Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Feb 1926, p. 2

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PAGE TWOTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1926 What About You? Rave you noticed lately or pos- eibly for some time that when you pick up a book or paper Vo read triat you biink, rub your eyes and then wonder just why iV is that the type doea not seem as clear as it did? And v0hy it jumpa oome- times? And then wheu you hold it a little farther away iV seems to be clearer. 0f course iV is and this just indicates a natural change in your eyes-a hardening of tihe lens and a graduali bas of focal power and then wien you force hem and overwork them don't iiey feel very tired in the inorning? 'Our Optometrlst, R. M. Mit- chell, can correct this condition with Glasses. See hlm NOW. R. M. Mitchell & Co. Druggiste & Optometrista Bowmanville (Phone 92) Ont. HARRY WAGNER« Teacher of Hawailan Guitar. Complets Course in Transposition for Guitar, Ukulele, Uke-Banjo. Studio over Couch, Johaston & Cryderman's, Bowrnanviile, every Wednesday. Address: Balmoral Hotel King Radios Batteries Tubes Loud Speakers and Radio Supplies L. F. Irwin* Phone 83 or 2,76 Bowmanvf lia G. Pritchard Paluter and Decorator See us for Wall Paper and Paints before buying out of town, as we have a most up-to-date lUne on ail interlor decorations. Estimates cbeerfully given on ail work. PHONE 498 King St. Howmanville After Every Meal It doesu't take mucli to keep you in trima. Nature only asks a littie help. Wrigley's, after every meal, benefits teeth, breath, appetite and digestion. A Flavor for- Every Taste MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ESTABLISHED 1857 Importer direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES and anîy the. best grade& of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE I employ no cemetery caretakers as agents peferring Vo seîl my own goods Vins aaving Vie purciaser Vie agent's commission. A cal olicited. Pbone 8V F. H. BOUNSALL or Bowman ville 26W Box 94 STEAMSHIP TICKETS M. A. JAMES To Europe-Canadian Pacific, Whit Star Dominion, Cunard, American Ask for information. Phon. V Stateaman Office, Bowmanvilie. CHIROPRACTIC DR. DURWIN E. STECKLEY Honor graduate of Toronto Chiro practic College will be in office oi Temperance Street, Bowmanville Tuesday, Thursday and Saturda, afternoon and evening. Phoneý Office 141J; Residence 141W. Residential cails made at Hampton Newcastle and District. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Toront( University. Graduate of the Roya College of Dental Surgeons of On tario. Office King St., Bowmanville Office phone 40. House phone 22 DR. J. C. DEVITT Graduate of Royal Dental Coilege Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow manville. Office hours 9 a. m. Vo t p. m. daily except Sunday. Pion( 90a. House phone 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate of Toronto Uni. versity and member of Royal ColegE of Dental Surgeons. Licensed V( practise in Ontario and the Demin« ion. Dentistry in ail ite branches Ofice-King St., Bowmanville, op. posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301, LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A.. LL. D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money Vo lban on Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money Vo lban. Bonds for sale. Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones: Office 102, House 332w. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Complete Motor or Horse Equipmenl Ail calîs promptly attended Vo. Private Ambulance Bowmanvilbe Phones 10 and 34 Branci Stores-Orono & Newcastle. ALAN M. WILLIAMS Enbalmer and Funeral Director, Calîs given prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowman- ville, Ont. 3-tf. MEDI CAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Gold Medaliat of Trinity University, Toronto. Four years attending Phy- sician and Surgeon at MV. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ka. Office and Residence, Wellington Street, Bow- manvible. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and Residence, Dr. Beiti's former residence on Church Street, Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44-t. VETERINARY DR. F. '« TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night calîs promptly attended to. Office: King St. East, Bowmanville. Phone 243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. Orono Honor Graduate of University of Toronto. AIl cases given prompt and careful attention. Office- Dr. McElroy's former office. Photies: Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farmn and House Sales a Specialty. Terma modemate. Enniskillen P. O. Phone 197r3. 1-tf. WILLIAM MAW Licenaed Auctioneer Having met witi considerable suc- ceas in conducting sales for the past' 18 years, 1 now offer my services Vo tie people of Bowmanville and vie- ioity. For temms and dates see F. O. Mason, Bowmanvilie, or phone 288, WhiVby, Ont. t12-t. AUCTIONEER & REAL ESTATE NORMAN MONTGOMERY 18 years' experience, aIl classes of nuction sales, pure bred stock a apecialty. Business address: 406 Bloor St. W., Phone Trinity 1832; Residence: 269 Havelock St., phone1 Lombard 2933, Toronto. 41-6m* Taylor's Rink BOWMANVILLE BAND Tuesday Thursday Saturday Moomlglit Skating Thur.day Niglit. PAGE TWO -putting our sehools in 4th place. fight ia devclopfng over the matý i-t A position Vo be proud of for the Thus you must approaci Australia L average for ail Canada was only 33 with an open mind. You will be cents and our sister own of Port amazed at the hugeness of Sydney, Pl Hope was only 21 cents. But our Vhe industirial development and the tt tow.n can pull up a ootch or two qolidity of imrprovements throughout t farther yet if parents will help their the land. You will rejoice In un- ta children to increase their depo«.its mistiakeable evidences etf a deter- qi a littIe more. ndnation flot Vo omit asatenance for ng THE EDITOR TALKS DUR KINSFOLK "DOWN UNDER", te In a recent health talk in this col- The Canadian Stateansan was dir-1 n. umn we remarked what a wealth of ectly represented at the Third Imper- ,valuabie information experienced ial Press Conference by Mr. Hughi medical men could give the public Savage, Duncan, B. C., a director of if they would write more for the the Canadian Weekly Newspapers - newspapers. Of course, there .are Association, of which The Canadian appearing regularly syndicated ar- Stateiman is a member. We have ar- ticles from doctors but most of them ranged with Mr. Savage to write are copyrighted, so that only journ- for our readers a seriefs of arti,.Is ais that have contracta with syndica- describing bis experiences and imi- o- ing firms can publish them. A friend pressions amnong our cousins "down ln who is interested in health propa- under" or in Australia. es ganda sends us'a really practical talk In them, apart f rom ties of blood 'on health by a Family DOctor that and common traditions, we as, Cana- : we quote from to ]et Stateeman read- dians are deeply interested by rea- ers see what at least one practising son of growing trade between the la medical man write<s on the evils of Commonwealth and the Dominion. It over-eating, a subject we deait with will be of interec-t Vo us to see how -somewhat fully a few weeks since New Zealanders and Australians have and after reading a Family Doctor's tackied and developed a new country, opinions we hink we are doing Our and to get gliropses of the South Sea readers a great favor by devoting Islands. more space to it._____ O * * *The average Aiistralian 'bas a very Writîng on the evil of over-eating sketchy idea of Canada. To him it Vhis, Family Doctor says: is a land of snow and ice. Jn re- 2. It is curious that no one seems to ferring to it or the U. S. A. he us-es have thought of starting a cru2sade the saine terni "America". It was against over-eating. Maoy of us rather strange to have an Australianl Bbelieve that as much harmn comes tell a Canadian how much be appre- Ffram over-ioading the systemn witb ciated the visit of "vyour fleet"i, 6food as with drink. Many homes meaning thereby the argosy of Uncee eare ruined by the bad temper of the Sain! dyspeptic father; situations are loat But tbhis kind of ignorance is floti and ruinous doctors' bills incurred by ýcenfined Vo Australia. How much illness arising fromn disturbance Vo does the average Canadian know of -the digestive organs from over-eating bis relatives "down under"? Austra- ýe When I contemplate some of my pa- lians cannot distinguic-b between Stients, I often think I would rather Vancouver and Vancouver Island, -have saime short and sharp illness but some of us are as hazy over than drag on a chronic dyspeptic. Australia and New Zealand, two ***distinct Dominions,, with 11,1001 1 In the case of growing boys, it is miles of sea between their nearest .almost impossible for themn to eat shores. t too much. They have a double de- "«Australia" to us conjurez- up a mand-Vhey must have food to c-up- land of scorching auna, drou-hts, ply themn with the power of growth. rabbits, ,kangaroos, and strikes. and food to aford themn fuel for "Ligbt underwear" was the instruc- their muscular energy. It ia astoli- tion given Vo us. but, during our nishing what a schoolboy cao Put tour in September and October, there away; but bie soon works it off by were six days at most wben warm his super-abundant energy in rusbing underwear wa.s not needed. about at bis games. Every bone in Australia is a littie bigger than bis body is growing as fast as it cao, the U. S. A., but flot quite as large and mu.st have a iberal supply of as Canada. Naturally climatic con- bone4orming food, The typical ditions val-y. Droughts do occur in fat boy at school is the one wbo sm etos tesnvrlc sticks at the tuck-shop, and then, i- sm etos teanyrlc sts ufficient rainfali. Frosty m.-rn- sedof playing football, stands on ings and chilly days do corne around. the ouch-line and watcbes. He But, generally, there is sunshine and sufera in after years.* people live a great deal out of doors. * * And, with sunsbj.nt go flowers. After the growing age is past the Love of flowers seemns-as natural Vo demand is net so great in proportion Australians as love of horses and t Vo the size of the body, but stiII a racing. Old world blossoma rerall- young man cao always get rid of the ing Englisb gardens vie with luxur- food he eatc- by bis own energy. It iant bloonis from other lands and the is when the age of forty is reached wonders of native flora. that the enregies begin to show a lit- "Where are al these rabbits?" we Vie falling off. The young man flies said. In ten weeks I covered 12,- upstairs two at a Vîme; your man of 000 miles in the six states. 1 saw forty waiks up sedately. The youth one rabbit in Victoria, one in Tas- rushes down the street Vo catch the mania, and claimed my third in Ade- bus; your man of forty waits for the laide. I was wrong. The figure next. And what ia true at forty bas on the bonnet cap of Vhe car was a a stili greater signîficance at forty- bare! But, in the wbeat beit of five and fltfy. Muscular energy gets Western Australia there was a diff- les and 'leas; but, alas! the pleasures erent story. Rabbits iay dead on of the table are indulged in more and th e road, killed by passing cars. more. Fi elds witb wide edges nîbbled away, * * * rabbit proof fencejs, and the track of This condition of human unwisdom the. poison cart ýhowed that there, is so trui and so obvious thnt one as indeed, tbroughout the who'le would think it ougbt noV Vo be neces- country, the rabbit is stili a serious sary Vo caîl attention Vo it. ItV l probiemn . True, lie provides skins very well Vo write in a paper that and meat for export but that trade nearly every *mani over forty eats wouid cbeerfully be sacrificed byi, Voo much. but if a doctor tells this to m ost people could its source of ýsup- bis patient lie does not make himseslf sl y be eliminated. very popular. 1V is glossed over by The introduction of animais or saying that the liver is out of order, plants into any country caIls for the or that hie la in need of a digestive most searching investigation. Cats 1pili. The brutal ruth is that the were turned loose Vo prey on the1 patient is eating too much, and that rabbits. Tbey almoat fraternize hie would be perfectly well if lie wit'h the bunnies but destroy the1 would exercise greater self-restraint hi rds. Io Queensland in particular and eniperanice in the matter of prickly pear is increasing its hold1 eating. NoV only do many persons on the country by Vousands- of acres eat too much but very many esn annually. Somebody brought iV make of their stomachs a mortarfrom South Africa with the idea of bowl for mixing a variety of mater- usîng it for a hedge. Birds have been ials. Thousands of dyspeptics im ported for dealing with insect would be well advised Vo eliminate pesta but have changed that occupa- from their menu every kind of des- tion for the more congenial pursuit sert after eating an otherwise heavy of denuding orchards meal. These have proved Vo be costly **mistake.s but great care is now being1 A frend ritng t usa litletaken to aee that this clas. of trouble while ago remnarked that when read- i noV augmented. The whole wctrld igThe Stateaman i emd a f see ms to have been ransacked forI ihg eio ss it ee agsholplants and trees suitable for. the witb bis class of students before hirn country. Thus you will often catch1 Vo whomn he is giving counsel, in a whiff Of Canada in groves and rows struction and direction for making of pines, aiheit they are the piausI the beat use of their privileg i nsignis of (California. their youtbful days. Guesa ea i The Kanga roo is by no means1 have Vo plead guilty t h charge- V h extinet. He likes the beat gazingi aitho unconsciously we remain the curyai 0aspefce ;to be schoolmaster. A prominent educa- reduced in nunlbers, for sheep corne tor bas somewhat recently described first. At one point our special trainic the modemn properly conducted oews- sto pped wbile a score of these quainti creatures were driven towards o- by A paper as the people's university and 1 iounted nien.I gave bis approval of the good bcbng The wallaby is like a sxniall kar,-1 done. The pres.ent day ewspaper gr.,wt ed rcii nue mustbe amedim ofinstruction and 0ao, ihha ealn os mu ast i a ersm i knw- features. He also is a marsupial. The audg ant tsredersaVo gro s little head pet ping from its mothîe' s lede-ntiuner-anin.»- have uc-h neyer fails Vo cexcite int'_rest.1 I see hem in Vie jinking, dancing flame, The loved and true Vint were s0 good and kind; WiVh love-bit eyes, tint glenm and speak Vo me The dear and -holbowed days of Auld Lang Syne. Theix iomely songa keep ugging at my ieart And touch n chord on memory's golden lyre, And with a pride inspired from sac- red hours; 1 kneeî before Vie faces in the fire.1 In times long past when life was f ree and gay, When comrades gathered in xny cosy den With wiolesome story, and with hearty laugh Would wake Vie drowsy echoes of Vie glen. But now, they're scattered o'er Vie broad world's otage; And courting Fortune's amiles aiong Vie way In many lands, some feul in mortal figit, For country's flag, and ionour's brul- liant ray. I sit alune, but aVilI their sunny amiles, Breaks tirougi tie mists of life's tempestuous way; I hear tbem call, ns wending o'er its miles Tien hall me witb their burning. hopeful may. And with their ieacon-light before my eyes1 God grant tiat He may lhelp, me cross Vie bar; And anchored safe within a haven of rest Where dawns Vie peaceful, Vie Eter-, nal Star. Tie cold, unkindly blast is blowing free, 1 hear Vie church belîs dhime fori Holy prayer; 'rie storm goes fuming tirougi Vie' mirky nigiti Whiist I ait here in bIlis beyond cen-. pare. For have I noV so muci Vo c'ase ll came away1 Wiat do I ieed in listening Vo ai choir? M~y sirines the grent higi alter of Vie seul, Wbere bumos the dreamiand fancies of Vie fire. John D. Keachie. 66 Asquith Ave., Toronto, Feb. lst., the fluer aide of life and Vie growth ofa st-iotd cf Australian poets, paintt-rs, sculptors andl writemt. Everywbnre you xviii see Vie influ- ence of Britain as contrasted with bhat of Vthe United States in Cao- ada. IV sýhoots rît you from stceeers msinus the fimiliar wotden Velephune and ligit pubes; from Vie corner "pub"; îrom fence or bridge-put there "for keep"-; from raiîways and kitchens. NoVtith Vite practice îf America is entirely spurned. A ittie more of it, especially in Vie lepnrtmnents of sanitation and plumb- ng, would add to Vie joy of Austma- ian life. If muci of Canada be too near tie pole, muci of Asutralia is Voo near the line to suit white people. Yet there as in Canada there la room for taillions who need have but two qualifications-ihealth and willing- nus to work. PRICES COING HIGHER Juat when publishers were looking for a drop in Vie price of matemials Vis notice was received Saturday ffrom a large wholes-ale paper coin- spany: "We regret tint bilior acosta have made necessary increased .seliing prices, effective February e8th"l. Another flrm nutified us this sweek Vint price of type metals had advanced, Vou. Publishers and rprinters are receiving a boost 10 prices constnntly for what they have V o buy. RULES FOR INVESTING t Mr. J. H. Cryderman ianded is v this clipping wiich hie censidered e vaiuable information for our read- 1ers: The following rules given for ainvesting by Vie attorney general of one of Vie American states are time- ly: 1 Know, or find out, Vie respon- tsibility of Vie person or flrm or com- pany asking you Vo purciase. 2 When Vie person or company is 3unknown Vo you, demand references iand investigate. Do noV be a victim of Vie one-caîl system. Take your time wien strangers try te sell you seurities. 3 Inquire of some reliable person or flrm, familiar with Vie ciamacter jof Vie business in question, for an Eopinion of boti Vie standing and prospects of fthe cumpany. 4 Do noV hesitate Vo ask your banker or your lawyer what he tika of Vie proposition. 5 Remember Vint wiIe bonds are, as a rule, safer Vian stocks, bonds also become worthlesa when Vie se- curity Viey repyresent la impaired. A worthiess bond is nu better Vian a wortiless stock. 6 Do net believe Viat Vie sensa- tionai auccess of one company in a stated uine or field is n guarantee tint any uther company wibl succeed in Vie same business. 7. Take notice Vint wiat may seem Vo yeu Vo be guarantees by promoters or stock salesmen may af- Ver ail legaily be considered notiing more Vian opinions or hopes, or a statement of mere prospects. IV migit be ndded. "Do Viese thinga before, not after, p&ying over your noney". "FACES IN THE FIRE" The journey of this long drear day is done, And snug beside my fireaide end l'ni sitting My cigar bit, s0 comforting and sweet Gives fragmant mnemories round Vie gable end And spenda its wrath with wild and frant 'ic ire; I draw me eboser Vo Vie gîo-aing hearti And picture many a known face in Vie fire. ALBERTA COAL Alimited quantity just received $13.40 ton Delivered in town. 50e extra in bags. Orders filled as received. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville L en. Elliott Opens Shop -One Door West of Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's Store King Street West, Bowmanville PLUMBING HEATING TINSMITHING Any requirements in the above lines will re- ceive courteous, efficient and prompt attention and at reasonable prices. Phones: Shop 348; Residence 393 Growing Demand We are glad to report that the demand for our bîread is steadily on the increase. We are not surpî-ised for we are doing everything possible to give you the best bread money can buy. Start- ing with the best grade of flour we use only in- gredients of highest quality. So that Corbett's Wholesome Bread is always satisfying and full of nourishment. Eat moire Bread. It's stili the cheapest and best food. Try a loaf of Corbett's Gluten Bread for in- valids. W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville Orono BLACKSTOCK Annual County mieeting of Dur- ham West Orange Lodges met in L. O.- L. No. 409 lodge rooms, Oroiio, on Feb. 2nd. The Order is in a flourishing condition, Clarke District reporting 151 members and Cart- wright 296, making a grand total of 447. After Vie business session, Vie barge delegation of bretiren, headed by Orono L. O. L. fife and drum band, paraded Vo Vie Standard Hotel where a sumptuous banquet was served by Vie hostess, Lira. Rolpi, and her staff. A musicab entertainment followed intermingied with Ëtirring speeches by W. Bro. Sir KV. Col. Wm. Farrelb, Tyro ne; W. Bro. Sir KV. Stanford Swain, P.C.M.; W. Bro. Sir KV. Creighton Devitt, D.C.M.; W. Bro. Sir KV. Roy Ferguson, County Rec. Sec'y., Bback- stock; W. Bro. Tho§. Smith, Orono, wio ably acted as oastmaster in bis genial manner; W. Bro. Sir KV. Fred Grahamn, P.C.M., Newcastle; W. Bro. C. J. Tioraton, Ex-M.P., Orono ;W. Bro. Thos. Patterson, and W. Bro. Isaac T. Ciapman, Orono; W. Bro. Sir KV. R. Hamilton, Blackstock; Bro. McKay, Deputy Reeve of Clarke; W. Bro. Sir KV. Hartivell Lowery, C.M., Kendal; and Brus. S. Jeffrey, Blackstock, Robert Fowler and Samuel MeCombe, Orono. Ladies' Winter Conta stibb goiog at half price. Couci, Joinston & Cryderman. r- - 14 Wall Paper reflects your persoflal tastes Your personal aste ia Vhe dom- inant influence in Vhe purchase of your wearing apparel-eo it slould be in Vie selectiosi of Wall Paper for your home. From "Big 20" Spring Display you wili be able Vo select auch delightful papers for your rooms that you will take pride in show- ing them Vo aIl yopr friends. Drop i0 and see hem, or if you can't caîl, write for sansples. W. T. Allen BIG 20 BOOKSTORE Bowmanville Ont. lÀýý . 1 1

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