Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Feb 1984, p. 22

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RE4 The Canadien Champion, Wed. Pois 1 if188 Town appeals U FFI tax rule Oy LINDA IOIROY siosai court ithia lise neat imo moolts, mili departîmexl of 17 homes in lise Milton.acea, in lteir homes. StafflWcitee cxit lise xesi xoliec $2.000 on legal ex- adicale lxix reitio sisxxld be givea in Nat ail couriciflrs mece la faveur a A povincial decixiox la amarcd Miltox ense, istilcold be a smnallexese the xeigsboclsoad of l0oto 30 per ceaI, raoxiiog thie flgl. cesideolawh ixit a oires lormaldesyde loxes campaced la isai tisemwsuicipxisly stxnds la depesdiog apox lise exteml a! ires iocixstd- Coscilloc Jies Watson naid ho mas sol in iastld isomes 0 75 per celt Las: redaclios loses inxx cedirlioxa if tise proviscial deci-, ehyde in lise homes, soid Mr. .OisOd . lavour xspoxdlog sotr $20010 in legst fees lac 1962 mdll once sgamn ie cisatlesged hy lise sion ix xpiseld, rccdiog la hies tieasure' In sdditiox la lise sexes isomeoees pire- and usaI lise sevex peopte iovolved in lise 75 laies. Don Lxiulseed. xixsty mexliased, lisece ire a burIser 27 pec centltaxdslx"iaesittisfo Bal ilton maxi Birai proceed lx a dlvi- If lise loiex mixa ils cage ami la cecsgxlxed isalmesiess lxxkixg lac a 35 pier ceint oc lise pool l 0 la t ar s .Ila' siosat minrtlt determixe ieelie or net il ns an 'isoecexied pxrly", lise 0MB mdl iighec cedacto or laclie lxx yexc of 190 epehvebe3neraeodo isx tise rigit leasppexl lise lxas ocexixas cecanvese tise liexrixg islx lise lait a Ties cta osr x'a iSlerest0d psrty". imesîs and hea- lise laiex's srgumsnts. hic Lxagiteed said il is amportant tsri itardsip," icse id, sddlxg hoe pecaxsslly At an Ontario Municipial Board itearisa naa s-iememxcptt xls exch.case be lceled mndividsmtly as lise dams sot feel confidext lise laies mut ml lis m. ets ago, the Board cejected the .Mlel h olem icpftinhero pravixceisasnt rvd a"us cue" ae to x' position on the giroaxits il doms sol vixce la citallesgethe lait ceduclixs wieitii and tere i sot tcaiea 'swmon clae" cf H ase bce yConio o have the right of appeat. Mr. Lxxgiseed feels ace fsc tio isigi. vesidensah tiitst lao ise s arige tsmtcn af a Ho o m axisxkd lisyde Ciclthx Town Tisst poimt oflx la se c ged in s dlvi- Rexaix xl of slady cammissixsed by ism thseitxaisx hvxnsoaaeirea lorarlxdeltyde mxatd esa ity sntmmsig on esth the rixe. Drink-d rive Iaws need teeth says Treleaven 5y ALEX MATHSON Mr. Trelessox, and iis damesiclade basxcsîaîd the cramx.s mentiss in jxil mith a possible tcree-yexc Tisece isxs iseex n changea inlhc penxlties lisese misa arcxsixxalty dr-ive misile xxdec Croiras ire mxnsixxtly lryixg tx gel lise suspexsion of drivixg privileges. meled out for impxxiced dcivixg dexpile suspensiox. coirt t laite x lasgsev stxnce, it added. Ifa pecsanxiscxgtdivig drxtmtice gcamisg pressire lrxm lise public nd ex- A fixe of $250 is lise minimum pexaty for Wtt similar clrcxmtancm, bt lise a fixe camait ho tevied and the maximums caseagemenl hy Ontacio xllxvxey-gecx.l drivig mndcc suspepon and ltaI sa mt is virie xsly ixjired, lise maimm s 10 pexalty is axe yer in jail and x thee-yexc Boy Mchircy. xxrmalty givra. Foc Ixice bitria cxxgl dci- yer na jaîl. licexce susapension. Miximuma pexaltiei continue tx iq lise sig woux x licence, lise fime ix $500 Il a virie ix iîlîrd isy a draxit dciver, Whii sa lv xxmally gîvex is lise xxrm.eregardlraixofdcmented!evdeve minimumxand dvs-xelyvrxy mcs ivtre thetrivîxg infeacioicllmxcî xet ixlasxoiîax4dayslin all,xsxany servd tisaitlmpalcmexllixxn vexitrlmixgfactor leomlisasfiguresadthe cxesierb a b hre ol ih ip-wt th covne c f lise crimîval in invseioaclx irdcntssaidxHallcrx Ifla drer,'ee ileîxmparrddrivessey ieed.sxid Mr Trlavex. mîcd, andise minimmsioxistrliec attorney Jim relcasee isadly fcccsamptre tecvrog ayîinaîlaxe Chtargesvcfdaxgceccvdcîsivîxgxm c lid suvpensixv Aislxcd alcitxtxtesc levlo svelats'cty or apxona sdalsaxd issmraenb ite agailta drxxitdrivrxiterdr,vîxg as Ifcaidaedcllfeoce ccuaisthte ceîxîxal r mîld impairmexî atiscgiiseiisancescof titly tibsectargedxisithcîmvaxegl- baibtnxxlcxtragevuvccxugitcacwaran eligilelxcyeaev inxjxland an un isenagixvxvedlnaaacidetlar 25llmci grvcc cavîxg dcatit xiicis cardies a eîxsîalvneglîgeceitecaddcd. Hece lise lîmîled drîsrr'itliceccsuspenxionxîxrma- geealeelismllxor a xsvdriver eiad. maxmua eaxlltyfipeîmxpisn mximumxlpenxlty stlxvyvarsinix . Iy ei etne atremn njail Thlvsevsdrxreitaxx'tisvayedîxudgcilccom T'Mevminimumxw cxtdieexxltsîxn Fo 'cthtefirslîimpaced drîssg cocx tion, and gie the isacoai isreryearspv- mlinmm sxetecs.Initinx si Mr alwhet n issxtx8 mxiisiisvid temaxmxm paysa $2 o0ine andsixsion. Tceleavex, jxdgev xcnt smuhi llxexredity pcevixs fcxf inxv ig h penalty as tisey xre fo lac rofecs Arcp tieircor pexxlty tmfe OStier nam ed chairm an A ep eaie penalty foix radvoa tions txxanlanimptved drier wh macitgreaeisxaa-d tx tise geneixI pais Jadgrx xeemn cisivioxi tx ccxxx allarne) ptraslforisexvirxentences and poecxlcr crie gel lrxslcxled cattiag lac igiser pro allias il ttc7 are xlsvayî igxred, 'We cxatd gel a macine tx gise miix sentecres bt jxdgei arr paîd a loi tx maire dexisixai," te s.aîd Wtev yxxihavre t isctevîcltmsandlface tise famîtliex, Yex veatiar tise penalies arc tau tîgit, Mr. Trelcavex xddcd. Il may be procriacurt jidges ge tc- griser and agree on an appexprîxte ira- tece for ai clîrice sx lisere is tilcviy. I iv isard tx gel jxdges t rxck tise itoal isy gis- ixg diflersentenaces, Bf xxe jadgr xxi more seiere, lacyerv xlddiryltxavxtditis ccurt Me. Trleavex satd Aise lisere xxîdd ho more triais ai gcilty pleas xcxtd lait off xth tis îlr ses leacci. Ix eisaveltasievertrils tex wc xill do il, satd lise ccxxx altxrxey. The end resait of itis punîise patterx is tisalpeople ix Canada are nxt alemid tx drixnk and drive ieiaid. Iftltreere alxmatcvsupensmionsofx yera1 tontts, as teve are in Gceat Brîlmin, mxre xcald ho dtscxm-aged lrxm gctlîxg bitsid tise xiseet xiie îxeiraled, ise addrd. I is in lise ares of suspensmxn tisaI Mr. asccxrerxcdxtlisitxeiavdjad. loi-ms for firtr clîraders as gcling a texglisy suspensionofldriviag prvdcegcx," bc sai Thtis esîcevi xîith traece suspension sectmslta bxisaredity thsepuietcadded. If a driver ix caugist lxive, il is a gmod indicatixn of a drîiskiag pecistex, store lise chanxces aI iseiag caxgisl are xxtly one i 2,000, ise salid. The minimuma penalties givea out for second and sxitseoîext cîfracex, iseixg relalîvety light, are nxt discxxcagtxg. Nov are lte penalties gîves for drivixg ellet licence ix mndec suspension. Ax a esott, il ix esimated ltxl as mxxy ns 60 Pec cent of dciveys xxdec imspeoxixi xpeae aveiiclexasxaxnrmatcoursesad 0f Sherli isrtp stcdevts devetcp tisese qxaltlîr as wl as speitisi job siiîx, sxîd îvccmîvg Shseridan Brard Chiatmax David Daller in is ivaugural address tc tise 19x4 Brard, 'Thc challtevges xitt hc o Icgier, lise competîtici stîlfer, and tise pressures greîr, tism ever telcre," said Me Ostr 0i tise xcctd xics geadcalres xit face cv Your'rei Image driviigdxxv a road ixeNort trelaxd andxctctvgxaxigristaissgyox are evleeîvg tisagis, populatixv 16,000. Go a mileor txc dxxv tise rxad and yoc're in Drumqxiv. If tisait scmds lite icmetiistg out cf a Rôcd hortivg Itet'tisicv scrit, imxgmn es r priseon lise facescof Tommy and Ccclix lirais or Omagt, Ntdierv lretaad, itis sumrai liey isappeved tx tuv dxxv Brîtavî .Bd. isece in Miltcn acd arrive in 'liseir lcxv" tact hocme. 'Me surprise of fisdtv(Orvagt and tivrm Omvxxvm anaccident. 75e Sirai acritid lrcm Omagis, in Ccmlty Tyrove, titis summer and xece i'isilivg lrerdi in Oxkile. Ov x Smndxy drive tc showx lise Stexiais lte grorrat Oakit'lte ara, lisey xere leisurely drîivg Up Trafalgar Bd "Sxddexty Tommy yelts 'Stop thecar, stop tise ca"' salid Brian ThxMpsxx, wsit ias itoes the Bfexixs for yeaci mnd itxd îhem over tx visoi isier i bis kilte itome. "Tommiy sx* tise Dxxmqxix sigri and le coxidat iselieve il," te sxid. "Drusqaix ix jxci a lîftle bit axay fîxs mitere thUjjlyj. Omagh. lan's '84 Boaird leavixg tise Ccltcge. Me, Dîller ix a taxyce est lise Bramptcn "0cr tasit, as tracisers, admixitlators iem of Davis, Webb.t He gradcxtrd trcin Ovgxxde Hall a and gc'ervcev ctissCcttege s t exlirr vcisxxinx197,andxwasicaled txmtarm tisai ccc stcdests trace titis intcition xils 975. Be aisecod nhnor erei lise iids cf silîs and attitudes ltai xilt put BOmixesi Admiistaio xx o i tcxihee iv temn "A Step Aisrad- 1cr yearx tc care. sc vo Wet ra c O ta ramlieox. Mr. Ostr wxv cîccîrd chiarmax xf lise Ifre pccscixg a career ip Jaw, Ostier bocardand Jtm Azitascecirxax aitie spestorvarc inxtxdsryx iisa major Decemiseemeeting. foodicxmpny axd aneetroaîicstfrm. Bie wcv Oirsi appxtxted tx tise Shseridani ocarda tnt97, avd xascceappxmltedx it 1 Ostlri trea beier of tise Law Society cf typer Caxada, and is Chiatmax cf tise tocard of itecîces cf tise tiviax Exccgy rn O m gg h entre, a cx-cpevativr ventire of Sheridax "Weti r xhn egxl tx Omnagi, Tommy and HIe is married, xits lisea dagisiers, and Grrîla tnt cxxtdx't ieve it." tives in Brampton. Tise Straivi scccvcd tise Osvxgi Ctircs Vtce-vhirmaa, Jm Axtitw assieev a grvyr n hycrears oehn memt ercoftiseSheridan bardf govercr veeyîvîteresixg. sîsce 1979, sxdte key tcltherxurlge's >Tiîey vcled tise gravrslcxe cf Brutie scessîis ils aiity tx adapi ta chsange, in Smiîth. lermiddlersamewas Belavd the ctcdîxg tise cisavgîvg verdi cf tise corn Steaîxs saîd, tvcredîcmly, tise mucitais mttity itesîde Omags in Iretaxd is Brie Bell He devcrtised ISOlas ax "amiîicas yeac", Mcmlxaiv xicsîia. tiseibcard stcdyxandxpprcvelxco Tise Sirai icctd sct itvc tisaI Brie additicvs tx tise Oxkiscite Campus, an ca n f lise mcii Ices eesîdcxlsofîiis atlsetîrs ccmptrx axd a ccmputer xixg. araasixelltasirmgxa"Mcmlxmi"cofcp- Me. Act prdiced tiall184soxxod bc positixx tc tise egion's dxmp plaxi. aictser yrxr clgrcxlis asd îtrîvixg tlman Mr. Slrixxxasvscimpreiîedityosidvg tain exiellevce, xîts a ccntinaaaiov of Omagit axd [tramqman is bil a slcry Siterida'v drveopmetcf sircesofvon- xeillex aboxut im in lise Tyrxxe Constli- gravi revenue, tution, isics ccs'ers Omagit, exespîrîr xlii Me. Azto v xssistant vicr-pvesidesl cf picluri cf tise Omags Chuicr sigv and cperatlcvv 0cr Hcxseitxtd Fonnce Corpora- Bruie Smîis'xs grave iloxe, ticv, xîish dicect respexsiitility forxv Ontxario Tisxl xas pcislîisred in lise paper xtxxg itraxc vfficex. xîish a pei abotxthlie cii isere, He ms vice-prexidexi of lise Prxgressive Me Titxmpsxa said ise ix vecy sirr the Coîservatîve Pedecst Bidlsg Associaion cf Slemxxxxx.td tiitr litaxmn mach mare abtout Missixauga Solsh, xnd atme servviias Fsxd- xir Deiagit and Drxmqxix. exîsixg and Finance Citsirmmn' fxr txit Tx rantxci Me. Strxia the xddress taîl xvgxxrixxîax. -Ragera, -Villxs, Omags Cnssxty îye *z.Mv Mxix macrivît. mith dxx Young Nxrliserx tcetaxd. c iîdcev, xxd lices in Mississxoga. re«, ci R 80 mati land sive Sf0M8 i maès n s a f

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