%t-The etl'1144 CitarePo. Match 30.13997 WEEEN, ARC 3/9 Lem MMWolarl, orvayt (Pl Prim brochure M&M m.& $hW, Sec,%O4l1 Wodlness Fuir MDII Canoidion DKtma Assoctafrlon Set 0413 (Pl Seors 74 (Pl Iintr1iý 3Rra'tnUrnilt 34 Sîis Av$ ' ~&, r ~I.r lilon, Ontano L9T 306 'tome join us for Easter Branch C'omplète SaIad Sap ifoi Rfe pg OU 'S9.95) )878-8161 SuwlEapu.dFo PaVaovs Av19.9uvaa Phone, scammer on the loose Police arc adnisung local reliu- detstub wary of~ a phn sca Police BMotter folluîwing a complialn frutia lmwc St mIrsidemýe. According go the report. an anoiher girl fuîlluuwing a heaicd unkauuwn male fauuely represuntinU argumeni. the Hialion Regional Police A 14-yemr-uld Milioa giil ha, Service.% Buard reqaelcd a dons- iccea chargied wih asauli antd ù3uu tg) thc Misffiag Churent.' hrcach tif puiiu l'uundi urfig a March 21 val . Oyredcate ie liuting %aid a cheqmcc çtuld Ac ofindcap uJruuppoi tiff ai a iuciituy înfuilhruu lof A 41 yccar tulu Mîli îîî.uît, 4ct pilik-ap . hargcd wotih ntumuli ciuuusunî froghl> '*This pâriy han ithing lt dot harr Mcêreh 22 lulluin an nui wulh lllin poîlice and were dota àtia Ninth lUae rrsuîleace advnikng Prouite nuit i) adhere li A mri wàa stnagauag wuih hi% girl any reuaml," saud Di>e Sgî Mua lntnd ihuiru aller iradauthi wlun Wclhhh but ruck fier unl the hitc, puuluee <Unr &aa.aLd A 1 >ee.uuhd Milton lemale nul lered lam.ual hnuibcn and kwellund Muindair aliemoun ulunng at tut dlent on Wcoodward Avenuc oina Mania Sirm Poilice repoirt 1he lca wvn punched in tiahed "bcveral liwh %auid , loi ber c' A lI crâltîr (wumh linern remuve slrucluon shauck sttfllie u l asl weckeid. Thie value ul 11he mli%tttg. equipoteal i% 5<111 Theft fromg auto An carly titu)ring trip i 'l m I luouiii w.us coIdY (tu a loc.~l resu dent Mutuucl.y wheti %tttitc.i %trie t1ueiui laurhs filtis lute qif A IIur.uî Kiur drivte, table% juua ci ttirutier acrr aorti uathe [iii u(nucuscl ai cputtucli ni11 a <abla hiout demalgcd A i1 yc.ui <.1i Mtllctii fatale fiâcs a harge cul luiiti hua tutlliutsut at yv. cecku cad lur Ma.igh 2? fulievuc t ho liripht wt, iury ycata gndà puutall- vlctinca ie mit un a 41)le hox oit uhe ptcrt> and vughl salel> haratsu, <Sue ycvcil stas aîupvtîtleiud i tht (<anadian flighway iwehy, rlive alimtal lasignialiî were '11We siwcq cIll apçucan un Milim il frugtif a Nuauh lune coin colin Inýdu> Apt 18 MatresesFumiture, Day I3eds, Futons, Sm VSgofas, Captain Beds, Adjustables i ~ ~ ~ ~ J niYr àI ' I r UioWBI L 101PA ____m "N MiN. Fi 878-4806 New edu-cation director may be na med in Apil. Italion Board of Lducalicu hair Lindi (flcver said thlie rccarch for a ncw dircgcor usl eduçai>a c> repia c. Bl WuIItcms who i% sicppung duuwn go becore a %upeÉniendtat -si enlenant ic t.lrelch toui ShL ud the tour reîuuacniucg candidate, uIl K- intc.rtced t'y the tearch committec net wc.cl suith inters teo helître th juil boa3rd loltoi ng xxitn clter fige tiew direc tor iil pt)ssuhl% tki narned hy mid-Apnil zl- HALTON ROMAN CATHIIC îï KI» SHffl.BOARD 5)- . CDNUING EDUCATMO SERVICS W1LL BE OFFEvJNG THEI FOLLOWI, COURSES FUNDED ltY HUMAN RLSCURCIE D(VUEOPMENT CANADA Unies% otheuwcise indlrcaed ail classes are offered at dit- Aduit Leaining Centre. 2350 Trat.tigr Ro.uct O.saksrllk FOR LEMOYMENT INSURANCE RICIPIENTS funless ouherwuse noted, CAREI PLANNING/COMPUTR LITERCY PROGRAM Inudes nu.uinrg -n 0inow 4,- P4tc, W-lISi s E.Miel Interne E Mai Sctteulule & caret-i PaMOi7r $TARIMI DAIILS: /upnI ZO lie h/ '7 V ,e-, 11MIL. Mont mu!. v , , 4 o LOCAi1ON: Notre tiofSeo. t. - rt PRgAIL NOTI- Mt ptaar u 1oMMMtr - rt tettir (etUti iMi f-or 0Çtmri5Bn r-, 1 9i r ý 62 or1 il o is AuTrocAD & 3D STUDIOi STARuil DAMU Aji1 l&A.iM 29117; la .nee) INAA MMN rauadauua fille, Àterud an iurnftmno -alhucday. A29I 10/97 bri.. &oo.ao pot lý Ca8 un t.tut * DIGITAL MfEIA SK1CIA IJT PROÇZa«M [ndrolirus ttaflnfg in tthe fotloMfg mtudMnelv i0f!5s.rg, arMçtucnTn, h [r- & MI Macmntos> cornjuoîer Autotu Phrrtituh Adiobe IllustrArSo Qittrk XPtes Mm rotetetr Onetoi 0,8 n wnrt pttxenftt wl part Nth,,pigîr teit ro50in ntt, ttUt p rI IPOMADON ON AIL Or MU AIO COIESI WILL Il WVAILMU At LOCAL CANADlA UMOVM CINIS 1EAgING CLM1 AND MU ADULI LLAUNW CMaU 01 SY CALUNG (1*1§ 257-IM0 %M àIffiFCOYIE