PAGE SIXTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1926 WgDNESDAY HALF HOLIDAY W., the undersigned Buainess and Professional men of the Town of Bowmanville, agree ta close aur re- spective places of business to givel omr clerke a half holiday each and every Wednesday at 12.30 noon dur- ing the year 1926, save and except the month of December or any week on which a public or civic holiday occurs on a Thuraday. Cauch, Johustan & Cryderman Dingman & Edmondstone F. J. Horne Dominian Stores C. &. Maeon W. G. Nelles Co. W. J. Dudley Edith V. Scobel T. B. Gilchrist G. C. Bonnycastie A. Tait Thurston Fur Shop C. L. .Brown The Hydro Sbop B. GQ Chartran R. E. Dinniwell W H. Dustan G. A. Edmandstone1 F. Knox F. R. Kerslake Haddy & Co. J. C. Devitt A. L. Nicholîs E. W. Sisson T. H. Knight W. Claude Ives Mason & Dale C. M Cawker & San X. Harnden Alex. Elliot Haxry Allin S. W. Mason & Son H. J. Babcock Rice & Co. E. S. Naylas, A. Dillick Agents Wanted SALESMEN-We affer steady ernploy- ment and pay weekly to sell our com-1 piete and exclusive Uines of guaranteed quallty. whole root, fresh-dug-to-order trees and plants. Attractive llluatrated amples anid full co-operation, a moncy- maklng opportunity. LUKE BROTH- ]ERS NURSERIES, MONTERÂL. 91 STEAMSHIP TICKETS M. A. JAMES To-Europe--Canadian Pacific, White Star Dominion, Cunard, American. Ask for information. Phono 5ý! Stateainan Office, Bowmanville. POULTRY WANTED 1 I amn prepared ta handle your iowl this Fail and will pay the hlghest cash price.. Get my pruce. before disposlng of your poultry. Phone 81, Whitby and reverse charge, or drop me a card and 1 wiil corne right away. 1. STEIN, Whithy Ont. 84-tf. lfrlends Tell !riends Z UTO O Stops ileadache " M YO 140ZUOO vas jrcdcafly Tai-day, thouffandaamd thousande of meni mdwomend.pend outheR Sue harmn- bua tableta for qulck rief from HeÀd- lazfme hbu gom.from frlend t. frlend-4rom town to towi-rom coasai locoast. Wbmvu damea» u eo4 h.~ther. uIbe ZUTOO uhleb-4bey re!leva mi mtutm23aa bc---e &Udealeru et by ua putp1, IL M.laabin à MEDICAL SCIENCE Iacknowledges that cod- liver oil because it abounds in vitamnins is a specific in rickets or bone-we4mcess. Scott's Emulsion is rich in the vitamins that bidren need in great abundance. It is a vtamin- rich food and tonic that is available for use at any hour. Chil- 'l dr.n thriv. on It. d &cait & Bowne. Toronto. Ont. 15-31 Cook'is Regulating Compound A saff,.rTlhable ,,gulais f ,nedicine. SoId in threcef.e MAISces of etrengtb-No. 1, Si; l. 2i83' No. 3, 85 per box. tW X epionhreept of price. d. 'ee pmphlet. Addresa: TH11E COOK MEDICINE CO-@ TOIomTo,oNT. (FomzerlyWindeaJ W.ODs PHOSPHODINI.. .ýk The Great Fnglish Preparati.. Tories aud jnviCOrates the whole ner5lcvous systern. makes new Blood Sin old Veina. Used for Nerî'ous Deb*iv-t Mental and Br-aine rry. D.pnddn¶1*Lau eof Endrv, Palpitationoff MhI I<ar,ÊiiqM"W. PiiceS2perb>ox,3p for SIod by' alldrugaistâ. or maied in plain g&~on recipi of pdcç.N_ 'p-uplW mailed -aa n mu m SpmUhbUECJ m .ot.Oi ORONO (Froin The News January 7th) Mr. Charles ThompLson is bore from Saskatchewan. Mrs. Perey Lawrie 'of Windsor, is Ivisiting her father, Mr. H. Hooper. Mrs. Harrison intends nioving to her new haine on Cburch Street. Miss Helerie Waddell is epending six months' vacation in Calgary Alta. Mrs. Mae Baehr of Cleveland, Ohio, is visiting at Mr. Harry Mill- son'%. Miss Sadie Brown has left for London, where she will nurse ýa cousin vho is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Walsh of Port Hope, visited bis sister, Miss M.L A. Walsh at Mrs. D. Walsh's. Wby sufer froin carns wbon tboy can be painlessly rooted ou.'tby using Hollway's Corn Reinovor. Mrs. John Miller wbo bas been laid up the past week with a severe cold is able ta be ont around again. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Foster spent Christinas week at their son-in-law's, Dr. W. A. and Mrs. McCilland, Tor- onto. Mms. A. A. Taniblyn is seriouslyl ili with pneumnîia at the honme nI ber daughter, Mrs. Stainton, Ennis- killen. Mrs. (Dm.) Holticroît of Newý Yark, daugbtor aI Rev. Chas. Ad-1 ans, is visiting bier grantilather, Mr. Eti. Cobbledick. Mn. Briggs was taken witb a iveak spol wbile at lunch at the Evapiona- tom Satnrday but is now apparentlyl quito recoveroti. Mr. Woods, formerly oI the Standard Bank bore, naw oI Lake- fieldi Branch, spent a day or two lin town New Year's week. Mrs. J. R. Cooper, Miss anti Mr. Gillis McKay wene caUed ta the hom eofaItboir parents, at Port El- gin owing ta the eeriaus illness aI their mother. Mr. Irwin Harris anti son Wel- lington oI Niagara Falls, visiteti with Mr. I:saac Gobbledick. Irwin is now, assistant forenan at the Silver PIating Warks in tbat city. Mr. Fred Kelley, teacher at King- stan Collegiate, was home foar New Years witb bis aunt, Mrs. M. E.- Welsh. Ho was accompanied by Mr Rotidie Colwell of Part Hope. Miss Viola Gilfillan, teacher Kin- cantine Continuation Scboal, spent Chiristmas vacation at hiem bnotber's, Mr. J. J. Gilfillan, anti was accon- panied on hem retura by bier niece, Miss Viala Gilfillan. Anong the many New Years les- tivities was a very nice hanse paty given by Dm. anti Mrs. W. G. Me- Cnllocb oI this tawn, in bonen oI bon nother, Mns. JainesHeatlie, when bier chiltiren anti grantichiltiren spent the day with hier, ail enjoying a veny bappy tine. Mr. anti Mns. A. A. Rlolph anti Mr. 0. W. Rolpb atteadeti the funeral at Millbnockokfa is. Failis, wha dieti at the home of lber nioce, Mms. Townley at Feaelfon Falls, on De- cemben 2th. Mns. Fallis matielhem home witb Mms. A. A. Rolph Ian soune tino previans ta gaing Vo Fene- Ion. Mn. Samuel Cenlin anti son nator- ed down Iran Oshawa Wednestiay anti took bis father, Mr. Gea. Con- lin back with hum, closing np the home home, awing ta the recent deatb af the mother, wbo was a much respecteti resident oI tbtis town, a member of the Uniteti Church anti the W. M. S. Mr& Haley J. Billings aI Phila- delphia, paiti a flying visit ta bis parents, Mr. anti Mrs. S. M. Billings, she being summoned ta the Innemal of hem brother, E. H. Stionhouse, who dieti aI heart failume wbile cross- in Reele St., Taronte. Mr. Stan- fuse wua Promident of the Domin- ion Milk Produets Association. The Gralonola Factory at Tam- 'onta ownet by Mr. W. Lantz anti partnom, was tiestroyeti by fire Sun- day aI Christmnas week together witb a large stock oI grafonolas boxeti ready for shipment. Mr. anti Mrs. Lantz were spentiing the holiday with hem gandinother home, Mrs. Rich. Hill ,andi a phQno message at nitinight appriseti thon aI thein great ioss, ,estimatedi at $15,000 with about $3,000 insuranco. Mr. anti Mrs. John Rickaby bave been spentiing Christmas anti New Yeacs amangst their Toronto frientis anti nembers oI their Iaiy. Spo- ci entertainnent was provitiet at the homes of Mrs. Cumming anti Mr. Fred Fielding, closing up at il Lans- dale Roati, the msidence aI Mr. E. Fieltiing anti the Misses Fielding, Mrs. Chapinan anti Mrs. Souch tak- îng the trip for New Years. Mrs. Rickaby anti Mr. Haroldi Rickaby also visitedtiber son Perey at De- trait during the holiday season. The sutiden death an New Year'.s Day. aI Mrs. Gea. Cooper came as a distinct sboek ta the comniunity. Deceaseti was mucb beloveti by a large cirele af Iriends. Besitios bi husband she leaves a faniuly af (ne eon anti thmee tiaughters, Laverne Cooper, Mrsý. (Dr.) Frost now liv- i ng in Calilornia, Airs. Marshall andi IMiss Etta aI Toronto, wbo with the exception af Mrs. Frosýt were pros- ont at the funecal. Other relatives attentiing Iran a distance were Mr. anti Mrs. T. W. Untiorwood, son ari daughter of Markham. Serviccý vwere helti in Park St. Unite4d Church w'hich was filleti with srmpatbetic frienis. The srnon hy the pastar, Rev. S. T. Tucker, wvas nost impressive. Do- coaseti was a daughtec of thp late Xhos. Underwo-od anti ber lgirlhood was spent nean the village of Ken- dl. Interment at Orono Come- tory. Miller's Worm Powdens prove their value. Thoy do not cause any violent disturbances la the staînach, any pain or griping, but do their DON'T MISS THIS Yiu're bebinti the tinie if yon don't knaw that Cati Liver Extmact is aone of the greatoat flesh protincers la the worlti. Because it contains n»roe vitaliz- iag vitamines than any food you can get. You'll ho gladti t know that Me- Coy's Qoti Liven Ex±ract - Tablets came ia sugan coatoti faim now, 50 if you really want ta put 10 or 20 pountis aI soliti, bealthiy fleali on your bones aind f eel well endi stroag anti bave a complexion that people will admie-ask any druggist for a box cf McCoy's Gcd Liver Ex- tract Tablets. Only 60 cents for 60 tablets anti if you don't gain five pountis in 30 tinys ylaun tinuggist will hant yen back the money you paiti for then. It isn't anytbing unusual for a persan ta gain 10 pounda lu 30 tinys, anti for aid people witb feeblenes ovetaking them tbey work wond- ors. 2 FOR GIRLS WHO WORK Lydia E. Ponkham's Vegetable Compound Is a Great Friend- It Stops Pain and Restores HeaUt Taranto, Ontario. - "I work in a Iactory anti I woulti have ta get nway Iran my work every tino 1 was sick. The dragging-down pains anti crampa were very bat, but my back was terrible. It hurt so that I couîtin't lie tiown with it. 1 heard saine of the g iris talking about Lydia E. Pink- hans Vege table Compoundi, anti they toiti ne ta try it. 1 have taken about a dozen botties of it anti it bas tione ne a lot of gooti. I nover have any gains or sore back now, anti have nat een off frorn work a day since I have taken it. I ecannenti the Vogota- hie Comipoundi when I have the op- p(rtunity. ",-Miss ROLLO, 21 Howie Avenue, Toranto, Ontario. "The Advice of a Friend" Hanover, Ontario.-«'I was terribiy paineti anti a few otit tines I ainost fainteti. 1 usedt t do hausework un- tii a few nonths ago anti sonotinea 1 h adt ta ave ny womk andtigo ebeti. 1 an now a monder in theIknitting- miii. I suffereti five or six years Iran aiinful periatis belome I took Lytila .Pink h a's Vegetable Conpounti by the ativice aI a Irienti. I gat re- lie! alnost imnetiiately, anti I tiIl mny friends what a gooti nedicine it is. You nay useilthis testimonial il ou like, i i w lep athers."- ls J. PEARsnN, Victoria Street, Han ver, Ontario.C 7- In this country, anti, ne donbt In Europe, a weil orieneti piece aI pro- paganda bas been in evitience for the purpose ef exaneratiag Gem- rnany fior the ful esponsibility a! 1914. This the very fact that Gem- uiany seeks exonematiien. - Such coulti nover ho sait a! the Gernany 0I 1914, anti the long years af the bloody stmuggie. But caniing te viow now, shows the Huanet ta ho entimely withant a conscience, anti at leat pantly influenceti bY a sense aI emorse for the wrong she inflieteti. There are bopelul signa that the fer- acious spirit may ho in sane tiegree changeti lac the botter. But that the Germainy of 1914,' was for war, no ýone can successfully don y; and white the reports cf her inhuman atrocities committed in Belgiain and France, may have boon exaggerated to saine extent for the purpo-e of creating prejudice and antagonisni in other countries, and Speey le oiVrN TO Couabu.COLOS AND MN CMMTS WMRN TREATEO W 714T"A WONOENPULLV EPFECTIVC OSNL Nva.av *VER ~L BOWMANVILLE NOTES Correspondence to Orono News Christinas ove celebratioin dow'n at tbe Goodyear works bogan about the mid afternoon, Tbursday, and v-a- -.':core or less brol:e-. ,j, r a feeling of unrest was niucb in evi- denco ainong the emplfoyoes as the alternoon advanced. At 4 p. m. tbe bugle c-ounded Santa Claus (big Jack Bentz) and bis faitbful and trusty joke dispenser (Art Edger) were seem in the distance, surround- ed by a cobort cof attendants. The einployees were ah tlinod up and everyone recoivod a Christinas en- velope ,a box of chocolates and a copy of the Wingfoot Clan. Jack made ine of the best Santa Claus seen bore at any celebration the Goodyear bas got up and Art was gotten up just too sweet for Nvords. Yes Mr. Herb. Fletcher did tbe "faîl- in" tho "officers iness" and "cease fi ring" on bis trumpet, aind the last post was sounded in the carpeaiterl sbjop. Altogethor it was a joily wind up to the week's work. Mr. J. McCrae, bead salosman cf the Tor- onto plant, sent down cigars for tbe ontire sbop and tbe boys sure appro- ciatod bis geneosity. The parade tbrougb the entire sbjop was led by tbe superintendent, Mr. A. M. Har- jdy, accompanied by the office staff. Tbe Works closed dawn at 5 p. nm. tili Monday nsorning. Did you notice "What nobody gotj fifty years ago" whieb appeared in The Statesman oflesat week? We beard a citizen say ho wisbed he could live for anotber bundredU years sa ho could see wbat progress1, the tvoi:i would make in that tino.1 Well just notice 50 years ago, no- body got an electric bill and people just had as good a tinie thon as now, in fact tbey got along sîl rigbt w;th the ald tallow candle and mobady1 felt bad about it that we remember.: Nobody bad an automobile at thati date-did not need one. Reinember having a Christinas sleigb ride dlowni ta Orano on that day and it was ani ax teain that did the hauling. The4 crowd bad as mucb fun as any- one could have wisbed an that trip,i wýhat more cauld yau have witb an automobile? Did nat bave any jazz bands at tbat time but there were a number of goad aId ine1 flddlers sucb as Fard bad tbe other1 woek that could mýake your eans tingle and yaur foot beat a tatala on the kitchen floor until yen took youn place in the next dance..Thore1 was no "Charleston" thon or foaxi trots, bnnny bugs, but good aid1 Mjoney Musk, down the centre and i swing tbe girl with the calico dress.i Talk about social times andi the do-1 ings af fifty years ago, the peioplej of that timo bad in even more so than today witb nîl the pxfogress1 that bas been made. If you don*t believe sa ask our aId fniend C. G. Ho will ciarobraio wbat wo say. SKINNY MEN Run Down Men Nervous Ment PRESENT GERMAN PROPAGANDA By Chas. M. Bic., Lawyer, Denver, Colorado. Certain inteilectuals in England arnd France, hav . cgu.-. a nlýV- .-. ta bave the Leagne af Nations, as- sign.ed at Versailles, aniended so as to relieve the Gormany af today of the odium of baving brought on the Warld War, and in doing sa, of hav- ing comnitted offenses against in-ý ternational mara]ity, the sanctity ofj treaties andi civilized customs of~ warfaro. The petition, which is re- coiving signatures of mon of science, andi others prominont in the literaryl wvorld, declares that tbe concessions af guilt wene forceti on Germnany undon "terrible threats" madie at the tine of considering the ternis of the Vereailies' treaty, and that the state of mind wbicb thon existeti, no long- or prevails. New Gormnany-a republic wtbin an empir-is abant ta be taken into1 the League cf Nations, the power1 behînti the treaty in question, andi the former enemy is ta be acceptot i on an equality. The potition in question, may noti be eout cf place at this tine. If1 Gormany was guilty of aIl the ter-1 rible tbings chargeti against the Em- pire, in the bistoric document, f rani- ed by represontatives of the allieti1 and assaciateti nations, Gommany is not entitled ta a seat ia the peace1 Gauncil. If disclosunes siace the Armistice, have exonerated in sainie degroo, the nation, is it not the duty af the powons rosponsible fori the troaty document, ta amend it ini the intorest af Justice? Has the1 tino arrivod sa saon after? Germany cotainly bati the will ta war in 1914. 0f that tbore is not the slightost gnound ta cloubt; and for long beore, it bad been prepar- ing far the struggle. She was the ane groat power propamoti b the minute for wan. She was a united compact homageiteus nçttian, anti be- cause af this, she could cancentrate1 an war preparatians in a nuch more officient anti effective way than any othon natian in the womld at that time. Besides, Germany had it I wholly in bier power, when the troub- le between Austria anti Servia began, that threatened a genomal Euriopen conflagration, ta have pdcified the cantention, hati she been sa dispos- ed; but insteati af acting in the in- torests of peace, she infýormet An- tria, that sbe was ready ta backq that nation in any mave it would9 make towands cbastising the smali-1 or nation, and that she wanld se to it, that no othér nation should1 interfere in the dispute Even if saine cf the ather nation.! bad tbe sanie will ta wan, they wero not in position ta make it effective, as Germany was able ta do. Neither, France niom Russia wae eady f or1 war. Britain bas wholly been ex-j onerated af seeking the war.' She J was not prepared i-n any way at thati timo for wan, not even hiem navy.1 Hem Admîmalty hfad just discovered,1 previous te the oponing af the war, that the German riavy, anti accord- ing ta size, waa rnuch botter ro- pared for wam than was the other with bier larger navy., Downing Street had made preparatians througb the1 Anglo.iFmench entente and undor- standings with Russia. But al cf the nations bail known for yeams ho- fore, that the strnggle, which came, appamently like a lig'htning boit Ironi a clear sky, was a matter of yÇars, than of montbs. Singly and joint- ly, their so-callod statesme'n were unable ta head il off. The war wbich took sncb fearful toîl, was fore ,ortiained eaiti many, and Kaisers and1 Rings andi statesmen af an order were as so many obesmen ta ho moved about. Assunetly, no one hunian was whollly and intentionally responsible for bringing it on, but we know the religiaus organizatian, whose greeti for power is even insatiable, thougb possibly not tiesigning the wam, was mspansibe for conditions that led in- evitably ta it. We do not know alI the wbys and wberefomes bobinti the scenes, andi we do not know wbetber the struggle was Armagetidon, or oniy a prelude to it. Pz»bably mare than one nation was diectly or indirectly re-à sponsible for it, if we are ta jutige1 Iran oventa whicb bave came ta pass in the past seven years. More than one nation bas suffeneti sevame-1 ly by it, and must continue ta sufer, the United States la the excepteti nation. pamticuianly in the Uniteti States,I againat Germany, the truth remains than the Hun in thase tinys, pursueti a policy aI persecutian anti atmacity ia tiafiance if net in cantenipt aI in- ternational law anti civilizeti war- l are. Nothing ena ho famet la the an- nais aI wan ta justify the barbarous anti cruel crininal instinct displayeti by the German subinarines la sink- ing, withaut wamning, the Laconia ant Lusitania passeagen shipa, and plunging their non-combatant mon, anti even innocent women anti chilti- mon ta watery graves. These U Boats, it la praveti, weme acting at the cannant anti orders Iran the "'igber ups" in Germa Atiniralty, anti they titi nof stop with torpetoing these liners, for tbey openet fire upon the struggling masses wbo bati gaineti the protec- tion aI the litebhata, alten the big ships bat been sunk te the bottan aI the acean. In ail the civilizeti wars of which historie recorda are filet, there cannot ho Itaunti the slightest justi- fication for sncb inhuman, savage anti barbarie treatinent aI wanen anti chiltimen, au these Gomman U tievils diplayeti, whenover they hati the chance ta lnfllct their hellish cruel- ties. MORE HEALTH HINTS The Family Dodtor Say& Enough Food ia Sufficient. In the last issue aof The Stateaman we qizotod froin Tbe Farmer's Ad- v-ýcate Heaith -""- hat the Family Doctor wbo edits tbat brainch said on "Wbat ta Ent". After me- peating a part -of bis first instaîl- inent he goes on ta offer furtber specific advico frani wbich most of us may learn saine very valuable information about the food ta eat and how much ta est. Briofly he wie Enough is Suffident Serious Fuel Situation It is the quantity rather tban the quality af the tiiet. A fairly safe mule about the assaunt you shonld est is, tbis-eat enough but not mare than ta keep yaur weigbt aithte saine place as it was at 30. Why 30 yeans? Wben yan reacb that ago, yen bave reacheti maturity- beight and weigbt-and ylou have by that timo cnt your wisdom teetb, (altbougb that does not say you are any wiser). From 30 en, ylon shoulti not get any latter, if anything, a little thin- nom, and ta keep yonr weigbt Iran gnowing, yon need that one single exercise-emercise ylonr will power enougb ta stop before 'you reach the dessert. "Sbould I est any meat if I bave kitiney trouble?" My answer is "Yes ,but only lance a day".A smaîl helping of moat or an egg once a day is quite barinless fer the average patient. In fact, it wiil do thon gaod. "But what ab-out tbe reti neats? The chief diffen- once between red nieats anti white noat is the expense. The cheaper one must, oai iecessîty, ho more harinful. If a cbemist were ta analyze siome beef (red neat) and a piece aI the brest of a cbicken, ho would find mare blooti in the beef thgn in the chicken andi that is aboaut aîl. The trouble ia nat in the colon of the meat but that most af us est toa nuc'h of bath kinds. The hir'd man tbinks he bas ta bave meat three times a dny-"ýto keep np bis strength"l- "Eoomething ta stick ta bis ibs" ,etc. Meat is one af the best ways cf stiinnlating appetite. If yau only bave mont af soine kinti when con- paiay nnexpectedly turns up, they will be so bungry alter the first course that they will eat aIl sorts af stale eooking and appear as if tbey enjoyed it. It is well ta remember tbat grow- ing muscle can anly ho firmed from sncb foots as ment, eggs and flsh. For tbat reason, the gnowing chilti, whose muscles are getting larger every day, needs more meat in pro- portion ta the admît, who only re- quires enaugb ta replace the muscle substance useti ,p. In ather words, tbe growing chîlti requines ment ta produce muscle and nîso ta nake np for "weam anti tesr" af the muscles. The admît abanîti not -have imeat more than once a day. The patient with Bright's disease needs saine meat eveny day, but it la botter for hum ta undereat than overeat ho- cause mont bas sncb large "cîlinkems" that the kidneys bave toi gat rid of. Nigbts of Agony coame in the train cf astbma. The victim canot lie d-own, and sleep, is tiriven froni bis brain. What grateful relief is the imniediate effect lof Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Astinna Remedy. It banishles the frigbtful conditions, clears tee~ passages, snd enables, the afflicteti one ta gain sleep asa soundly anti restfnlly as a chilti. hnsist on the gennino at yiour neax'by dmnggist. Great Rejoicing By Rheumatic Cripples If Se Cripplad Yeu Caai't Us. Arma or Legs, Rheunîa WiIl Help Yeu or Nothlng to Pu,, G et a bottle of Rbeuma today andi wear n satiafietienile on yanr face tomborow. It's a remndy that is astonlsbing the whole country, anti it's jnst as good for gant, sciatica anti lumbago as for rbeumatimn. It drives the poisonons waste Iran the joints anti nnscIese-that's the secret af Rheuma's success. But wo don't ask you ta take onu word for it; go ta Jury & LovelI or any drnggist anti get a bottie af Rbenna totiay; if it dlaesn't do as we promise get your money back. It wil hoe there waiting Ior you. 1 Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville TONS 0F POULTRY FOOD* You wouId be surprised at the Vast quantities of Poultry Food and Supplies we seil each year. The demand has been s0 great lately that we have again placed a rush order for seVeral more tons of the best goVernmen-t tested poultry foods on the market. Buying in such large poultryen who patronizei Get our prices before supplies. e quantities we save my store many dollars. buying your poultry IIARRY ALUIN PHONE 186 BOWMAN VILLE pif Lat More Meat During the cold winter months for health's sake, everybody should eat more meat. The body demands a liberal supply of meat each day to keep you healthy and fit . You wiII find at our store the largest assort- ment of fresh, cooked and cured meats that wiII satisfy the most festidious tastes. Prompt Delivery in Town G A. Edmondstone Phono 21 Bowmanville 4, *Iý, EDWAbBURG B. * O I 8 The settiement oi the Hard Coal Strike seems a remote possibility. Anthracite Coal is practically off the market. We can ,however, supply your heating require- ments with Pea Coal, Coke, Pochontas and Do- mestie Bitumous Coal. Let us assist you in these trying circumstances. J. A. HOLGATE & SON PAGE SIX