Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jan 1926, p. 8

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PAGE IGETTE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1926 NEWCASTL.E THE NEAT ANNUAL MEETING NEWCASTLE When Roy' Jones in the League HRTCL RA SOIY program at the Horticultural So- At a well attended annual nmeet- ciety' meeting on M.nnday evening ing ai the Newcastle Hasticultural oeSociety' in the baisement ai the Comn- gave a good rendering of the Poen munity Hall on Monday evening, Summerset Foîka, which closes January llth., presided oves by Ms. something like this: "Everything is Fred Fligg, the following officers downside up and upside down, that's were ail re-elected by majosit>' votes how the>' came to namne the town". for the year 1926 A memlier of the Hosticultural Sa- President-Fred Fligg ciety was moved ta seply thus:- lst Vice President-Rev. E. B. Cooke. It's not like tliat in aur nîce town, 2nd Vice President-Thos. Maffat In Newcastle the Neat; Secretary-Mrs. J. E. Matchett. Where things are noý ail upside down Treasue-Mrs. J. R. Fisher. In garden, home or street; Fv ietr rma saeo Where men and women, boys and girls v ietr rma sae a Are genuine as oceana pearis fourteen submitted b>' the nomina- ting committee elecied for a two And if you wauld the reason guesa. year termi are-Mesers. Frank Alliia, Why Newcastle Ia neat; It lu becauae the N. H. 9. Oea. P. Rickard, J. E. W. Philp, Got startefi on Its feet. Mrs. J. C. Hancock, Mss. Win. Jam- At tiret 'twas weak but now It's strong, ieson. All hana t thse.whohel alng! Mrs. Fisher presented the treas- Thie uweet briar rose doth grow and urer's report showing a favorable bloom hlnewt oa eepso 38 Along our grassy lanes; i om aac ihttlscit f$4. We'r alaysgladte IveIt rom, 51 nd ttalexpnditreaiof$331.- It's perfumie rever pains! 30. The 1925 membership was 107. The Sweet Br r Rose, so strang and Mrs. Matchett's report in relation Ires, 1t h many activities aftei o Emblm ofourSecitylciety, holding meetings, Spring au d Our mtte: 'Newcastle the Neat', FalI Flower Shows, maintaining Has proved an inspiration; A' homely phrase, but can't be beat communit>' flower bed.s, pianting,. Fo.r downright stimulation, trees and shrubs, work on the Comn- N And aine we nailed lit ta the mast munit>' grern and the lake front, Our former state we ve far surpassed., proved ver>' interesting ýtnd was I January we eect, adopted with enthusiasm.j At a business session, President Fligg and Mss. W. F.u The officers wbom we expect Rickard were appointed delegates to Te make lit their profession. To plan, adopt, promote sucb mens the Provincial HesticuituraI Con- As may Improve our natural scenes. vention. A praidet. ad vies îo, I Business oves, the meeting e Wbom we shahll Ionor ever solved itself ino a qocial fmnction A secretary, treasurer, ton, with members of Young People's1 Directors wbo are clever, League as guests, who b>' invitation 1 .And honorary presidents ~Who may, or not, be residents of the men ai N. H. S., came oves IY irom their meeting place in the Unit- il First Ch ester Massey, we recall; ed Church S. S. Roomsanad contrib- Te his beneficence uted a large part ai a musical and We awe aur fine Community Hall fiei> etranmn. M r 0f such magnificence; lieayetranet r. Or Ria gift of the grand challenge cap Parker occupied the chais during the e' Raso heIpef te sl5eed the iiower shows presentation of the programi which s p. tisnth feo e consisted oi choruses b>' the whole Mss.Atknsa. th wie 0 J1 League; "Give Me The Open Road" Wbom we appreciate,an Tk MeB ktoD rOl Contributed. as we ail know,an "Tk MeBc taD rOd Te prosper aur estate; Childhood"; sala and encore b>' Mis. Rer kndly Interest in our cause S.& W. Sutton; humosous numbers b>' Ras won aur thanks andi warm applause. the Allun. Quartet, Messrs. Howard, When Rev. Rae went from aur town George, Mark and Hlarold Aluin, Hie left a vacant chair; with encares, and reading3 b>' Roy' Doc. Butler was the best man roun' Jones and others. A pleasant sea- Tc MIl if fair and square;1so of communitysnig ldb Presided well-kept things In motion, 10tysnig e > And when retired received promotion.' Mss. (Rev.> E. B. Cooke wvas follow- i. e. He filledl the chair with famne and ed b>' lunch ai sandwiches' in varia- glory tosck And wben retired, went up) a storey. tin, ckedtto, and coffee, gra- ciausl>' and plenteouzly served b>' the » Who now presides ls Frederick Fligg Society's lady directors. O'er aur Society; Beoedse1n coeo amd It's always bis endeavor big nigh, a otseraingtha nka t ail-.h Te have variety. ngt oeo hnst l h At certain meetings of the year cot1ue ath rga a Witb fellowsbip and social cheer moved yM.To.Mfa n e- (And so tonigbt the League is here). db r hs oftadsc onded b>' Mss. W. F. Rickard and Vice President la Rev. Cooke, casried with vigorous applaus2 b>'1 Hie guides aur erring feet And shows us haw tram Haly Book, 1aIl the members ai the N. H. Society'.1 The Way of Lite ta keep.- nie preaches Trutb on every Sunday CO ER Y EOL TM And belpu us live aright an Monday. CO ER BY EOLET E Our Second Vice ls Thamas Motat, VILLAGE QUARTETTE Experienced and calm; Meelbas the courage of a praphet, Ye concert b>' Ye Old Tyme Vil- In tact, a wrtby man; He strives ta live by golden rule lage Quartette in Commuait>' Hall And takes an interest in the school. in ye ancient and' honurable tounie or ai Newcastle an ye nyghte ai Jan- lie loves and serves aur village neat uasy VIIli, trul>' affarded >'e musick And travels round It an hie teet loving folk oi Newcastle and ai ye Our Secretary, Mrs. Matchiett, neighboring huIIs and bariets a few In both skilled and able. hours af exceeding great happines Show ber a plant and she'lU attaclu It With the proper label; and delight. It was trul>' a great She keeps the records true and clear pit>' that ye nunibes ai folk as. And busy Io tbroughout the year. sembled ta hear ye seciting and ye Mrs. J. R. Fisher holds the cash, singlng aif>'e man>' olde tyme Qangs aShe dwells In Sunnyside; and dittys was not in proportion ta Vhe's always careful. neyer rash, >'e excellence ai ye entertainnient. lier bank %aok la lber urnde ; Shne k&eps account of every dollar Master A. C. Chapman, Director and As quite becames a clev",r seholar. Tenor af ye lyrie vaice ;Master W. and H. Norris ,Bass, ai rich and power- (Shes tond or plants and fiowers andifitns as> aRs cdm shrubs fltns as aRs cdm Which graw in gardens, pts and tube. Soprano, with lark-like thraat, clear There are In ail, Directors ten, and ethereal; Betty Thampson Mac- Bath gents and ladies tain, Kenzie, Contralto, whose notes were And If they ask us now and then sweetl>' ailuring and meIIow as the There beauteous work ta share bIuebird's with Mistress A. C. Chap- Letva aIl be ready every time man at the piano, did sîng singi>' or Ta lend a hanfi and not decline. in pairs or in fours for two haurs Mrs. Floyd Butler topped the paili b>'>e big tounie clocke with such At last year's election; aiiyadudrtnigadge She was the fist ta reacb the goal ab iiit nd unesadially ng And met a good reception.astmitiypeeaI>'yon Hier boys and home ber occupation, men and maidens, and charm ye Sbe bas scant time for long vacation. middle aged dames and gentlemen Mesdames Rickard, Law and Eilbeck and waft ye grand dames and grand Are ladies of ambition dada back through tyme into >'e Tbere's wark ta do! theyre aIl on deck flowesy and happy da>'s ai youth. ITo bring it ta truition Thelr counsel round Directons' table The Mid-Victorian costumes ai the. In always sane andi saund andi able. ladies, with tight fttlng badices, Mrs. Jackson lives on BEAVER 19treet hop kirts and pancake hats, al Mns. Cobbledick does. to; made and trimined with gaod mater- And tbey're Industrious ta keep ial in pretty colora, and the suits ai Thelr bouses dlean right thraugh the men made aiter the fashion of They bring ta the Directors' meeting tea Words of wisdom, joy and greetîng. tesnie period greati>' enbianced the delightful chasacter ai the even-j Miss Warren has the gift andi means ing's'pragran. Te tili ber garde-n well: Miss Pearl Carter, pretty and at- 1lier peppers dair as. cahhage, hean- They reaîly Io excel: tractive eiotcuti-nst, gave a numberl But If you think you can campete ai humorous selections and h ke thej YouIl bave teastart hetore next week. songsters, Who frequently dehliht Our frienti John Douglas ls no dream, huge audiences of radio fans oves i-e bas fine qualities; C.N.R.T. received an encore afterý Produces milk with lots of cream every n umben and likie them gener- And grows choice i nus Ris roses, tulips, rhubarb, bens, ously respanded, sa that instead oai Are fltot urpilsse<l hy ather mens. the fulli prog-raiime as annou---c--i,__j Hancs graduate ai Trinit>' University' Tbrough an erras in taking the Pellow of Trinit>' Medical College message oves the phone we state-d Licentiat. cf the State Univeuuity' cf Iset week a string ai white pearl New York. Matriculate ai the Post- beads were stolen irom the Oid Rob- Graduate Medîcal School and Ha. son House, Bond Head, Newcastue, pital of New York and Fellow af the in Novembes. This shouid have read Toronto Academy of Medicine. Offe' white coaa beads. The persans -Mus. MeNaughton'a Rooîdence are kno>wn, but if the beadas are re- Newcastle. Houru-B te 10 a. m., tnsned'prompti>' no iurther action 1 t4 8 p. m., and b>' appoîntme. twll b. taken. The Niewvcaýtlie Inidependent THURSDAY, JANUARY l4th., 1926 NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE Fred Graham had business in Tor-1 Mr. J. R. Jose, District Deputy, Mr. Davidson, Wroxeter, visited onto an Friday. wvas m' Bowmayiville Tuesday even- with Mr. Fred Fligg. Mr. Davidson Mrs. J. S. H. Jones is visiting ing installing offleers of Juvenile is a neighbor of Miss Sander-zon a Toronto friends.1 Lodge, S. 0. E. He was accom.. former popular assistant teacher in J. Anderson Smith had business panied by Mr. H. R. Pparce. aur High School. in Toronto Monday.1 Mr. Davidson, Reeve of Camp- Mill Street United Church, Rev. E. C. R. Carveth spent the weekend belîford was in town Friday. He is B. Cooke, Pastor. i a. m.-Morn- with friends in Toromnto. la candidate for the Wardenship this ing W.orship; 2:30 P. m.-Sunday Several of the juveniles are seiff year, and no doubt he improved bis Sçhool; 7 p. m.-Evening Ser- ering from an attack of mesies., time here b>' calling on Reeve Brit. vice. Anthems b>' the choir. Solo The Municipal Council held its ton. by Mr. J. A. A'wde. Inaugural meeting Monday evening.1Choir of Newcastle United A speciaI feature Of the fine ser- Mr. . Hre ttededthebigbo1 Church is pla7nning a real treat for vice af sang b>' the choir of the Unit- ir.ng matchin arond toe Mogdaox-îast l the people of this and neighboring ed Church on Sunday last was the ingmath i Toont Modaylas. ,communities in the form af an ail quartet "God Neyer Forgets", sung Young Newcastle is busil>' engaged, talent concert on Friday evening, by Messrs. W. J. S. Rickard, W. D. ,building a rihk baside Community i lrur 2t%. Bragg, Mark Allun and Howardi Hebruar Hal.The W. M. S. of the United Cooke. his cousi ss. W F.Rickr, "TheO Church, owing ta the shiortening of Rev. G. A. Williams, returned his ousn, M. W F.Rickrd,"Th the present church year will hold its missionary from the island of For- Grange".I anniversas>' services about a month moa, delivered eloquent and appeal- Mss. John Stapleton bas returned! earlier than usual, probabi>' the ing addresses at both morning and home from spending the season first Sinday in March. evening services of the United with friends in Millbrook. Our mixed quartet Messrs. W. F Church on behaif of the Dominion A number af Newcastle citizens Rickard, Harold Allun and Misses Wide Maintenance and Extension attended the funesal af the late D. Hattie Mason and Edna Rickard Fund. His presence here bas fired Br. msn îBwmnile on Sat- motored ta Osono on Sunda>', by spe- the enthusiasm af the congregation urda. 1ýcial request, and assisted in the ses- and bas undoubted>' given an im- Messrs. Archie and Ernest Brown, vice of song at the evening anniver- petus ta the local campaign now un- sons of Mss. Jerry Brown, Aqhmont,j sary service ai Park St. United derway. As beýore mentianed the Alberta, are visiting at their uncie's, Church. former Presbyterian section of the Mrs. Clifi Brown. of ey. John H. Gibson, Ysrk, son congregation has already more than Counillr J H.and rs.Gibo nraised its share, having practically Messrs. Howard Pearce and Wil-' doubled its alH.lontment.ibso bur Baskesville, delegates fromi of Bolton Street, Newcastle, and duldisaltet Yong Winer Is eague, are att Mi-! a'Cors Hepburn, Owen Sound, se-, _______ i'ng eopes end- Cbur. cent Principal af the Erin Continu- Seoo a Cborg ation School, were married b>' Rev. Mi'ss Florence Rickad, Centre R. W. Gibson left on Tuesday last E. R. James in St. Geoarge's Church Street, and Miss Marjorie Clemence, for Atlantic City' where he- bas se-: here at 10:30 a. m. on Tuesday, Shaw's, have seturned fromn a pleas- ured a position on the Clerical January 12th. Congratulations to ant visit with friends at Stratiord, taff af one of the large hotels. the happy bride and groom. London and Toronto. To Gilchri*st's B3IG The President of tÉe Mine Workers Union, says the Strike may continue until the Fal] of 192.6 or Spring of 1927. Better proteet yourself by ordering a Ioad of "WONDER COAL" the hottest coal on èarth, no0 clinkers and littie fash, burns equally well in Range, Heater or Fur- nace. I have a Iiniited supp1y on hand. George Jamieson NEWCASTLE When You Need GROCERIES-BREAD-BUNS-CAKES- PASTRY-CHOCOLATES-ICE CREAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. 1 Bring or send your order to this store where it will receive prompt attention and you wiIl get good valu, H. S. BRITTON, IBaker & Grocer Newcastle Clearing Sale Greater Bargains Than Ever This Week. Men's and Boys' Overcoats NOW HALF PRICE, The.balance of our Men'a and Boys' Overcoats just Haif Price to clear quickly. MEN'S OVERCOATS 1/2 PRICE Regular $16.50 FOR $ 8.25 Regular $20.00 FOR $10.00 Regular $25.00 FOR $12-50 Regular $28.50 FOR $14.25 Regular $30.00 FOR $15.0 Regular $35.00 FOR $1 7.50 WORK SHIRTS Men's Heavy Flannelette Wosk Shirt*, gre>' and tan, Regular value $1.50, On Sale 98c HEAVY WOOL WORK SOX All Wool, heavy qualit>', Regular 45c eair 3 Paire for $1.0 Dletiy opposite Bank of Kontreal Phone 41 ONTARI MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S FANCY PULLOVER SWEATERS Any Pullover Sweater in the store, Regular $5.00 and $5.50 each, On Sale and to Clear for $3.89 Each BOYS' OVERCOATS 1/2 PRICE Regular $15.00-1/2 Price $7.50 MEN'S UNDERWEAR A line af AIl Wool Shirts and Drawers, Regular $1.50, On Sale $1.19 Each A !ine of Watson's Shirts and Drawes heaviest quality, &Il wool, Regulas' $2.00, On Sale $1.37 for each Garment MEN'S FLEECE LINED COMBINATIONS Ver>' Heavy Quality, Regular Value $2.00, Sale Price $1.59 MEN'S SWEATERS AND SWEATER COATS A line of Heavy Quality Jumbo Knit Sweater Coats for good hard wear, Reg. $3, On Sale $2.39 A uine of fine qualit>' ail wool Sweater Coats, shades grey and heather, Reg. $3, On Sale $2.39 Al ather lines af Men'@ and Boys' Sweaters and Sweater Coats clearing at 20% Reduction Men's Fine Sax, Men'a Fine Glaves, Mitts, Etc., at 20% Reduction off Regular Fric.. T. B. GIL CHRIST BOYS' REEFERS Regular $l2.50-%/Price $6.25 FLEECE LINED SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Best quality in natural and white shades. Regulas $1.00 each On Sale 79c Each MEN'S FINE SHIRTS AT BARGAIN PRICES $5.00 Shirts for $3.98 $4.00 Shirts for $3.19 $2.50 Shirts for $1.98 $2.00 Shirts for $1.59 UNDERWEAR Watson'a and Penman's Men's Ail Waol and Merino Combination Underwear as follows: Regular $4.00 for $3.19 Regular $3.50 for $2.79 Regular $3.00 for $2.39 Regular $2.25 bor $1.69 Regular $2.00 for $1.48 15 BOYS' SUITS Lot No. 1 with 1 pair af bloomers, Tweeds and Worsteds, Regular values to $12.00 and $13.00, On Sale ta Clear, $6.95 Each Lot No. II in Wossted and Tweeds, al wool with 2 pair bloomers, Regular values $13.00 to $15.00, On Sale for OnI>', $9.89 Lot No. III ail Waol Irish Serge (Fox..) guasanteed. Navy Blue wlth 2 pair of bloomers, Regular $15.00,, On Sale $9.95 Ever7 article in the atmu guarant..d te Siva bout ntlafactlou. -- ====2mnnnn-- ONTMO ýi 1 PAGE BIGHT

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