PÂGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1926 RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMAN VILLE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY WEST EAST 6.28 a. m. Dex M 10.14 a. mi. D 6.06 a. m. 2.45 p. m. D 8.20 a.m. D 7.48 p. m. D 4.31 p. mu. D 11.27 p. mu. D 7.10-p. m. D6 12.26 a. m. D ID ;-Daly except Bunday. D ex. M-DaIIy except Monday. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAV Glng West 4.22 a. m.-Plag. Daily. .33 a. m.-DaIIy. Stops to let off pasi sengers fram east of Trenton 10.07 a. m.-Daily Except Sunday. 2.02 p. m.-DaIly Except Sunday. 7.11 p. mn.-Daily Except Sunday. 8.24 p. m.-Daily E1xcept Sunday. 7.06 p. m.-Sunday Only. Ging East 8.42 a. m.-DaiIy Except Sunday. 9.13 a. m.-Sunday Only. 10.14 a. M.-Dally. 1.47 p. m.-DalIy Except Sunday. 2.46 p. m.-Flag. DalIy Except Sunday 7.14 p. m.-Daily Except Bunday. 9.58 p. mn.-Daily. 11.21 p. m.-Fiag. DalIy Except Sunda: 12.34 a. m.-DaiIy. Stops to pIck up pas- sengers for pointa sent o Trenton only. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY TYRONE STATION WEST EAST Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8.25 am. 6.25 p.nm Tuemlay, Thuraday and Saturday 9.00 a. r. 5.30 P. WOMAN COUID HARDLYWALK Mrs. Horn Telis how Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health Hamiltn,Ont.-"I have taken Lydia E. Pinkh am's Vei etable C1ompound - ,,and wead eh without it now. I had a f ermale Strouble se badly I Scauld bardly walk - and I was aIl rua- - down and could * - - - ardly get arouad ta do my bouse- - wark. I would be in bed three or four days at a time. I was toid by a friend ta try oui V~etaie Cmpoud. I did, and ~ytietreI tok wo ottîes I was bginningta get aratmd again. I teck ten bott les in aIl, and new I arn al îigbt again and doing my cwn work. 1 have six grown-ups ta work for, se I have plenty ta do. I asmo used Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash, and 1 think itis gcod. But Iowe my health ta the Vegetable Compound, and I think if more ef it was used women would ho btter off. I woald net be witbcut it if it cost mach mre. "- Mis. NELLIE HoaN, 28 St. Matthews Avenue, Hamilton, Ontario. Do you feel broken down, nervous snd weak sometimes? Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound is excel- lent ta take at such atime. It al ways heips, and if taken regularly and per- sistently, will relieve this condition, c RfHEAD and RNIKaBRONCHIAL Ne Smke-Na Sprays-Na Snuff Just Swallw à RAZ-MAN capsule Restorea normal bieatbing. Quickly sto ps ail choking, gasping and mucuse f gatheringeain branchial tubes. GiveE long nights o! restfül sleep. Containsi no ijuriaus or babit-forrning drugs $1.00 per box at drug stores. Send 5c. foi generaus tr-l. Templetons, Toronto RAZ-MA H GUARANTEED RELIEF RPm 20 MINUTES That's al. Twenty minutes after taking a ZUTOO tablet your headache wiii bc sone. One of these little tabiets-safe, reliabie and hartilosa as soda-will stop any beadaclie i 2o minutes. Or, better sr11, tuiken when you feel the headache corninrg on, a ZU £00 tablet wiIl wai-d it off-nip it in the bud. No Ileadache PREVENTION IMedical science ac- knowledges that cod-liver oil is invaluable to preven rickets, weak-bones ornI other forma of malnutrition. Scott's Emulsion of pure, nourishing Cod- liver oil, abounds in the vitamins that nearly every Scott's Emulsion cZ g u ne s g ual is important noursh ment to help overcoe faulty nutrition. ,.-it & Bowre. Toronto. Ont. 225,41 Cok' RguatngCompound A !ae, elible regulatne M edicine. kSoIdJ in tliree de- 1j5 gr--of trentgth-No. 1, SIS ',. 2, $3; No. 3, $5 per box. Soin b y Il druggita, or srat ~ prepard o"n reript of price. Sree Pa mphlet. Addrese: THE COK MEDICINE CO. TORONTO,ONT. FormryWindwat WDOD:S PMOSPMODINEf" 71,ýÀM4e GreatFEnglish Preparafnn. ,» laces and nvgorates thre whoe pj5l~>ervous systemr. makes new Bîood in oId Veina. Used for Net-uas WWmDebliy. Mental anrd Drain Wrrèy DePnden ? Laits of Ene , Palpitation o hg ar .7ailngMentor)'.7prce$2 peibox, 3p for15. ý boid by al druggias or mailed in plain ~OneVePto pr M_ - --:j~h ,- ie L LETTER FROM CALIFORNIA 1 FORMER DARLINGTON WHAT 0F THE UNIVERSE! KEDRON ITEMS Former Editresa of The StatesmaniWMNPSE By Ch&&. M. Bice, Law'yer, Denver, Miss Florence Short is visiting Picturas Southern Conditions Colorado. relatives at Little Britain. On Fida, Jauar 22 thee pss-Mr. and Mrs. L. Hsricock enter- From a private letter ta aur home On1 iaJnay 2 hr 1.5 Says the later Gauss, the greatesttandfedsTsayenng *we take the liberty of passing on tai ed ta rest, a former rezident of En- of German niathernaticians, "I pro- Mandiss Rslla Wod, R. eNi.Per *Statesinan readers samne parts of, niskillen but for the past 22 years test against the use of the ter, n braMisitRoe atWoMi. R.J .,McG er- genralintîes an inormtiv afa rsident of Whitby in the persn finite Magnitude, as samething camn- canditions in the socalled Sunny of Mrs. Frederick Rogers, formerly pleted". Mrs. Win. Hephurin and Miss Lu- Califoînia. The writer '~Ms Mary Jane Martin, at the home of Sy isen Temcouiel iie rs.F ovOïaa May Webster Weeks who for five ber son-in-law, Mr. Frank E. Jones, y isen Temacouni-eiied Mr.AW.S. F. ave, on saeao years in the 80's was assistant edi-J Byroin Street Sauth, after being il vers is a finite, thaugh Emone M.A.WShrsactnslen tres f tisfailyjornl ad i-for saine time. curvilinear, space-time continuum". Wednesday was a splendid success n. 50 f Th fmethr ouObern wend Dcesd asbini Dvosi, An astronomer of international Te- and Iargely attended. in.so f Te MthoistObsrve whni ecesedwasbor inDevnshrepute, states that the time bas corne Mi. and Mis. Win. Hepburn vis- it was publisbed here. Mrs. Weeks'Egad o a 8 13,adîhen the sciences interested can pro- ited Mis. Will Scott at hier daugh- bas been staying with hier daughter'came ta Canada with hier famîly in ceed ta deal with Cosmnos as geog- ter's, Mrs. D. Pollard, Oshawa. Helem, at 2015 Castra Way, Sac- June. 1876, soon after the death of ah bas been daing witb the eaîth- Mr. William Sharp underwent rainento, Calif., but writes this let- bier first busband, Philip Lee. Sbe Iy section 0, it. operatioin foi appendicîtis at Oshawa ter from Walnut Grave, Calif., sanie was married ta Frederick Rogers afA 30 miles sauth-west of Sacramnento Enniskillen, ýon May 25, 1883. In Astronomy is now in the enviable Hospital and is getting alang fine. situated in the Sacrameonto Valley 1904, after one year i the stpsion tintcaîtaherslobf adiMi. and Mis. H. L. Pascoe, Col- y- nawn as the Delta regian and is Mi. and Mis. Rogers came ta Whit: beelveirunaviwbe, the glo e bdIumibus, and Mi. and Mrs. C. Pascoe, claimed ta be the richest soul te be by, taking up their residence on ben ciunaiaete Pa'es Enfield, visited at Mr. J. H. Pascae's. found in the Golden Gateway State. Green Street, where tbey lived until îeached and earth's outlines were de- Mse ageieadKtle y -The Editor. the death of Mr -Rogers sevein vears fined with reaisanable certainty. an Mi.Fe ianMarurinatnded the ol Mis. Woeks under date of Januaiy ago, wben Mis. Rogers went to live Wonderî of wonders if true; and hockey matich betwveen Part Hope 23îd., writes: at the haine of hier son-in-law, Mi. true, the job is a very much bigger and Oshawa in Oshawa. We have bad an unusual conditionIF. E. Jones, w'hero she resided un- one, this mapping of the Universe, M.Rs eMs .W e n of winter weatheî bore in CentraIý til her death. than making a Marcator of the little Miss Mildîed Cale were in Bowmnan-i California-some 26 days of fagl Mrs. Rogers was a woman wba was eartb. ville recently. Mi. Ross Lee attend-i with only about 6 ta 8 hours of sun-1 held in the highest respect and es- The Astionomer in question, speak- ed Canadian Club banquet.1 nshine during all that tinre. in ad-i teem b y aIl wha knew li-er. She was ing fîom Greenwich abseivatory, ad- WenAtm Casdfote- dition ta that unfavarable feature: always ready ta lendc a helping hand mits as much as bis plan proves:. He hnAtm oms ontds cold winds have pîevailed-the cold-' to assitteafitdozed.Sewudaea~~~ ftecmlt pair. Tuin 'at once ta the help n. est being 32 degrees ahave Zea.! was a gieat lover of flowers arnd ed universe an a scale of a million, effective-Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asth- -While ta Canadians ira the East, as 1fioweiing plants, and spent rnuch million miles ta the foot. Mark %vell ina Remedy. This wonderful rem- we say he, that temperature would' timo in beautif ying the surround- this: Light Which in its fligbt can edy will give yau the aid you need flot be considered really cold weath- ings of bier home. Deceased was circle the earth seven times in a wtotefot hkn ess er, ta, us out here it was extrerrî"ly! a miember of the United Cburch and second, ivould mave in bis model breingbomos natural and vith- cold, being very penetrating and the Women's Missionary Society, and1 with a speed rathor below that at[ out effort. Others, thousands of gave us the shivers. during lier dlays of health was a con-1 which a blade of grass grows in the tb em, have suff ered as yau suffer but Howevei, we are enjoying lifeistant and faithful attendant at ,!-,elSpring. have risely tuîned ta this famous again, for the past fewv days wo have srie.iOnti cl heuies t elfrmedy and ceased ta suffer. ,Get a had clear skies and balmy sunshine. The funoral was private, and toak would be repiesented as the size of pcaeti eydy ISpiingtime muast bo appraacbrng,J place fîam lher lato residence on oui earth, with the suri a kind of tofor alroady the trocs are bud-1 Sunday, ta, Bowmanville Cernetery, little Rhode Island in' size, campai- A THOUGHT FOR TODAY [ding and in the course of anothor' the service-, being conductod by Ied witb tbe greater whale. month at farthest, peach, apricot andr Rev. A. M. Iiwin. Oui salai systemi would be covered Upon Thy Word 1 reat, alniond trees will be in full bloam h albaes wr esr.b ri fsnwie h at1S wes ue and the Eden-like outlook of this Te pl-err ee Msr.b ri fsnwieteerhrS wes ue valley will be most ecatn and Thomas E. Hardy, George Richard-1 would sbrink ta less than a ten- Sa fullI'of comfort blest, the Jnuaryfogs ncodbanting son, A. M. Ross and J. Hannah. milliantb of an inch in diameter. Sa strong, -go sure, will have been forgatten. Deceased is survived by a daugb- Sucb is the map of the univoîse The Word that changetb nat,t *This section of California is de- tr,î .E oeW~bata sînm t~d rtto'M ig etua voted largely ta orcharding, but ten son, Dr. J. H. Lee of St. Josepb, Mis- the cosmogonist for interpr'ai' M ig etuo miles farther south aroumd Isleton is sartogadhlin rdrc irsope, flot a telesape Thy Word forever.c the asparagus country, a large acre- Martin Lee and Hilda Mary Lee, naw would bie îequired ta examine thisl __ age being grown, and there are living on tihe Base Lime, P.e kering model of a "completed" universe.t huge canneries where it is peae township; and thiee step-children, The astranomer goes on the suppasi- puiposes, it ils infinitude, foi the8 for expert sbipment. I pran' ed -Mis. F. A. McClusky, New York tian, of course, that this is a finitle mind of mnan is whally unable ta, iagine anyane nat lîking chsath City; Ms W. G orsm n r nvre r-ptedsac eie nsc giving vegetable, especially wben i- William Fîedeîick Rogers of Cal: u phinîverse. gndî-anabp tedstae efnregd ing s-b0 ias well put up in cans as they gary, Alberta. Another son, Mr.c ptheysitrcamsal osandoac-tancarpe saeet.eadigds doi ee orral tisams sFred A. Lee, merchant at Ennis: et-h ~rnmcIpooiin It is one of the far-reahcijng conse-c kilenfo sme easpa-edaa that the universe is tinite, and tells goad tasting and fresh as wben gatb- seve yya, pgo us that we can define the number quences of the doctrine of relativity ered£ro thegrond.of eectons ithn te fiitere-that the universe of matter and WantGrave is a pretty rosi-________ gion. The nurnbei of themi? As the space must be fanite. It ils in appo-e dential hamlet wbere many wealtby grains of sand, as the bubbles of the sto oteNwoinieta people reside ira peaco and barmony. OBITUARY ocean, multiplied by quadrillions. ateia universe is "ifaite" tinan h It is sucb another bustness contre as As a mathemnatician. lie comes for-1mtra niesIsýfiie na Orono, Necastle and othor neat and Mrs. Frederick Bail, Oshawa Nvard and explains tha-, it -%vould'infinite ocean of space." nie es uramvllge. But i not be so difficult a jorb after aîî, ta The new idia is that, if tbe uni-f the automobile brings it in close Another bighly respected OsbaNva1tell in ternis of tl-e numbeis of!verse is infinite and rithout begin- touch with bath Sacramento and Sani resideat passed away Sunday even-ielectrons in the fite u'iverse: Justintag, ample time bas elapsed for all Francisco, being situated on the main 1 ing, January 24th., in the persan of find out the number in. a vcry limited ý the stars ini the stellar systemn, tai bighway between tbem and traffie îsj Mabel Morrow, wife of Frederick!part of space a-d aýppy ýr multipl, I have escaped into infinite space, very great the yoar round. 1 Baîl, in bier 49th year. Elevea years it by the whole universe. .- never ta retarin, and neyer again ta Nursiing the sick and shut-i n s'of lber youtb were spent at bier birth, But here again. z-aronornv cornes came into interaction 1with one an- down bore is remunerative as prac- place, La Chute, Quebec, thîee years lta play. Wbat iz -0 be measureriq i )hr-a systomi of chaos which nat- tical nurses are paid $4 for a 12-1 in Newcastle and the îemaiad er of[The mýost remote' et observable llrie aaturally ab-ors nîuch more than hour day and $5 if they romain over[lher life in Oshawa. Rer scboolirrg : hrough tac telezc:Ïre in thï i te it does a vacuu.m. nigbt. Yet it is very difficult ta get was obtained in the two former' uniýverse. is a spi.ral ncbuloe ab.-ut a The new science holds tbat the a nurse ta beave t1We cities, either places. As a member of the S-irn- million ligh:t yeprs frcrn the earth. Universe is meaf-urable in turne and trained or practical ones as% tboy pre- co Street United C..urch she tock1 A mill..n vears azD wha-, waz - he -,paco, that it cannot mo on forever, fer the 12-hour day and a groat an active part in ail church affa:rs.ieartb? LIght bvga--nrr7g a i butln w muhstrun down, like a dlock mnanv refuse ta take the othor kind. especially the Evcrready Bible Cla-, 5: vears azo from :haz, far off eCiustoî, -ýhi ee on p u 1 may visit my Canadiar. friends, and Ladies' Aid Society. She wastavlin : e ranofe30 modernists maintain that the lin~~~~~~~~~~~~~ auustfra hr setruaovvameerlftelceahLde o i ngsc d aL uI a- a: ah mc0Univer-e is a self-winding dock, inAuust ora hot peJ rtnve athrougbte ebka Ltheo. mlepr-scodeOcssosa. nc tofghth rocsdio- ado again for a winter-the Sunny South 13. Surviving bier bcsidos lber bus- mer.nthle humnanr r,:ia. Tn-arnm.- for yours truly. band, are one son, aged 14 ycar.s, putation of tr ac r.r : f Miles aczivity. And -ith man's better William Charles, and lber rnothe-r, travcllcd is ca-y . rý, -- ',Z-hun derstanding of radio-activity, lhe Mrs. C Oshaa. Dr.H.ýdiztanceis. - sgiving an almost infinitude of IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL S. . D allraw, Osbawahe Dr. -e ldI ta sano-zhcr m * z . time ta the earth and universe, back- S. ougîlcoauced he O~"O CUs:er-'stai5 arec Iasndrearer anewarfd and forward. TÎsenior ouitor has More ta Tuesday afternoon, tr.o funeral tak- cartiý- and familiar t, -he athr To ed cnetsiiCnda The n ths l tto fani ing place ta, Union Cemetoîy. o h kta hdt~rlgti.rcThla coent.asiuranm, o sordirary interest i hqlte rn o h kta hdt--r1gtiýcta ea suaim r EMis. Sanîuel Souch %wbo movecl fr-om ______-Pace 20,000 or 30.000 vear- ao something like it, give the earth an îBwavlet ta reach it aow, travelling tbrrrughaoo ilo-n--af yas Bvmnilta Stattle r,Albertaaeo ilo-n--afyas severaI ycai.s ago, because back i-n Rev. Simon Crooksbanks, Peterboro i the long prc'raLtoric ages at the Max- without its having passed its major- 1871 ta 1R774 Hattie Bradle-her ýimum velocity for anything it maidoen name-wrr- a stiholar of bis Afteî an illrîess of several montb-' univer5e, Sc, far as we know, mov- Ia oesy h u tre inBad01 Sho, S. S. 14, Dar-ý duration witb healtb enfeebled pre- lin g tbrougb t-.e dawn of civilizat;on, off ta boat the cartb as a mass of liagton. antd Obtainetr with her cIa,,s- viously, Bev. Simon Crooksbank5 tbrough the n ýe and faîl of empires pure uranium, it can omit energ'y at mate. Byronr White (deceased) a' passed away at Peterboro on Frida-. and dynaa5tî-, until the pre.ýent' its; present rate for five million of teacher's cerificate. afternooa, January l5tb. Wbat have the stars nat witnesse4lIyears. i-Satbutrdae of Januarv Dcceasqed wvas 82 yeais of age, ~i hybdayitrs nti ln An evelutionary iadder of the 26, ii- Dear Mr. James-I e of John and Margaret Job ' onet' Possi1,ly, tbey had more imn- stars bas been buiît by a Princeton by Ti-e Statesman that you hiave just Crookshanks, pioncer settlers i h portant thi-ta look at, for al we university astronoinor, taking as bis lad another birthday, anti that you, township of Smith, Peterboro Caui- know-ti-e forming of aew planets, guide the iuminositv~ of the stars, ar svnt-sienýenýYon. on t. -the undoing cf athers. the tbeory being tha*t tbe oengin of gratulations ant. be-zt wishes for Ii aet aet aaaf- Less than a century ago, the first a star's ba stesa' as b mans- Mare years witb health ta en- rln lih ya 87 wav star waS measured by man in this star living hy trans-fo igtems joy theru. two years after the first settîcîs Western world. Wbat bad bocal into radiation. We pazs dowa tbe 'Ny oued ofteaic-al the daYs gained a wîjy into the foîest-t mat attai ned in Egypt, Babylonia, Chah!- laddeî, rung by rung, from Sirius t of "Auld Lang Syne", but I (Io not covered the township lands in 1819. anad near rît band down in tbe the suai. , nvrs-in ti ut ~~vant ta l-h. e in the pa- \evrne ft t tb of his father andt land of the Mayas on this continent, have taken seveîal billion years. The I wvant ta kocp in touch with the only sister in 1849, hoe with bis can ho surmise(d only. r interval from tbe topmcost rang ta Young and %witi the pre.-eat. i have mati-er andialtier biotheis moived t'O Monument., survve ta prove thatj the Icist froru the bîigbtest star resolvetl, toa. that I will net gv p aelo-ony certain of the ancient knew a great ta the dullost rneanss in tiine two ta idieness and casc or sit an the Rseal duainwa anci deal about the movemonts of the buntlred million years. Is thîs fin- corner kitig-I %%,ill go ta lect-- seryedcto a- anli heaveniy badies. Witb them it ite or infinito, an etornity, or wbat? uires, entoitainmients, Suriday Schooll the public sebools of the period anti was a religiaus quest. Witb the Atm ilcmacrigt h aftl ecn iy houseaad mes ad. iîtorewatic-oto o a e oligica jreligi ous aim as projector, miracles spiritual scientists, as differentiatod willkee rn bose eanaadvist curs atVicori Caiog, Cbcrrg.can ho wroughýt in astranamy, ai- frorn the Materialists, whon inatter MY chiltiren, mnakt- canîvy antd caîl On RHis first pastorate wvas at Franklin 1 chitecture antI painting. iltspea atothrfmte m nighra-Irmg as Ged givosr Centre in the eastoin townshi ps büe-j The groat Rerschel, with the universe, and existence will hocxith me strc-agth, 1 know i-at the sarne l'WIow ontreal. H,- srvd %vitb^ ,oieasuremoats of bis day ta guId eother or spirit-a casmic spiritual, spirit actuates You anti keep-, <ru diligeace and fidelity on five circuits bim, carweivel of a oomploted uni- evolution. Yaung la hcart I tbîougbhout the townships anti after- verse with subo-universes, and isiand D.Mche I.PpPeidt Mi. Saut-h and I arc bath wcll wards was transferîed te charges l1 univorses:, coasisting of islands on a ofDtre mican A1.cPupin ordt ind ti- i.,.,,j,ý,.t.ýi ..ta-ria__'rovine, the fit-st of - 1 - - e.holtecîîr n Aýscaton fo h .-M L YOU ýrbora an Linda.LMîTED, 356 St. Antoine Street. s. We look eagerl for Th,'[ erbaro and Lindsay. I Hasma Stateaman. It's the iink bindingus T-be floral tributes were numerous MONTREAI.. a Pt Many ua iie o D.Thomn t-o dean aId Durham. Yet oui 1i1 anti beautiful. 46 9-9 as' Eciectrie 011l isanmed against friends are getting fewer and thero, Among the friends from a distance many ils. It Vwii relieve a cough, are many strange names in the aId wbo attended the funerai weîe: Mi. K break a cold, prevent sore throat; township. But it's the homeland Thomaa Crookshanks and Mis. Mai- m it wili reduce tbe sweliing frotm a ta us. We do eîrrjy aur life here; garet J. Kerr of Stratford; Mr. H. M. eprain, relieve the rnost persistent welike our town and people. Only: Love and Mr. R. Muiligan, Toronto; ow w oires and wil speediiy heal leuts anrd wish we couid drap ln ta see the aid Mrs. Smytbe, Lindsay; Mr. B. J. Me- Ijp cntusions. It la a medîcine chest friands occasionaliy. Laugbiin, Bewmanvilbe. ('CVD.il.aSCIn Itasif. b -. In the Tea Cup the fuil charm 0" IPCATanIqi ex 30 E68 B is revealed. The flavor is pure, fresh and fragrant. Try it. Black, Mixed or Green Blende. $25 to $50 Weekly Paid men who will qualify for posi- tions as Automotive Mechanîcs, Elea- tricai Ignition, Battery Service, Welding, Brickiaying, Piastering; alsa Barber trade and Mechanical Dentistry. Short time taken ta letrn. Be amnbitiaus. Act now. Enquire about oui eara whîie learn plan. Hemphiii Traàning Institute, 163 King Street West, Toronto. 5-1 ýQuickly Drives Out Ail RheuimaticPoison The first day you take Rheuma, the doctor's îemedy tbat is seIling ta rapidly, you'l realize that wben Rbeuma goes in ibheuinatism goes out. It matters not w'hetbei you aie bortured witb pain, ciippled with swollen joints or distressed with oc- casional twinges, Rbeuina is guiran- teed ta end your rberumatic trouble or money back. , Rheuma is juat as eff ective in cases of lumbago, sciatica, arthritis tnd cbronic neuraigia. Rbeumatism is a dangerous dis- esse. It often affects the heart and causes death. If you bave it in the siightest degree get a bottie of R.beuma from Jury and Lovell or any good druggist today aad drive it from your system at once. 4 Getting Skinnier Every Day Something Must Be Don. and Done Right Now- Quick Holiows ina ;heeks and Neek Grow- ing Deeper Every Week Tens of tbousands o! tbin, rua- down mon-yen, and women to- are getting discouraged-are giving up ail hope af ever berng able to take on fiesh and look bealtby and stîong. Ail sucb people can stop worrying and start ta smile and enjoy life right naw for McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets which any druggist will tel yau all about are putting fiesb on hasts of skinny folks every day. One waman, tiîed, weak and dis- couraged, gained 15 pounds in five weeks and now feels fine. We aIl know that the livers of Cod Fish are full of vitalizing flesh producing vitamines and these 2ame vitamines of the bighest clasa are found in McCoy's Cod Liver Extraet Tablets-sugar coated and as easy ta take as candy. And this shows what faith the makers have in McCay's for tbey say; if any thin persan don't gain at least 5 pounds in 30 days your diuggist is autborized ta give you youî money back-and only 60 cents for 60 tablets. Ask any live pbarmacist anywbere in North or South America. But be sure ta get McCoy's, the original and genuine. 5 FOP.s Proved safe by millions and prescribed Colds Headache Neuritis Pain Neiiralgia Toothache Lumbago Rheumatism wv. I DWAtmBU : RA' sg DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Handy "'Bayer" boxes; of 12 tableta tYOeýAlso batties of 24 and lO-Druggist. Aupîria la tIhe traite mark (reglatered la Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetie. acîdester of Salîeylicacid (Aeetyl Salicyîtc Acid, "A. 8. A."). While It la well known that Aspîrlu meaira Bayer manufacture, ta asuat thre publie againat Imitations. the. TabletaF of Bayer Oompany will b. utamp.d with "Ir egeral trade mark, thea "Bayer Oroa.1 THE CAINADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FE13RUARY 4, 1926 PAGE SIX