Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Feb 1984, p. 4

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ê TIC..slooChmionWud, F - 1. leu HERB CROWTHER Publisher LU FEERO JIM. ROBINSON MKE HALL zoffe$a O.OOuTKU Se-a EOW.MW" os. e. .. L" s 00. uu .Uffln, OfOFFIM 5Os00q« sàu .0; *C.mOad-.00IOM. N'a, B as. Mosua . s Puho e mmvWdrdav by Meroiend Pintleg, Pubbtibg rb Ohfflbuting Ltd. ai 191 MasnSrets Ea., Milo,. Ontari,uIT 4N9. Taepone M82341. Pie& Soremp. W306 sb; 14.Homedetnos W, Satenliplions $15 p.rYer.,by carrier, $15pyeonrbym91. leCnule; $5inafl nososeIIie.. Th Mihus Canada,, Chamepo s a ns o the M.Snd PmOintgPubbahng & D.istributg Itd goup of ,abuda I neapm wnichnS ankdsTh AnIs, Fm. Pose, The Aurre B nne.,. Aja/ Picrnig Non. Adertiser, Th. BoSs, Enpri.. Th. raosn ,Guaadan, T:. BuaigonPnt, The Bdigone .badPst, The Cloinoka Adeser/.Guardjan Th. Gmeons indpndentMaUss,khoEnnmist& Sun, The Msaissauaa Nw%,,The Nnmmket E,.The..NoIeS Yrk Mnt. OkieoS. no.,,Oakvdlo Fkday BOo, Oshawa. This W.ek, Ohawa The W.1,sd. RkSicmod 1Hâ1 Lbost. Thmhil Lih.,aI, The 5Saogh Mirro,. The SInuffsflrbunea..end WoIIdb11d5O Lbeai.Motroiend Psenting, Publshng & Dsrtng is a ,dviion fHMtqun Etrses pdm fed, Phone 878-2341 TorosnoLno M-303 Thte Snow Dome is dead and sithit i the hopes of many ares residents the Macauley Commission on the provincial domed stadium site pick a site in Halton. Despîte every possible reason againat, except pleasing votera, the commission is expected to submit a report te the On- tario Cabinet suggesting the current Exhibition Stadium site or thte Woodbine Race Track lands for thte domed Sladium. It is another case of the provincial goverment itaving made a prior decision and titen aetting up a commission headed by a personel friend and poitical crony of Bil Davis to corne up witb 'suggestions" on sn issue. The Halton site aloog with thte two sites te Mississauga had far more going for them titan the final two commission choices. Transportation, ceep tend, population drawing poweer; they al eued the two Metropolitan Tonte sites. Thte final selection is, and wss, wbo would be most plessed; and poritapo, we sbould add itow many would be mnst piessed. Thte Metro Toronte ares is not cast in Tory blue like Missis- saz or most of Halton. For every pleased voter here teere are Thie coce thon, whezs based on tee Davis bottem lime, is Politica set up the commission, politica wlll finally decide on Exhibition Place, and politica wil decide juat how much extra in provincial revenues we will psy so tee people in Toronte cao watch tee play. Knocking don ors was wrongmove Milten reaidents were given a -omail, and it must be emphasized only a small pat on tee back, for their efforis in lat yesr's United Way campaigo. Thte 260 volunteers who porticipoted ta tee monte long campoigo dramatically insproved tee response to teeir request for money-a itel of $55000 waa raisd or 49 per cent more titan tee previons yesr's fundraising drive. But United Way manager Heateer Smith of Oakville, is net hapy wite tee people of Milton. Toequote, "tbere w- sJt nesrlyas many donors as we should have nad .. . onasaîêone te 10, volunteerism is tWo in this community.. ., Mrs. Smth aeems te feel that ta up to ber te dctate exactly how much residenis should be given, neyer mted sehat they have already done. Titis tewn has sitosn tremendous community spirit in a grest number of ways, porhapo tee most notewortey being tee Milton District Hospital Exponsion Fund. Do nt forget, Mrs. Smith, it wss teis comxnunity miicit raised $7000 te ensure test every needy family enjoyed a Christmas dinner and te ys, and it mas not because citizens were hadgered or made te feel guilty. tergneaimnero Titis is a tewn that dons not hstt oognz l anro money raising ventures te itelp a young boy received tee costiy trestmnent test il keep bim alive and asetat wite travel ex- penses for is family te tee United States mitere lie must go te get sucit medication. Titis ta a community test rallies te help strangers who are left itomelessafater a fire. Youngters empty teeir piggyhanks and factory workers sign theehac(of theer poy cheques o te beout oein ne Titey give from the e ert and many of teose are itardly inaa position te make tee generous donations teey provide. So porhapo, Mrs. Smite sbould take s moment te look around bier and see exactly bow much thtis community has done te itelp out escb oteer. WiUI CONWT. DAVE CRAWFORD The year 1984 s oeil Under way and If pou -r anythins 5. me, Yeu have prohahy hr.*us ail of your Now Yewm o luos. However, dure la me reuilso u aoud tryhbord not tebreak and if i0la n ot alread on ymw list, dh. you ohoold put fi o.. ni.b romohlsoun a uulung la: Dont Nomme A police et, il !%,ezmno$e, ho.. break-hlu il ton mdp 1 i-sw eui UM ove -Un8 invole- j ,A 0 l aimoey PM MM IMM WU*I#S Gnedhye. That, and a two paragropb letter o resignallon, are ait thats oeeded ta close the book oslthe area wbere 70 per cent of Iis career bas bers spent. For ail who avent heard, il's true, Aller this seeeb Steve Arnold itI be notbfing bot a short, fat Inesiry, nothiof more tibao a oame on a few torses in yellow, crontbtbtg copies of The Caoadas Champioaod Tbe Oavile Beaver. Aller 10 years s a reporter, iscludisg tme on fse newpapers, it's sadina a.ay lo be srcrig tber(leo wicshave been such acomfort and ancborduring the tast few brbotent years. Il's cssbimary ai tmmm ike Ibis t0 reflect a bit, 10 ponder te triumpbsanad deteata oftlime spent in ose of Use most exciting and denaosisg professiosoo lî A great dent otheUttme Arnold bas spent in Halbis bas boss devoted Iso olowing the attairs of Halons Reginnat Councit. Ema ful decade ater Use birth nf the opper lier of focal govermnent, there la nUS an immemse rosent- ment of il and Uhe way il was bers. Bot Uhe ose ting opponents of Use osa style o local gsvensoent bave Is otaiis a ey are stock with il. Regiona govermnet isere and it'sbhereto stay. Eren dumping Ue provincial Cooervativos roos tbe pinnacte of poer Uey bave sccopied tor slong ont cbange UaI berause toc morb mooey, ime and cbange bas been vested sn Use region 10 even Uinb about Usmattang il n From Ue darb days wben Haltos mas ptagoed wiUs deticita and Ue almoct total cottapse ot ils structure, a nwsysteos bas bers created wtarb bas Ue ability tv provide Ue type o governnsent whicb is seeded at the local tevet. No mtter bow much snms Nassagasseya residents bemnoan Use goal old days, Uere are noms services wicb simpty casI bc provided 10 Use tagb stasdard eesdsd nom by a sngle mosicipatity. Cetaisty Uere are imadequacios in regîovat foyers- ment and cbanges are needed, bat tryîng 10 iS Ushe pa- tent isn'tthe ansmer. Newspapers bave an important rote lu play ini tbe processo0f local goversosent, a rote Ibat frasbty bas sstbang ta do mitb Use isd of coverage providedtin thé -good oddays" oflong ago. Toc mark ofthUe qoahty o lite in Haltos, and Mlton, is aftectedby the actions oftown andregional couneil toc Ueos logo ossotîced. The people abs are competted b prooîdr large amoons ofs tas mosey 10 Ibese concrîts cvery ycac bave ta be intormcd of abat tbry are doîsg mtb Ibat osony and a local semspaper îs tbe osly way tbey are going 10 retîabty gel Ibaatnormatio A great dent ut criticisos bas been wataherrd b h s neaspaper, and sUers, tor Use space devolsd 10 Use do- ings o local gsvernmesl uver Ue yers, stes utthIe ospenseofotUsctsrios. There as a ime aben neaspapers tîbe Tbe Chaos pion were a journal or record toc Ue area, filting Use sewscotom ls tgossipy l1110e tilbita about aboswent ta ToronltocUsocner and exbaustive accusta ofthUe mmstiae of Ibe meetings othUe Womnen's Intcttes. Hos oflen bas Ue quostion "nobedy cocos about wbal Roly bard said to Harry Barret doms t Ue reelon tlarek" bren benrd in ibis office? To any Uining pron, Ue repty ban 10 be abso caros abo cead Ue mintesof a Wl meeting lac mon- Usago. Wtes Bird and Bacrett and UesUses are acgoing in UaI green mosmtrosily in Oabvilte, Uey are spesdleg ysur bard marned money and decidleg boa long il wilt take for a policeman to geltanyoucbhome whenysu need brtp, wbether or nst ysue daughter ailI gel bleUs con- Icol pille aîUouot your bnomtedge, bow mach osoney wilI be availabte shen yo'ce fIaI on youc back and ssed wettace or a vinilles nurse, or UaI a garbage ~,17 Y AA~4&aNe ir6 ~ui* domp wilI ha located in your backyacd. Surely ta Gsd UaI's mors important Uas other isanilios. tinfortnately, ils 1101 bhkety goleg 10 gel the attention il Ueosen The Champion sn Ue romisg monhs and ha's jstos bad-tsr you. Canada bas recrntty gsse Ursugb a trymeg econsr slomp, a depcssîsn camsed hy ose of Use mocot govers- mensa evrever bad ta endure. Foc The Champion, UaI ntump bas heen teIt is the adveclioing lissage ahich i s e lifehlood of any newspopor. Businesses bave tadved and Uey bave,'t been replaced. TuaI dosnnI sean simply tomer profita foc the dis- tantlowners ofUsheneappe, iltranslatos diceclyin to bss spoce for Use storios you mont to read. RtUer Uas comptaimong about Use choîcos Use editors ofthUe newspopor are beisg toreed ta maire, you can cancl therneedtforusurcb oicos by refusinglto potronize buiess whacb npond Ueir adveclleleg dollars in a publhcation wich puta noUsleg wbalever bock inta Use commusity. TuaI choîce squale mors spoce sn Use neaspoper and UsatI nsetoc oreeryone. FinaSy. No reporter, boever gocd, amounta 10 muck ot anyttaug aîUsout fbrut gaimsng Ue trust ut peope in aIt maîbo of lite. Arnood ia o exception. DOvr e ves years a great many peuple bave cemn- 101kmi lite, noms tor longer Uas oUers. There are toc masy 10 mention Uem aIl, but noms stand out espersatty. Ken Campbell-At frst 1 Uoghl he mas ssUsîng more Usana uoUer Bible-tusaoping Baplint, bot if you go drepor Uas tient impressios ysutt l nd unin Usidual aho bas the moral courage ta stand agaimst the thsngn he ohiecta lu. Not everyone bas UsaI. Otta Jetîneb-our slecmned MP mas lient dsmîmsed as a sigbîly demenlsd reincarsation of J.. McCarUsy. He usnI. He shoard liaI Use fonst ime 1Iactualty spoke 10 tam and listened, reatly lstensd, tambhat be mas nay- ng. Nons of the people abo've opposed hm is Use eler- tIbm 'or e es able 10 r005r over Use tant neyes yeaen. havs come close 15 matahîng hîs ahîtîties as a portîamestarias. Frank Philhrosk cared as much and worbed as bard, htuas a bactîoberhL-beraI bc maunt anysebere near as etfective. Wben Use bosedarios soIbis riUssg are ebangeit toc the sent steclios bflton milI ha bacdprossed luoîsid a member of unymbere osar Use same calibre. Grrry McAulife-an enlremely irctaling pron, but be cbahengrd me ta double my attention 10 ac- curacy, and UaI's neyer lo be forgolles. Karen Sanani and Millon BaaleIl-ts rarety goal tor a reporter toalaloa humselftot devetop any knd of personal felig toc people he mrilos about herause be cas ha taken advantage of, but in Iis case i neyer el Ihal may. Ts gel bock a mensure o lriendsbip UsatI 1551 dependent on Use number of nois retîd 10 a portcutar concers le nomedding ta be gruleful fose Gord Kranla, Brad Clements and Bilt Johnson Usre voicos spoaing toc Millon in a babhle ot regioolsm. The efforts Ibey makre rent ans ap- preciated as Ibey shoutd bha Ils an abeent impossible job 10 emsure Milton issIt entîrety trampled hy Use cr reol structure of regionat goversosenl. Tue acI Ibeyve achseved an much as Ibey bave in a testament oftincredilte eloquence. r, I smpiy cant mention al Use people 15 mhom I am ospectalîr graleful, but Ibm,, ea stand out lu my mind. My Uansm 10att Use sIbeen are no boss intemse, but mmlt remain privale. Il's been fus, and 00W il's over. SomeIbiog nea 10 startios. Goodbye. Editar'n note. Steve has joined Use staff of Use Guelph Daily Mercury. Uer., ver. *0,otou lna 110 reported Watch are exampten. proimatety one quarter of Millen.. hiuslnaw brea-in.nIere are ai..ossueos pamsphlets avait-" If pan lise ln on ron UsaI lenont iovoîved or The b factor for thesege I.amaing. O.Ole able on sther grime Preentlon tapies Usat if pou aront lnvolved but lise le on ursa, ai- every as bomes vISha broken into, mne ina n ch picbrd up uithUe poice station at ap readp lesolvd ln Neighbaurhend Watch, thon every ongar. vIS have .omethlsg .1.1.. from timo. shp ni attond Use upeemhsg meetings? il mnd aoneineery 10 buskea vS h ecome WAhynont got Involvod in Crime Provontion ibe meetings are..s folows: Feh.1îl eta a vithn of a break-la. 1Iis year? Whaboaws., mapha tht, peur pou Rbert Badwin Srhotolnd Feb. 22 and 29, lTher, are menp crime peenlion pro- wanot beome mater statistic. agai ai lRobort Baldwina achont. g-anisavaileato hepprevmnt pou fronsbo- 1 sould like ln take ibis oppttlnlty le AS of Use meetings basin ai 7.30 pin. and eom.ng Biaiêta puhlie Nelgbbourhend Sah Sagais.. itere lastfrapexmataip 90 minutes. op""ala. ldentlteton, operation aeaIOemr ss 0 omiele S hmt uarseit s tovour and getlnl- providnifor Euinesean d egbourhood Nelajltourbeod matab, vbleh einly &P- voived ln e NOgIbuwhood Satoh! Dorneis dead 1 thanks topolitics viepont lZd I M I 211, M -M -,. M ; , .-- 1 , , , - ý M - , - - - - 1 1 -.1 -- - - - - - F- - -.1--- Tý 1 - - 1 1 1 ",Zz-s pag" othé past OnaerAo ofotbFbe :i 53 Ihoue 11815, oar o Esl.o. ha,, dlsenvered It duo. ont have $4 million invested wibh Crnwn Tut, but $6 .5È millon,. Sutprintendont of husiness and finance Sach SMoore told h. hoard ¶lsursday Usey have taus nepurote investenents in Crown Trtst,onefor $4Umillon due Jan. S4 and une lue $2.5 million, duen Jan. 7. Weehand drizule npelled dinanler toc local staern, once ugain. Tue ralny, mlld meaUser forced the clonure af the GIn Eden slnpes and concellalion soa major shi evesi Susday aut ternusn. Ustens Ihere are seme danir changes n ntUe iter asather palIers, 101en Edon in ikety 10 taIt tac short of ils prsj- ecled revenueof $796,000, accord- in tog10Bob Harrison, program manager. Tue Miton delarhmesl ot the OPP exporienced a macrd deccease in the nombereoftreport- able accidents durisg 1982. A total of 572 accidents wrre lovent- igaîrd by local OFF ofticers tant year rompored to 617 ths prevîsus year. 20 Years Ago Fr0. the Jasn. 3n, 1964 su Hallas Cousty Coosicil Tuesday spptîed toc a tous of 9250,001 usder the Federat -Provincial Workn assistant program, tor consructooa nem150brd home toe the aged aI the present site of the Hatos Cetensiat Masse. Working draaisgnstfthe sec home bave bren crdered mnd construction is especîrd lu begin in the spcîng aitk sccupncry asticipalsd in mid 1t65 W.C. Rcvsey mas re-eterted chaîrman ofthIe Milton Hydec Commission ai the inaugural meeting o the geoup os Wednss day evenig oflanîaweeb. "Teopeing oPineviea Pub- tic SesooI t a mitestose in the bîslsey ofeducatsun in Enquesîng Township.. the sebent board is tui bcongralulalsd 0cr ils efforts in voocection ailS Iis ise ses scbocl," William G. Davis of Brampon, Ontario Miniter of Educalîon, bold as audience of ove 20 aI Use nchoctn s poniog ceremonies tant night. A 550-otcs y 50 Oct nkating rink, largestinthe ares, bas bers prepured aI the Kes Conerva- tion Areafor the pleasure ofares ukatecs. 50 Years Ago Fros the Ferrsary . 1934 isnoe Hornhy 011 Boys bave issord icvitations toc a dusse tu be held sn the Orange Hall, Horsby, tu- morw(Friday) evesîsg, Fsh, 2, at 9ovloch Musivcîtilboer isbed by Normas Gitîn orch- estra. ThiswillbthIe event ofthke yeor. lobs F. MCalluos. govecnor of the Hllos custy joîl, abs had severa ribs factured inan auto- mobile accident rerotlty, n. cve sres pleased 1u say, able 10 br out again. Tue Girl's Auiliary cf Grace ckurck ara holdng as Allernua Tesanad Homne-mude Bokîng Bote oc Saturday oflersoo. Feb. ird. sn the Socday svhoctrom Everybody metrome. bafleman Bob Chacîtos Isît here onS usday 10 attend a course of NCG.s istructions aI the Royal Sboolof cI bsacry aI Stanley Barracks, Torono.o Tue cuse etends oier apeciud of simeebs. Thieven enlered the hes-houses ofWilber Cleave, Norval road, on Fidycnigbt lot, and removed his entire stock of 75Barred Rock cickens ilbsuttleaving a trace. Provincial constable Geo. Coots- man, Milton and Chisf W.G. Mar- shall, ut Georgetoswn, are invest- igating. 75 Years Ago Feos thelan. 28, 1909 tisse Tue ltter of Dr. B W. Bruce Smith, taspecloc of Hspilals andI Charilien, urging the erection thin ysur of a homse of refuge, mas cosidered in commilles of the whole at Tuesday's meeting of the causly couscUl nie great Uas of tasI ae replesished the nprings mhich fred the reservoir. Tue mater na ol shut off aI uny ime 00w. 1.0,1 falîn dcought sas the causot the lemporury scarcity.,' A meeting of the cdorgy ofthUe election of ffRial boas, Use prennt occupent'. term of office having eoplrod. Tue hasedicto and bachelnrn of Milton have issd invitations for an assembly, 10 ha given as the las, bail next Wednesday even- ing, Feh. 3. Duriog Use durbona of Tues- day night somebody bruit s e front sindns of S. Horslcks Jesefry Store. Me. Horsieh jut sturted up le busnesas bers aatom okaaaag. Tue duieedbnse l . P. Ropr'. homse hp Use irs ro- ported last wso n tebing ce. palced.

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