Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 May 1984, p. 1

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f He's waiting to greot you Ilis cmitcg fare cili h e aiofmaay ceinaming yaa ta tise Otario Agriultare Museum nitîtoffitiatly apeaed to tise gencral puisite as Maaday. Fac tary aad pttresabaout thr maceasa, see page CI. Iwo, êanbîan f1ke ïinI ( A Meiroland Community Newspaper- Serving Mi VULIJME 123-INLJMItEII52 MILTON5, W NTARIO, WEDNES Studen ts! There are jobs ýfor you ,Stadeata Iookicg farnanimer john maaid poaied ai tse 31 Mata St. location and mare Mina Rab] aa t at a>nai pntcd postionsa dcml odrap la ai the Canaa are eapected ia the nec! fem media, are qatebiy fiied aaddit t a sneccuaary for Emplnymeci Centre for todeatsaai the Thse range of jahs inciade paintitng, tadeata ta claitishe Ceaire an a regniar Mitonianht. retarant cark. gecerai dabor, hanta. Se aima recnmmeaded tadecta Thse loaai tadent empicyment affine engineering, cheminfry and cales reiated nhaaid iit empinycra dtreniiY tai gct ea- clilci cpcacd tact ceet> la rereiving a steady corh. perene ta appiyiag farjobsa. flam af jais ardera, reporla Jane Ruht, ose of teverat focal firma are offeriag a namise Tse SRadent Ceaire ns open Maaday ia the rantren rco-irdinatocen cf career-oriented jaos mhich pranide Friday frcm 8.3) ia.m. ta 4.30 p.m. Fartier "There are lttaof joh ordera and ce nemi vauaahie experiecce oppcrtaltica, saind informatitonan te services cf the Centre ta stadecn, particuaaey pct-seccndary misa Rabi. availabie ai a78-8ffl, taden," she aaid. aath Mtss Rab!, a Unisersity cf Toronto Apprcsimatly 30 jobs have aiready heen psychaingy student, and felam raa-rdnaalar A re trian Serafini, an Englidi major a!ibe Unliversity cf Guelpth, wtt en itarea cmn q u ie m ptcyera cin he ceaI confis c f nd job TFireworks prcspects. Bth are ife-tacg Milton ren denin and hope iheir famiiarity citb tise cammactty Monday wXc iadit hionping ot fee * for W ayne Inadiio o rviig rieregistaion y LIIODA KIRBY The Cacphettritie Lions Cuhcitt oncre service foc siadesnla, he twc ca-ordtcatcrn Thrieec-year-otd Wayne Morley lost hi agaîs hosi a gîgatir Victoria Day firee also offer joh oseticg and assistanc aleaantlkmals ek corks disptay. ciih ceîîîcg a resame ccc haMe agîil tonaothem adwcn t ehat I ill ieth Monday, ai dush, ai the The Siodent Centre atsa offera emptoyera s e îtnyahcohdmc eha Cag eitihshiisnio the service ocf areeeaicg ait apptîcanls for ofays h îs o y d fedWcsdayrs Admssin s $ pe cr, 1 fr n i- rach ofthe jobs andhepcihaeting ap les isagn o ycas afe hea s f dîduai calii oficdo lise ste, and 50 appoicîcenîs and , if nerenaary, prccidicg dAgenoe fansh dav o herma nb cents for ohldees. cilice ares 1cr jobhitlerviewsA.e ohe a na ddema0 Thereisalsogf0ogt oea050 Sdaci MsRhwtdhîhetdnCnei as khocc o 1r hi ovoecf the ondocesand apnsoredby the Lions Cub locivg ori-pa-iice and cassai jobhOP dehino10tîte lîea s ormae ieacshe Prorerds of the fieecorha dîvplay 001 portucîîîev os oeil an flotilie cock orb epl h eahoieies icadcmoiyworhof the Campvsmrcrrvudesls. Whectcecwas fiesî dagnosesjin Ociohr of I hoiiie Lions Cub. j "One-dayo h ashaoiadccrieacing or 1982, dorlors didn 'thick acythisgrcoutdho There are no official firecorho dsplayfl ravv cutiiigorlaeccheip are needed," she dtonc for hic in Canada herause a suîlahie schedied in oban Miloshsisyear. sj .epacco t a ce l10001sfore donoelfoaone marrccltransplantirooidc'î lc ourd. Iîuuuaaiajaaaaamauua.aaia e m porayork os y. He Oas thec sent m a clîoîcîinBtiîmore 10 undergo aspeciaiîtreatcent that noed 55 000R O ORrecocîng the carrcc roc 10e hodyý lfi) reating il and placing il harO in the n DISM I'thal ireatceni cccl severai ihocsaod of dollarsbout cao qîcldy raîsed iheogis the r' anda nvr oî eforts ofHoly Rosaey Churchctiere Wayne OLYRS SAMPLES ENVLOPES cubs in Milton, Ayday, nyîoatty The treaicent hccrcer cas I0oc val V I ~ad las Deremerthe yothcas adcîîîed A owaa 35, per hosacd Io MeMasier Unicersity Medotal Ceore fr seceralcvisils, lton in i16h ai; Aan Beech, 878-2341 Tcc e. sac ecc vOeaetc -- / Parents Anette aod Fred Moley express DAY, MAY16, 1984 34 PAGES--3O CENTS SeFATiiER. page,1 Fire guts lOy LINDA KIRBY Staff Wrter Nîne show jumpers were losti n a $30,100 barn blaze aI a stable on 20 Sideroad near Second Lice over the weekend. The blaze, whieh remaino under investigation by tire officiais, ta belîeved Xc have tarted shortly before 2 a.m. Salurday and demoliched one 0f two barna on the property owned hy Mike Grînyer. Jus! 90 minutes earXîer Mr. Grioyer had made the final check of the stables which housea a total of 26 horsea. At approximafely 2 arn. he was awakened hy a poucding on the door by a passing motoriat who had noticed the flames. barn, nine horses die Milton robbery seminar May 23 Ftalîo n efîccai Police ciii coodcoa rl eseaticon hoc c prcvent a robhory and chat o0 dcini a obbery si aio Drecrd ai lccal busines ocser ad macagers.the eeigss ion ill ho held Wedcrvday, May 23 ai 730 p ilb enivcor girls' acdilorîr ai c C. Druey High Srhoctý Thfe peseialîcc chich in raides a slîde hoc and film fol kiiisd by discossion, cas iedt introduid o dlMîton bsnes ondiiduals lad yrar. More tas 60 people ailecded Iwo0 pesecialions, alors 0v lilioc Regional Police Cice Preetiocoltîrcer Dacie Crac- lord Ccsale Crawford said this year'v preennlalion cull oncre 0001n cncneraie o crans tu deler a eohheey, hoc 10 reartin the ecesl of hotof rohbed and chai 10 do aller a rohhory bas ocurred This cil! icclade a quirh coreon suspecti dentification, TOus lacricsyeae, tcc roh- hries hase been ecorded cn the Mlo area, oh of ai persoalnatore. Inoerase, a hilrhhîher roc Lodon cas heid op icthe secndsituation, a 70yea-ldcman as relieved o! $900 cash ai Mohack larecay last ceek. Thoagh te ied hbarn cas ecgutfed in faces and hoyosd savilof. ilcwasthe quck tink- îog of tOc coloris! chich prei'rveda far worse loss, ac- cordioglcoMr. Geoyer. Aller aleelîng t0e occer, the mac roc out and grahhmi a garden hose and bgan hig doco the exterior o! the second barnchichcnad aiso cought ire, allocing Mr. Geîyer tcgeliout the emaîoîng 17 horses, be said "Iillcasn'lfor hic'hie saîd. we couid'i hase go! itec eut1' He added hewouid very mcc lîkelofge! in louch cîlO the can cho dîd'!trace ic came, t Ihacit hic properly for ho hrlp, aloof cith co young ladies chia sved a large and ropensise amiouil o! saddlery froc thc li eý Fiee ofcinaIshave 501 10 detercîne a cause o! the blaze ohîch hep!t ireightrrs rocn Rockwood, Camphottsille and Mlton hsy clit cîd-morniof Saaluday. The horsos ocre valued ai approîcately $100,000 and in ciadod a cachoer o! hîgO calibre show jompers. "Toxedo" ocord hy Woody reti rocpleîed a sucressfal soseasonwih three wins at the Royal Wiolee Pair last Nocemehr. Ohe horse werein training for the "A" citrauit chicO qualifies umpers toc sucS prestîgious chocs as the Royal and ecesiuaity 10e Canadian Equcstrian Teac, for inier- national hocs. Me. Grtoyee cas aced cîlO the grîc lask alrda o n ing of laiog 10 reiay the sad news to onersho arrved and had sol atready lho ronlacled ahout the firee A devatattagtire desteyed abanaandnine hores a afarmcon O sdeeoad. pocp ai aceary pondcwhbicaaaaed as asaource oamaterlai ight thehtaae Thle btaze e gan aIi 230 a-c Satueda1 ostO fireighlers frac Mlton and Rock-'tMoee pctoees page A2. wooddia attendanre. Here Jt1X Stokes cf Nchere 2 Station cs shoan mansof a (Staff photoisv Jna ogcrsc Railay Éopedoe... ... found in Rotary Park Parents warned to watch out for explosives Halon Regionat Paître aeeissoing cas bc dangeroos cîthto 100 lent il an emhaniloent and soce in haches for. acwaeaisgto parentsand shoi pressreesapplied tolthec ner RotaryPark, offciis cicig 1e .socey f alton Regiocat Police eeceîced a The track signais are desrihed as hedio mal00 e les checa explosive raifmay signais Wmi catI roc a cilices cho eepoeted sc-n heing highl loorecrent oag l ped aîtresdamaerositoe neday evening iRoaray Park and icthe explosvesliyîgîinalfield appoccmaleis lia nches hy lic evealrases ofthe toepedoes. The an the remis unong hy 10e Miil cearmsme of the CNasheds. Boxes of iches square cîth t0e ords youhs apparetiytmi.l, hromsnglthe Ponmoohascliig the teack toeiedoea had heen opeoed "cautio exposive". articles on t0e groood. A ubro oe otiigte andloecealostreemon thefround Plcsîteacicldoe ooecaigahdcrî eaiicay 'frpcdoes' cere saIdes oiesi hyas oae oti noelctn i eie trmaatocked raimay soage shed A ceai-ch of 1he aresraeeeated exploies subceeged inlthe scal! eeqeedlc eae il aioeandcon- on teonte SI. hohicd P. L. Robetso. acihor hon o! loepedoes sraîîered creeoh near Miii Pond, bual caf aith1e tact Halton Regional Police as 070- Acrding 10 paître, the loepedoes dooîi 10e adcay teark cilO more in decîcescltolen, have hoen accounted 5sii Protect Kids Wheelchai Repair....ý .ý.A .f S u The9OakvileaaivanClub i Bronte Sewer .........AlO [fe nMlton agais Saturday. Sor page Real Estate .......REX RE8 ilThey did it again. A garage Sale A- 1 T . .a c First Section Badget Sel .. 1 Deeam Endsc .. . . Waikmay hoco Hospital Cited, Damnp Rodap. No Secrets .ý.ý Bi-centennial. .. . . . . . Fun Pair.. . . ... Ste! Moves.... 1 aa'11M b ctiofl Sita Sigma . ... . . . . ..CI Coty Month .. ...C2 Nec Canadianso... .....C3 Ocagh,Drucqoin. Ct Enteeaîccent.... Ct Dalelîne . ._. . .. . C6 Obituaey . ....C7 o The Srhoois. C8 Inserts Shop And Save, Beacer Home Ces- Ires, llahcile Place, Dominion. Murder charge is laid A 23-yearaold Toronto manc in the head. bas ee rc4fgl and charedm A twc.coccthinvsttigat a yoig London man in Mardi. and London City Palire recaiied The body of 2-year-old in the arreaf of a mancal Kenneth Dreir 'ihael as Friday evening. dincoiered in a ditch heside Police have chargeo Biruno Hîghway 401 near Guelph Lice Travaglioce. of 1541 Dufferin Marh 4. He han hee chai Icîce St.,cith second-degree carder club1~pp 101 'j VOLUME 123--NUMBER 52 1

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