PAGE EIGET TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1926 DOWMANVILLE INTERMEDIATES' WILLOW DALE REST HOME DEFEAT PORT HOPE Dto Shower. TheN w a tI Irde erd rt Bowmanville Intermediates defeat -_____________________________________ ed Port Hope here Tuesday night During the evening of Re-ception 6-5. The game wa fast and fur- Day at Willow Dale Rest Home, Dr.j THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4th., 1926 ious, bath teams being in excellent Butler made the happy suggestion' ____________________________ f orm. The gamne was 8o fast, that. of a Donation Sbower for the Home,-- - players were compietely exhaustedý and at once giving practical effect NEWCASTLE ST. GEORG.E'S VSR MEETING~ at the finish. Colweli in the Bow-ý te the thought promised a bed-table VSR NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL manville net played a wonderf ui as th e very first drop. The bed- Jon5 a1 Go elwhpad enhsam Mrsgvn1r h rg ak game stoppng pucks by the dozen table was not long in descending up- M.gohne mConahi a rkeod teocc-iandof th anual frheaeth eragenat ks and blockiug the net when scra.mbles on Willow Dale and will undoubtedly gn to Orillia. Oh ve t heetain no h nulfrtel e of St George'ss were near this net. ics a i- prove a refresbhing convenience. Wel Mr. Charles Britt.on, Oshawa, was ve ymeig o ed-'sMiddle School sa vry godMhldin d w hescorehave al heard of cloud breakers and ii owhuedaredsheinge Janu all27on Mem Minnie Pearce ................7 considerably. Moyse was pyngramn makers and of their achieve- Miss C. B. Butier Ls niiil esof tevecngreain of ail aes Hilda Rowland............... 70 against doctor's orders but did ex- ments being called in question, but friends in Toronto. gathered at the hall about 6:30 to Clarence Gaines ..............609 cellent work. He got the first talîy there is no doubt of the gracious Jî. Anderson Smith Co. have taken raeo h upri h a Clara Caswell ................ 67 for the locals. H eae dw hsower whch bas fallen 'pon Wil- pon severaiteeperienceinhands.apa-Bertha Cowan ................ 56 ic wthgea vlciy n bo i ow Dale since the moment Dr. But- Mr. H. C. Smith, Toronto, visited; , ihnbsnesmet Marjorie Cowan .............. 53 iceug ithe grt el*cty nd brokentusis.i . ing. aelAlfred Graham ................50 berough thegurkps hig her t-he nimts tentheasicremiarko, s v tM.J .Hys vrtewe- The tables were artistically de- Tucker Couch................ 49 bewatik.teieus t o the prciitaiti orasend.r corated, laid and provisoned with al i Lke ..........4 F. Euls made up for this and took wtestefloigiiills~ Mrs. Andrus is very low at the t tdlct r iaLe4 evey iem f wic Mis Rwlad ,tht dIict-, rtand consummate Bernilce Couch ................46 a pot shot at Colwell fromn close-in and Willow Dale Rest Home offer home of ber daughter, Mrs. Anson I ekill, native and acquired, for wb1ch Raye Deline................. 46 after breaking the defence. Walton. the ladies of St .George's are justly Ida Parker.................. 43 In the second periad Moyse scored.getakodmes. Miss Laura Brimacombe, Bow-i reputed. The attractive and irresist- Doris Spencer ................ 39 Then Ware came through fast and Bed Table-Dr. J .A. Butler. manvilie, was weekend guest of Mrs.[ able menu of baked beans with cat- Norah Cowan................ 39 rapped Calwell heavily on the tooties Trayclots-Miss Cora Butler. Norman Allun. sup, hain, salads, jellies, cake, tea Richard Cowan ............... 38 receiVing a sumnmons for a couple of Bed Seets-Mrs. (Dr.) Butler. Mrs. John Abar, Torontospenit and, most delicious of all, apple pie May Clark...... ............ 36 minutes. Avery no'w began ta do abervonhMrs. a, onderouslyCeadLn........2 bis stuf and sailed teweedwth duh'r n eosieCem througb the Port Cream-Mrs. H. R. Pearce. Rthwalen t belieerail pettes and înd cle Anneter.................28 Hope line and shot from outside of To be decided-Ladies' Aid Group ffssRt ibl n rn a most agreeable and r-atisfied feel-' Gardon Ketcbum............. 19 deene oranthrgol.AvryketBassinette-Mrs. Wm. Buckley. Petîey, Bowmanville, spent Wednes- igo h ato vroe h Lower School Firat Form on gaing but finally was stopped Clothes Horse--Mrs Howard Glenrey day at Miss Blanche Couch's. f ew fragments that remained left nlo*uilHnesn......8 jerkily by the defence and was laid BahswlMs.(e. ok. doubt in the ladies' minds cancerr-MuilHnes .......8 out for a while. He came backBahTwlMs Rv)Coe Mrs. Harry Couch and daughter ing the thorough appreciatio'i of Eleanor A.nderson ............. 77 near the end of period. 1 Piper Toweis (3)-Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard Shirley, spent Saturday with bier their culinary achievements. Mary James .............. 4.. .5.*3I got gol o aneasysho afer Bed siter Mr. E.GibonOshwa.Aresta Martin ................ 48 gata galon n asysht ate a edide Bell-Mrs. J. C. Hancock. steM.E.Gosha. After supper the people assembied. Earl Walkey.............. .... 48j scrimmage in front of twine. Invalid Cup and Slate and Pencil.s Miss Annie Kenefick held a very in the upper room used for S. S. Fe ulr........4 Thr eidPort Hope got 4 -Miss Ruth Hanicock. successful progressive euchre party purposes, etc., for the vestry meet-iJean Parnel................. 39 goals, Hutchings scoring the first on Curate and Toilet Soap-Mrs. S. Mc- at bier home on Friday evening. ing wbich opened witb devotionai ex- John MeFarIane ............... 37 a pa" from Ware. Soon I. Piper re- Laughlin. Her many friends are sorry ta ercises of prayer by the Rector, Rev. Mlil ai........3 talied and shot from the wing into Wasing Machine-Mrs. J. E. W. learn of the prolonged and serious 1 E. R .James, and an exquisitely rend-Melilet Grabam..............254 far corner of net. Then A. Pilier Pip iliness of Mrs. F. Perrin, Brown's. ered solo by Miss Gladys Matcbett. Flra Gra...................6 dropped a close one on the uine end 1 lb. Butter, 1 pint Creâm-Mrs.A. Sarry ta report the continued il The business -opened wjth the min- Scn om Moye bovd t ntoth nt fr he A: Coiwill. sA ness of Mr. Chas. Bennett at the, utes of the last vestry meeting read, 6tb. New Port Hope stepped out Bse p plsM.Nra home o i rteM.FakBn by the Clerk, Mr. W. H. Gibson, Farewell Blackburn............ 80 aInd F. Hilis, and Buhl pappe-M.Nrman of isbrthe, r.Frak en which when adopted was fa)llowed by Eileen Cooke .........78 scored in quick sucesiP. I t ncHafbhlAe-r. Fred Bur- nett.(D. anobasenvi_ a report of the financial statement, Dorothy Rickard .............. 66 period Hilîs held Piper', stick and aneyoftewtonville. Mrntsand(Dr.) Haifbusel Appiles-rs iting friends in Toronto, motoring ado h Rndaltmnsad as- CarTkray................5 fed the canaries for a whiie. Jack Jar J'elly-Mrs. J. Robinson. ap with Mr. Clayton Crawf ord on bis 1sessmnsb the People's Warden, Ry lr.........5 Cameron put in a good gatne as re- Pair Smaîî Pillowcases-Mrs. J. E. return to the city on Thursdaymr- Mr. D. J. Gibson. Thc Von Duzer Burney Coucb ..........5 feree. The uine-up was: Macet n.Fund and the Rectory Trust Fund Bessie Clark................. 55 Port Hope-Goal, Micks; Defence, Parsnips, Carrots, Cabbage-Mr. D.Wlim Adsn were reported by the Rector'sNeieGro. .......5 Jex and Hutcbîngs; Centre, Ware; Sam Brown. wroWlamspe ddstne Toronto,, Warden, Mr. J. E.. Matchett. The Muriel Lake................. 50 Wins, agrma ad A Hlîs Su, Drssd Cicen-rs.Ja. Stoe, ndi teweekend with financial stat$ment of the A. Y. rP. A. Gordon Laking ................34 Hui rman . Hil; u N1 retonvie i. a. t n t restd vsitor at Bemnan was an 1was presented by Mr. Reg. LeGrez- Ross Jones.................. 33 6.qt. gemsNof fruit andintpînttCreamsMonray. Willowdale onl ley; of the Sunday School by the Stanley Graham .............. 32 Bowma Dnvie-oanA.PpeCoentre,-Mr.LreCbld .i Secretary-Treasurer, Mr. Robert Ernest Pearce ................ 32 feneDenemandA.Pipr;Cenre -Ms.Lam Cbbldik.Councillor Gibson bas commenced 1 Crowtber; and of the Women's Aux- Lonnie Gibson ................ 12- Maise; Wings, Avery, 1. Piper; subs, 1 dozen Eggs-Mrs. E. C. Beman. the annual ice harvest at the Lower1 iliary by Mrs. (Rev.) E. R. James J. K. Graham, Principal- Luxton, Crossey. Milk-Mrs. Caswell. Msbad r.OmPrertBel-, in the absence of the treasurer, Miss Externally or Internally it is Good Load Homemade Bread. 1 pint Chili mont mili pond. The ice is almost B. Mclntosh, wbo owing to ilîness -Wben applied externally by brisk 1 Sauce-Mrs. Dave Shaw. i sixteen inches tbick. was unable ta be presenit.rubgD.Toa'EecrcO OdLnMrs. J. .B C. Hncckan Congratulations te Miss Blanche' The total receipts and expendit- opens the pores and penetrates the ÂUNT SAYS '4KEEP SUNNY" Ms .N uke Couch on the success of bier big Old ures of the various departments witb tissue, toucbing the seat ol the Tyme Dance in Cammunity Hall on balances on band as sbown by the trouble and immediately affording Aunts tlk t lir nice his eeklast Wednesday evening. Ail pres- financial statements follow: Cburch relief. Administered internaiiy it A n t'esuaik tafber nee thi week- JANUARY WEATHER ent report a good time and also -hope Wardens' statement: Rec. $1625.91, will still the irritation in tbe tbroat an's theme. But any man may get. there wiil be another one in the near Exp. $1557.37, Bal. $68.54; Van which induces. cougbing and will re- &orne practicaI ideas who reads bier We do nPt recaîl a Jainuary more1 future. Duzer Fund: Rec. $863.01, Exp. lieve affections of the branchial advice. Some of Aunt's view pints fickle and wth more frequent chan- Mr. and Mrs. P. O'Neil and Mr. $293.85, Bal. $569.16; Rectory tubes and respiratory organs. Try are truiy valuabie. She writes: ges in this part of the Province than and Mrs. P. Martin attended the re: Trust Fund: Rec. $8539, Exp. $16.- it and be convinced. My Dear Niece :-Dress goes such tbe one just closed. ception held at the home of Mr. j. 70, Bal. $68.69; A. Y. P. A.: Rec.1 a long way towards the making of It came Ln mild and left us witb1 Matbews, Liberty St., Bowmanville, $4.25, Exp. $1.60, Bal. $2.65; Sun-___ aur moods. Sometimes i7has even mild weather. Fourteen days of the on Saturday evening, on tbe occa- day Scbool: Rec. $142.70, Exp. $96.- a strang influence on cliaraiter. I month were belew normal, and seven sion of bis severing bis conneetion 41, Bal. $46.29; W. A.: Rec. $32619, SOTCUS AQE We yuarweldeed days are recorded above normal The with tbe C. N. Railway. Exp. $291.05, Bal. $35.14. SOTCUS AQE feel in a good mood toward your fel-lwetpitothte ertewa At a special meeting of the Muni- Tbe following officers wore ap- lus-ve cl.rswil nae dffr-the 29tb., when the temperature cipal Council on Monday evenîng, ponted for tbe ensuing year: W. H. Mr. F. C. Paterson, Departinent ence in how yau feel.drpeto1bewze. Acr- Jauary 25, Mr. J. W. Bradley and Gibson, Vestry Clerk; Mr. J. E. Agriculture, Port Hope, is one of the Whn ouwer ry r lak ring ta the Weatberman the temper- Mrs. Robert Gibson were appointed Matchett, Ricter's Warden; Mr. D. active workers alang agricultumal faded coow r i en Voonebackour ature Saturday and Sunday cli.nibed municipal auditors and Mr. Howard J. Gibson, People's Warden; Audi- lines who is ever on the aiert ta pro- a fdedcoIrit s tn e oe yurta 48, and pehaps 50. But Spring Cooke, C. P. R. Station Master, was tors, Misa P. M. L. Brdck and Miss mate and extend information along manners and actions wiil carres- is not here. More cold weather is pond. Btpno rgtbwo ntewy h nwieo a appointed a member of the Manag- Lindsay; Envelope Sec'y., Miss Coma this line whenever and wberever pas- pu Bu rt pi o a rt o or ndtua ba be e 17 rince ofican'ing Committee of Community Hall in Butler; Press Rep., Miss B. Medc- sibue. yutorb aoodt irofchange. I jndust aotnri bee 1 nhsomwbich *place of Dr. J. A. Butler, resigned. tash. Mm. Ardagh and Mr. Clay- This season bis efforts have prov Why be dowdy? One may avoid 1 Ontario experienced on Tbums-day Police Magistrate Campbell beld ton Crawford were appointed dele- ed mast successful in the short cour- an exaggerated lave for much flnery iast struck witbh fearful force over Court on Tuesday last, a charge bav- gates ta Synod with Mm. Howard Gib- ses heid at Orono under the auspices- or fashionable lathes, but one need the Atlantic, and at Port Auxhasques ing been laid by the Humane Society son and Mm. Harold Gibson alter- of the Department and wbicth con-- net be dowdy. off Newfoundiand, they had a terrific against W. McManus. After hear- nates. cluded on Friday night with a grand Brightness need nat be extrava- storm with wilnd riding at 94 miles ing sevemal witnesses the defendent banquet given in the Town H21:'. The j gance; because, when you sel&~t ma- an boum and vesseis have had a ter- was fined $2.00 and casts. The hereoOPDDA hr urse eei Arclue teildo sowt h5ntnin0a rible experience. baving been sold in the meantime DOPDDA for tbe boys and Hausehold Sciencd to ena t h it an pyThe inention tbat Pcharrve Inspector Baird, Oshawa, prosecuted MiEM ~ ~for the girls. and lasted a month. yo ma t e rgh ndhpp Te eti rez wih rivdand T. Hall, Cobourg, appeared for E.M "katSf«e er The banquet whieh was followed and jolly, and se choose accordingiy. from the south Saturday mornîng the defendant. Attack From Which She Succumbed.- by a dance was atteinded by upwards 0f course you must be careful ta brought the tempemature in 24 boums Safadsuet of theHe Fi, veig aur bt. ftoiundred and fifty. The Hall av'oid giaring colors that do not suit f rom 5 below zero te 38 above zero. Safadsuet fte Hgh Fia vnnJnay 2t. a eoae npri n elw you-brilliant scarlets, greens or It is interesting ta note that last $chool beld an enjoyable skating Miss Emily Mary Lockhart, who wad evoeryon wore yb and lw purpies suit but few-and you shauld January had a similar low and bigh party o omnt Rn nTe-camne to Port Hope from Newton- bad fancy horns whicb theyusda flot get such colors that wuil exag-, point just at the end of the month. day evening, each persan inviting ville two years ago, died suddenly variaus stages of the pmagram. gerate defects in skin or hair. Any The cold point being il below zero, one guest. It was a perfect win- f rom heart trouble. Miss Lockbart extremes are fooiish. on the 27th., aind the month going ter's evening, stars averbead, air 'had been iii on Tuesday but had e- The chief speaker of the evenlng Threar s mny shde out witb a forty on the 31st. still and bracing, and good ice be- covered sufficienly to be about again was W. R. Graham, Professor of choerfomnw hthre semn houd unayngh abizaremeaie neath the skates. The young ladies and was down town between four Poultry Husbandry at O. A. C. His choos from now hat here ud ndy id thablzsrnow vilu served lunch in the hall basement and five o'clock Friday afternoon. talk ran along the uine of the rela- blea iffilcty n aknga em n pie ebrain s sevod in after the skate, with Miss Brock sup- On bier retumn ta Miss Alice Hume's tion of science ta agriculture and he in a very breezy mood. evssng the coffee making. No. 3, Barrett's Temrace, she went ta gave many examples of thow certain Why ne adop a effade o yoI M. Thos. A. Rodger's S. S. Ciass bier room ta take off hiem coat and principles. of fam-ming had been own-such as lavenders, blues or soft - of boys enjoyed its second group Miss Patterson and Miss Hume hear- cbanged by Mcientific discoveries. yellows--Vben go get materiais with i sleighridc on Satumday afternoon and ing a fali went up and found hem He spoke of a direct ay of sun- that particular ehade in it either in HONEY IS EXCELLENT FOOD took aiong for good company Mizs unconscious on the floor. A doctor light as exerting the same influence the borders or ground; this wouldI Lillian Colwill land hem ciass of girls. was immediateiy called and be pro- on the body as food and stated that give you a style of youm own. People who have always iooked on Mm. Stanley Rickard, big brother of nounced bier dead. the number and quality of the eg Du't think because you are Zt- beney as a deightful delicacy ath- i one of the boys, drove down witb Miss Lockhartwas born near Newv-, hatcbed in the Spring wili larglgg ting aider and grey tbreads are 1 er than as a food may be suprised ead boblihadlnech ovlesxytreyasaoadb determined by the amount of sun- pearing in your hair, and the childi ta leamn that careful test carried eut 1 whole buncb of fmolsome youn was the daughter of tbe late Andrew light now and that thse saniewa ren are growing up, that you sbould'y foodeprshvlbanta p ek at Meadow Lark Farmn for Lockhart and Emily Bates Lock- true of the litters of pigs oray be sombre and duil and grey. a pound of honey theme is suficiesit1 supper and a few 'heurs of wbolc- fhart. After th, deatb of hiem father, of the other animals. He pointu Yeu can be nearer your ciidreni energy available ta supply 42 per, somte play. The supper tables were she îived in thse village of Newtonn.. out that wben filtered through gla .sS by eig oly ndbrgh, cmpn- cnt of the energy needed by a' laid with a prodigal hand by the vil' ni easaowe h t lost much of its gaod quality. ion and chum, which they need more 4elb ciemni h oree hses r.W .S ikrwt came te Port Hope ta be near hem In speaking of the boys and girls th4n they do an aloof and t l-24 boums. the assistance ef Miss Marion and of niece, Miss Florence Lockhart, who of today, ble said that taking bis grey mentor; let themn treat you as1â ý udo ik wihi ae isLila lmne n t is al- lived witb ber at Newtanviile. Miss own experience into consideration, onilo tam m ore years, and they' ta îghly as a food, can supply oniy! most needless ta state that every Flerence Lockbart is at present at lie believed that the education given rediytei 'u her9 per cent of n man's daily energy !muember of tbe party did full and Qucenston visiting bier si ster, Mrs. bY their own parents was more secrets, troubles and confidences. reurmns1lbuh o ore tvgru usiet ie salpdGo uîd valuable than tbe education re- l is rie h in certain hadybuilding cie- petatoes and meat and ail t he suc- Sei uvvdb itr ils ceived at any school or college, and Let the youngsters think Mother ment. 1i ceedîngeure un te and includir.geLan,11p .Cty bl, n ne h tboht it wise ta develap nthat 1 wish ta thank my many custom- Mm. J. H. Vance, Petemboro, agenti Saturday Evening Post.......3$4.00 J .BTE.M -M ers in tawn and country for their for the famous Chamberlain Weatb-i Family Hemald & Weekly Star.$3.00 Friday, February l2th Renom graduate of Trinity Universitt klnd patronage during the past and erstripplng, la In town this week out-1 Weekly Witness ............ $4.00 At 8:15 P. M. '-Ilow of Trinity Medical Collet@ desire ta solicit their support duingý fitting severai bousS. It is the lice.ntiate of the State Univer.lty of the present yeam. Wishing ail a greatest thing on the market ta keep Canadian Home Journal ... . $8.00 Admisioin Soc; Childrea 23c 'Jew York. Matrieulate of the Posi- Hap n rseosNw Ya.otcold drafts from loase windows Farm & Dairy............ . .$250 D tfi aha hshmru Graduate Medical School and Ho>- Sincerely yours, and doors. It helis ta keep down Fermer' Sun.............33.50 Pay Ti umrs omat cdm fMdcn.Ofc M n. E . elm g., your fuel b il and m akes bouse m re M...s a az n....... ... 3 . 0 W JPl R J a y iChtr e eroM f N Y o ag n s e aid o ec . comortable. Phono 58 if you MCan'a Mgzn .... 40 .j .RcSd hi edr TorroAaeyo eiie l elo John Cle, Ontario St., Bowman- want ta se. Mr. Vance. Eetlmates Cndian Countryman.......8$3.00 Mrs. Lsura Flsher, Planlast Newcastle. Hour-S ta 10 a. M., ville, Phono 889. 4-tf furnlahed free. 49-1 Canadian Poultry Revlew . 8.8.001 - 1 ta 8 p. mn., and by appolatrmt, SPECIAL, SALE]i of Women's Dresses Thrifty Buyers will flot fail to take advantage of these genuine price reductions. Grouped for quick Clearance twenty only, beautiful fiat crepe canton, satin faced canton, crepe romaine and crepe de chene dresses, were priced up to $40.00, For Quick Clearance Weekend Special $18.75 Twelve Only, Flannel Poiret Twill and Tri- cotine Dresses, were priced regularly to $15.00, Weekend Special $4.98 Fourteen Only, beautiful Winter Coats which represents the balance of our winter stocks, Clearing at Exactly 1/2 their Original Selling Price Three Only, Children's Coats, sizes two, three and four years, Give Away Price Whule They Last $1.98 Se W. MASON & SON Dry Goods Phone 106 and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Bowmanville When You Need GROCERIES-BREAD-BUNS-CAKES- PASTRY-CHOCOLATES-ICE CREAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. Bring or send your order to, this store where it will receive prompt attention and you will get good valu. H. S. BRITTON, Baker & Grocer Newcastle SPLITDORF RADIO RECEPTION qPolonaLùe .~td. $W> extra. Othor modae . rom M %te 535. O F ALL the qualities that recommnend Splitdorf Receivers, their dependabiity in service ia perhapa the most important. Splitdorf Receiversamar simple ta apeate--theme are no intricate adjustznents ta be tisskered with. They wsfl brixîg in distance if that is yaur pleasure. They wlll give great volume if you want it And, above an, you wifl bave the wonderful toaa quality for whlch Splitdomf Receiversamar noted. Purchase a Splitdorf froin un and we wifl sec that you get the dependable se:rvice t h lauit ta give.. Agent for Bowmanville and District T. A. GARION Phone 412, Ontario St., Bowinanville The President of the Mine Workers Union, says the Strike may continue until the Fali of 1926 or Spring of 1927. Better protect yourself by ordering.a load of "WONDER COAL" the hottest coal on earth, no clinkers and littie ash, burns equally well in Range, Heater or Fur- nace. I have a limited supply on hand. George Jamieson NEWCASTLE ONTARIO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1926 PAGE EIGHT