, is sufering irom. heart '-o-*h a, i trouble at her home in Toronto. Her XLÂY BRO& .; sister, Mrs. T. Somerville. bas been Uuuâb.dwith ber. 06M phboe, 09.L Miss Knott, daughter ai Mr. Herb. 1T. Knott of Victoria,B . C., re- 26 cently called on a iew aid ionda of the famuly. Miss Knott is at- tending the Conservatory ai Muisc, El icToronto. Rev. and Mrs. S. T. Tucker bave returned home frein Kingston where ina Bowma.uville by enewee they met former parisb. E COMPAN4Y Belleville districts. as' Eclectric Ohl needs no testinon- takin 1000 needs no guarantee. This Alhows why tis Oil 18 if general use.1 )o TA LETS Mr. W. E. Davey and iaanily who I he accupied the C. R. Carveh E>' ae i.amiessresidence since the fire whiich de Shurfleff , of Conticook, MY8 troyed his berne, are moving into the etaken 1IWO Zutoo Tableti. up-stair residence, formerly occupiedi seyremnd withi2l by the late George Canlin. he 1 or years ago for Mr. H. C. Aobb, M.P.S., B.Sc., [h I have taken ex-ar si=&. chemist, Mrs. Robb and son Derick, lets aharmieandeffi arrived ironi London, England, this Il kind.s of hendache.,$ week, and with their daughter, Miss r box-at aJI deaJ«& Chrissie Robb, wil 'ccupy Lhe late John Dickson bouse, Trickey's Corn- ers. The Friend oi AIl Sufferers.-Dr. I RicketS9Thomas' Eclectric Oil is a valuablel reniedy toalal those wba sufer pain.I It holds out hope ta everyone and SCOT S ýi realizes it by stillir.g sufferirig every- *1where. It is a liniment that has the bles5ing oi ball a continenw. It i.on sale everywhere and caa ho iound wherever enquired for. Rev. Joseph John Rae, D. D., Joe) brother (,f the pastar preached' the sermons, possibly the very finest hadfor many-moons ini Park St.1 MOTI'IH Church, M a y30th. Bath were1 RIiUT D were vid and impressi-ve and hl DAUCHTER these sermons were out ai the ardin- __ary they, carried ahiod truths ina y new setting which is the highest aim. IS W ELL oai the modern preacher. They wr deeply spiritual. The aId peoplel heard bum gladly. There came out eTes R.w Lydia L ta hear hlm ail "the regians rouni v gew about Jordan", ircni Oshawa and ail, qpoints betweer..1 Bd Her Damwees 1-naUl infantile complaints that arel! Beauh the result af the depredatians afil ___________worms ini the stomach and intestine.s1 Dntu&-,My màater Miller'.i Worm Powdcrs will be found' ,àbMbema nn'idever an effective remedy. They attack uce uihe washe cause of these troubles., and by. menthe old è xpelling the worms front the argaisi ha. been com- insure an order'y working f thé zy-j Spelkd to reai stem, %vithout which the child canniot e. ut ai achool the maintain its strength or thrive. Thesel gr.e.ter part ai powders cc-an health and improve-1 the time. We bave men*.. tried di ff erent, His lecture on M.%ocday abou<ý jtffl you can have a houa diaXte white and aray White whien yu.u uac Z4no-O- lith, tbs new kind of pint ClMe better,, p>.a farthee and coq"ale"a.. prU $1.25 QT. $4.50 GAL. ' GEO. PRITCHARD Bowmanville et- Gettmng Skinnîer Every Day Something Must Be Don. and Donc Right Now- Quick Hollews in Che.ks and Neck Grow- ing Deeper Every W.ek Tens ai thousanda oi thîn, run- down men-yes, and women too- are getting discouraged-are giving up ail hope of ever being able to take on fiesh and look healthy and strong. Ail such people can stop worrying and start ta asmile and enjoy lMe right now for McCey's Ced Liver Extract Tablets which any druggist will tel you ail about are putting fiesh on hasts ai skinny folk& every day. One woman, tired, weak and dia couraged, gained 15 paunda in fIve weeks and now feels fine. We ail know that the livers of Cod Fisb are ful of vitalizing flesh producing vitamines and these saine vitamines ai the higbest dais are found in McCoy's Cod Liver Extraet Tableta-sugar coated and as easy ta take as candy. And this shows what faith the makers bave in McCoy's for they say; if any thin person don't gain at least 5 pounda in 30 day. your druggist la authorized ta give you yaur money back-and only 60 cents for 60 tablets. Ask znv lige pharmaciat anywhere in North or South America. But be sure to get McCoy's, thbe original and genuine. 5 Good Prices FOR POULTRY I arn prepared to buy any quanntity at good prices, and if you have fat hiens will give extra good price. Phone 81, Whitby, and reverse charges ,or drop a card and I will eall. 1. STEIN, wbitby For Sale RICI After ZUTO Says thq Âfter~~1 ZUTOO, whl. I find the tabi rexnedy for ai ,85 Ceufta Pei TRIS1 Torantoý, in 16 nowaD when 1 was helped me ai might help hg gained ever It. She atter andi goes ska of-door spor medicine ta and nervousà 106 Bond Sti Lydia E. Compound lE for young wî For salie byi Cook'a Reg HORSE ROUTES Pure-Bred lImported Clydeedale Stallion KING'S COURTSHIP [14115] <14722) In dark brown, stripe. spot on under jaw, legs white, foaled May 7, 19o6. Bred by W. M. Menzies, Wlgtonshlre, Scot- land. Imparted october 1912 by 1. L. Marton, Blnbrook, Ont. ROUTE WiII miake the season of 1926 as followe: Monday, May 24, will leave hie own stable, lot 17, con. 6, lkirlington, and proceed ta Arthur Welch's, lot , con. 4. for naon. thence to W. E. Gilbank's, Kingston Road, E, lot 2, con. 1, for night. Tuesday, proceed to Fred Hocken's, lot 22, con. 2, Darlington. for naonj thence to John Shortsa, lot 27, con 3, for nlght. Wednesday procedi to John Uergo' lot 4, con. 4. East Whltby, flooi.thnc to Walter Groat's, lot 17, con. b, a.t Whitby. Thuraday, proceed to E. Parker's, lot 1, con. 5, East Whitby, noon; thence ta Russell Ormnistonle, lot 27, con. 8, Dar- lington, night. Then ta hie own stable until Monday Torning. 1Enrolmnent No. 319. Reglstered in Can- adkmu Clydeadale Stud Bock as No. 14115. APPraved Form 1, Inspected on Noveniber 1, 1924. .TERMS-$15.00 payable Feb. 1, 1927, HORATIUS MILLS, Proprietor. 20-50 Tyrorie. Why shouldn't they buy from you? .Make up your ntind to secure Týhe trade of the Suniner cot- tages near town, this year. Think of ail the things they wl be buy- ing! W~hy shouldn't they bu,,, them fro:i-, you? In t'le city they are used to ordering goods by tele- plDne. Cal] themi, even usirig Long Distance where necessary and tell them whatye can do for them. Renmind them that for week-end par- ties you can give them prompt delivery. When they see how easy it is to order from you by telephone they wifl likely prove good cus- tom ers ail Summewr. NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL Standing ai pupils ai the Senior Rooni, naines in order ai menit: Sr. IV-Go-. Gaines 78, Roy Janes 76, Helen Lycett 70, Audrey Mc- Guire 68, Charlie Parnell 67, Mur- ray ButIer 65, Evelyn Riekard 63, Dumreath Dudley 62, Ruby Cowan 59, Douglas Wright 58, La.wrence Gaines 55, Alfred Garrod 56 ai. Jr. IV-Marion Rinch 49, Betty Garrod 44, Albert Pearce 4S ai, Ruby Nickolas 39 ai, Fred Thonmas 34 a3, George Walton 30 a3. Sr. HI-Verna 'Neill 84, Fred Cowan 74, Jéssie VanDusen 71, 01- ga Passkaryk 67, Ruby Shaw 66, Bet- ty Lake 53, John Rickard 52, Ruby Pillswortb 51, Violet Henning 50, Don McEachern 48, Garnet Caswell 44, David Grav 44, VeIna Brown 43, Fred Coucb 30 al, Victar Lack-waod Iabsent, Willie McEacbern absent, Ai an Spencer absent. A-absent; 1, 2, 3 No. ai examin-a- tians absent. Thot. A. Rodger, Principal Intermediate Room Test Exants. fer May in Arithnre- tic, Memory Work, Literature, Read- ing, Composition: Jr. III-Blly Toms 81, Edwin Hancock 78, Helena Hayes 78, George Buckley 74, Adair Hancock 74, Irene Breretan 74, Tom Spencer 73, Gardon Garrod 73, Mary Brere- ton 69, Aida Pil]sworth 69,- Jainie Wright 63, Lewis Clark 62, Milton Brown 58, Florence Spencer 56. Sr. II-Jessie Geddes 85, Jean Rickard 78, Hubert Anderson 75, Marie Henning 73, Alecia Williams 73, Betty Kinnear 73, Margaret Toma 68, Gwen Williamns 65, Billy Brunit 65, Harry Cauch 62, George Grahamt 61, Billy McGuire 61, Mar- ion Aldread 57, Mary VanDusen 56, Lyle Moore 47, Mary Chaplin 44 ai, Jack Toms 38, Harold Brown 29, AI. lin Rowe 24 a3. H. Mason, teacher. First Class Evelyn Allun 76, Mar- jory Lycett 74, Charlie Brereton 69, Harold Deline 65, Jean Gibsan 65, Talbent Aidread 64, Louise Han- cock 64, Jack Hare 62, Bobbie Duck 61, Loais Martini 59, David NQden 54, Ralph Gibsan 48, Jack Geddes 37, Isobel Geddes 36, Kate Clark 29, Jin Geddes 28, Hiliiard Brown 12. Miss Hazel Barrie, teacher. ~GREEN ADflU MOIVNAMRC1HOSIERY 'IM 0 -KNîMTm Head Office Dunnville, Ont. 'bs good tea"It ~~SMP tou 5illeeths trade 11 W mark in hardware stores W verywhere. Every utenuil go la1belled in fully guaranteed for long service and satisfaction by The. Sheot Motel Produots Co. Umm" mouifeel TORONTO WI.uipen Rdmeutem Vaneuir Calguy U*Io Piles Go Quick Without Salves or Cutt*a Thousands who have piles have not learned that quick and permanl- ent relief can only be accomplished internai mediine. Neither ciutting nor any asnount af treat- ment witb ointments and suppositor- les wilI remove the cause. Bad circulation causes piles. There is a compldbe stagnation of blood in tihe lower bowel and a weakening ai the parts. Dr. J. S. Leonhardt waa first to, find the remedy and called his prescription HEM-ROmD. Dr. Leonhardt tried it in 1000 cases with the anarvelous record of succesa in 98 per cent and then decided it should be sold by druggists every- where under a rigid money-back gu.arantee. Don't waste any mare turne with outaide applications. Get a package ai HEM-ROID from Jury & Loveli to<lay. It bas given safe and ast- in.g relief to thoîqsands and will do the saine for you. COURTICE Junior- Roi ReportV--U S. S. No. 8, for May, nanies in onder af merit: Sr. II-Talbert Gearing, Chanlie Neai, Sadie AllUn, Claude Graham, Florence Wilkins, Eldon Essery, Bruce Muir, Ross Balsuan, Henry Howard, Curtis Geanlng, Mabel Walter. Jr. II-Elsie Oke, Florence Court- ice, Marlon Courtice, Elsie Brock, Joy Washington, Audrey Trevail, Edith Allin and Raymnond Barber e quaI. Sr. I-Hattie Snudden, June Walt- er, Rosena Edgar, Leslie Kinsynan, Edirih Ess.&ery, Lottie Neal, John Walter, Ruth Nichaisz, Margaret Kel- lar. Jr. I-Williarn Cochrane, Ivan Cocfibrane, Bernice Cochrane, Wiilie Nichais, Irene NichaIs, Max Nichols, Elnter Huggins. Sr. Pr.-Gordon Balsoci, Gladys Reynolds, Ronald Grahami, Margaret Gay, Pearl Konopaeki, Jean Gay, Raymond Balsoci, Sandy Muir, Alec. Konopacki, Hermnc Aluin. Theda Taylor. Int. Pr-Margaret Adams, Fred Adamts, Dorothy Snndden. Jr. Pr.-Francis Reynolds, Ernest Gearing, La-wrence Courtice, Junior Varcoe, Ethel Walter, Gladys Welsh, Blanche Taylor. Mis* L. J. Pierson, teacher. Senior Rocm Sr. IV-Gardon Brown, Harry Gay, Myrtle Montgomery, Beatrice Aluin, Willie Bickie. Jr. IV-Annie Wilkinis, Gladys Bickie. Douglas Conrtice, Arche Muir, Norman Walter, Clare Court- ice, Salva Rellar. Sr. lîl-Hazel Walter, Walter Sihortt, Marion Trevail, Jack Gay, Robent Courtice, Eva Ceurtice, Hel- en Wilkinis, Nana Adamts, Kenneîh Essery absent. Jr. HI1-George Shortt, Wilfned Brown, Lama ,Barber, Bernice Gay, Alice Rizneck, Mary Konopacki, Rob- ent Barber, Harry Bickle, Elsie Cour- tice, Dora Rizneck absent, Hector Barrett. Miss Clar-a E. Williamson, teacher.! BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOIL NEWS Mr.W. ..Chambers, 'M. P. P., Icigersol, visitcd the School Wedcies- day aftercco. On Kicig'.. Birthday ail the boys event or. a h:kicig ami fishing trip. T! ey \vent down..trcan and spent the e'ttire day preanring ineais, fishicig and plaving bail. Twco ne... b> v..arrived la-t îV ek i front thù Soldiiers' Aid ici Toronto. This makes 29 anidnmore are expect- ed every week ciow. Mrs. D. MacGregor has per.onally donated a Faries oi volumes on Ar- chitecture andi Building Construction for us4- in the School of Mecharîical Science. The boys and staff aîre very gnateini ta Mrs. MaeGreizor for this very useini donation. The Tuck shop opened on Satur- day anid wa!z easilv the niost popular spot on the grounds until about. 12:15 wheci the dinuier bell -onnded. The boy's receive an alltwance ùach %weck according to the nai-k.. they earci and may huy a variety of van- (lies. drinks and fruit at the Tnck .hop. Principal G. H. Dickinisonciandl Superintendent Dr. G. E. Reaman iittended the three-day cociierence oi the Anterican Association ai Mental Hygiecie ini Toranto last week. The gra<luating txercizes (,f the fifth graduating ai the Train- ing Schoel ior Nurses ai the On- tario Hospital, Cobourg, wns held Wednesday evening, when 9 young ladies received thein diplomas and Lumbago Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART AccptoIl "Bayer"package which contains proven directi1ons. Handy "Bayer" boxes ai 12 tableta sa1ý Also bottles af 24 and 100-Druggista. Aapirisla in thetrad msrk (registered in et l) f ayer aufcuetofMoneoetie- acidester et SalleylicAcid (Acetyl Saillie Acld. "A. a. A.'). White It là well imowa- lasI Aprn is Bayer mnufacture. teo s Ithe publie alfiit imitations, the '1ablets of Bayer Oompul iy hl be stasged with i 51gworal tn.demalt, Iâo "Bayer O,,. PAGE SIX A T eerO Zic, m-75 Hosiery presenta uncOmEoeo value. Here's one exampie --Mouarch Green Stripe at 01MO. Pure silk, for ridi sheen and h.ting smoothneu -eiforced with fibre s&l for long wear. Every newet color-aind if a 'run" sheuld start it cannot pass the sec- spxi"ý r imtress F. F. MORRIS CO.. Phone 10 Bownîanville -~ ww wuw w w w wwv Provéd safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Pain Neuralgia Toothache a_- .__j