Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Oct 1984, p. 34

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C8 The Canadian Champion, WAad., Oct. 24,1984 Parade floats etili needd Nina bandeanad three maort e corpa bave beat baoked fr tise SundaY, Nov. 25 SUtan-Sana Claie Parade. ibe Esatgon Sibsat ai clausabas as But the big need la atlOi floats. Anyone wlisisg la eter a loaltan matant Parade Marasal, Frankis Oees, ai 8780. Wropbles mil h awaarded for hast tiserne fosai; ruuner-up la tisame; esa crealive man-tiserneiloat; and bet serviraeriais loal. Donations are cmnng la ssoly. To date assty tSll1isa beeu reevei and lise budge Donationcas harnailed ta Lee Ninhoson, 783 Couisn Ave., Miltos LOT 4J13. on the schools Drookvflle A community school Brexavlte chool cleasly demonstrairs he rlatxnslxps whtch exisi whean mutual confidence and coperation flouriis hate wena scisoal and tise commuity whiichil serves.Tierr reaulta a sating of ex- peiences miichisocites tise participants, youing and otd. Ose oi tise recesi siarings mas the exiibi- ion of studenla art ork ai lathtistie Miltas and Acton Fait Fira. The formerisas anon- competilive esent, ai the latter roisvitle students mon 21 prises for teir art markini te campelitive exhtibition. Anotiter instance of sitaring enabîrd te GradeTiree classes to enjoy a program on Tise Ciaaging easans ai Mountalierg, an an introduction ta thirr ent environerental niadies aniti Trers and erds, erase six motheres volonleereal ix assîxt ironisera for ihîs expexittion lix i he coasnity, te yoiatg stadenîs orre abletiei have expert- nis ici esitanord these chool haxed learning shirt faitosed, Iadeed. tiroagh the skilîrd dedicatiet of many vluteers-in thse kiadegarirsite lihraey, thse saturaI lagnage peogram, i cls omas typîsis, activîty yard staiers, and as coches in tise grass moine pragrant, students' pragratan are enitanced and eslended daily. S'mef the siaring of experiesces is dose hy ader adais mitaxe many years of aise and productive living have gives ter in- vaîxable inoeledge and skitlis te share iih a younger gesralios. Childeen and eider people latitrorfit front sharrd processes and learsing lanisth irougit miose portorr mance grealee undernianding and appecia- tionaforea rot vier are arqaired, Suci ssiaring oleperience ocrurrod in Mes. Reeves Grade One clans mites each ciild iroogisi ram home a gifi xl a iarvesi vegelable. Aller te iarvs nuties itad bren duly identîfîed, clasified, measured andl describeil, iiey iecamnete ingredients for borvet slem. Tise transformation as wmonogis iy lise belp ai tiser ider adulte aiite rmmunily misa casse la ielp ils tise ruttiaf, coeîsg, peeling and caskiig. Ouests and chistdres sisared sn a taiaf experionce of tise magnîficeni dîis miscit eesulted. As ose riildnsaid, mwecotlda't have dose it mitoul orfriend.' Ye aaatber instance ofsuch sarisg ascurg insta. peednsclasx during computer lime. Students are fisding iotit profitable and hielpful tise skislis and expertise mhici mn eeireii iuinesnenlerom tecoin- musily siare ils Item asvluteers Evety Frîday a muti-aged greupeof ielpees pepared dezes updon .ev ohol doga s itai otlistudensxand parents vas enjx y a Fiday breakt frxm tise luncht box routine.E Tues. Ot.9,cammunily memiters came yel again ix tise scitsl. Il mas lire preves E liaoneis and four vluteer fire fîgitiers $ fronetishe litral Campitelîvitie FireeStation, $ Wray Lamant, Don Stewart, BilSitoes and Lyle Stoken, itexugiti tiree fier tracts and modern firee igiting equipasent. These cammasity ielpeen made mmx pescrs-a uise le primaey chittdres, and axe le tasioe intermediate studenîn mite fained isuasly and verrially masy heipfii dean E and suggestonsautii irersafety N The sisasl tineif parlicipaien in tise commsiy hinîg a commaîity pirir everytfall,isy peosiding insloucierstfornigit couisses attie scisool, isy epenief is daoss ide andl invifal te comne and sitare 6 studesi peesentatians ex may oecrasions, andity eveenitrivingieocemmusîcaîel g ierlîvely and nitra. By nues interactions astual under- standing and appreiaias grem helmeen V studenis and adulîs and al învolved are tise rirer for il Tius ascisl and a cmmasiiy j are meideil tegeliser.7 omagh Ity Ella Patterson The Boyar EureeCluais ield i se corndl party Tues. Ot. i6 ai Boyar CeaIre ils 8 tables ai players. . Prizemlasers mere Peggy Johsona, Sybil Shielda, Laurs Vansinkie, Eaa RaiRts Jo, Frak Peacaris, Wdlfred GreenleesC adFred Uster.LUne itand poies masniy( Aaie Oas wish 5 ad Ada Siclar andl Vi BEtey iedaMth4. Nextparty Tues. Cet. 30 Ontano Hydro scrs COOL LATER A HEU PMW DOES ff AU AND A CARRIER HEAT PUMP DOFS IT ALL WITH A REBATE 0F Up 10 MIAXING HEAM POMPS FOR OVER 50 YEARS 1IC.0ff 4Ga 84B1CpE. UYLIIE ne 02 1471 84 ACAsD997 ___ 00,998. ue.ni.$9,183. 84 PHOENIXI 84* apEo SE 84 i 5essYLARK IMTE an ORANO LEMANSBRO0110AM ~~Ub 14.188 12 .1$91939 84 OMC S TRUCKt $9.18 Ali vahicias isssad hasve 84 n.i 07199 34 S.O.ev ues.R A grand garage sale iii hbetd by tise flJII TreMsane-Britaania Citizens Groap, at. Ot. 27th at 10 amn. ai the borne of Water lllHl Tomaaky on Hlgttway 25 south of rtanna Road. ta addition to tise muali tema there Procea& t figlt the proposed damp. Scara aympalisy la exlesded ta Dreen BaR and Lo)rse ClambeKlalnanad familles on tihe romt et<ath of Ibeir brother Edgar Chasb'lddn. Ladisa af Bethet UCW-Trafalgar Raad, are hadlsg Ibeir fait bazaar Saturday Ont. 27ilo the hurcis ram 2 ta 4 p.m. Betitel UCWI la assed for lis fise mincerneat. $13,999. G MAC an location financing availaiss. mwuuyufo. Murray Wilson Pontiac, Buick, Cadiliso Ltd. 409 MAIN ST. E.-, MILTON 878-2355T.. 8263950 III,' 84SUNBIAD ' ý jý ý il jjjjjji 1 1 ý

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