~T)rn 0". .-. r' CII ORG I Nomines wo to 1shape bette eV STMV IaSLANC SPoalto u fa Chaffpn If lbcrc's ancý tbini 1996 maode clear, ut's it Mihton .ians rally amrund Ibeir oten., 1No melter how smal air large nectis mi'gbî be,,loal oesidcnts are quick ta Offer a itelping batie. Leading liai year's ctsmunilY.wide support nclwork were titre grops naw uP for te Citamber af Cotonces Civic Orgaizatian of lbe Yeau Award. Wben Deidre Schultz took iii wilb aplastic a nemia ant despenatelY n1eded a ioftc marrmw transplant, a group af volutstess came oui af. nowbere lu cieme a massive luMsraisini camtpaigo go bclp the sîricke .n youngswe. IA&jI.. Sieurs (P) SbcPpm' Orug mort S .SineyCr.ek Fuméigye »1"sgBIa (Momnby) suit. 36i * 206 MOi Stroef Fut * FAMILYLAW& * DIVORCIÉ rk quetlyCLINIO le CO MUM ad A*Autmto i *Spcarbeadcd bhi Jo-Ann, Barge, a co-wyc n fticndoaiDcidec's mucher Uc, le gmpogap mite i bisses . single-iamily battc marrow clhoic cxc, in 1MAv~. : NontitwAmcc 1 Fronct, tbey caJmIdon the community ta belp 8 .0W COST DENTURI mie Ve .10,M fr estîng. lIti Yyas donc in tour 1 f«mts. withowu any previoua fundruqijng expciience . Or major corPorate beackiRir. *1'heir sticcesa and 1e #fu CAUS8 1 Oh@m@twm CUrnlai liocal in tit )eidre'a MSovMt is a testagmntt ga catlmunity spirit ROAOD ICLcN a&W cana." be organiiation's onsnad su.%fotuMI DitiENopta Ma Barge said ste's stll ovcrvel.cd ta lbînk af the SenerositydisPlaYýd by lthe community..Sbe. adMW. "'You bmamally bave ta pick up the phone batook ta0 show how toias> peue belpeti uui. t absoîlûeîy j 878-1 100 *m m- - - - - - - - _-_- E 1). ON a11110 MILTON 1 est cab LS. U.3ai t. tonneau cover. scarraci> Stock#I D.L., tilt. crtJise, mis. Balance oi 'UF WV -1 4X S .3 nginti -PW P.DL, tlt, crui A. gaions runani boardi. box lno *Itlc of iactory wlranty. SDCI 0 rite. Iwo-tom, PC.. b1JO ais eronti0 bya l &BMR ISC a Pit ta soi glta Lru Io m.PoS.. owbw lue .... emi a- 7 eng, Pb.î tyl. t Crs BarMster &Sollcltor