Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Feb 1984, p. 2

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S iit~o eiai~Citmn~pIon. WmeL. Pub0 1.1114 \ 'y" ILWIUAUIY ~ PASTA MGNTH Dinibgounge AT n Durlng February, aRiiera wilil b. faaturlng a fabulous pet Ieu n addition to Our regular Continental fera ACHOICE OFSEVEN OF OUR MOSTpOpULAR HOMEMADEPASTAS, ALL AT FETTUCINI QUIRINALE N c.le, Mushoocis. Spnch - Csem Sauce EGGPLANT LASAGNA Spinavi Noodes, Eggpiant, Cheses - To.vo Sauce. FETTUCINi ESCARGOTS Nodia., Snsîts, Peas, Goto -Cese, Sac RICOTTA CANNELONI i0o ~Cepas s ifeih Cheeses -Toito Sauce FETTUCINI MELANGE Nods wth Fresh Vegcisbles -CasSauce, La Riviera DInIng Lounge FINE CONTINENTAL CUISINE HAMR4 478 Steelea Ave. la kihe Darcat Park Planas "4 ____________ Pboie 878-7205 000 'rfor resercations CM*" u.oitMwS 4 p. m. Ceekends - ~LL Mentalillness cen be beaten Ely uKIE AROD Meal Milita eaIdaIsnecerbave, and sitar cin, M theIa bade ci a beapilal an inse. wilcit dm st lneth i eeks bderitealxtethaCstas. Use bas reeaeered, tants 10 lite streagtt or ber famty and te belp orsa drsg ealled Lititgu, but dmeprecm ceas otq"". Whenmite cai te, Jeans cerld semed 10 te eosting spart. Use eau afaid of almesl evu7ylthsg "I eouidn'l even gn grseery sbapping with my mater," sitereeaf in as recealtaner- viece. "r'i be shopping cih ber and rd sud- denly gel ail paraonid Ual people wero ceaI- tidagme andl Ibal Uie shelvea cere goinglao faBovneron me." "I ceas acling rcally strange and my =aeala just did'l bnoce cai tu expeel rmme," ste said! in deacriting tew ber family doctor was eoealed and admiited ber tôMilton District Hospital. Thse only bcd available thon ceas la Uic malernity card-boat fer ber family il was asaier 10 bave ber there than ai home, at leacifor a short lime. Dsring that, and later stays ai Uie psychiatrie card orJoseph Blrant Momnoriai Hospitalin10Burllagtan, site came 10 brncs with ttc pitysical prohionan whicit camoed ber mentat state. Her condilion waa finrsmoderalond hy theoprofeacionals wit eadcd ber. Ttay werc trealing a case of paranoid-schizapitrenia, but site ias saffering fram a chocaical imhalance chicit caonod % manir-doprea- ive cycle. Manic-depresslve Shapiy put, Jeans moado woaid swing in an unpredictahio fasâlon. she would be "aup" for days, with a seemningly inexaao ile sapply cf onergy and thon shoc would crashilto10a 1t10ltlackt depreaulon. Lithisan bas teipcd 10 contrailtese mocd changea, site said. "Waihit Ive iteen able 10 live my ocen lite. Ive been socare in my own mnd for two ycars noce, "siteaddcd. Living 10 in sai tawn ite Milton, site ad- mits, pronontaseme special proitiens for a peroon trying 10 reraver f romn a montai iness. lIie wasno exception. "l1ce social tigma I bcd 10 doal celith1i Miltosnicas realty bcd," she said. "Witen I gai ont of itospital Uic firsi lime I ceonl hacit 1010hgb scitool and Uietree girla I bcd itoon ietn inonda wiUi aoudo't evon loit atme, lot alonetal)Ltome." a. spntte e f my 10gb schoni doys as a oilotatand thai roally hart a ltibui il ceas someUiing I learocd 10 accopi," site added. livea laler, whien site droppcd oct of sehoil and 10oh a jobin1 Milton siteceas fore- cd 10 deai cith Uicenixcd reactions of tUe arounditer. "Tberg ceeothoso ceha cee very onder- ,sandksgtttnec wba tnew I bcd a prohlem thogbrd never 11ahkaut il. '>bat Uere anre an thone wha, were artlaty frigbi- oncd orme," she saidý "lime of thoco loarood 10 accopt me ...itbst thore wcre alwoys Uione wnithUi minute dicyre mad ai yoa cdli Uiroa nn yonr laresonmething thai happosod wane yon cere siet." "«I'm sol asitamcd of my illness. As long i If you'ore Pad -itoite akegchnetr putting a prie on your owSome. aI take Cae m y$&if1I bmw NII bfn," àheeaid. 4 want tube aoetted )Wataamn epilopein l accepted beeause to me titeyire bath thesmeting' FamIIy helpud Altougit ber s inlahopili een n- porant parta of her averal reamtn,'Jeaas gays it waa te help ci ber family which made the difféence inher final recoevwy. 111had tobe prtty mel Ogded becamone1 she satd. "«My famlys support la really what made my reeovery as quicit as IL wa. île always best tiabe with yaarfaily. " It waa ber motter wba shoeddered te responsibiity 10 keep Jean itssy ceit baae- worb, gardening and anytiting elne site cold itandlecso site wouldn'i spend ber lime simply elaring ai the watt, ict in ber own lit. Uce world. Foar many people, bawever, the support cf a famnily simply osnt there weaitey came oat af heapital and il la for lbqn, Jean gays, a wOrbaitop programch i as ltai advaeated by te Haiton Co-rdisaled Work Projeel woaid te a great benefit. "If Ithad came outof tihopital and didn't bave anyone titere ta itetp support me, t itnow wbai 1 wmtld bave donc, Id have gone to bcd and stepi and ate and watcitcd TV," cite oaid. "its far beter go to a worbhp thon lo slay ai home he yoursctf and mope," site added, Graduai pracesa "A ohelter tube tubs woutd ba gecat fer peo- ple who dont have an otaliiahed group of friends or who dont ceont people 10 bnow tey've had aprohtem, " ste aid. As her husband bas toarncd 10 recognine te signa of approaching trouble, Jean bapes otioes witt earo the warndng signala as oel Paranoja "avec nothing", uorgacalard ihiabing, a drootie change in cnergy pat- terno and teveta or slecp patteras, starpiy fa11104geades and generaity tow tevets of oel eslcem srecaol hints for some parens of prohiems teyond tUicnormal trouitles of adolescence. Wilio Uic oupport of her hosbnhad chUi drug Ltiim Jeana is tmbking forward loaa secre andastable future, somettuaag 10 mate up for Uhc fiee yeors of her lie lit to1 mentai ilness. "Titeres non point in iryiag 10 astatyze it," cite said of ber itinesi "Itic just oomething that happencd 10 me. Somethilc I had to teara lo controt." , "I doni tloataihUi peroon who did al Uiose straoge Uhiigs now on me," ste said, otresciioz Uic oecd for oel awareamos as a vital alep in Uic pracesa of rerovery. "t mlon t ol Uat time as simpiy a siate. I had no conroi over what Idld in tiai state, " aha addcd. "Titere were timmea when I bocci what I was doing aas lotaity crasy, but there was noUhinig I couid do 10 contrai my behavior." "I have la tearn 10 contrai Uic energy taI maisnme wani la yell ohen I'm mad. 1Ihale Uiat part cf me, bat ius somettlag I have t0 tearn 10 contrai," cite said. Recovery, site said, requises a hcatty dmseof seif awareness hy Uic patient in addi- lion to allthUi drags prescrihed hy medical profonsionois. Mie paienthbas to ecducalcd.lt's very important Uiat Uic patient totdersland what s happening to lus ibody," she said. Evauatrtg your own home isn1 as simple as il seems, You have ta know exactly what yau're doing. If you don t, you cauld be settng a pnice thaït 10high. or too iow If it s high, t wtll take longer for your house ta sel]. If i s low you'l be underselltng yaurself If you're flot sure of the best way ta seii your honte and you want ta gevt te best price caillA-E.LePage. At A E LePage. meal estate n aour anly busi- ness. And we have "'ser seven5 pears of espenience ta help yau make the right deoision We're aware of current market trends. The pnices of stmilar homes that hase sold in your neighbourhood And what buyers are expecning ta pay,[or a house. When we make our esaluaton we'Il take eserything snto consideratton. Then we l] gtse you a profes- sional recommendation. And you cas be sure we Il do what's right for you. Because we rely an saur re<iomn mendations. They te the reasan A.E. LePage is Canada's leading realtor A EPAGE The nmefiensrecomm1 end AOE.Lef'sflsl EaisieS-vwM.Ld Oss MILTON: Cail the A.E. LePago office at 389 Main Somee. Teli 878-8101. 1

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