Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jun 1926, p. 2

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CHIROPRACTIC ~ . ' ~ r brothers, even the most robust of beauty. He possessed wealth, but ail parts of Canada indicatedte DURWIN E. STECKLEY The ~L11[e of Ch.ester DJ. ivassey them, Frederick Victor, in whose he did not put a high valuation oni broadness of bis -outlook. Hewa le Hnorgrauat of oroto Chicî-mesnory the Jarvis Street missi-in material success. MOney azid posi- ever ready to co-operate in efrts etlb i fic n____-___ as founded, and who once travelled tion counted little in bis eyes apart to heal the bodies and the souis o 1-practic College wl ei fieo on his cumbersoine high bicycle f rom from the social good tbey could bemean tobid hrce. Tem er nc Sre t, Bo ma vila " lt e m Ch eate r as c w mene 1 Newcastle to Buffalo and Chautau- made to accomplish. He regarded No one could have been m ore un atuesdonaynTbday aig. nesday th mt",aremapret me Iqua. thern as trusts to ba used for the assuming, gentle and courteous o aftc 4J ernsad evei 1WnD.g. . PosWavv r et" Saffred of V. As a boy, being debarred athlet- benefit of others and as flot warrant- more obviously controllad by th Residential calîs made at Hampton, Metropolitan Church, Toronto. ics, lhe took to books arnd early con- ng arrogant or* baig odc.si ilth his o hm e Newcastle and District. _____tatdalf-oghbto xesv Mr. Massey did not seek distinc- fessed aleg,*ance. OflJ wxllr ____________ _________ One hesitates to give wide spread reading. He was educated in the iOn in the business world. Brick linger long for bis goodness3 andth pubiciy o ama wh neersouhtpuSic school of Newcastle and in a and stone, machinerv and organiza- purity of hiQ motives. His liuewa uDENTAL dsi ci n o r m n n e ye a o m ril c la e ad u an eary tion and the rivalry of the competi- a benedictor. Unco niscio-asly on hi DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE hrceofae beauty seldom pos- age entered the impleme nt business tive systemn did flot appeal to bis part, it w a aso a protast against ta~ che r of aren wsaean e- * hich bis fathar and grandfather had sense of values. He loved the quiet spirit that stili rules the workl. Kiddies areepro d Hnorroudat iHonorsry graduateton ho nsmorantelystry etaToronto Necaeratwhreone fwnour, as bOmore hiwidelys CestrnDowr.e University. Graduate of the Royal by bis munificent acts of ganerosity, yurdottefis epr n and music. Best of aIl, hae loved his ChsrD.Msy did not lr towert-ulb ts olaeof Dental Surgeons of On- kindness and ýbenevolence than mnowers made in Canada. fellows. for the things that are ephemer. tarjo.t Office KnpS.hooanel.thog bsprsnl4cin0c. Growth of' Great lndustu-y A kindlier soul neyer lived. Ha His lifa was not self-centerad. H becus-'- Oficephna 9. House phone 22. Mr. Massey's interests were num-M. asy'crvrwntat- found bis greatest plea-sure in help- sought immoi'tality i the only wa 1They are thoroughbred.Mr asy cerwsinmt- ing others, not haphazardly in a way immortality, conceivably, can bea ah 1.DR. J. C. DEVITT erous and diversified. He has been- ly connected with the romantie that brought a loss of salf-depend- ieved-by the outpouring of th 2.They are comafortable. rdaeoRylDntlClg, referred to as a noted industrialist, growùh of the great industrial con- ence but in a wise benevolance. His heart in altruistic service. WitIlou 3. Te r feiG-noPi- Traduteo. ffRoya, en t atCoganeien dcai leader, a corn which was founded in 1843 by munificent gifts to hospitals, sani- seeking to teach, lha taught a much 3. TIearefi bl- pin-Tontoll. Office KingSt9a . Eat ow-philanthropist, a patron of the arts, a his fathr. Ever since its beeatr ulcsiie iieincor- tari, collages, museums, community needed lesson in the things ta f.uhir Meang n fotp. m. ani e ffcethours a. mPhon6enaatr ulcsiie iieporation Mr. Massey h.adbeen (,ne c es .M .Asadcuce ncut 90 ai. y ae pt uyhone 9b a prince among men wbo had a mind of the directors of the company. cnes .M .Asadcuce ncut buy hern ofa sttesan, oul f apoetandWhen the firm removad froïm New- 58DR. R. E. DINNIWEI.L haart of an avangeuist. castle, Ont., to Toronto in 1879, it Hoo rdaeo oot n-Numerous Interesa sprobably employed about 150, while ________________________________ Honor g v rsiyaduaebof Tora onto Uni- hs oito a Hnraytoday thare are thousands of people CUH Eo etlSren. Licensed to President of the Massey-Harris Com- Mse practise in Ontario and the Domin- pany, Limitad, lh as'adirector o ftwas ltd PreIdnt9of r m - DssI e Sh es eaCi u I e ~ ion. Dentistry in ail it. branches. the National Trust. Comnpany, Lim- CETRD.pSE any, but in 1903 is failnghealth- W e fl t ri y d , ut ro oo - O ffice K ing St., Bow m anville, op- it d ;an honorary Trustee of the - - aIiite i g ttetr m lha g medte.posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. Chautauqua Institution; Regent of distrn th exenly ageMNR A ___________ ____ Victoria CoUaege, Toronto; Honorary had acquired his father's former and the incraasing responsibilitieg of Establishedi 1817 -Presidant of the Mthodist Union oy home and renamad it "The Guest estata lait by bis fathar when ha Toronto; a Trustee of Massay MusicHouse"l. This was by no en died in 1896 forcad MS. Massey to Fr . K nox,1. Hall, of the Metropolitan Mthodist his first evidence of lova for rural retira from the more acti've dutias Sumrnary of BOWMANVILLE ONT. M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. Church and Methodist Deaco-ness lifa, for in his early days in Torinto of the company. hv r 1 Barstr SlcioNoay- Hmead riin choha or i livad on the estate n&w callad Mr. Massey's benefactions have3ni IfI iIt~ BaristolarSliir o tar omeoand CTarann ooth of Tor yDentonia in East Tcronto which thcn been innuierable. They were maJe ÈXSS'I,.L., and .& iia .a.zf.itlw Royal andBTildn, ontion hima fte sywas distinctly rural. largaly tbrougb the Hart Almamin30 Apî,12 Popmlerte 5. Wbile Hart House stands, Clet Lovingly hae planned and buiît this Massey Estate, of wbich hae was joint Bowanill. hon 31.er Massey will have a monument to community hall which thOugh in a executor witb bis son, Vinicent, from W. R. STRIKE bis philanthropy and sympathy for very smali village has no equal in 1896 to 1919, in wbicb latter year AST Succassos to îîte D. B. SipeK.C. aducational development in Canada. North Amarica. Owing to the war the astate was incarparatad as a AS àmAs Chairmnan of theFondtnh building operatians ware flot 14eguri foundation. Its policy differedGo.DoionNt, dSUecin ..S74506.2 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary firstl somewhatd.Domiion rom, athatlerocint...e 7e,2t,6t.2 was the prime movar in thîs distinct- until 1921. In that year the frtSTehtfo hto h sae * *£ * Solicior for Bank of Montreal ive achievemant in university life. sod was turned and in the next year since the former made most of its Deposit wîth Central Gold Reserve ... 15,000,000.00 Money to Loan Phone 91 In memory of bis father, Hart Mas- on Dominion day the corner stone banefactions to axisting institutions, Depositi made wit', and Balances due front was laid. It was formally opanadl while the foundation aimed chiafiy other Panks in Carada.................... 148.397.03 mw ~~~~Bowmanville, Ontario sey, in whose workshops, in NewcastleinAgsof12adth nr ha first laarnad the rudiments of bus- i~ uuto 93adted norù toward initiating new enterprises, Balances due by E.,nks and Zanicing ars W. F. WARD, B. A. mness afficiancy ha saw Iabr prob_ person presented the building ta the mr sailyi h il faua pondents elsewhiere than in Carada ... 17.224,879.98 illage dthcloseoerrthnge, to tion. The chief of these was Hart Barrister, Solicitor, Notary lns tcosiane %r. Massey tha reeave nddoe teky House, whicb cast over a million and Cl n hr aso odDbnu Moe t tr. Bod frsae to the University af Toronto C mldStocka.!.. ... ............142,496,656.35 loe oli. Bné o aegv a half, and wbich had its origin in aDoion dPoicilovretScu- b. ffcas.-Blekly Boc, Kng at. building vWicb bas no equal in Although a shy and raserved man desire to astablisb a lasttng menia oiinan rvnial tie........................3,5644.7 4= «J" . Bowmanvllle, Ontario. phonos: beuty of design, in purpose or in leading in spite of long service at thec ta .......ate Hart...A.....rrin3,M564s4y7 nent of Amrica. and as dirzctor of many important Aiter much thought and consider-RalyadoheBnsebtuead 9" Perhaps thara was no more ra- companies a contemplative ratheoe atian it was decidad that this could Scks .d....Mun.cipal.S...ur.t.e. and6Br-104.0 ile tiring millionaire in the world any- than an activa if e, hae displayed on best be accoenplished by the con- Fon anduncoial bi Securities dBiih FUNERAL DIRECTORS where than Chester D. Massey. Even this as on other occasions bis capa. struction of the great university club FrinadClna uleScrte *F. F. MORRIS CO. tha people oi bis home city knew city for tarse andI sincera eloquence. whicb now bears the name ai the other than Canadian.................. 33,599.867.70 vary little of bis lufe and habits; the Ha stressed the fart that hae was founder of the Massey fortunes, and Notes and cheques of other Banks........... 25,507,822.63 StC 2--2 Cosnplete Motor or privateanmd more familiar phases ai meraly planting a seed for the com- whicb aiready bas done so much ta United States and other foreign curencies 1,259,374.65 Horse Equipment bis charactar wara mainly revealad munity to cultivate, that ha w-as eni- fulfil the bopas ai the donors. Loansanmd Discounts and. other Assets ... 317,820,255.83 -Ailelral promptly only to bis friands. No'minally the barking with it upan a co-operative Sincere Workér for Church Bankc Prernises.......................... 11,950,000.00 attended to. head of ana ai the largast m*ante- social ventura. Victoria Collage not only received Umabilitiea of customers under letters of * * B Privata Ambulance facturing concerns in no sense close- "Rende,, Service" Burwash Hall, whicb co#t about ball credit (as per contra).................... 251879 lwmanviIle phone ly idantifiad witb business. Ha pre- "w od tn u om a million, but usanumrous97the 10 md 3toes- îerred ta study the gantier humani- day", said the don or, "Opport.unity benefactions, and the Matbodist $749,132,357.12 rnhSoe- tis-to browsa amang bis books, ta and service. We have the oppor- Churnh was equally fortunate. In rona & Newcastle fcuitivatebaes f is pia- uiy.Ltus ha or esrvc.thiscVinctioriaclle R.sad P Bow- Lttes O::2 IZIES TO PUBLIC Lt ALAN M. WILLIAMS tistir and musical sida ai his nature. tions, exhibitions, pisys, cdncerts, MtoitCuc nCnd sol-Notes in..........on.......................$41,674,442.00 Embalmer md unerai Direc or.hawaneeyreEknon in bis bent, politicai meetings, moving picures, gated ta Mr. Chester Massay not onlyeost................6242557 Calis given prompt and personal at- bers ai the Methodist Church courts, interest ha 12I,581,897of.90i otsandng........ y)jfetanio No extra charge for dis- and particularly ta those ai the Met- us. dear friands, ta ht. so active and taken in al bar work. Ha bas loved Other liabilities.......................... 790,561.31 *tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowman- ropolitan Cburcb in Toronto, than infleuntial in aur wark that wa can the church graat]y and sincerely,- - j~g ~ville, Ont. 3tf. hae was ta the larger pUblic who dovetail the activities of the hall in- and bis gifts hava been made in the t ý337,1!59 036.96 freqentpoplarassemblages af var- ta the lufe of -,he people. Can we not spirit ai a debtar discharging an ob- iou sots. Hewas distinctly a buiid a fire hare which wiîî neyer go ligatian, rathar than in that ai a Excesa cf m.ssels over liabilities ta MEDICAL home man, as contra distinguisbed out? Let aur influence ha reflected benefactor craating ana".Puic. ...........S163 00 6 B. J.HAZLEOODM. D. C. M f rm a cub ma. al arail usaround thus whacthathe thoeyeewhocticameavThet-pubsiey..b..n.fa..tio..s. have73tot-1 Gold B J AZLEtoOD, M. D.niveC.iM. W&& Truc Canadian altar us will kno'w that we have alled many millions,. but among thase TootoG o ur edazsta re ndiUnvrith Descendant oi American ancestars, buildad bettar than wa knaw". institutions whicb have receivedgit andSugen t t.cama Chaster Massey was barn and lived To leave the world better than ha that individualiy ware of a bundred siaa itSurgonKa. OCarcel dali:,bis le in Canada. Alter a ramn- found it, that was Chester D. Mas- tbousand or ovar migbt be mentio'itd Hosienl, Wintugtona.OStre a ndow mon scbool education ha entared the -ey's guiding principle in lufe. And the University ai Toronto, Burwash manvilla. Phone 108. employ ai tha implement cancarn nawbere is bis success more strik- Hall, Anne'sley Hall, Victoria Col- -- ai whieh hasI b::n established byhils ingly apparent than in bis native vil- lega, Massay Music Hall, Taronto ~M s P Kesteet C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. father, Hart A. Massey, and which, lage of Newcastle, to whirie this General Hospital, Metbodist Deacon- deaflb eth sweet, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. lowing the mre witb a kindred cominunity hall bas given new lustre. Mount AlIison Collage (Sackville, apede en ndOfie ndRsianeD. eihS the Massey-Harris Company. Mr. Neewcastle up amongst the twsý. and Saskatchewan Methodist Collage dgesdon ~~~, ifrmer residence onChurch Street, Massay passed thraugh al the grades Ontario as a blossom of idealism cull- (Regina).e wsawy aro iud I v sm n Q vm er , w - - -- -- - -- - -- -- - -- - - -- -acres ai ground in the w eat end ai furnaces. It is the ig ni w ith w hich oi art and m usic. In is w n ga - A S v n a B n c o e t i r m muéing si ' ~~~~~~Toronto. In eacbhali added ta that rural Ontario La ta conqut.r social lary ha had soma especially fine ex-A aigBnkcoutsprm VETERINARY practical knowledga wbichi fifted bum isolation, cultural stagnation and the amples ai the French and Dutch arily an investmnent. But it is the «U~ DR. F. -~. TIGHE ta bacoma Presidant ai the coin- unwbolesome drift cityward". schools. only envastmant yieldin.g a fair rate _________________ VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or pany on the death ai bis fathar. It is The hall which this distingui.shed Benefaction Sacred Duty o neetba saalbefryu £vF'~lNight ralsa promptly attended ta. nat on record, bOwevar, that Mr. philanthropist and loyal son ai New- Mr. Massay always ragarded these use at a moment's notice. Emergen- ______________________Office: King St. East, Bowmanvilie. Massey was evar anxious ta follow castle craated ta assist in this con- banefactions as part ai the workaday c' ies can bc immédiately met by the Phone 243. an ac'tive carear along business uines. quest is af brick witb limestone life, and as a sacrad duty whosa dis- DANING bank accaunt that bas been cansis- E. . KRSAKE V.S. B.V. a.Munificent Public Gifts trimmings and bas a nutnbar ai un- charge was entailed by the passes- FDeYas ucb yives egurrtus inten-, E. . KRSAKE V.S. B.V. e. The Hart A. Massay Estate, afi usual features. Accommodation is sion ai waalth. Whila apen-handad tnrst. hYoudariesatrn s aibnkn Osasse wbich Cbester D. Massaywa te provided for the cauncil chamber, the and genarous ta the point ai lavish- I aeout Yoiaîcnstant satsfactin and tthpestaffce. Th neas yr. Masecofaitahat iaisisiactiona Honr rauat o Uivesiy f rprsetatvegae 100,000 ta- reemsofianldgte psoj**,Te*,s r MseyflttatidJ i oand pare of mind in the fart that it Torno.GAUaesi ive roty arpre entativpia. n remagava ige s housed in thea mate giving wus extremely harniful, i lasrayfrohrue ih Toroto. il cses ivenpromt wrd ta GeeralHosptal. Aiog buildir Tha memorial library and and ha made sure that evary h)ene-i lisrayfrohrue ih and careful attention. Office- kindrad lina-s were the donations of raigro cuyhî h oa atowahrlreo mhbdout the troubla ai converting into Dr. MeElroy'a former office. Phones: $10,000 ta the Lady Minta Hospital, frea n raath tupyhalmainha ll anr f acin snetr are orslly-tbatcash. Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. ai $5,000 ta the National Sanitarium for nenahtemi aladispaei onecrflytogt for Consunrptives at Gravenhurst. auditarium thera is a large recreation out schema. The criterion that ha THE1 Tha Edowmn.t Fnd a Vicori rn that can be usad for banquets. searmad ta apply was that evary giit The Endwment unSTAN icDArD AUCTIONEERS Collage was increased ta tha extent The donor purpasely allowed oth- might prove usaful in an attempt to S ADR A ai $200,000 whila other aduca-coal r an opportunity for co-aperation. salve sanie definite and fundamental THEO M. SLEMONJL institutions benefited por Th en village council gava the land. problemn. 0F CON M4 PP "-Oecitizen the dlock in the tower, presuaent Lin 1901 BOWMANVILLE BRANCH-H. W. Lapp, Manager A uctioneer ately. The A rt M useum in Toronto anathar the tablets in m em ory a ofrd ng t totr dii n i th ear n h sa oa e c sl ,N w o vle ý n .O h w MONUMENTAL ART WOwjcs Farm ad House Salas a Specialty. gat large sunis. Y. M. C. A's in Can-toefmth vilg os&e Acrn otetadin ESTABLISHED 187 Tarins moderato. Enniskillen P. O. ada obtainad in excess ai $150,000. tand from i t.h ilageatwa sev times, Mr. Massey enterad bis fath- Imprte diectofPhone 197r3. 1-tf. Numerous Metbadist churchas thru- an Iin the grean ct edr. 's busns hieaboy cuit Importer irect ofot tCanada were made beneficiar- I h gemn xctd b- iare usess we a ay, acquaint pr- SCTHAD WD waen the counicil and the donor thengbnsîwthispobm. ip- SCOTCH AD SWEDEWILLIAM MAW ies ta the extent oi tbousands, in- ulse h alar hs dfnd ductian and m-arket, and applying___________ Licensed Auctioniver cluding $50,000 ta St. James' Math. uss t hehllaecb dfie.hinisahf ta thair solution witb a keen- GRANITES Having met with considerable sue- odist Cburcb in Montreal. Chesteran swllutitendIrmt ness that only increased as the years ,n nn ;e_ .anîntarest in educatioýn and good --- and only thse boat aride$ of ca i anrtigsae1orte'a, ase imefpu 5-00 oa i Mrat VVIJJU rural community devaiopmant and in brother.s. His boyish delicary oain tis city for thea better. 'I don't - CARTINO DONE 1917 resolved ta do for the rural healtb continuad inta manboad. H ask you ta imitite the late Chester .' of hs chldhod, hat asheing foot three-but ha was fragile. AI, ask yau ta emulate his iaith"l B lke W lk ns dana in Hart House for a university bis life ha wîu a seiui-inviid, a iact Mr. Masacys Ui a Beaudiction Klug st. W. Bownseaime conrmunity. Ha hasi this additional which made bis major activities men- Cominanting editorially Toronto éa m"aorwoel f Phone 340 interest in Newcastle that it waa in tel rather than physiral. Nanatheless Daily Star said: The late Chester W h ii.aonP.oln > lcrcRse __________l_________ is lite yeans bis rasidence for ha ha by many years outlived hi& Ma.ssey had a charactorr of rare THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, JUNE 10tlh., 1926. PAGE TWO

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