Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Mar 1997, p. 7

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Residents give council earful FIaca ld' 4 ehnA on proposed subdià,sioi nn Il an1iHE av SRAD REAUMI The Chamrpon .Milton rcsidcnt. Came oui in force Mt"da nighi 8<e heur prurposais for a2f loi subdivision nocuhl o( Worillward Avenue mnd ciii oi Martin Siceci. Atuul 7S m. identis camue ti To.wn coumii for a pub-» lic nikciing oin 8hk proposed dcnciopnbeni biaicd fur f amis tmeentli dcci ared surplu.s byiIf Hallin Board of Educalion. flic plan igni"cdsvÏra accus aI coniluo- ver,y flic pnuposa ncludes a mm*d ingling off Mautin Sireci aligne tormber CN rail propety. -o)cais atm> raised.<stucs of drainage mnd building kîighi -WC havcni haW ncw houries hùiî in tow. for soute llme." said (ounciflor Adt Mcianion. "Il main issue 1 N thc coad and lhere arc sorne concerns âboul drainage. Mary Ciervais, who f mci on Marion SiceeL jusI nonhl .,f the former CN propcnly, was conccrned wiih the M. enijal consîruuiu of a niai Ske bld counufi gliai ruai soufd have a wiccou. impact (<n her pcoperly fuecause of the narrosi spigce ai iuwed and hLcause of 8ke angle wbich il cuis 8o Marin Sircet. .au,> strongiy opposc*d go any develo)puien." %sk said. 1l wouid render my home wouihiess if this <i aif<iwcd lo go ibmuugb. Ms Gervais sid shk offkred Io purchase ihe CN pcoperly ifnmoi f0 years ag> wkn ',li iaw the teacks beîng lien up, but recetvcd no reiponsu Accurding lu one of 8he ihrec people bcbînd this diteelpmcni bed, Pee Gorman. thk pcopeniy was offered first go the Town and tken auciionerd. "if (is grics ahcad it wflJ soi ne niy conienllous properly concemri and i couid k a ceai credîi gu the neighbourbood.' <aid Mr. Gormaon fis'. mo hîgh den- sil> housing and il shoufd lakse cage o! thk weed prol- lems un ihece. Riserplace Crcesýcni cîsidLni BiJl NdcC'a% was con- cerncd ia th 16 Mile Creck ssoufd kx cucred «ver inused as i mail acces iî,the ne% desefopme-ni IL, w ai, ctncmbd foccauie lih, pr..çwriy on <ihich th hue.e wiii hi bufi is ahoui .1 mcliii higher han, Iand i. fille easil Cî,uncif tocard a i-icmy hlouse woukj iotoni more gluon 14> fort hogh Million', iCnmt plannerr Anne: liou&h sd ikere i, iii Plii i.. use the creck a% an acs fcoino Woiidward Avenue. She added gial ihe hcighl of the homesc 9-iuud - lie -n pinhlc. howevcnO Ui- u iud hc addreîscd wiih prosccnbcd %ci luacko (rom exsiuni hnuising of tie pruije.1 realc a,5<e plan <luge. Curreniily ihe pro$ucrfy stli ineflude, the 16 Mile Ccek. but according lu Ms Bowik. if Uir drveio(pniera, puceds"Uic crack cifl bic oeded l0 Uic f laito Reguon Co)nscralnn AuihOriY. Despumic Uic ubjç&oiimàu. court- Cof suied 8<> lonoceod wigh a planning &W deveiopimeni- depanmnico ienhnicai repoiri on Uic devciupmneni '55< hiave lu pcocced lgo îite iapplication fair ctnsidcraiîn on 11% inerliis said Counocullor John ChailinoKr i foo nigorward lo ocing ihe linal report- Sno'wmobile riding banned ini town Town councif rcceniiy pnohubied the use of srmw- mnobiles in Mion's vrbaon aiea fluai ufban vue îs hounded by ic CNR iracks and Pèni Road in the wcst. by Derry Roai in thic souih, by Thompson Road in the casi. and includes the industi. al aiea bowih of Highway 40f, flic prohibuluon includes dnsing snostmobules on idewaiks and medians, operaiing themr un any publc propcnly and ai iny time in the enfile Town hilucen midnighî mnd 7 a.m. The opecraion of snowmmoliles outside of the urtian1 aicas es govcmed hy the Highway Traffic Act According lu Town cnforcemeni ufficer lion McNaliy, said ike have hec> mnmerous complainîs 'sec 8kx fasi fess yeans. mosîiy relàied lu noise. - ----.- TAX FILING TIPS i Il'-.fthugf lime oif ycâr again when Canadiiinv Iry fo keep a8s much as, possîil (rom t he luix man. Effective lux planning 8<' really a ycar round cxcrcisc and thc fax filing is the report card on how wcll il is donc. There am. howevcr, a couple off iipi thug may hclpý Charitable donatfions should oniy he clairmcd hy une srouv., flot split htcwccn the two. The liroif $2(X) is Worth 257( aind everything ahove $2(X) oavcv 501/1 in faix. Medical expcnvev can bc poolcd by a famuly aind claiîmcd by di~e low"v income spou<c. This is advîvai since expenvcv% arc reduccd by 3e of net ncome Io a maximum -rcducf ion of $1.614. The Iower income spouse could therelore be cligihle for a higher credit. Invesfmenf income. whcrc possible, should hc claimcd hy t he lower rncome spouve. Aftcr ail. why nof puy 2574 %ersuv 50eC on a dollar of intcrest, if you cani. Significant tax savings can he obfaincd fhrough an effctfive long ferm financial plan. Doing t he right thing t he righî way ail ycar long will ensurc you reach your finaincial goals as weIl asv geftng an "A" when you file your fax refurn. For your free financial revîew aind fax planning a.vsesvmcnf caîl us f oday. Dy Wilim SWuli graac Mangr of THE Finauda -Pbamdq Grop Fer brdier Icfsmud oeil Ne et MS0) 639-87 1f05 ecu deep yoga, donaimm <fac i ny Laulunwn, Smpemoenle nof J"fr hll. OR if ySu would lilk. fa mcli a "ma donation, ail ,yauc casifuer for a $10.00 Donation Coupon. OR mail your donation ta dui Solsiofon An)., 100 Nipiing Rd., Unit 3, Ml ion. Ontio 1.9r 582. Thi;s moll alow local fod puograis ta purdiane ocod ci whologgic cou. We Bring Yosa the Power of Propane *Residenfial - Commercial I fndustrief * Agnculfural -Aufomtive Propane and Conversions 878-2318 130 Thompson Rd., Multon SERVICE - SAVINGS -SELECTION 420 Main St. East (905) 878-9720 &erving rhe Haiton arra for over 30 >uiars! D Automnatic Fuel Oil Deliveriei' J 011 Fired Water Ileaters U Bumer Service Plans UJ Heating & Air Conditioning For your totai comftort r.gqulirmu lfii: 844-9781 - M AL 216 Main Shot Eastf, Milto (905) 878-2326, 876-4665 Fax (905) 878-5139 The (, ,, . , - .- 1 arc - 1

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