Themmis po a Marel3,in? 1 7-I Region orders financial study in Martin JJouse plan4 New twist for Allendale av UAAD AUME The. Champliion, Halian cauticil.approîrd a loapliolo in the plans lue the Mirtan Houe seing ai the Allendsale lang-ttna*care lacifly. Despite a eoqpcil-appeovrd plan in refiattisti andpxpand Marin Hause. a study o! rtat implications wsea appiffved with titile fanfare si counicit Wedameday afternaun. Thtma uItie s\magtd ai the healili and social services cam- mittethe mmli belot.' Cauncil in txpecting a deîailed staff repon'tlits faîl oôtilintng die ffcosis asaociaied mîth upfgrading the far;îi<y.* Buelinglon Mayor Waller Maîkeseicl laid commitîte mecmbent <liai a report on the financial îimplications aI options litr Manian Hlouse <s reqatred pritr to any action. Burlîngiiîn couricilîtîr Jacki Peanisomn. seto slieplieeded <lie esisiing plan lienagli court- minnuumà ý Lit, sioppcd jas! shiort cil "lWe have te knou talliag Mlayor Mutesichis priiposi nai rary utheili where thie fllflt bs esistial; oiacil direction. comlng flom. We are [le Aid. hosweesr, silice con- cears iliai lits calîcagues 'nerour de bt scrc lichiag a pl1an ti capadity." osciara thelincital dcci- ......................... 5 1o0 'Me mayars îîl Burliapton UJIS M IMUE and lalisille vietd agairtsi lice mppoved plan set il passed cînancil, Tht plan kîllcd a prcîposed mimai ii 100 long- icrm-care lieds ia <lhc MCiih cfil albni n fasoar oI psrifial tIti- cienwcs grncraled hy capanidcng tht Alilendale site. "Yoar comnicats speilijo a lai tif trast and suspicion." Oakcsillc Mayue Ana MaInate tîld Me. Drnîsan at commîit Ithe lend <lie ma\met <c consîder tinancial cîptîions passed ai cummittc but ami seiliaut salisantial jockcymng tmy Mr. Dcaaisom otieli wardtag, la t'eheuary, couaicil ageeed duit 100 lieds cuteeally ai Martin saudit ummaneld. and dlm on addtionl eah cgi.I addition Atiendala en mun a cit esod for the constructian ai stens epeabma ta htlp finance the retrofit af Min Houm. "We have ta kSw mhere thin maaty 15 cummgs fmm"ta.'sd Major Muikemâcl.i n suppoet ai the flaaniatsWuy2..Wt are le aur deNl capaty. li's ciet the sale of landian't oina ta pay aIl T'ht issue allunt shen staff âted the cummitiec fite clarification aof the moin <lii paaaedi couaicîl. Mr. Venaison sodil cuncil direction nas black and wehite. shile Mayor Muikemicli added enougli shadas ai gray ta claud the minds ai commutce memhtrs. Bannie Emear, camhsinntoner ai social services, toaed cammîlttt dtit atedtd ta knam the level ai ntandard Manin Haine nhauld lie retaiaid tnanmd mhterw the prime seato mas stl lnsolvtd in Mayor MWIvaie said if dit itudy suggiets <bat a complttety mii building would lit cheaper than rcismllîîink the curfet strcure tien dme watcd cansideratrun gîven <o maving the faciliîy natii. .Budînrgion cauacîlkr Bah Wood saîd lie did nst feel Suai mwas suffictent information for cuncil io take the position il bas. "Marly peuple commented itcre w&%.duhstantîal misîninaimoud duning the debâte." lie said. Haltua Hibts countîiltar John Day calleiffor a master plan for tlit Altendale campus with an cyc an potential economies o! snee. '" Mayor Malkwich said cemnmîlee miemhees we&» makmng fer muet uf lts position than was naxessaiy. [le said a financial plan <sadenense and addEld <liai he mîghî change lis oen jsuiiîon -ai UMSE oni page 13 For just 44< a day you can protect yourself with the Heating Protection Pla n. Purchase 'Peace-Of-Mind' and yoci'IVe secure <nowing, there wilI be no labour costs, no parts côsts and no worry if your furnace breaksd cown.. The plan also includes our recommendied annual maintenance check by an expert technician. SIMPLY COMPARE THE COSTS COI SEl THSE tv ggUN OF Touen 1O1,W VIEIL woasr il1 modeila aimo tieas Mlle leD 20ho *Colllq dsbut la Ioa amualtlelogin tie oeleo Te flarynlr. MMit loi a comemit haglorf lam dulmol amiesg *casnt yeur lai*t ofl u.l a Yae-îeSa palortne nmil nS 3 eflao hofns lami«@frna osasm modela. * UAAf. SALE E»08 NMMCM 31. 1097 * Cia Saai Vo14 Pinîq SALES * SERVICE * PARTS 3U Omirlo St., Unit 08, Milieu111111 S7S*0004 A furnace breal(down doesn't have to be a f 1 n a n c 1 a 1 breal(down * wuongas imaargv for y o *rilnging une rgy lotom or ilfs $260.00 $0 $300.00 ,$0 $ 80.00 $0 Gnly $ 149.55+GST and payable in three equal no-interest payments on your Union Gas bill. Cail today i1800 226-4160 or any Member Service Dealer: Oakville/BurlingtoniHamîlton/Stoney Creek:, A-1 Htq. & Air Condîtionino 8 44.lpâr"' Abbey Air Systems tic. 847-2669 Appteby Systems 825..1893 Armstrong Humidifier Services 574 6262 Boonstra Heating A/C 689 71i Claagh Enerqy 662-8556 Greenali Heating A/C ltd. 528-0247 Kent Heating & A/C lac. 545-1081 tougheed Heat'nq & Cooling 383 3511 Mr. Purnace «q., & A/C 574-4770 Select Energy 632 1377 Shipton's Healînq & Cooliaqc 549 4616 Tafcon HeAilinq & A/C Lld. 545 4300) M ilton: Bailey Heatînq 878-4821 Gas Valve Fan Blose Motor Pilot Generator Spart Ignition Conta