def Chamoon. Tueeav. ADM 29. 1997. Mlton Maverick Shawn Bomb.rry gae th. battoir Io f Akweautne Nathan Dèlormi.r Sunday aller- noon et Tonelli Sparts pCentre. The local Jr. 9 t. crosse club won the oinerall baffle with a hard-' If%15-14 ovenime vIc. Photo by Graham Paine Mavrericks outrun the Lightning 2v TELE L.B1.ANC Sp,aI. The Champion l.ig i i ns ihreatcne rui tin the MIiltn Jr B M4îcriekv' îîxiing moekend ai Tonefil Arcria, hut Grahiamn Darling u iuldni îIIu ii. lTe i 'î'irI iecun huîried aî gîi-attad goial a(i 2:15 i oenimc. (ben %pcnq the balance ofi Sunda> atticrni,îns extra sc.%ion protecling the lead. Hîs effortý gave lthe uvwal Iacriis%e club a 15-14 victory ovcr lthe Ak.esasne Lîgttlnîng -whîî siaged a hugc: ihîràl-Menîni rallI nith tour gouN in lIte final iwo min- ais MAVERICI<S on page 24 - 1