Jamaicanf amily. calis 0on Halton residents'for hel BQne marrow 1fýl >TmLdoAno needed Alro-(' n.sdanslhr(iughoui Halîî ItnI hcéýing askedtkýsmclpaie in lîfc-saving efturls for a Young Jiiaicati man. Wiih Former municipal counscilkwr Mary Lo)ng as bi s "hackbânie,:' 2 1.ye-old Craig Redwood Î% des- peragix utsng o hune mamîowslonoir lis conhai lits ebnc my!ls'Uid Icukemia. .Neiffher bis niother Pt'aicia or his iwo sisqers aie a match.-which les- ihe lamily ai tbe nmesrcy oftihe *Aitu'Cartlhei.n çommunily in Mctro ani surruund- ingareas ilu joint Iboe linrlated Bione Marroice Donor Regiîiry (IMOR). b OnIy Alro-Ctnadians or Atro-Carih6bcans ýan ro vidle a bouse mamîow match due tou hir large ani diverse ethnic moits. An iniorma"ua session uin 11he regîsiry Witt i, beld Saturday. Apr. - froînt 1 lu 1M p.m. - ai Trornto ' , Betîhleiis Unîited ('hurc hun Duifern SIrct ai Ilwy 4111 "Dr. kif Liplon ai ?Princcss M.irgxirc lHospital s.iys nîy iînly chance for long-terni sursisali s ihrîîsgh a hune irrosi transplant." ,sd Mn1i Rcdwuud. d.iaignîîsc fl ii ch rois i s c lo tciikcntiýt il] hiv humes fad ofil fiiaca ïi(ktbr I 99~5. Fi-e 1isiscd hiMsssjig lasi nsiuh por tu chi, lic ha)i ssoricd as a lilirars âssiI;lsIii ' tc 1I Ai Iolo pe.,plcse AI look hsc.Itih.ý hii ,.7/h,, lS i> îipiiiisllr hut soine. d.mî s n(s tiughý .'bo diseasc toi lois s .hrec lige> ut si hîch Mr Rcdssjiuid prcscntl% uic t insiby I;t slus gras, lit ing ls%àd the aicccricd phase. If leliinrcalcd. il .wîll tiIcl> daimi lits Is wibm twu to tour yFar,. ln bis cise, dociuîns hase csîimated a fÎ5 per cent. chance u)t.siarsîsal wilb a belne mamosw transplant. Hîs dîlemma was fis hirought lu Mes. Luqg's attenion in Iboe lait ai a Jamailcan grand mnarkt in Nortb York, There she was retnîled with a child- houd friend Front Jamaica - who by coîncîdence batpend lu m'h Mr: Redwtuud's inoiber. '1 îmmedîaîsely calli:d somns people I thîmugfîl coutld bellp organîre tindraising elloqi and told ilium we lied lui slle action." salid Mms LZng. recuit- ing bier response aller leafnîng of Mr. Redwîod's aflilction. Wiîb tbe hetp ufth 11enfre Jamaican communuly, Ibm famaily bas ra $damn 2t0lç< for bis tresa- ment. Thoe biggest lice has cone frums Jamnaîca's Mini uuy ut Ileailh. Jamaiîan govemnwrnt represenl alîives in Canada bsave helpnd 0111 lbmugb fundraisers and 'Fuesday's press cunfeience in Toronto, where the regiblry information session was annoimneed. Prospctive dors munI attend the meeting to bc, able.lu pauticipiale in th1e chenik. Th1e date and4cica- tion oîf th1e cJînic wmtt hi announced ai 11he session. An saunt oîf Mr. Redwood saidi Mes. Loîng han heem thecir haekbone: tbrnmgh tbe iryîing ordeat whte. big uloîber saîd she's "dctinitely pteased" wîlt 1 sup- poël lit th Jamaiicant cuuumunity. In a"ition uIo %pearWading thie widle-spread fond- raissmng dlrive. Mes. Long bas pt Mr. Redssusd in iuucb, will Mition's Lit Scholt,..vbo.e six.year.otd, daoier Dessdne undkrwent a successtnt hunsemr trom transplant tait sprrnp in lier balle wîth opta.tîfc arimnia. 'ls a dificuil lime. wauting for a doneur, l'vc ol.d hi tu try't buc1 positive and hase basically actîtd as a nounding boani. Wc need tes gel Canaédîans of ait ethnic gruups on the registuy," Mes. Schou saidi Mes. Long added tisau a nîronger regîntry base Witt ont onty imprIrrit Mr. Redwood'n odds. but would aises nerve as a vital investirent (gr the future. "lt's su impinguto becouse you neyer know wken -you're guung luc ncei u," she said. 7liose intercnted.in craking a donation towoesd Mr. Redwood's trmanient con catt the lamfIl ai 1-(905) 828-4717. Phioto by GRAHANI PAINE Cratg Redwood of Mtaailssaugo. Ssan horo c with hIs.moi. ta calllelg -on Afro-Canadien ci- zoe in Nalton ta help fild à ltf-savtrtg bon.i maerrowimatch. Less static now "' with new radio BlIMBAD REAUME Thne Chonspfot. Wîîb sirens wailing and lights tlashi fmom several pisecs of emergency cquipment, H-ltun chrisiened iii. nse* '$t.5 million eoduo.tnmnking sysieni for public ser- vices tant s&,ek 'the systens. several year s in 1the planning and 1W #AM Eff tlinaned tbruugb tbe lnfu'asteucture Workn Prugrani. Onu -N, Od a. will allow for her communications management 0.ý .& ot emergency responie. Mont public services witb radio c mmaIFaton SO requiremenîn in Halton have oplaed i bic ~Ivved. Police wilI ki its beaviesi uasers. wtth publie works depanrimns. tisse depautmenis and the lion Regiona cnsevtioue n despit as îclto es oni il.Waki "In an era laiterse Peuple comptain t levels of. gç?Emuent flghtîng eoch Alher. ibis unl a ecl exani- PIe of sihee levels working tugetitr." sa Oakvil- Milton MP Bondlie Beown g.p Ilalton-Prcel MP Jibluan Reeeti the nctwoic "as > u ah iiuyc msitiddspt %oe ifiutlu anks tu the AMFMnir. cif gence of former rcgional chair Peter Pomroy. "Halions is a Imuch better place for.it," k nstressed. $17,915 Approxumaiely 1,200 radiosi mill opersate on the sys.- .LAE9u. im. wbicb meqiies mighi scommunictious tuweus but uratc vittually eliminams 'dead cotts' ln radio recption. . AIPWAY1 '7he range of the new systen iîs fabuknis ami the Pm WAI pomser Ns bijhr." saidi Miltoin deplaty'fire chief Dave Kranii. "Ils especially gond for rural aeoa" Th1e region alan kiclued off thecir enbanced 911 tsyn- tent. wbich aloss enhergenlcy personnel 10 track a coller'n wreamoun. lit in especially klptl whkn young children cal amid connuct indicote whee tky live. as well an for peuple ins distreat wh casnnnt speak. 11sse 911 n>sint tal aperfect exampte of a potiner- sNip kieefn oencies." Illiid Haltonr te co-ordinaio DiC -8111 Cunisnglgbom. "Il ns retluhtns hums an eruureuuy" nevrsperspetine Ibo disete in nu turf protection." Eaunonn Oldhtam of Oldlin ingine.ens fic., spescial. ults in wmlens communicaions, mas on bond ai the radia trntukng cestemony. eanStuîp~ ~~~~~9 AB À ksiin i~naiO.,0v ofi, ~dror o4oi