Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Jul 1984, p. 9

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--- i ý, --l-, -1 Roedy... u Aim. $ Rad- Stib 'he aptartu of Oe Miton Futhoil Leagur - Remax Rraly and Raf Stop - arr proviegtemeetres orOiy competitore tis year. Attr a brtef haus, Rad Stop (forerly FIflItiecî hubae tomne hock in style ih1s yeat prtief a 6- record nd hotfn foan secoef place le the Irague. Rena, a colle- tise of ptyers fntm a rariety et sources, is ehowieg wel hoverief rufi Ose M mark wiOi a record of 5-6-t and third place. Rad Stopinorrd aheaf of the .00 mark ith tw in îl as0i èk. The clubi pllrd a couple of ctose gantes nul of the ire ith Ine of 4-2 oner rowhay aef 2-1ivere McDuffe Equipint. Agalet brimay, Rad Stop gat B bomer front JefI beggie and trong pitrhisg froin Mike Cullen bto ecure ther in. Ted Moore oIkthertu Agalet MrDuffe, Rad Stop ourged ahead t-O on Bobi Okere RI firt-imlef usingle, They douhef the ead it Ed toeprichos tino-ot tripte in the second iaileg driring home tiirky Harndee. Baker ha tino ile for Rad Stop white Ted Poelma pirked op thr in. McDfetmunagef serebts off Postina hut eeedrd three en one imsleg tu podure teir 1ne. rue of Oe gaine. Doug Wlliams, Peler Mctîsffe and Le McPhafl rarh sle- glef. Beenet took the los. bvo tburn7eaent forgirls On tap Toureameetu fraturing girls yoing of age aed yng of hert ili heep hwo parle bmsy thiu Weekend. On Saturday t ltornhy Park, Milton Ladies SofthalI eague wl l olË te irt open tourner. As muer as 12 trains are expected with $200 goieg tu the inner. Action takes place aIl day. Moannhile orer ail Rtay Park Saturday and Sinday, Miton icta T-Bal ili hold a l-term Sweethonrlt urney. Amne Oe tramns lerlîrd are Branford, the term ta eat. Danriek, West Moue- tai, Duedas, Rtchener, Gelph, Blirfale ad Ilarleon who ilI compete aloegide Oe Milton rtry, Seeur's Sewheurts. Each tonin iS play twlre Salurday ta determinerstandingsu iO Oe top trme goieg lto a rltanpiosebip roief, the neet tour eterleg the B sries and Oe fleal trains taing.pr in a frieedship roief. le itetllton Oeethearts ltOa -4 record le tourney play thie year and are aimleg 1u tire it arosed. T'he cub inete West Moie- tale ai 11 ai.m.and Blardale ut3 p. Saturday. Ekampî po -Me nîhite, Sanftone TranoAtkept rot- leg atong pickung op trer wl tls.t w.rk for a two ande one-half fume ulge ante t'rst of te pach' Sadtone efged Mettiffe 4-3, hanekef Tlruy 3-0 and sippef hy Renai 2-te,0 hnnnl iti record ta 8-2-." Agalet McDff, Sndtoneuscore folur ruin te Oi th ieelng o ovrture a 3-0 dis- advantoge and goin the île. Steve Grvais aid Jin Felher egue Oe raly iiUsinles'a Wayne Etisflowed ult Batwo-rue ulegle. After Drft OBrien bit lto a fielfres chire and Larry Scott fied out, Dug Noy- ler triple hme one rue and tome home an an ero. Gervais haf a gaif gamneith tre. lto including a tond-off firt-ieeteg triple. Tony Broousard galned the win. Dnug McLaughin pcef Mttluffe's i-hit attarh ith tîn is. KritMclüenoe took the tine. Sandtone got soto toirth lnleng homeri front Ettte and Gervaisto ta k a corrîmus tie and puce the ctuh to tce in over Thrn- îuay. Sandtone hurler Ed Dunuttowed just tîn bits to gale the île. CGervaiu cotnued hie fine hittlng goleg 3-for-3. itk GaUtier alowed just ie hite fr 'thruway bu1 touti Oe lot. Agaleat R.mai, Soncltone coref twlce le Ohies«Mud lecfug a-heffoff o lutp RemBe rllyfer ist hùi îe oe oeeh.- in Oe second lnuleLl)'BdrW.ed off olt waîtt. WiOthto out, iidget-grf ptayer Neil Teogur tlegted home OBrien and lir came home on Gervaiu' triple for a " -abod. Reinan alUrd hck on At Johetone RBI singtle ie fiftand Barey beefereones tuo-t run-orleg single le Oe ule1h but were stldoan t-2-3 le Oe teventh to 10 pre- retef froin tyleg Oescoe.. Etie had tiser itt for Sandtone ihile Fluber affed tuto singleu. Broussard rarned the wl. Joheston and Hnferson haf tino hite for Rentux ith Peter Mrkotjohe tak- ing the deeI. In the other gaine of the îeek, Truway surgef past Remax 6-2. Throway eroref tour ries in Oe fourt iselo for a 5-0 traf aid they coitef to the île. Slegles by Dure Det Papa, Rich Yntwart, Dave MacDonald aid ail Kinimen pro- diced four ries le the four". Singlehy Dvr Drl Papu, Doug Wilams, Rrh Yrowrt, Dore MacDonald ad Paul Kineinen puref the way to four rona in Oe fourt. Wilams and Kinumes pcef Thru- way'e sevaltit attarh wli tîn roach. For Reina, Larry Meehai producef hoUt ries with a two-n inelgle le Oe eveth xriiei-WBriae Brady had tîn hilu for Reman. 2' * a ~ W*W Open Champion,- Ta the victorgoe theaspoila endtgo Grog Norman gogo the CaodlaOpoaebas.poahp -l'pY smd totoAOêer thé Iashy Auiae pufld onf 1k. 'sltory over Jack Niecae &, C.. &uay ut Ookilile's Gien Abbey gaiS cours. la the huae for mach of the race, the long-hltllog Norma caught froal-reasoar Nlck lorice oo th. frast in lof the fiaml le boles and battied off a chlolenge frmm Nichias te, wls hia it Opes tiII. Rtichard "DISCDicIL Zaol was thetoaaCiucb fllablgJst Uiv. strokaaofftb.epuce. 6/ Afler wimdingteir lattrer Halton Connty asehotl gantes, Oe erer-lmproviitg Optanlt tyhe repu joureeyed ta Strerete for the SUretoritle Ai-Star Tyke Taure- amoent. - 1' Thry rame withle a hir of opuettieg the amvly farouref Srnia tram le the oreral chantpiomluip ganteamd ronght haneteOi rsnnerp hardware. The first gaine of the toury mas ugimlt a Inagh lt ooir tram aid Oie Optis gat eieed aut 7-6, drapite a four-lt pitrhleg perfor- maice hy Damier Ddhbee. Jamie Jaijerico wiOitwo hita ad twonrunt, Ryae Valiquette Wit whta luksaia tiranoufTofd Mufley slth lin lta and ae ROI pareil Oie Milton attacti, Steiart Wilisms eleglef. scoref aid frore e hto rues and RevnaODonurl affef a slegle. Jacques Maltale anf Joan Honere alsa scoref anf Dore McDitfe 10f Il min do or fie for Opis le tie second gante agalnt Cawti-B andtey fif, île- aip9-4 tdullry ptehiniancomplet.- game bhx-htter fortheOie tWilhams hofimolubta, acorig tece and Jchn lpumt Miltenes s-tuner ln the Golfes Glo e competition) somef oàcg, Jaijerich ad Valiquetle ecn chlppeflIn ith on RI. In0th. ni-inal gante, Optis coeshlerd a tO-lt attack and ueplher ratatauding four- ht cmeplets gume pltchicg performsance hy Duinto ehat Sheria 14-3 le fise hinge, as. th.touraentutofficais lespuaed thr mrcy ride. Maltais led thse os.lu#t siO tic sngles, a douhle, fnar ceus afonf No RB10, MallI.y 0f à slegle and a, dauhle, scoraf Or imesthn d drovr e o a it. Jit- jevntim ai.cotribtef lin hase bts oand ecoef ltina, Ted Mhoictlual alglef, ecas-.f and 10f os Rfi. Zanmmt seleîdand Wi- dlia guraf Oors. Dslleu, McDf te oand Vallquettaeach sorraf mc. mnd drova le o rue, ihite Bester stammed a triple for an Miltoe cref to make it 7-6 le the top hall liBI to round ot the offenre. and er.- oly lhree rt away ram heing The rhompiontldp game assa real nil- champioe. Sarciue home-field afrvaitage biter ao the uttderfsg Milton quad pshef tra came leto play as. Oey lied the gante aidefonted and reigleef champion Sarnda itanmd woltome out claief oîay ta, mocute a the limit. Sarna w on Oie coin tom and wmin.prrfert suicide ique Cros take the e v ie- honte tram, mhirh seentef to be the oaly ad- tory. rîntage ile is gaine. Bèer min te Irafief hocer focr Milton, Sarnia scoredfitust en te openieg leing, scociug twice, tatchtg Baiole and a 10 take at1-0 tond.Optîn came hock mith tNo trrmnumm elo- home-cu lasU Pitriier inethecseconfandfourlenthe third itotake a 6- Muler Band Maltais onchkeefoncead 1ltond. Sarnarcamecrightthack withOihree in hd ;o hits Dulen hahaehit aàdana Oie thirf and clupped omuy for tin more in ROI and Williamss etuglef d e coref le Uer the ixth as Oie ga ine ent mb toteieernt dramtic seveth innmg. D'Doellfofhbled aid final ieetng tied ail six aed lankusg for a and Jaijeruth scère1 10 cmeîte Oiheo championescore. Chiefs avenue defeat edge Mohawks Wifth rally Show: f-lce ~tu!nlng thec iorrg, e asolet htCoadinm tla Cainphellll-Ue MhIile guleefa sPUÏlil0- cuhSy mril uorehitegl-MC&hiUhle_ senior hinehull leogue ictionelastI ecek sd ufya 1 peo apelll Niga.Disc ea e. true iUrw ith easy 6-1 w in Agirat S. Kitto, Mhaks orer'cmr a5- RetrigImtaloylsofss- tw ofiarme Ilh nt a ndrfou Ite son , MiltonaeGers Wluge e nnlaodles linmor l 1h sccet od tnelu icroled in a chtortatile -t ola ovor Ur ami>- ighth e late thre f6Mmakemawh.eout ton ali Keome Par luatNbgaday iaeta.a of arth Eoeary on the monaf ho rnt tce hfh tmgwa~b euiae distanefor isfs ttMhawk oleBfci e Nadne Lon, eRose, J& aseRei. Bese seuone. Woodley mnd Pal Medort. Mlttoe duelu.lcd Poil Elloît and Pool Hlfley igiete ie c.gme amd praauad thea Beàaap"aagoa comehoch ecmhlhleg tho-unsinlegt. o eOas. Agimi Dnfas, Geetaoroav& o a tii ÛMaaaoratlag herc «metuuades.*tbiheg Rick Mitchel. Mhoutetaef i-i oter aMxmf uiWady Marok 5céaWàfigmb USi4- a haltieninge hforeC(hiefs hew il ope l ilt onlith tOsAn.e.=~t.. Yutcss. sin rues ie the evaet. Styr Tai hIl a to- cLuht aiasPi* adaas rue triple for Mawkas.odz ina UR-mm" ------- ----.---,...........- J, Firec. Oooo0psI shewnthe fars. bat isouff ga1t *a regmRe la Tc~~haoPi.bbuy ie s.fotseg Rsu ais olhfoua SEENamOIGirls T-Raf. Fer oe reaubsof ci h -ÇEE leu".tues ta pago3. NION~A ~ Ph" oby JOPfBQRGSTROM u s Hood a mldgets gain a aplit Cotinutngwilh îlflu.ptoyof tata, Miton Mrray Hof /Rema ins îg.t softihol reps rom.itie o hair of aeeplef hwo gautea tat w.ek. On Sioifay, got o two-r ue.r froin rgeQene e route in, o 10-5 me over into se co d fdy ight. Milton and Mlllgrove et lne wh. n over Cheteehoni, Mlton juntped je front 7-t fter four muemoa pur- tuay àaflve-rue forth, andf heIfffa 10cr Chelteehate ralty te eerore the ie. Milton coeect.d for 1t2 hite ie the gain. wtth Perri Hoof leadieg t. îy wth tiro. singles. Kevin Gervais, iho scorof three rues, Nerce Kpoflach, Glene Houton and Greg tiewelI uffed lin apiece . Quanre. uthe hît o tir-rite honer, got th. mie wth relief help raitnbel T64gi.. in Môeday's gaine,' Miton roaer froin hehled tlice to tie the gante 2- and theti à-3 to force extrualnlegs. JefHarris teoroft. tyieg rcnen le .egitUt ioelng uthen ýe led off wit oatriple and camie houtin e" M\eed ot. Bot t.ainthaf gond chances lentir 1tt .M inninge 40île te goine hut netUer train ecred. Milton toadrd th awth tuto ont and Itillgrove put tan raneerSaoord hat gond pitcheg onehot ideasefdef te rlY. Miton had anoter chance lente 1tn ihen Jrff Harria maUedwt tan out ond Trevor Iteihot uts. lut hy a ptch hutte rally fief Milgrove tome hock in Utir hall wita single und a une-out tripe lu in the fume. Gervais ond Lee Johnsoni pacef Mltlu'a seven-hit attack uttUt two apiora. bail Trapu. maI tredistanceoand silowod 10 bits uthile atrthlug mouI cein fforiagt.e Rocca MnRobbie Ater winnleg ita iraI gante. Milton Hocco Stee1 hantain girls froppe teir nert twn gamin oi rouef-rohin play in ho elntlated froin t.e Imitigiotia Robbhhte tinoîatI touraentatorerteeerd in Sa- horouoh. Recru St"elopesed it o3-B0un n rr 2 Guelffi. Cheryl Waugh giord the ohutout as. te Mton e ide tometrough wit 'o flue effort.U Jackie Tittru sorrd alltre. goals uthite the troof defesce h.tped hy eetteg Bp tce fornarfo. Strong play for Miton came front Diane Chelu, ltlra and Wughi. In Oie seodgome agolut Wrxfard, Milton ian hrates tie hall le a îe0-plaYed gaine toa o troeg opponent. Chela Bcnr. 101h Mitons goals mith Diane Ket, W,%rgh and Chesla playutg utetI. C oncentration Inte intlgante agulet Lngueuil, Que., Jock Nclaus shos the pale of llelug p a crociol pull white ies son, Who cadfle fle 101h clubs uere rentty mittched ot equat hMh elpa him t the Canudlaa Opn le akvàoierrthe eeeef Nctlon usof ed coriof chances but Lnguruil coerrtieg bhlcd GreeNoneo Ausataa. whn charged patsedNck Prcrto wilihtstfrst on oneof their'e tnmin te game. Ptuyiug Coeadlae Open tille mrtt for Miltonwere Carolyner Boh10, Annette Long aid Waugh ut goal. Optis nipped in tourne y final 8-7

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