Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jan 1984, p. 14

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flu " Ca n0dm hmn.Wed.,Jan. 2S;1081 minor hockey round-up Novice f. D- t.. S" by_ e.ym.gpbj04po 1%e h*HguIal* . 55.. al.o.l .a0 n. Orn Goids51.1e 10lhemnd toorn s.Goal I.'fS.oJ 0D.0. a.55 O dcr.Gîsa, - gl if« J&. Pm. f-=n-eio oym.000Pis.mt ce icaîaco.1aldioa.lol.aa1i Anses T. lo04aala bgaiec l o.Gl4M.1 1401.010.11.0 =1 . 00.5 .ly.000ga .W _ oSai. ai e...mm liai. 50gb1.1.0AG- X-8 501.5144sbac eîlm.sgal.0 1» gW 1« Ha.Ia..0tU.. 101.15 n n 1e4.e..101.0 ...b yao. Cb.e.dM '5w 500la : 0 - 1ils 'W 1.01 C"4 Mm.ihm s.1 (. end 08 908um t* 0 'ad0 1. 0 544081'. Bai5dtwua00. -9-e.' Gd 4.05.f.«008- ai IhDm Dg 009p55qa 098.00&gW" Aâ- c.aow thfi. 9 lKia MeDaid wb t .mboila 1O oad.10800010ig .0 B.cr05id" Mf0a..1a4 Goa.0m.fS5MOau.r -'. Dc .101, gil.is .da10.byao. 1. g l liMida, ce. Oie Y, ale BiSO , iis0.001 Pescees Gold .eeyl'.. Po,. .0 y Cic. 11 1114 '. lA-8 Junior girls voile romain unbeatei Ior big .tory Sis meh I.aundaabtedly Oie Junior glrlo' elleyhali tramn. Iois eek Oey deeaed Actnand Perdue toremnoun- deteated ho leago.e play. On Tfoarsday agahool Prdae, Drry wons Oioee games 10 none.n Oie rirai g.mne, Drury gsI off 10 a loppy sart, makiag many basic erroro, but camehback to in 15- 13. In Oesnext wo gameo Drury siowrd why Sey're on top of Oie league hy wlouhog 1-5, 15-4. Againol Perdue, the senior girls' teamn playrd a close match.In tO i ral gamne, Perdue squeaked oua 16-14 i. Hasever, ho Oie second gamne, Dresy rehounded to who I5-6i. Bt they couldn't baid onton win Oie match as Oey of 1"-. 0 0 o In bys' hasisethall action Driry hosted General Brocis BoOi tise midget ced Junior team s won. he Juniors oece i.volved ho a close gamne hle Oie midgeto .won easidy 54-21. In Oie l.11 gamne othOe sea.on, Drary played Q.E. Paris EvesOioughOiheyputoup a goofi effort Oiey feU 1 Oe alconger QEP squadâ. The Drory swies îeam travelred 10 Georgetown 10 face Oie drecdlo.gOP'SAA Buils almosti Bemun Seal ty eoploded tor tour second- perlsd goals 10 aecuce a &4 iin over West End Bll ancd drny Buli Oeir Oirst in ofo tise season Ssaday. The losomos Bulls' lh oftOie season, ho 13 gammsa0f osugh Oe cluh tiice sas ahesd andseesed paised ts loaeisn tlrs i outhOe seasoao hoMilan lHuckesy League acthon, In sOier resulta B.W. Haggart Crane maholiaedlis ceaten string wiOihbard- tsoWisl 5-3 Wino er l3arles-'itlght'a; shile Straigst LUne Pence made a five-goal se- ood-Perhod stand up en route 10 a "-0 ci.t over Soodtone Transpsrt.t West Enod BulUî oauled loto a X- lead aller abotSeveiemhutes of pay and aUin h- dicationsa wre for a WestI End ia. Hwevr, Remax out-cored Bons 4-1 n he middle franne tor a 4-3 leod ced dld't oois bacs ho the relativrly PenallY-free played i gamne. Aller Paul Shields and Rod Hoagh Imba had a lree-pi.l gane)baal pot BoIta ahead 1 2-0 ho lise tilt periad, Roman replied ils 1.10 goala 43 secad. apart Mdwayliscooglof tise Middle frane ta hnt lise sore. Pin t MoCman d Bois Baer lorcd fs or pau Bantem T..y 810F.0 0d .0- Jî Qi.ga09. .04 O.e. 00m., Jan1* Spffl.g.ad45D-nis14yý ai saslp, S0ew C', i'...O ie . Goal.1 e«rs fr T-'o. - 111'd8 11. 5 aaoi a-(o. w.oO i 1, B uv o ra M er y - e tis ,4ol.. 0000.110à 1 S-Crl.IalISmiaa.gando.o lan M t-, ..-o.',l.îal. o 155 1..d 401 00.00001. ist»AS011 1Io, 4011 OPagmacrÜ 0. cl0,, 1 Goal .10.Ba0 rs . col ra. ffl.0,vOciWthe1.isSls Qu- 00.00010.0g-aî. i. 2 '1- mmute and 0-d wtth039.111 -d fe. a . a . W -t 110 a l11415j g ,voDa.l ,, D- P100.00011 0010olOoa0rAsspGoiW Ocike VI04.1 .o- ..p,40Itah f-c g, 111 '-" "" 41,11ig1l. 000P- 0011. .001007 G-I,- ooloo&1lla A.t. Bdy 0110cr. Mot. C000 Appet0onvsoî 08.ImI tr0 y 155 Olgs'. M..0.î _i 108400 .g dslay ut m bo y 10,0 ,.- -G, D. -tooalmî Orao M.09--'-. GenW pot -hoac cd a g- r.ysooeJaie are 'Iîol îaciI,,v-d 1.1 r in league Piay E.C. Dmry selnh MAUREEN SMITH champions Needless 10 oay the 19 îoîcr msers from Drury were lownisou0 of the Tloe junior girls leain, however, did quite weIl. Ile leam of Sandy Smith, Dehie Smith, Sharon Dohoon and Joamor Wnecss wron Oie medley reloy eveni. Sandy Smith, Waless, Dobson and Gaîl Sotherland teameduptoo'ioothe free stylerelay. Saody Smith cwon Oie 50'oiere hach and was second in the 50-oetre freestyle. tloso was second in baothhe inividus] isedley and the 50-ocetre htterfly. Is oOicr cesois, tins Loogheed oas second in the junior reaolrohe; Dehie Hamdlton .10 secod in Oie senior girl' 100 metre backstrooe, Tom Giosling was second in Oie senior It-mcetre ach, ced liolhoy Gilotso as second oin he jcior 100-ielo, Ireoltyle. 'Meeai'soneoliseis ai Atonagalosi Av00n Md [ALrd Elgin os Feh 7T vict orio us goal wth assista goiog to Marty Farrell and John Arnod. Charles ltsîghl'o eoared bath 10 taire a 2-1 lead] oiOigoalî rsis Tom Chochmach ced Buddy ISomas hetore Haggarl evesed the scoremwiOiMwray's firt goal ofîthegame 17 seconda front Oie end ufthOe perhod. Ciarles-Kighl'n agas 100k Oie lead sxo monules hnothOe final rame w41h Tony a Boussacd's goal. Hoceer, ltaggart no01 chrd Oie lying goal wiOi a power'play efforti hy Murray ai Oie 5:40 maris and Oes scoredÀ he ohoner wlen Jeff Grahamo cesred frosm Pat Itaggart wiSo joat 147 left thOe garne. i Murray capped a trosg gamte by scoring m nola empty newiO just 35secondsaleft in 1 ho contest. StraightLi llo Fesce erupted tor Oive goals ho Oie srcond prriod asd then held oft 01.0te Sandatoe rally t a rm a &-4cin. The vic- ory iept StroiglilUneLioe spos bhisîd aggart Crane ho Oie rare tor irai place. Feces andHaggart meetatisweekhinOte final gamoeSuoady nsioat shooald eoneiof thse he.l gamma ofthlie ear. Mfter Norm SA grnn ialld F'.oee btoaa Meet res"uits am ong- the beSt Lting back at lut w meo u6uJR-g BoStlrolflgrn rai. Sa ittB 1On prSedvl'ansnO.Sobae~R Andrs tlniea o93 vlona 8 nl&aPOO~u = otoaigvenroWtoq cutesOçi Persoa bust for Sohesoonîbtain So isgis.a :ciJat 108 ust score cey Blainer hua aclseved un ce s]j ,VFtf O 184lie pat rim hnfllaOi S Ite so vet à er'SJau LESTRW taciiga sare nontheSoomptiive gipmut, Ons abpa isbaeta y a w arc the visible tUp 0f Soe respoctive sevsSopine 00 fur e sU t c ut lisation 0f a dodicaed tacillty. Hsmever il" Yrmtsmainly ftomaIs, mho esjuy bMAtisol*gJoa eKeyworth mon tise Tyro B lh ise îFoire Hall cananst ho regarded . Scsot a i urcrai.oda huear esore .100 not F persnal but. nulahîs gymoisties gmad a s..I8OO thOe porisafo 'Safucffl ti nda Neverliselua Joanne bas socceded i pis- converaion compleled by eu rnger Mis thOe tewo deEhocralu hon Sos mess ha or i.Oi tai.in ocmpetos t i. ac an cthdytime, SPri.gers are uPdai.g and rcviewiho Icreely onaligcoeitin.lma s Bp Csmpacioa.in Haltes Region OakvSlc er Opioms ced reqiremneniswminois my eaaucnlr igd re eesl ut n Oienap' ced B-finglomuniipaities prnvide bave 10 ho ascelerated due te Sos delerorap pordasonoiered te maise or reakisn-ho direct financiai ced tacuoly soipport for the llsn and uncertain tutsrr ufthOe eire In1 the A400, 'A' co0eto. Jeff Ar-sport utfgymnastico regarding il a Prime Hall. nolds fourth place 8.55 vault equalled her personal best fromthe last qulifying meet of 1903. Ourhbatsmust be tipped tothe two Argo Bu competitors, flhc youngesl of the squad, who betiseen lhem amassed five persosal- hesi performances. Melaniç Wood's val- ing earoed 845 points, ber oneven bars score was 89 ponts and she was awared 870 ponto for hec floor routine. Teammate Km Collier rackefi Up persoual hests of 8.75 pointsonm tie ooeven bars and 8.3 points on the floor eveni, respectively. The leve of poinsoscored are, ofcourse, relative 10oie qoality of competition and jodgmng of the day. NeverOieleso, higlier scores in a sport which hecomes more com- pelilive and comples b)y Oie day are indic- otive of the lechnicat improvemeni aod developmeol of Oie Sprngers compelilors. 0f Oie 144 gymnasto laking parti n Oie qoaliyig mee ino0akvillr, iltwascrlterest- isg tvo noe Oiat aIt medals, bac one, wr ions hy gymnsolo hose clubs have the benefi ofltraining indedivated gymoastic facîlîlîco. The onc cxceptîio nIof orse, 0is he Mlton clob ohich dors have the benefil of the Te *SUPERSTAR* Early Bird JAN.2&&»AP.pd. Gel the MAIN IVONT BARGAINS RE" vs. oe*ZY v o STEWARD VS CIEJONES m. e Canadian W 5 Champion RETRN GRUDGE MATCH Want Ads M Evs. AR ODIOOR TAO TEAM ACTION SKAUING FARMER BL AEANE TEGRA RICITJOIdTON , RRNIR THE TIGER CAl CAMISLE MIOGETS FARMER PMT VS. VAN THE TERRIBLE MAC J& vs.MARSH U 335402 nnvvTHEATRE»156 0MAINSTEET. ILONa V Affer * 25years we're stili the puckof th&ecrop Applewood's 25th Birthday hpphonnd Ch.oolet Oldsmoble Appk.d a.l.ioooLieoy-so food.d b y P-.od.,0Hoîdd G. S11pp câ odCha,, o, nIh.,Bceîd B5 .100G'oo,0,'o 4,Otc .11for o., Eooali- ice'îoPo,so..o-d McDooodd ibo. ni 959 08810 -od.dSO O,îîII W..dodoo 0.-a- th. Cityof isi,, .ts. fies th. ,s-looolîo o 1680- o Soot ., to h. - nsly y-..1 )n Sept».skm of 1979 4ppleîoood .-,M'd110iaoî- 0- plonîp ih. 0 olo MiI, l,0o t.C-î0,,t 0,5fa staffof eI ighoy proo., ood wsood .s.phom nood o We're giving away the dream car of 59 W-1flll t-0'h-40 1 - -f.1l. Mloli0, -t-00.1byl11,,ot4 t0LEW00 2TH01 ,14,oIVER îARY CLUB " E î,ol 1110ho10hM ..d 841.1.1010 --.0101 .1.1104. . k, 1110,0,. ol.o..111 l40'Oo. oo 010115 01.010 W- -.1101u&1 OOlooldl'-73OoOy-.0110.ooG» oas 10041100 l0000O0O1011 -yO.AoiýOIo0Oill..- alOI4.h, l. -.A.0oe8~40159 Ch 0oao0,">- . Oaý e- SERVICES NEW CARS lis l -y 14 I Aîoolo OcG 4 USED CARS LEASE b01,4.,d,, f01p.0,10ýý G I 100110 1- y111. PARTS & SERVICE DEPTS. t. p-il D,,, f0.8l11101011 fi- lc' 1101at01f,.c4l 500a eoio th. t ooy. il.-itai minute by l,« Wiloancd Mte Kaapca On, pst Roman loto a lead thS oulmsdh't clin- qulheSosrm of Soc may. On Soe Sird porlod, RBaa.gos goals tramn Calvin BOom and Duans Stack hehre Hss.gI repled for Bull. ta camPite Sose.esclng. BObo Mrray feuiod uonhine former team - mateou admBW.litaggrt Cran Service il$10ah Win of Soe Yser, A "-3visioey over Murai- ed rsdSwe goals, al omuoit effotj tOn qwk ishiseo" mdncuraMotus. paya-ftise-ws.k boncuwg. in Soc SgIsSy played -lame, Hug-t Crân >medn ront 1 1-0WUtS o n.. goa si Sou opIng rum. e v. JonPMfrthSo =Sse r, ts oiof the perlod isolanged to Sr.igt Lnoas iisey rounted fve mure goal.tOn offaot one more Sandaone tally forj . 6-2lad ced er wlmon Oeir way 10 o i- tory. Sandi.a.ie made a btee omehac i oiS tmo galsaithiin tour minutes uft heietnal frame but tcoosg goaiheeplng fcom f>alg Juhbi n Soc tnal 10hominuespevented Ssd- aonue 6-sm gting dloser.L Bruse ElBann, Ian Wanleso, Ralpis Sera- fin, Rois Oampoun ced Gord Ada.s. ored for Straigisl Lno uhile Len Couionn, Buchy Harndas, RIeSecaini ced Newmnc ered for Bindutane. glabs-fIbe ilague siandigsancd sa.' mari.. tan be fomd un page RE4 ho the real esfate section sf ladaya paper. ;--l .P- pý e..ýýSAR"N. M.KAY MARMO 0. SHIPP SERT P. GRANT "TOTAt CUSIOM R 5AtIsFACý TION C-f mý JL À4PPLEV#VM go PPLE CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE LTD 30ÔO Woodchester Drive ut Motorway Boulevard Mia gr In the ErIn Mille MISSIO$augà L5L 2R4 J. A C- U0 on'o'128-2221

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