Talx4h»-kes sure toc.ome maeie buling piermit pmmlJllie coWntiueslai we ff eh r Mitochief adminiatrative officer Tofsi f~eytxsirm ~ Ts iS Odra Nttrs. iolds Afâ elle Divrie ýsUeonr m hg aeeti Io a Iwo Prcent inÇrea in d"l y Cours atalmienta. 1 Casauno c " ilin er a out nsider 1staff Inter féeson ieiaure *wlcei Programm. si., fr011 tp. PmThsecm la Il ý. Tealie5avit- juct7ons. wil- t. alcustulser Recreatonal gissuist _«d CICIIm asie b>i « 110 tn"e onu>. To reglster, cati îI27810 sersve Oal d & r <ihe seiors cerer a1.5 percent tee encroise Nie tew Poroi. Croup mena et CiEit anmh ibp ré cener. ilgi 51<jWflre was orne uIOW»iqi ti rit rites. ISH P-ent 'Id Centre. 5Q0 Clilt Dr.. frwn i'2101i w getlmcc«ng prtyhih n h 3:30 p.m. mmoç information. Cai 825-6.60 ext. ly ltst. salt Mi. Hapgrave. pnM 'I dontl thinlçW w atl go abuse peuple 7 . "This ivould really, sertuusly liamper using.the taçililics or ads'erscly affect "ce R.l SI Comnma Inis ai. Ho operatouss ai lise lenurc*and wmm.ol' cen. young lamulies. said. Contitilur Brian Cru." In Georgetown ài 7:30 p.,n. Att mcmi- wm.. Penman. luchre i.s a iaw.oi dâinishins lber% tif tise ç -il and any intemeaed parents are 15511., Mr. Mipgravr sait! building permsit res- .. mains. Increases çould orcud ne totes, enue frum <lic pnîpuaeýd increase li tise si/e ..uscrç.l o)I Maplesurat isad <sol liccn inciudcd in dtis - Ti: rcumsndtin budgetteaa Ase biudget. ctiîsmtlîc need lu lic rstllied hy. full coI Thse Millu Seniors' Attvil>(cntre. ,W»UChildç 1t santîno balance the budget on ie cil ai licirmrecling wtnes "dy (Apnl 7) . isdY hmIeI>'ru 1.4ano grusa csi*ndiure line, nul hy pusiPî5s op lise revenue Ii,." satd Councîltur Watt> Hunier "is upensisie tkur m suoibuS gel jiruhlema on the revenue side ralicr »«M lA tison <lie espenditur m d. Counejilur ýulin Clialltnur <usuk a «iter. est approi alico lie puiàtedly <nid>îmiwn ataf Sisa if tise> did soi feel sueli vu-Atmer service iienl5 were fair f aine in putential reduçiona. <len ttiey %liuld mol. lie includ- cd tri 4îsy dccuionm package. 'We alniosi .madea dcmammin «mat Xcape 'imull i eer i% mure inmpx,mfl.nl ilin èu,- turner serie %aid Mr. Cliallinmr l'One i% a smcial sers ce. tlie tilier us a cutosmera iEarlier. cunciIIucs hadl ilarrmss y rcim cd a catI b> Mr. ('liîlnor lu reimîse lie >ear-old youlli cellier $40)E m fmndingam parafil a package ffli grami lu' acv&zm< trgieit ye camre for stan -up fund- ing and now we're saying ils un-guing T tiiunding." said Mr. Hunter. dcfcnding Mr. Chliînôr's poisition. 'l'er art: significant> services for youtli in Milton andI lley arc iseavily subsidiired." Counemîlor Rus Purils said tise Xcape centre needed thie (ondins &Md sugsestrd eutimng fonda frm niolier youlis peogrowns isefofetlargeting X.ape. *Several otsèr, maxumes auggcaied b> Mr. Cisallinor were. adopied in tise operating ......J'4T -. Is4el inchluisg reductions ni fq3nterem Esce.......2 attendinme, lelepisone service anid legalEE W 3 1 consultaions. ........ 4m lai ddiion. couneiliors aireeti cadi7 municipal depuinieni sisould'undemake'a services revlew. whicli would include lng-terni piorities. capuia nvestiment andi Sg ttrs.àe , ý-F 4 ituri reserves. Tisey also agreed staff sioteI looki clooely a' thse lite use of debeneum s Captain È eâ , financing. asd conducl a -revmcw of Milbon't; wimier mainlenançe pmpmrai Couneillor Marion Howard espressedà satisf'action dit lier coleagues agetin 1a cureservices review. wisicl site bâati liSni paiig for. l7is year aie really Sui down ' io thé nitty grilly," aite <aid* Howcver, site soundeti a mauiionasy.sotc as wveU. "If. yçx tisink <bis year isas lougli we are fallea (ihier behisd on our puablic Dr.Ra. Strohlan 106 Wikefield Rd. (>IMsXýie of Mirto, Ma<ll By Appointment 878-5882 ~Day Bée Futons, Adjustabe got.n*,upmsd or div KOre A trnwp suppm mein takes place every Wednesdày ovenitqg Pur mmr hJonssaton. call M4-7823 dumnng lise day rd in lthe cening% ai 856.1&LAj< tor Avril. - saly Apr. 3 Tise l-lomecrafî DivIsfon, of thie Milkun Fait Pair homas a tuçlsr, party in thie Agticulturat Hall ai <lie Miltgun'Fai r Grjounds ai 8 p. Admîssioh yntas $3, wlieh includes lunch Msd pilics., Igvryone is wcl- Sle Viclurian Oirdcr t NurweaititU a Ihot cfl elInic ai thec Miillnn Serfiorç Aeqlsîy Centre,' 500 Chîilds Dr- frîsni i lu 4 pjpi. thse cuoî 1-$15. Trealiient is availihil b>, appusilcnint,:bl' To regis- Ici. cati 82711". 1