Two stores, re pair shop up for major, community award 51 STEVE LeBLANC Specîl Io The Chanpon Qyalîiy service wiîh a smilc secms iu, k the irademark ut successlul husîniesses in Mîhun. lis. ceriainty whai's hetpcd ilrc local eîîmpanîcs garner 1996 Business oftihe Year consuderation. Thec Miton Chamher oif Cummerce bas scteeied a hardware and hume deraiing husiness a spciîally tisod store ansd an auto hoîdy repaîr shop ase the numinces tuîr the euvnmunhiy award. The pasi yvar marlied ihc end sut <îupctand Luinher. mne îîf Miltions% ti. standing conspantes. Thse Ciergeatu l6nîy %uld the Main Street business% its CasIay Lainier aller .14 yeari ot îuperattuul %rive IlhE carly 196(ts. Copscland sigle pltnd hth coiretum and tui-il-yiuiielfcrs wih qualîîy lumber and a fuit lis of Isard- warc pnuiiue.L% ..lmi vcry pleasd ahouul thse togninaiin. I cumaiuier il à ctiimplînseni lo my failsef andî 1 an viril ais att the tîîng.îimc, valurd cmpluyccs wcvye fiaa uiver the yeas." saud tuormer iîwner Uhuek (*IwplaWu In additioin tg i hbusiness commiitmnis, Mr, Cirpeanu active atilh ihe Rtliary Ctub andI varîus church sand communîiy gfiatps. 'Esceetî rvice n deii tîvery ha% magie figen tpeland a gnîwîing business Iront a smâlt tumher upceriîin îhrîîugh many seddtuîin lu a tulîînrec hardware andt home itecîiraing centre utl tiatay.' the buhiness% noinalor satît. Wîth moretihans .131 dîttcrei prîxtucîs andt a fll nsuncy lacs guaraenîce, M&~M Ucgai Stops an ideal fuie futîscale teinng or quiet duinenra itesî, Owner Scuis Scltihauer giaju hic "ih(Uihi tg wase treal" sites te teard &ftoulthek fîumtnatîim. pddng "iii mîe goi kc respecîed hy thk buhiness communiqy, Aloîng will trîendty service. M&M'g %ait iifetre s for çcrteng and prtpan rmeals Tticy also priiviie samplca tut van. us tfood% iliroulout ihe wcck M&M's îîinaior vite, 'Ttury dii si, nîaîîy juit eîmmunîty escuuis aIt pear t ufien in support ut Miltton D)iqirie i lliuspiatî and Uic suait is always vo lncnd- ly anud ftptut. Onc cueiiumncr îîl Terre' Tnm w4.ast soi-51 tairiet wiilh Chien wiirlh Iai kc îuminaied a tief thk Busiess% get th Yca Awvart "i9ff79 os, IMM 46n mbmaý Mm ilie s M ~ ~ ~ 8 a05eCN a $os NAMI , I2sum" 2, ~iBIT 'j;-9L * "Cr van vits vaniiLr andt we ioos il lo Tinm . ib diii rsacly whai fige sasît iky wild andt maie ai (et su cienri. dent aNuf dratîng with lhem.' îîîtd the nominasir. Titm aind Ianclue Brouwn à,peeialîe on autoi upghoîtstery and wîndshîrtd repanir Ttey have serviceilth1k Mîtîun iimmunîîy lin thk passif sievrt years. !Chas]. frtendly service i» th key," saîd Added his nlmînaîlur. -il eveiy business în.îîîwn ireaisfd ikîcr cuaiiunsr% tiko fim' . nu)s vii e wsutd htit anywkerr lia Mihoin." *[hle Business% ut the Veaur rcîpienli. atiungsi ili uuiher ('iiimuniiy A5ward ven-. ners. ssiI be asnuanced iiurîng a gala evenîng ai liatison lutta% Place Saturday. Ape 5. "a-"-Ctsanimn Muets 30, 1N7- 3 ,Library CEO appointed Miltoni Public Library bas a new chief librauian. Leslie Fitch, acting chW libranai and chic( exccutive ufficer, has been afflsiedlu is e poat!- Ms Fitch ba$ worked ai lte Iihrary since 990 as depuiy chier lihearin and lias served as tIhe acting CLo since fast~ year She lias heen involscd in a number 01 resource stsaiing Pailncr%'hips ineluding th, lialIon Cumnmunity Neiwulrk and Hilires Ms 'Fitch was previously Eo o uthîe Town uf flaldirnian Puhlic librarca. She hulds a dcgrrr li hîiuiry Iroms ihe (Uni ver'IY y u Victoria and amasser ti li irary sciencc frum ith 'un lefsiiy Of Westerm Onlanu Lable Fitchi NEE A LIFT? ~~ THE WIZARP CAN HELr. It'b timle to F'ERr UF your home îitid your 5pirit0 t'y ajdire a £,pla5h of ýprimq ColOUr and fraqrmce t your faVOurite.rooMb. CANPLE5 arc a faet, eaey anid ecotiomical way to rmake thece changie, It jut~ makee "gcenitt WIzard of NMcke 244l LakauIso RI. W. Dentine 90>47-7205 ge Moiis lx, 5. Càampb.IMl. o841 I.\tuflds (. .efltUIdtIlfls lo lton'% MdIor \'4C Ï In1vrhd%ý, lor i nnînIII ttrr /)nt. chml ihl nd re.prt"icnùtng Mirlton in thc ( kio \llnor I Ieckcv 1 te 1dî. h»p fi i Middle etR 14 Nathan Grenke, 8 Nîcli Cheseemn, 9 David Dimeo,. 8 Chrie Pedutta, 2 Aies Bemdt, 3 Scoit Cottard. 4 Kevin Parkpr 16 Roberi HunI, 15 5Cltton Holman 31 Michael Binninglon, 7 Kyte Heauns, 1l Elgin Reoid, 11 Malt Chuctimach 1 James Caçnce,. 5 Joli KrIchen îabsvi,. pentttoDimeo Asi (eed'i Paut t<itchon 4u f mi j (s/cnt, Tony Podutta> A \ipueial 7hank }Y>u toVwyni >nrtnrrpairent; inidinit ligi pour ontriI itipport For Thos Of Vou Intsreitsd tin Sesting Our Next Génie. Plans@ n ote that due Io undofined poIlcy for ice allocation aur next home garni (garni thrée of the boit of five &oflou wilh Belleville) wiII bas held in Actian, Sunday Match 30", ai 4:00 p.m. Why not hed up tho raid and suppoht Arnothor on@O of Mltori Chompionsip Toomî.,, llti worth thé drive ta Actanl Pliuse celi 854- 1158 for furfiier Information'