Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Mar 1926, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMA!'E, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 25th., 1926 M Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physiciaris for Colds Headache Neuritis Pain Neuralgia Toothache Lumbago Rheumnatism jDOES NOT AFFECT THE -HEART ______ only "Bayer" package Safe-,,ýhichi contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxres of 12 tablets Aiea botties i f24 and lO-Druggiste. Apirin la the trade mark ('eglstered In Canada) of Bayer Manufacture or Monacetlr- acidestui of SallcyUlcacid (Acetyl Salicylle Acid,* *A. S. A."). White it ta weil known that Aepinl meanh Bayer manufacture. to asInlt the publie agaluat Imitationsa, the Tablets et Bayer Compny wiIi Le st..mped wIth their generai trade mark, the '"Bayer Ora." Cooka R.gulating Compound A ,g, aiLO v.ulsi<o J@rMIM old in tire. di- go fsrnath-No. 1, 818 d pit Addrm;l THE COO Mcli EC6 gWo as PHOSPHOOmte' M IL TheGrai English Priatsr a . Toeaantd invigoratea ie hl W~j nervoaa aytem. makea new BI.od jin aid Veins. Used far Nersu Depodency. Lou of En*-V. paltationo ah, Hart àIiUng Mo". 7 rice52 perboi. 3p for 5.*SoId by alldructiatia or imaiI.d in plain pkg. onm-eeipt 0f pie.New puupffl aed "r-.ym 000 mmm ISSCJoiemoOoN. AUNT SAYS BEAR AND FOR.BEAR IV is really surprising itaw many ihumnan intereat probloins Aunt Su- &an la weekly helping toaoslve. Eer- ly in 1926 site completed ber 200tit weekiy letter Voite nevapapers. We cen safely sey that Aunt Susan. is a lady of remarkabie versatility. We like ber treatment aifte case site bandles so cieverly andi wisely titis week. Read ber brilliant reply to a ratiter delicate inqairy. Auni writos husly: My Dear Niece: You are but one ai many of ucsvita finti we are "weig*xed in te balances and faund Vo be wanting".' It seenis strango itow wo like, ai dilike a persan an te more faci titet titeir ways are noV aur ways, ai because tbey cannot do saine par. icular thigw hn hysol Ido. bn oVikttysol We condoxun some one and place him or her in the oategory of the people we cannot get on with if their mannerisnis, sayings, or actions do flot suit us. So is it often, unfortunately, ini te home; manby husbands feel t.hem- selves disappointed in their wives because they have n<ted oithers who may be btter able to bake, cook, or un their farm; dress, talk, aet or entertain. Many a wiie feels she bas maade a sad and bitter mistake ba-cause her husband cannat com- pote with a wittier, more business- like or stranger man! As you say this is really very bard on the one so condemned. But there is always a counte r-be lance. We need to close our e'yes to Vh'eir peculiar ways that so irritate us, and make excuses for their short- comings; then search for their good points. One persan wilh a quick temper may have a very syrnpafthetic heart, and needs only en opportunity to show it. Another with a foolieb man- norisrn may be very generous and sincere; others vihe "annot make delicate cakes or be a good social leader, or who are failures. in bus- mess, may in their turn be bard working, cheerful and econc>micea!. t would be better to gro.mble over dishonesty ,deceit and lies, those who live by their wits, are spendtbrifts, or immnoral; ot.hers who run ta their neigbbors for gossip, negleet their homes, or spend too much on dresse When the fauls we find uncon- genial are miostly from our own vlewpoint we should take ourselves to task and look things squarely in the face and see whether or flot oui vexations are flot petty. There would be so m-uch more mutual happiness if we would pile ail the good charakteristica of a per- son on one side of the balance and the few faults (or the points tiat do flot suit us-they need flot be bad) on the other, in nearly ail cases the, balance' will wigh beavily on the good side. Years ega thene was certain Lord Sandwich wba was co fond ai play- ing carde titat ho did noV care ta stop eitber Va sleep or for meals. How- over, mon must eat, co, tia cave time, ho ordered hie iqrvants ta brlng him a piece ai meet laid between Vwa suices et breati, 50 tit bry eaing iV ho liaulti noV grosse hi& lingersasnd soil te carde. Womna feed upon the vItalty of cblîdren sdand enertheir tivea. A isimple and 1efeveremody le I Motiter Graves' Worm Extozmlnatar. I ONE THIN WOMAN GAINED 10 POUNDS IN 20 DAYS1 Sk kinny Men Can Do The Saine AU wesk mon and women. i AIl nervous mon andi wamen. L AUl sklnny mon andi wamen. Cen grow stronger, itealtitier anti more vigoraus and take on aolid needed flesit in 30 day. just by ta- ing McCay's Liver Extract T'eblets four ines a day-cuger oeated aut eas tta teke as candy. And itat a bit titese flecit pro- ducing tblets bave matie. One drug- gist tripled bis sales in one week. Everybody knows tat frointhVie livers of te humble catifisit cames e finît dace vitamine Ilitatis n won- derful vitalizer, fiesit praducer and itealtit creator. Millions ai MeCoy's Cod Liver Ex-1 tract Table s are sold every woekil and tusantis ai frail rundawn un-11 derweight people are being itelped.1 A box af 60 tablets for 60 cents and if any skinny men or woman tioe.n't gain et Ieet 5 paunds in 80 days-money back. Aek any tiruggist anyvitere in Anterica. Be sure and geV McCay's, te or- iginal anti genuine and don't farget titere is notiting -on ertit so gooti to, make backward, listiesa, untier- weigitt children graw strong and ro- bust. ô Good Prices FOR POULTRY Jewish holidays are coming on and poultry wiIl be in great dernand. I arn prepared to any quanntity at prices, and if you fat hens will give buy good have extra good price. Phone 81, Whitby, and reverse charges ,or drop a card and I will call. I. STEIN, Whitby Ont. COMICS IN COLORà IN THE DETROIT SUNDAY TIMES GeV your copy et A. I- NICHOLLS, DOOKSTORE. 1ocPar Co" The Fresh- Flavor or delictous GENIUS, WHAT IS IT? By Chaé. M. Bice, Lawyer, Denver,g Colorado. Modern Theosapity teaches and ex-t plains the idiosyncracies of plants and animale by tbe environniont ai proviaus generations, and celle in- stinct simply hereditary habit. c In the same way there la an eviolu- i tian of intividuelity by which thee chiid opens its new ora with char- ncteristics derived mors previoua 1 lives in te lino ai descent, andi addsr the experience ai a new pers3onalitys ta te su.m ttaliof bis reasured traits. Froin tinte ta time in its clantact wlth mundane if e, thte spiritual self accumnulatos a veiety of individuel cbaractenistics w hich remains as a tibrost stringing togetiter the separ- ate lives. Thte coul, therefore, la an eternal water-globule, wliicb* was createti in te boginainglese past fmorste Motier Ocean ai couls, as te'Philos- opher William Jâmes ternsis I. Science oxpleins, tbat in plant lufe a "tSpart" appears every now andi ag'ain, uniteralded, unexpJainable,1 whid' et once is te problem andi adoration ai botaixists.j In te huimenplane, tiisle ernied --a reincarnation, te return aifte Soul wititits accumulations, tVaa baody fttedtVareceivo it. A child in yeera, only, singe front te stage aifVthe most renowned opera bouse in the world, as teO Kanss Oity prodigy did tlie otiter night in New York, -and la, and beoldtt, a seeminglY heartiose city risos tic> ro- sponti! Musicak-critfras praise hon wonder- f ul vaice. ber artful execution, ber drama.tic intuitionse, and even te plein public knows titet it le in the prosence ai gemmas. WitaV le there ta titis persanality tat makes it sa supreme titat it le a ve-ritable ituman magnot? Bore- dity? Nothing on te surface te ac- cieunt for it. Site vus noV born ai mixical parents. A Yaung vamen fronite Aus- tralian huait, breaks witit ber lawly surroundings-goes Vo Europe, stud- ios day and night until eho le ready, and thon burata upon te multitude and musical world as a new star. Somothing wititi.n. drave ber an. Whence came it? A nzystery « mysteries. Imî,etitate inheritance cen give -no due in titis case, eiter. A chilti, in hler eens, is impolloti Vo write paetry. Her wiritingbs a meturity imipoàgite V te rdinary citild aiflier years, andi teck ai world experiences. Site cannet explain; ber parents, aven, are at a lacs. Lit- erary crkties an two ciantinonts, con- tend aver te new genius, andi whet- ber a itoax bas been Playod upan te public. Sidee are taken. Proof ia edduced of teeatiorsitip and gen- uinonez aifte poois, and thle citilti le exoneratet; but te mYsYtem¶y re- mains. A Young 'ulosan, poot-cousician, who caine upan tite world unexpect- edly ese a mucical prodigy, explains in a way te pitenamenan attadned te herself and ehers; "aIl poets, I be-1 liais, foot ae.tirna6an-thaugi core-1 ne lied tcld them toc write what tihey o. There bave been tVuies wben 1 ras aitting in a room with no tbaug*i *f writing. Suddenly soffnetihing eemed ta say ta me, "flore, put his down", and I do lit. This vibratony tlzought transfer- tco, kt seenis ta me, would explain rhy great truths are constantly re- urring in aIl forma of art. They *eak through goneration aiter gen. ration. I believe they are merely picked ,p again and again by roceptive inde, wbich give themn new expres- ion in thefems and droas of the ïw day. Thought, therefore, I believe, la e indestructible as matter. 0f this 'young w.aman, Madelhne éason-Manheini, an English paet d long exporionce, bas written. 'ertainly the disembodied, voice of - Sghost, or it might be 01 a spirit ings ta us out of titose versets". A roincarnatian af anotiter poet as te latter was te reincarnation of ome oarlier writer, tbink you? It iay ho co. "The soul always weaves ber gar- nents aneW" says Plato". "You may iay with reason that the seul je tact- ig and te boudy short lived in coin- parison, for witile man je alivo tbe ody decaye, yet the soul alweys weatvets ber garments anew and ro- pairs the wasto. Then, af couree, riten the soul pez'ishes, she muet have on lier lest garment, and this nly will survive ber". Frors the philosopher to the sientist le an easy reacit. Sir Hump- rey Davy wrote- "The whole incel- lct is a histiory of change, and we retein the memory oniy of thosel changes witich mey be useful ta us. L«Olloctions of thte infant are soon sV; yet many of te hbite acquired in that age are retainod for life. Wjith ita present organization the intellect of mtan is naturally limited and in- perfect, but this depends u.pon its mteriai m'ediinery, and in a higher organized farum it mey possese li- finitety greater powers. It doee flot; appcar impratstble ta me thait some of tbe more refined machiinery of bhought mey adhore, even in anotiher state, ta te sentient; principle, for i though the organ of grass sensation, - the nerves and brain are destroyed by deetit, yet something aof te more- etiereel value may lie indestructible, and I sametimos imagine that many of tihose powers whicit bave been eafled instinctive belong ta te more refined clothing of te apirel". Reincarnation, titen, le memory, and memory roirtcamnation, and when tbat ancestral memnory finds the proiper ecponent, the fitting human nachinery, a genius cames to being. It msy lie a poet, a singer, a comn- poser, or a cbild chese player. Beauty is mecnory and love isaa comnposite recollecition of te past, explainalble in no other manner, we are told by Laicadia Hearn, Spen- cerian. Bnddhîat. "And s0 the riddle resolves itself as memomy-imme surable memary of all bodily fitness for te onde af fife. A completescaînpasite glari- led, doubtess, by aine equally measurelese initerited sense ai ail vaniabed joys ever asociatod witit such witness. Infinite miay wo noV terrm it-thls Composite? AMe, but ot merely becauee the multitude of dead memories that make kt unsneak- able. Equally unepealoeble the widtb and cieptâ a nd range of theni tliroughout te enammi4ly af tinte. 0. lover, how elender the beautiful witeh-te gitost w;ithin te glicet of you! Yet the depth ai titat gbost is the depth of the nebulous zone beapanning nigb.he luminous shadow tat; Egypt figured as of old as Mother of te Sun and te gode, curvring ber lonig white woman's- body lover te worid".- A singer appeers an theo stage f uU panoplied as frors the brow of Jave, ta en'sct etrenge exatic roies, and what is she? Product of a genera- tion? Impossible. She must ho the flowering of te ages. A man goes ta te end aifte eerth for ans wom- an ebove ail women, ready to sacri- fice preserut andi future, body andi coul. Lt may be a great bistrionic passion ta came, a delusion ta otitors. The woman bappened ta relsemuble te composite muemonik cbedowing of aIl lte dead çoomen related ta te lives of bis innumorabie lives; andi man in thet tinte bt been woman and womnan man, many Vîmes over. The record disk, the brain, what afitI? What carrnes avor? Thte psychologist teilla us, thet the con- necting link betweon generation and generation, centuries anti centuries, aoos andi aeone, lies in te cosmic conwciousness which ia indestruct- ible and indivisible, imponderable and exceedingly, lasting. . Perhaps PN the Improved Chevrolet Coach at the new low price, ie f ound the world'a greatest closed car value. Three-speed transmission--miodern design -mart appearance-Duco finish-long, flexible espring-ample power-world faumous operating economy -all season comnfort--quality construction throughout. Corne to our showroom and satisf y your- self that here is a low-priced closed car that is worthy of your ownership. Ote Chevrolet models also on display. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 99 Simcoe South, Oshawa W. E. DAVEY Phone 34 ring 1, Orono Greater Quality at ILower Cost PAGE 8EVM "Long ]Distance has re-u duced cost ofbuying- now costs us only 2 cents to buy 3 hogs" -IVriles a Me4l Packcr n-. le telephone is on your pay-roll. Make it work for you 1 GREEN TEA [sprseve i te ir tigtsALADA packt. uertha an J panor You Need Mdore Than A Policy We don't simply "write insurance". A clerk can write a policy, but real service is given only by some one thoroughly acquainted with ail of the details of insurance contracts and with the man- ner in which policies fit various types of property. Make sure about your insurance before it is too late. Consuit us today. J. J. MASON& SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokern Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville Now For Spring Repirs Toronto Asphait Roofing-It is the Beat. When looking over your repairs on roofing consuit us before buying. Roc-Board is proving popular for sheeting. It is fire and vermin proof- Information. gladly given. Builders' Supplies--Gyproc, Filler, Lime, Paris Stone, Hard Wall Plaster, Cernent always on hand Fuel for Sale-Coke and Pochantos on hand. Several Cars of Lehigh Anthracite Received. This Week. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Phone 153 or 202 -1 Bowmanville r 0 i, r n ls n ir .e d le le -1 li 1 g ,ýr

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