FOR SALE ON RIENT . Têtres, bedreem BundW». foc rocim, spoleea. $l.125OOhicu- Iy plus uiiiee. $18111,90. June lot 878-058. 2 81000CM, 2 hedvc, 2 fieçlâea, 5 mou bout Milan Md. Suftble for bllnai parsan or couplea UBOhncdtI pai hydrp 0540021. CAMPUELLVILLJ - Country i4m suia aMom grcund. Bright anid aury attcluien Io readi honie oali atprn "nce. Ordy one minmi frofi 401. Oui binan. #*çn tomn. betivoan and Colley hitchen adO, 2 applaices. $8001 mon, iiddaiuatie Pa ad lut 854-05.. GEORGEfTOWN. Victoren 3 liedofim haa. oui Ibpl ,a. $00 .. Alec leig 2 b eoni @pMien W S0 plit. 5190483-850, (519) eu3- MILTON, 4 51GROOM, honie bacIli onto pa". Huge - -iu leiton adO glas ksrpIaca, skyliglita, boilcon eneuisie and office Four eppbiacea. 2 liceai. dala1 scintila. Avad- aide Aprd 2081 $1400 par marol Ji 91)5,478- M07' 111111 5GREY, 3 -eam 2 bIIIII caM air, Becé No pets Isidail $1.105 piabldee/ mcnO.'Avâahe May let.,or sea for $l6o!ôw ZKI Aunmte or Rn 1 D1000M APARTMINT in ilr aib Mid. NUpond Reey lic. 1117-03111 à I1000CM APARIUT, 21 #i fluet Actan. Avallebte April 1/07. ItII eaf Raieecea. No peb, 878-7»0. i 110mm ApARTUB4, 112 Mm N of 401. $876 icitain ium"ea itlait., rae aal - "i MW let 47&.4m,5 dosrl s RM àpvml "WM»Umma. (BIS) @nom01, is1e) 053-535. AVAILAML MAY 1. 3 Eleàmm, efo duc*i rec rotai om lin beihrooi, garea1go. no doge plane $00 plueSl-084875 GUELPHI UNE in Milan. I R l - - apadi 0 yer oid eperuenm. bie & @bu.e gardon à parin SM5 puis u0iln 1-416-787-112, avert QUIET FAfILY UVINS AVAILABLE IMMEDIATIELY SMisî, <my pasir Fromýs 1505 Rdit .) 3U-OM -8 l2p81ii i à 2 leeeu e i la meaa, f vul der puihnilegea fo a onteacnt 0-eni danlad S pin.e Ul beaày, luha prlbned Woomiy 878l.035 Fm N Md115 Ommerc & nust lier Imm. Exonlen Main St laln CdW 87$- MOCEMI %la bedrani Apal I. Sle frtdga, 07U0. ~t migh dwtlved paikatlRu . Raleericns REA§MNE Il0W1AL UMMU for rMnm $880 pli WdFo.17-8123. etieuinep 854-13l.1.000 - 3 . . ILO«u Sniceal cri MOOII M bedrooni... May I. Slave Crtga M"iln'0 75-12110 or 11406-277-1347. central air conditloning, caikout tacli =k _________________ mnai pallon. Rivlisât R.Wrri. 32580& plus hyto. 8784123. eVrPg 854-1210. lé ArnU M~U gMM hadui bit ai &à" & Aggsèy Uine. $25.00. CO PNinney Ri Et- NEIW4Y DECORATED large I 1bedroom lm(lm> 44M Car 87lx3 @M% en. 2 baSa, fnt hl. kWud béd A lv. - " May 1. 8700, Umm bidude. OUNTUT bu» ah. Re** Io bulld yeur >Ank orCna. 838M deys. & afrl. lana " rM m 0 M arn. 5 af N oCi0îk ai i message ofr 875-735 li fIl Coruda. &Ms P&IAl Na"aiou1aMo"I. si a.0 ~-Phian 011l"75-1710, MgU-2407. 1MIlN.ý Viei Bco. avWluy lat $540. hydre. ARmut aeeê. U40 ONE nemolO , VlleParc. southeen experwe. dem unL lion. Wd a" Thomasm. %AMu Nllaei plaiait 870-777. QUIET. ONE bedroom apartiant in Aclon $500 Imor I ncludes ullitiea CMIi 854.2317 ROOCWCOI 1 à2 -e*aol upwInmrl. aun- siri MW and nrangd. U@sme iduded. (BIS>) M6400. 1WO IME0R0CM, 2nid im o o ad nouée. conri location ovetloomnU pond, prielm nt tr osc, sud"l for quiet melure couple. o deh ,T pea, ncnfriei $B7SMioni icil i sasOe. Avetie lmme aay 878-5182 ail 5 The. Canadin Chsampion, Marcih 30, 1997-19 4qteULiNU LKIL31-EIN'I I Iitu ll,4 hed,,unuiu 2 1/2 h.iainom. nuaun l l,,rb ni d Iimury nemin, tiTr. largç' -cd dungï rsns red and fcnss'd has,k yard. 2J 19', te rus., kk AsKiUNt1$149.800. 1 t-ait 878-86W.é for airirenlinwnl Fr1., M&l à Sm*., Ii p4 611A Acoda-ODr.; CARULEM Piotussuiaig dêcormid &nd liTldscaga EnNiCgfu 4-badrsum, 2-1/2 boit hou.I îlO sq li on 19 M0 Mon 110cr mtwndgjt al.P off open conceli kwd. en W/PUo lo 10to fil sgi u, m aid Ut8r fiate C/A CN, MUST BE SEEN' (10 nnrujM f4ormt ni Waitudgarr> WA1CM FOR 51011$ $378»00. n e-M __ PRIVAIT1 SAL, Exera8e Icw Infaton ori Raber"ac reseeut Man 110cr liil Mcm fil ireolec Large bright hIdien.t lialu ren rom. Heated ingroued poo cri overelxd otý Raâmced 11274.90(l No âgerila plane 9v appoinenn -* (005078-2508 ____________ i i M w~ rn~ i1~1 785 Main Street East 870-1138 875-2700 DELREX AL&MINUM LIMITED -E susuus s Sto,m Doo,' .0 slnq *Wnso., *SnssjwH, oF& a ' ,sssng Co5ss Als a fulil fine of r's'y a505,snt w,niows 877-5383 M .A.R.C.. PARITS FORT 785 moin $t'goT East 80-1113 Acs-oi u S - sus GO 5,5,s 1 CONTACTOe FOCKMT AEA 1 *OMPSN/YEETN 7 -MAONRYe Let our Champion Teram of uaurd Winni .ng I4ofeauaonaln help you nFuill Design & 11rouuioun u4A ('amuýra Ruady Art Electrunic Page- l)eign idei lour Fisirs, Ne% iiur flruwhuures, Pruu' i.sts, ('aalugumu siness i'.rdu Ftn, I.a-tcrhu',ud. fs-.suuuuues & %tnsr 191 Main S E, SHE"R.II<(iI% im.%(VTRI' (hi..nftii,s FREE CamE Steve McDougoiI ES TIMA TES 878-4100 For placng anew ad in I Adrise for 4 weeks and get Ïhe 5t!lwek FREEI1 aebrit Nebio L. -. 'ssssp,,als'e '.cs usae.s ,' 8319) $903800 Ala Anîeaidng SéMnca $8-M88 L% el . r b tii flic a. i Ic t-I *l 1 v u r'li s 1 i Isjuu ol ii I ru u. î lilial uistit uio iis it uu .f 1; 1j i il 1 u v 1)1 's is i Nt s i i i l 1.t ý i i 1 u liii 11 I u2 l% t ils i (l i -î rif, 1 C C tt CETA AI CONiTIOIN 1 eOISLIGSRIE ciNTRAMAI CSs,;.5 RIJNACFS - 1181 Pl AG i OILffiS i<Rits iulnlnNua Gissihn (hoss d,ds<Rs,u,. n Furlo)ng (ohmlis Bitrrinlrrs & ulctr 64 uilarl Stl. 'N. Cli<..,oi JutroeTOWNHQME Jut rov tn Brighit aid disait, Iclig quiet lroo-iuned sireet Spaclous entranca wih updiad fiooring, Freahly paunted andi carpul- ed in neutrai colos, tledwood dununq area. Updated lutchen, noie coranters andi loorolg, white cupisoards, double tin, vegetabie sprayer Frudge, now Cas atonie, sncluded Wailuout Io pnvate leeTced yard bacuung 0<100 polrt Askang $118,9W. No agents 878-9912. ;-ý1-1 777 LI 77-v =111,22 Ji ýr- 1 CI __ iùý2W - e_ý,