Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jan 1984, p. 22

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I1s nIeacoc mvpavd W2,16 A Ies hem ata spire isesusgbsIMary Kiag tlaRaltnsCeslesnallMano.sse is aa volcsseeradsssslilhelp otscrsllisciber tegelt octhshomefor the aged, a thesaolasier vaa drver. Thse tranapsrtatiaon erieginlaNaseaber. Volunteers on wheels Alavis nI transportatimsonn longer a easy to a isaide as if in smaller to h1e 14- reaso for sot being a volateer alRaton passenger van sise drives for ARC Centennial Manne. Indutries. Shelias been frannporting A vounsteer van rompf etc nis a volso aulîs tb aod from 1the Horoby wrkhlop beer driver is nom availaisle Msssiay and for mentally retardrd adlîs for foor Priday morningo ie service soti e-years. corne mare reqaent as demasd dictafen, Tise volonleer van sas established lv according in vol steer coordinator ateacl more volsoicers.Tliere are Lrna 0Smih. currestfy 125 vofanteero regislered ifli T'here are six regular passeogers 0110 the homrfor the aged btmanr more are have isemi seing lise free transmortatioo oeeded, accorvisng tb Mrs. Smithi service sînre November. Mcc Ssmitlsad Ievnwl iku outesi ua siseiad ieen seSing a rofanfeer driver Teswvhao oxl ic splvoraniusooivurai isce Sepiemiser 11sf selil Mary l'g aiaston.ii iemlerdu fala came fornard liree moelles on the posi- M oute oriao shligt fios wasevacant. Tevbeervodnlrshlîgl Mes. Kisg reepoodeil b an advertise- organise a car pool for Georgetowno reot- mnentlasse iad a lcnlsorsloespare dents un several in iiat ares have ro- A resident o Milton for 25 yearo, tise presned intereot in lielping ai 1the Muvor. vol anleer base lad esperience as a pro- Anynne reouiriog transportution in lessional driver.' order b liecomne a vobseleer sliould cal Ste ioda tise 12-passenger Manor van Mrs. Smith is8 7084141. r Celebrating Our 2bth Anniversary w ail Members andI Former Mombers of the from 2:00- 4:30 p.m I it tho LonsîCab Hallp ThompsoSc Rîad5 A lighir lurcheo ioc sli ho socvod Fcrmei nforatioî n a siN expeopelaicilie lied ln ele"sA"aetcaiseint. Daiaowts 8708M50Anyoweooee f slanencaepenctloihnoteIo agloe ho cdecises se le- qale Io b sier tce ictahlenI ofSan lied la lais, coui aed easonabiO cneSs"yls li h chilcscmcntbcste bjctsivs nI1 e cspsopslstleg sutlie- lit hit llan assi0 thecapomslg autilvle ssliieg. G-oîng out of Busmiees iffe siane o ratersdccosnseed ercîeol rbitregistseae e seocti 110 publication, sithintIrty îo ascsita te tiret publicions rl ltiin tIrtyos asesiso l aaissswtthoioe, rwelir0 'S A L E dorsffie irest publicatiloolivhenooics. Thesapproviogiaslmeris lo: Lin" i ludA îWondeibto ic 4201 Tha MleseoTmnsprtatioeandCoouncaions loppmeleg Asilmeisol AL 112 PRICE isas iu d Flans, Feguso Block Corenes Pak Toonto, Ontario PhmesaniHO saoy MoIA IN3 ocOAJEST THOESUOvN IN OISH OF ONTARIO as ispiesocisi bil <gw 11.491,329 TesMleseolooermetervicevss UnmrnsDresses, GeooresAs vo SetsS.kiÉs Blousasoo1980, eg315tFoin APA0% NOTES: i ýîti ic) 1The ExpopiatisAcolpsoiss mal, ,rLud ressby eigners a si ereanivqulsy sa isquessel, JIl ssîl le coviioreil lvaniiqili Ligil Baiiviî aid oefinessppolneiboivhe Atiornes eGnisal R lhaid Warî enu ewiorki(tOcheloquiryofsilon, (lished11giso ssesy pave iv Ochelsqulsy on oppoicsî o isse lev eise agumn exa ineandvsvceoss-oxaanvnîese FNAL SALcTATnwcoDNSocsYoecAoN NSiles pesoayoro eosnsl oiagevt.and 00700500 JAS. 250005S CiOSc AT5:30 ie isyvseovei bistheppsovng scivoriiitlu cuill cliv theiin quily b pada iiOemuai ois Cosasotiqireo to iex- vcei $200 soi thescppiosliigauthosve os lîinlieisvovîaoiliarth <7)>, speopslanvgsclliosisy o parocucli vos oi liî St4aar-odtt'Iy fE oUiiqUe 2. v .Ownr n roi~sOstesolonvr'e eivvslnvtheivctisiollcns. osnees" lolues avMoliget, isescvciîov veioî, a peeso estile hoifoilstls osisitrsi la nsd, scommieiîiof vthli osttseofsic noipleompetevi pison oceovis person incapable of 4 M artin St. 876-3363 vaesglog hisaffaere, acois îuss1aeoîîadiislîalci o --..-eilandnla eosisi, ;iC'e5llscione- ossnossw oeloilandisoseîîlteeslivte soi'leéii iahoaen oins laspectie naninlsrumentlin0the piopel il eislrse ifs offsoiesand incuriesspaîscvsnvSow CorneIn tb asil evantloflsladoteltestlîovisniassessievliroll 2 lOiecpespsistlo sauihosiio. sanS owneo cnotifiesstheauovoîro Radio Shacit 1Iauthsoihlhedetresthoainvglvrspeclofltheladsîisîisiicrsaa e. toyailrRd e tpoptO iequiiy osei aiieisa partyby ho1e lnquciryofdico, are pali altOuay and se ooleInlsldviy. 005.10>Re 31u iii a Tag speciais 0THI0SOTIEnFono FosLISovDONvsJosoJacR il 1984 Sciodale ,A" to 1. lotOselTosenifiltolte 10Reglovîl Isloiolpaliof citon10. licliielin iji esia e Sîrni tie G îsown ship ofTrIafalgar, le the Cocno i Oaloîl v ve o- s8ý ins cetîd, mele. Pail0s 1 ilt. e sions2v,SNorthsofllc aStreet,c0lite sai V MTsseInp, splog o vsicgvaiei as Prt ailosRoloivic Plsn seossiles, Lai "gsrfice f e t10Lava iles Divisior of Halicv EZflLf (Ns. 2) lti . i .toI0 oosNunnsito-pnd, eiegpsîtolPss 4i.iî onel-13. 69 ~~2ALLOANO SINGOLOR fletscestain parcor tr avi oilavdandara pises siuais, lbisa avdbginath 1e Tosnof ci ltoic e eion lvs Muelvipalisyofol alloe, loîvelyinotle OsGecgsîpvîc list, mfi fur ugir8yse~Towschip of Trafalgar, v is heCocilo of Hîlloo i the Pic Itoi sccossosealsvinc otario, and10100 nv pcsei ci pain0ofLoti lvin mact*syte i .«esc oawConicssion 2 Solthofi udste ietloclive sai Towshsip, spoai o trso eboul1 atotOion se isigoalsi ssaslrs 8. 9 soi 10 onitrly 4~~ ~~~~ S i10'oai ~ -olGoovolnm enn Ficseln 3-211L, Iba nga elere ch,$PiLs eu5 PUîse positea iln the LavadOsîlloySfil oriitIe legsnil fl95 Divisioni of Oslov (No 20) as Numvnsîflil0208 3 ~ csîîdaiiou i uise t: wnofvc MîlvsGoingînphegon of Taalgar,.ilitho Couoî0 vi Haillon) irePoiceofalOi. sailo, soi belea oopooni of part ciLoi 12,iinConcessioni2, assise N olhof DuviaStrest, of the saiTwnship. Oiig Imai por tion de ali ePalts 3, Isad 1 on Sîistryofci Scisi- ICO dsîsp met =s&olceFai8503-25L. bsig a OsirnPlanFa ýLcD"t0ýp sposited le the Lnd 0egiity SIOsfie llor th îeisr i- 1 nale ip "Ickck4W&sr Siov ofilsOovni(o.l20)scube 2Oo-631is s ni.ses sggs~su, ON LY a, ALL 1AND SINGieLAR Itrtai nva vaiortct ofivi aadpirois sNoaivs IOinganSossc.l tevown acsvslo nnhaipvi-na vent Serves lan 503-faL.loivg a ROslsicîoPan iepspielnth1e Lava Osgîstrg loic1e o nul Rgsilo lii * ® ®SIle-Fsm or ~sîion0f HalinNo. 20)lsa Nanbo 200-0310, Cssvesecst loîs SusiECcoTO an vassoovi l acofof I ci lspioincal Ppo Lîro Lînîleil -VALUE eintdaPat8oth adRcnePa R-31 s -setIoutio Istrlviumntoiisisleisi lnthe sliLandaRgOry E>fl Office aseNunbei 002880, .71 l LnO S55JECT T1an ai etio ino lasour ofI lpsîîal DSu Lîvîled 3995 ~oes, toi, shog anso 11p belpalioftheira siiLoi 12, desigcalsi as Palt il oncthesali Osisiencoslan 20"6,0as esiouilneansInsentseglstdlsteillssiLandaocfîsi0y office as N4un les 27M. il% 1 11 almag pf 5. OLL AND SINGLAOîInuitcertainparse'i1fcilaid d upiee anywfMa, issoccr/cqssîîgsr stuais, 110 ingdbsivg Ilte eTowny fMo ilsth1e Pegiocal cc cve - IlNIiMuncipaliy of Halso,(fel n th11e Tonoalp of Tafalgarî .ith ptiti, ri, NOWinitheCoccly01 olllsoi)lnvhesProvice ntarvioo andbeîrg hI"4n dit, coopossivif ptofsLotl13, lnCncessioe1 NothoflGordas nAwhite Stret of the sciaTowshsip, benîg bal 00ortionssigealedaus S5îî95s. .Palts 1,2, 3 aci 4Sos Mlvsvo o Sosenvsii Servcves Fiai isîsvis iivi0, 4 j&5O-2I.Lensg a eeiee Plavicosieivi teîula 4 9 R~egîisy Soncefl o istglly DiîsioncofHalboi No. 201 us 1_ ýNonse 208-0353 SusIECce 10anai îeoet le l.ous sf Ovtariso Hdc iver, 61uuvisi loanaeupoebtraiprtoflthesaîaLotl13,issigialei as t§,IAsisseihsrPats 2andsi3 on thesai OsîseceoPlFai 200-8253 as set cul sesid aucclcèmsos inae Instrmet ssgissescdIn le Ossali Land eglctcy SOias ONLY ASONuMisesgg: aese19isuMa;eassdc 01 uvies, loeg soi upov bhu ipaslos hesai Lot 13, icelgnalie elegaxeoutIn le s rmesant sgiseci lenOshsai Lasd Osglstsy SI- W«.ilý.,,,iftiesas Namises24055; ALBO S SII5CT l'Os asnleasssOlepvonlPe Lcî doeu saoaein peiaQI palolblisii Of,icslgeascd 11i s -o tcsaiOiccveFas20 SMf, as set out lnen sermesnt et Qlsedin le 5solo Land Mîrostryof esssoeIWht %Assssnnea.OLKoeGovemnment EXPROPRIATIONS~ ACT MOTICE 0F APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAN D CofliSMATEROPs@inasIsnOspIo Mliolisclses e Rig"""o'n- litas enprenessd ibsOsisiAieo onmm n eslcso n tc spojstlegQ A.=)ese ta1pp«sllcsaelaies lalg lnte lTcown os Mioae, le Ose Re, osýýAi sllsl n a . sfnotise OG eaia ansisp of Tia.W le e altnlle s PHo.& on .SnZaeo.alo"O..pie ois5 iqsllss lidssosIdgsoi 58 -Wecloeleo nWestofoligissay OllaWsfsfbasssgeRssdetaMslfn ic MeisofTsiesnaooat Ioned coemmanications. pa S bsanl t iongas ofîts e I icMielisyofnIGoses- mentericeos Ants, ..0. s'Oisiaplssl27. f h a ]elkeRadio

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