».-Ths, CuuiLl Cht.,*iont. TuaaMy. M021111, 107 w- M.AR.C.H. W&Wh. Fiau SV&Iwm *ii Gipu. ,gt MMioa P.Wvp - A. G.Mud 1. - Futiruafe à h.W SOr05 HOI~ E*MMunc At FA. *C-&lr.& nP A. àmwm.mm. 719 Main Stroa EaaM - 870-1138 (SerAcal 171-210111 <Saes) DELREX A NkIrE *Almwnurt, Aunng Cnn.. *Eavaatrugrw. 'ip nr *Sdng -Faima :SmlI di Lumug Qinorn Alan a lU "im ci r.placuniu toi77il M M3 113 Les ooar ChaaapSo Team of - ~ *Awaa Wleanag Prqbaioaial help y-u uDeaign & Production of aimera L eady Art Ele ronie Page Deaign Ideal for FI,.e Nataletters, Brochlurea, Pnoce Lista. Calamoges, Buainesa Carda, Format, Lettenlea~ Rason. il Mentis 878 341 191 Mamn St.E. Mavericks show somq early grrt troiti WAVEURI S nplais U3 Shawn Bombcrny. Acquùed froiti Six. Nations last fliW Wud-fougl wus was site bomne mcans second week, tdm l9year-ol scoed tamice and helpcnd ad-up. "fugSM of their young 1997 secason. Having bombcd Duling'o overfie ainhli., the Georgetowno Buildogs 17-8 Friday.night, thec Harihoit wreaked hevoc on BqunIo cage guarder Mavericks scem dcatitipd ni imgxovc on lmt ycar'a 7. Brandon Miler Friday, unkoadng wlithsix goals and 15ishowing. figuning inon feur more in Mihdis nîne-point margin *Wce'll bic up tisese fuis scson. Our second ùne. is of victory. Tiscy acorcd early and ofieni againal Mlongier dlm il amas a year and isy li large wcxae Georgetown. a hllow sheil of lasi yeales glot more spWp." said head coaçh.lim Lewonhiy.- e' Co.mffssionetr's Cup champaonssip tram. thoughl ame showeti a loi of character in winnhng Defensive specialist Asikerw Craig provmded file * ody's lSunday) Pm, afier commig mmndomme tlimn only Mrght slt in tihe BWdgs' perforMance as he th ti hird.- held Hamioll to, a ingle goal il fihe final [rame. Firs-. Foar m er yeartoach- Ken Webs4cr would kc wcIl-advmced lt ose 1%, .lîn * ,k * k v Il e hms lff-year-uld neean artoisfliis h ~' \Vmidget goal- licl Sislurday. May 10 wficn the fwî, leams haîlle i tender Kevin Alco Arcna M ve asicki Enran Ryan Bigler,.Geargcîîmsns oni> re(ummsy 'dm. lesta umiglurd mn melager afack mmdli Iwo gmmls and mnt aNwI Scong mile Ihird perirtd Sondlay. .llowing se% en goals.includ- twmce kwn Mmllon s4cre LcmurtIhy Jr. and D)arling'. ssii ,ing thî equafu;cr mn the limai cmghf wcoanth.iPiot mu comineod fi ses en ailts Hedies. Parker Ihis. Akwa%-aài e oced fwo penuid ta regimmer that Bîmmielr>, Icigl. Wafle. BrmJ Moyer anmd Dirrs -j %anm ouftpout. Brown added singles. Brent Moyer dreau l %ITS% Miffon bruite omut Iu an carl y 5-2 rcamiîn thie opemngt A more emmmplett ef f ort aw mile Mavenick, ups ltme framc ilçfqrc hemog outscored 5.3 in the second. fodgamcs carfy mn (h qtichrd, wulh thrcc tlrahght Akaesasne's fbmg fone of Scmmy Thampsoo. Floyd Bof klog goals, bum qumckly cfase [hecm agamo dî,sm lihe Thiomas, Lance Mmtcheflt and Josti Jacoils provmded Itreteti. nearf y ail of flic offencc aîth 12 gols. Scnmng defeat ammeamhaî earl y. the vssmllîr ýhsei Mxi Conmakarefa crew have jus( thrcc playerN back beat Mmftmon wmîh thir fims amimere thcy coukmil on the from"fa.sm ys-ar's meam and are nnmng wmîh abum a scorchoard. Each tcaro aas shor u ll li nehy the end dImren mmdgeî age recruiîs. uft he nighq. Already deoid of much talent. Leadîng tise charge for mice home side amas star Georgemawn's aggressivenes hurm nt) one hum (hem- sophomore Jimmy Lcworîhy JI., who oanked fmve selves. go>als aid assisted on two aitiers. Comsntitng smx asisso. Joe Carmllcrý whio look mile entîre 1996 seasun uIt. cachs aere lait Parkier and capalm Andr~ Hatisof t - amas rock sol md mn Mmfton's nef and Itelm the opposition wiso also scored in tise second. Y ta free goals mn tihe isa tIwo perioms. Early on if amas second and tilini liners Brera Moyer. Manvericti notas, Mifon enjoyed a stng fan base Donald Perry and Puli Wéde who provided goals. as i Frnday's homte opener, with:many Mîilfon District wei as local rolde Coty Leigi. Brut Moyer.noochèd Higis Scisool studenits out to sec their ciseerieadtng Mition's final regulation faune goal whiile Craig Hedley squati, wluo performed dmaring file fion intermmssion made a nacetffal on a luie Akameuastle powerplay mnd Milton travefs ta Guetlph Tilursday and hosts tise rushod*i for a sisooijanded tally. Claringlon (formeif y Oshawa) Green Garlop Fniday ai Also contributing to tise aîn amas veteran juanior 8 p.m B- a OKMT AEA REAL ESTATE SduI Doame iL SdU1 Gond at il! - M&Y2J5 " MM memai NtYX9 i0) REA.LTY BOtER F0CS & GADINS w M tl it 484» fa.frcoe A"na SAmo dunaiu trimels 10cuA. chien 20 nIaI EIIIIEI WET BASEMENT?e OanSýimi *MW. b.8mmi I VPiuh, à IaI.1A wwwt * F-. ftbwrîm liait Fr,.t 14U1I-73111 M.A.R.C.H.- MECI4ANICAI. LTD. PARIS FOR I>..cOy. . Rg. . F-.". Rai9.garIor - WaAFus 7%U Man Stia fasi l- ua AMrISi Mia GO Stafion Doml. Wiau fUOnG.lph 9 rffl g4 e :. r . . rot e iIes.t sevic froin bine o death lu final distibution of the estit artcimaitilledby- omir senior Iawyer witl oser 22 vears experti.etce Furlong Collans Barrasters & Soilcitors 64 Ontario ýt. N. Milton L9T 2TI ph: 878-8123 fax: 878-255 eveniùg anmd weekend appointments avilable r.m. contracting ltd.