RE2 - Thé Canadian Champion. Magttr 3d, 1997' WIE 1L àd -à 4 hc Nxmhng.low. 1..iirge tunîIN Rmi with tieke7Xq lt et] 2 Iechki. Very pnviw. 1 x4 or tttun tnSs and gmnî Two ioaJ i tnittgeN, tcýýl -4) 1iuid QEW. (j' quvi nRir-kk %ibs ktpmwn4dab âwmt (90)859341RF AL MSATE T A B T lchw2 Snew-aII.cema icneSndcom mouI PAKBMGAL -a'-- e rte E?-o MARK Caui os Iittp:// ' "*~ e5niîo, i e IAN OLIVER.- pu.www Advertising: Neil Oliver (Manager) Real Csatt Rep: Andrea Boiyle Publuehed by. The Canadian Champion, 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9, 878-2341 Fax: (905) 876-2364 *rltee-Fa , c-Jrr l ' -e Mrnl .r ne erfO yoop rrcar 'r, otPO'a rlr ï.We 100-OceO'o eti, e0r.gCrteie aiC aes lIIIwr.frardOIIre wrong rie. Z0d , »W~ Co iy b.oril »rm e a ly bfou Phlloc.d We bohlaV 0f P& O@WM Mâm? 6-a Dtlie P61 EvâtM io.a