fit- Tsa Qonawm Qhweluiau oea Apuli 29 1fl7 Merchantsfall to Rayside 4-1 fWOM SCHEDUL on pOP21 Wenzel afier six suraight goals againas. Milton, itel I. 0 ani 2-1 tiraila helote ging in tist. Sconing were Maut Van Arkel and Mark Cooper. Merchant notes: Aller lcadini ProvincialJr. A League playoff sconing with 40-plus points, Travis Riggin.was cuunpletely situt off thse score sheet agabnst Rayside Balfour A combtned 318 nenalut minult M Baseball MustanEis were levied ainLNs M.Ikn, ami -asieBalfour in juio caer.I ls.TrMrtt"wt é iiare rebU.Ilding year Efnra. Cory Hliand., Jeif McAr1urise.Toevor Doewney and Uocyd LaItance (0 u5veragle restiction. hule Men Van Autel, Doug Janijevich ano Jeff Whrte wil le sa t ch m i n h p moving on lu lthe NCAA. f e 'h m i ni a DY STEVE L.BLANt Bishop Redingt& ransfers Chrîs Special l0 Tb@ Champuon Mutcheson ami Chri. Sciterer cul afin, W ~S pletsty of at-hute. For thse Milton District, High Scistutl Mutlchesos hûts for average and niày fuil boIys hasehail ftin. 1997 will hie what us tise nunuhe Iwto spo Sclieuer ueansshik. counny refcrcd o as a 'rehuilding hbas s hown signs ni1 power and wmiI bisa year., Ilird or fifi Tise terni sldonu huids as mouel h tveighi Thse mainly 'ruskie Icarne uin't record as rn!~ B ~ S W ias ut does fut the Mustangs tins sptung. many extra-hase huis, and vsili ,ieed lu~ cap- With just esu, starters h ack frui Ia ries- iialu;e ont otIer trams moistakes Ilu score ~ i ~son's Pretifie Cup championship moter, a sortie nuît, retient tnp to SkyDemie es hasicalty oui of Piching - I ail apectsu hu gm lisequestiu)n. - Mfl's pitching suit sutter lh')is or *Ih~flu~~....J ,usEsent a liailtn Cuuunty scents gr.idualing piasers wiîh tes Pat I unLh N~~~4 m~ ~improbable. withe Neisun and Noire and Jcremy Rlly tîjuing oui lu cla'ss A Dame's siý.quasis hcavit> 14vohured te, hall and the NCAA resectivelyý S1AILIS racle lite fin4lI Langie and Adam Finkhtuner are.lht r . LASIN MD'. pet. u1ne'l iptucup,,ed wuh k> starter%. and ,siil hase lu lug plenis utl «. Znung., tîte iis y e ul u crecaing a inningsfotr an exîremels tisili pulu.hung YSIqrJeep Iligie SERMIE hi nt fuir future socceuts. ui bou mPARS Eh tic sng us a ptevies utf lthe Milton Amuung tise hauudtsl il uliter, suhu AI8 Lo PATS Ditrue[Ng School ho»y hasehatlileam., se miiund wuîrk are GdmCerleini andi 9. a Ul ~Cuia.hing - Titis year's oui wilh lite Aiidreu Neukuut. old, in wuth new trend staris tiglut au tise Dicee - Wisen tues nui put. îuuig. uop wuith lu r playcr amiJ asqistant coach Langie suui loi; ltte au second hase tir a Adam Flitlakung tiser flie rèinà ]let hy shuîritlmiung humot ise middle inuild JumRudiey wull hc secound stroreinr es ývau u ~ Whute t hvuuusly uenablte lo match. (edar Le Ridieys, v su cuîachung espenience. i tatu Scherur siJl sphi hi, dunTes al tise huit ha% beenI aru tut hack-uu ha.]. iallis cuimer ami hehuut ilus plaie sshi Aalhis champioîn. ip an garners a great deal uit wu i~lu lisho ib ouitueid ress (ucr.'huu, 1 respe.t Ir i lise yunger players - sho andi lreti MscClure are oilier% ssii 5an cuor arc un aite dance (hi, year inhute delegiîuey. Jiuunn humn are lftiner plae, lurned Vise hoitititi lune ttutlîing sul is h ýi a %usa sMark M.l'isaui antd Kes un puiser. sulu uticing auJ detience ..l i Wil.son, n tutlasu scastns .ress u[u weenc ese' Teauli usurk atnd ila '.e tliîlng T 'n1e wust llz ruIt el ca- deseuipouent s'ii Ie lise keuts enit utlSii jr .M Y G r son-uung prouiut tutus, relurts, Nick nung ouine hatl gant.'.ii tus ean - aisitl E.SaAy,' M AY 7TrH Aluahers ansi Jefi Lingflleut lise: isupe tt -Rcàttsiails,% lto i n ttisi up lue un 4a30p... .nlend ýn Hattun utur duivisioin ami reaih [lie scound rundui TIP A UTMm . mîw Aalhu.r us enpeeed uto Ie lise teadutît tis ptayuulls manw leLangutk istîlîlket> hul leanup. Opettung day - Tsi.. Musuangi. kt.s utti lieur seasuin suis a duhie header Fisurs- da). TIte hegtu ise day siths a11-11 15 an ut hung againu Loird Elgint ai Gien i u Ahhevy and uhecn isust Nelsoin ai SheIt Partk new in_____ iLM l s v u Oaks[ie ai 3.45 p ni w" *iftu(UW 12-lU4i4s Hiking and ~bcng treks .l e_.alo Crs Counuy Ski Clu us tg nn In nd m cycling scason. wuîh a ypelety of groupç availaule tn par- fucipanus of ail ages ami skull tevels. Practice ikes are fietd Monda> eyenungs wiîh graduated sessions scited- uled lot Satueday moeu.ungs. Cycliugpro- graîoes wîll t*ç place Wedniesday nîgits and Suniday.as4tl a top tm Citippewa sIal. cd forlune 1. For mure'in formation, cati 1905) 634- 2012. rEMPL0'YII 0F THE MONTH S PEGGY-SUE GELLEY is Georgetown Toyota's Account Manager/Controller. She has been with thie company for 3 1/2 years. Peggy-Sue has always Ioved working with numbers and customner relations. She is proud to work for a comt- pany that supports local sports and seils a great prbdIêt. Pc ey-Sue has been married for 2 years to her husband Pat and lis nreséntllvin 4in Georgetown. îfftâ S' rA)lJ AI ..I .Ea.l