. fb ... ý J. J.-. .2nanihf 3050 NaVelntei Rit. i3 I 8UIL,£NGTONi ON I2 L7N 30.1 * ~IdCompfly Newspqwe %.'l 3e8 No. 30 Mtuediy Apdl 1, 1991 M 3 Pages $(ewtw * ~ -i The Victorian Order oI NUr#s' Hospice PmgrmwI s ul 10. week orientation aession for new.' voluntemf this month. those'who.oan apure two t0 thnte bsoum par We9k to viuil a ler- ininally INi perion In hia or her home, or Who would lilt. furt informaltion about, tfs. program/dh- àntation, are aaked to caîl Linde Shaver et07-80 Krantz warns: Toda y a;»tax freeze - but tomorrow a:'heavy"hike Bv BRAD HEAUNE Thse Champion Wjîh a pletige tu keep pnmpeiy taxes Iroien for 1997. Milton covncillors .Iogged hhrough twq nighis of budget Ceainlat Ive But Wa news may be j4iaround t- Morer. When thse freeze wls achievcd, Milte Mayor Gord Kranti. wansed pmopeny taxpayers tould face -a 253 per cent inecase is taxes in 1998. Hie blanscd fundsngr shffs by thse provincial govein. nent for progrnt jcha w ar. du catîsm anihighways. N -I want Io go on record tisai in M98- 99 there will hg tas increanes. andi suh- antial lxx incttaxex. If you puy $3.000 now you migisi hç paying $4.000," Mr. Krantz saiti. "The (HaIturn> Qdard of Education is aises t*lking about a 5 to T' Iter cent inecase.this ycar as wcli.' "i .q *1f e.ps There was sorte questionin Ur the mietisut cowliçillors useti lu achiev tise, 1997 ltfei. Whittling down various Propranrs during thse dehate. councillors were about $17,000 short of Iheir reduction targe% before agreeing to simpry à»eu TA>( HI11( on pageS wEm ulu m Y«»bi VAir