Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jan 1984, p. 5

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ffion- Rates rise- Privaite bsih aycreomeiesh Hat. fwlUe g=tis:afive parcetills in the rsai hey are pad by theareglon. Cssslllrs aceilysgrcd ihike tic focs psidris splarfors a ximum $1328 forthosa whoissvc't rsmpletad lhe in-Oevice trainsg programt and $1401 frlithos wba bave. The lacs are paid in tic sprators by te regios for childeen wbase day rare cotsare being susidiced. Region charges Cosis for 9liseatios sfUa dsy rare crotre in a previously vacant sing of Hallon Canennial Manor are going up aga1. Regional courscil recently agrerd lu s parkage of cati nnrases1 laie effect April 1. Under tr e e fers, laundry dose for Famity Place by lhe Manor Wi cml 35 cents d a: poud,..antorilservices ailI c99l82 an h ~and meals wilt be solli at$300earh. Union fails A thîrd effort ta uniomore insde workei-sin. Hatton Regions social sr vices departiment bias bers dfrard by thr provincial Laborfielaios Board, Persosnel drector Drsiss Camm e portrd rrcrstly thr Canadian Uniîon aI Oprrating Engineeres and Generat Wor- kerslost itsmost rrcent idto organoe t he office, cle-iraI and trchnîcat staff of the drpartmrent. Grant review Social seri-ice agecirs bopsg 10 dip ic l-altoss tas serti for financial sup- port this year wilit gel bher ifrst hearing rarly inFebrua-y. Feb 7 hacbeeseltas the datetoor th iiilreviras ai grant applications, itegiosal csuocil is espectrd ta gîce final approval to theapplicationtsMarch21. Last yearthtergios handrd outmore than 47,00f ta groaps wiehicOrginatly asbetl foi- more tbas $WWo. Parking restricted Parking restrictions alosg Appleby Line in Milton are lv bc increased by Hl- ton Region. Coanicillors agrerd rrcent]y 10 extend tbe parking ban on tbe road 156 meteis sortb from 3 fîdeioad and O95ineteis soutb on the west side of theirondandfo- 2008oseters on the rast ide, soutb o tbe CPR tracis. Miller named HatIon Hitîs Mayor Rass Miler bas bren appointed as regional coonils vieon tr Haton Agrîcltorat Ad- visory Conmiitee. Coosicillors approvrd te appoinénsent rerenily on pariaoftiseir annuaalpaciage of applsimenfo 10 boards and agencies tbrougiiout te region. Commissioner appointed Former regionat ebairman Ric Mor- rwbos bren re-appoinîrd to ibe Haîton Police Commission. Me. Morrwu'rnleringhis second termn, represents tbe provincial govrnmrnl on the ice man cnmmission. Tbr appoint- metwsacknowtrdged recrntîy by regional coumcil. Pension change A resotion wibcb iould enpood tbr pension brnefitn avaîtabîr ta muncipal cooncllors bas ers rejected by Haton. lRegional cooniciltors drcîded receotly o flie away tbe resotution roni Hamil- ton-Wentaorfb scicbcalted for a change itbe Ontario Municipal Erployees Relîrement Scemr wicic îould altoas local coînilors to collectbhe samnepen- son available to MPPS In a rport tu tbe admniistration and finance commter , c hiet administrative oflîcer Denis Per-li saîd tbe proposed change wouîd only benefil full Ome cour- cllors, and tbey arrcti lbhemînorîty. Stopper didn't A drfrcttve rubber stoppor in propane fart lies bas bren discovered as tbe cause of propane fumes in six ea Haton fRegionni Police cruisers. ite faulty fuel lrs arre dscocrrrd aller a Haton its officer cbrcied imseîf into bosptat Jas. 16. Const. Brian Farreltbaosincerrcnvered and rturnd to ork. 'Mesin cars, abicbbiadt bren mnservctce for onty ose eaei, bave ait bars repaird, accrdisg lu Sgt. Bill Gall, public relations fficer for tbe force. T'he inctdent is tbe lust of ils kind since tbe force began msina lise fuel efficient propane vebuctes in Jane oI 1981. Tiere are crrcsfly 20 vebicîrs (11 cruisers and tose plckup trucks) in dadly police srvce. leterig on tseresr and a nw designpoisse cresi on the doors. ise nese mariogi arr delgned tlain- cirare the visibilily of tbe cruisers, liereby reducing accidents, according ta a 1982 slady by lhe Inernational Associioln ni ChieIs of Police. tfer besefits ta baespecîrd are a grealer effarl os speed ronirol, higisway safeiy snd crime drierrenre, according io Hollon Raglonal Police. AIl anifores cars nose in service 0011 have .--- -eiective sripas applled and al ses cors eterisg servicr sel receive ltse competrcsllnen.51 Tise costofatlie reflective marklngn ila9$W pr vahisîla. "Texrnade' Flannelette Sets Toi.. Doublea Oaesn Reg. 3299 Reg. 4099 Reg. 4799 Sa87 & 88 Worm Wlnter WrapsI ..F mSa Coary Cer,.MI' ana i 2pog Re.31.9 Rg 09 OUR. CLEARAICE SALE CO) NVUES Ë 2 for the' forice of One* including Monda. Tlhts prce of thebhgher tcketliem kMufddfin iddleyi 150 Main Street, Milton 878-3477 CudyComfrbe lrm Photo Albums Save 25% And More 14mnd 1O~Magneic PageaEsmond Wnkefta" 1wMageticC«na"re" Getmn 4 da1AcriUc ¶599 g497j) 7Re 18O s.19. lOsWO. 1111 diê*w 79. 1990 991IV,0Ik Ud r . 115 cm Fancy ® Save 50% Off Original Prie$ 10% Off Original ils Fashion Fabrics Cushion Bonanza ®i Selected Novelty Curtairls Cho i L VRei 9.C9 4.1a1 $ our eTo 14.99 $1To$7 tYrr h»$5To1 , 2-Pock. Kimnos metrê WE os:CTonin7' POP Wêî. Facial ..SS5O 'Fmr'ch Whte"4 & i247i? ap Tola Tsues 200'9 Bahroomtise4 " 10à 2 7 lppack9 e) _____ _ _ _ - -l. ý 9 »7 3to 3 0 Selectéd Fali And 3-Pack 0Pe Wlnter Fabrics "Phentex" Flatware "Tr-FaI" Frypif Vour Chai.. Yarn Set $2 To3mere 2 .-___ _ __ _ _ ["Penny Jane" Timex Et Remex KroeeLm Candies Watchos Clearance 2/ 499950/ff SayaiosRgNeet Spray LeàimROf amiuBt --Li Mara ,air Remçlv«eg. s319 ý(»irStat. si 50%OOff 2 Bâfà8éc Prostori 1 PLEASE NOTE SPECIAL HOUAS DUE TO TAKINO INVENTORT CLOSING AT M P M. SAT9JADAYJANUARY 28 CLOSEO ALL DAY moNDAY, JANuAAY 3o0- OPEN TJEsD^Y jANuARY 31 AT 12 NOON MILTON MALL - 65 ONTARIO ST. o i STORE HOURS: items on tis page marfied i wh a ®Zmap nol b.e valable in Mini Z soes. Monday to Friday 10:00ar..to 9:30 p.m. LIMITED QUANTIIES [ Saturday 9:30 ar.. 0 9:00 p.rn. ONSOMEITEMS The CananMhampsptn, Wed., Jan. 25, 1U4 s Achel's opticcalurm GRAND OPENINO Saturday, January 28th STOREWIDE SALE 450% OFF ALLFAE with the purchase of RX Lenses IIOIJS: îR 88 u-oc, Wes. i-el Coffe Main St. 9-9 Dot t aifeicorner of Sat. 9-5Bell St. IN DEPEN DENIT OPTICIArI Mîke McGrath Complefe Optical Servilce 878-0454543 Laboratory on Premises Princes» Restaurant Family eestaurant Lcn§éd andor L.L.B.O. 201 Main St. Miton

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