Ut$ - Tre Oanaien Citnpim. Tuaedy, April 1 1007 More confuýsion ihan ever Ci I±J<saa _ve Tory plans __ àtnla Î e -MNDYT RA over~.:0 AM fo Halto AMsI~ e rganr grinders and monkeys coutil colleci dopa- iiins, Il was unclear if prrrperty taxes wouId Vull n od b tc paid. 1l wiii ail fait ii pLace. li saut. rubbîng bis hands together. Ecyhn we ve donc so far is rrtiy. Rigiti'" Halton Chair Jotyce Savolic errprcssed her * hock ai thé provincial governmcni's braïen iiicriactWc wcren*t even comsulicd on titis,- * she uid. *Wc dbn*t ircally cote whita thty do. as long as we know atoul ilftiersi. 1 wduutdni wanl tes s:immett turlter wîthrîui gcilng a criusscil direciorn, but wis wani tri ic involved in the Prnicess rt ,climirriing irurseive. .Bsirlingtrîn régional Coiuncillûr Ratph Schttî- sern%. recniI nummnatc4 b> tie proigressive C(învcrvaiivcv% te)ri n s ilon for ihe nsix fort- s'rat cclirin. sitd the mnive wax inevitabte, He addcd only municipal govenfitient wilt hLi dishandcd aiid Hattrîn wiii stitl fulty stlare in ait dcticits accumulaied hy provincial andi fédérat guvemnmiens. "*Whi,î baby. yrîu Inciter betieve that" said Mr. Schollien. -Jose t-cause yrîu wmn't havse a gnîv- cmei docn*t enr you caos avoid paying tur Mitorn Mayor Gord Kranl,. agreed %%iîh the iegiiaiirin but wisticd il har gonç furtte. 1 ralier suspect thai yrru ainti ven niîthing et.- *.iid ttc mayir 0Of coturse illecre xill tic m)nbe, harrtship oui Ihlere. but ittIl ail xriork nuf in liskrcnd, ,l0ai ci%, thc populacec îîîight ex- pcncen as giivemniceni haclrcd oui rit ait resp.in- sihitit>. tté niayîîr repticd g(inemnient xsiii likciy stti tic a *pain in ttc toi' Municipal uîticials suid hurcaucraus xii li tiry gelt ijijo. which requirc a tkegd dtirmina- 61w.uId.t wam te but fsw&W te be lnWh imvv.iIe proci et ta o frîllow procédure. "Given iscer skills titey maigti iry Io beiorm umpures or refif.'ees une source said. On the local scenle. Milton Counteillt Gccry Brooks ap4laurJcdthe move. -1 have always hagard spcsndtsg tax dolltars.~ said Mr. Brooks. -But jusA as a poiliet of ciarilica- lion. Ti *an slasse taMolars wiii hc spent.r» .Outpoken Coriaclr Marios Hroward said hier crîlicagues were a uitle toc -sure of thitems- selvcs and somti plan shriuid kicn place for uintrîresej problmne. '*% fef$%fp and $%;#@!." site rsid. laking great pains Iii maks: hec pnrini ver cticae. Mr ChIculigh saïd ttec pruvinciai gîrvemment is pushn tocra lîcal s)uîiîiti. "Eacit local municipaliiy, %chitsîi huards. piict. fire and aminbulance services. icacher .s tederîtitnN. hiispitai borards, cag-tag citii.cns groups xiii ail likcly x'ani ti sole rn thré propers_ ai.'*ls tic. -Hiixcsr thc girvemmes crinsîrers any pull nrîn-hindingl 00 MICTIONS _ . AUCTION SAUI sa At Tom. Hait. Mile.se Irctdal, Ar. 4 Town Hall ctoslng dismo Dp. fflecmnt soldat, pet fthe buat in ouf deted computer equîp- niant. pluih office fucntturo. alightiy usèd buceauccita. CýlI the Mayor, his do.'.. Ilio .pens. .ula bocausé te bat me irSAL lm0 VaNTAO! TRAMANT ST On.c of mises tait Inudy comteu. nlat cira, I$ hala baauy selt lait long. Rad. wégm ced arfce. ad.cred runfflnp lîgita Hors plia "Internaetionalia Provîdas Pupe ctoudi of outp smoke and houri Of converatio. Caii Gerarri Miniafry of Environnaint 11-800-5SCRASH. 1921 FORD &OOL T' One'o bait caca Draft by raaly haes antarplie. tiise httle beaul>y mont lait long Once omriad by gangster Adami *invisIle Han<r Sois BIacr malt biaci intenor. cen fun cercles *roîund people standingp suit Cali whafs ahf of tpe Ontario Aprîcuiturai Museum. INTERNET ACCESS Aloha. ail pou surfer babas ride mhe mia and sur the Neta No geesa soial Juif 100 par cent cool infommation. Cot sOile an HaxeIn Fl -ath dollarss. par ptire. Ou I NET-SURF ut for Thre Blond ÇyiaerB&ba or Operio 36-22- 30 AN .STOCK For Sale -tlaolin pte, nouiared or payad, though strangellp lac tnp aparir, ai For Sala - hiciren clones Mmti a pefff si meaavery limeý Friands sein n ver iinow pour nacrai Cali i-8 B-EAT-WELL For SOMla te. cuddly cop- dogsa Parfec for the animai lover Who h s oerpthing. pathente hem ltl atrm traifi sdomaaeated orieta, haise ireep taaedinp oats to amini- munis. Cui tfa crs anryMbhre. 210OPU MNAL DRUCS C SNG prous pcob tamrlle Juif noi For informa- tion donst Co amc R~ WANT T PAR T'- the Greair slt ? Just do et. And masre suce ou ara woacînp axpansive a eairers whan pou do. For mo a information caii Athena NiIK crusse fines PSYCH1 WILL TELL -aIl Sckquot . hocie face cesuits, folio num ars Win Win. Win. Tfrousn, s of sîlisfied cus- lomers C Il i-88e-USUCKER CLOW FOR PARTIES. Dois gréai imprassionsl of ail BlîSepsoni charaiears. O J Nicole, Marsira Clarkea, Mark Fluisrnrni. Lance tic. noce. $oeas, mit.e amîzard issetr Jidi and fusera. l-881-TFIAVESTY. 245 GÉNÉRAL HELP studanta Wantad - cas parote Student Pointers raally. reeliy wanti applications if you how et ail, but caon t fend a tob. comae I0 us, Caii 878-OWOE air for Esme Sotap Raps - Apply now foc lucrative polanuu of oser S 100 r per par Part lima Pouls, no effort. raadp mode contacta. Cii the Association 0f Insuranca Brotieri. 1-fi00-5BRÉEZE. 2U5 FOR RENT CounlY réeérit. pertiraik sel- ri.lolaa statue doofirmedi, suar pol. creair. Saveat oui buidings inciuding Pupe em-ira buiding fo(recaii weairenda or dis mocshp, FREE AOS Ton. of construction mante for sale 555-1234 Doubla boit never uyd Ci Michael or Lina Marie Fridge suceer used Cii Esimos uh. iuit 555-SNOW Esaite Site. Heavy matai col- iaclbias Magazines, boosir, Posters. CDS Càii555.1111 Y{u ouir Besi DI)l min Heir Heatillo 1nI\r(oiiinW I plo) S2190 (ash Bàek or a1eeý FRE Yü'ar 1I-ar,>f& Labour ý%,arrin1e High Efficiency Quiet, Economical Heating 6%Central Air " Saves UP [o 68 Coàditioning compared to electric .'I eGudRad heating f <rud ae e "*Limited Lifetime heat 13 S.E.E.R. exchanger warranty. a m~ Quiet operatian. -iSWIless Steel heat - ~ perforais as Iow exchanger as 7.0 BELS ils Insulated blower for le 2 speed fan motor quiet operation 0 ScroII comnpressor . warranty Ho!ownr' Exece a Compress oud ------------------------------ -1--- BAILEY HEATYG &COOLING GL 0O3 SEELE S LV E Heu Brand f niaei nd Air t &ol er M95) 878-4821 ipS i e.i., ii 0 X pr dn l ~ .~* Nm esbessi , t,ý( 5? ix fur lni Ediéucationail 11.PIatgaiw aaofda Scholarshlp Pîlze TO<5,OCOO 5W LAURIER AVE. Contact store nearest to you for details. 4Col ine lnt SooteÀ 1w CIR y«w photgWahY srve0s. zbf, (anatbiait cbaiW îij01 oel 1ki te theek *vraowm eteetéeu ete culeurirg coutesf léai cagra ttalité thé followin e tilissir... 0 'l-