1 - Te CnaiuaChamnpton. March 30,1lU? -Aveti-mnt A lack of practice shbws =aI< 7 e. *~?IIIIMERCHANTS oitf p 10i Zunic thai rcwlued in lite gaine-weinner ai wiîh agaais Bramaiea and seccond-round vie. 11:57 of lthe third, Ü~lme Misîvriauga, Defencemenklark McPhaîi and Mark '11%W*; oe In a reversai uf fortunes. die Merchats~ Coom er mie hest clesiti> un the play, ath fe , bchtindearly Tuesday and piyed Nail iedireciing Zuitac cross-ice pana calch-up ail night. White, able lo crse lwo Ouver Cage fruder Lloyd Lairaice. THE QUALITY separate Blocs' leads. <bey.&couldn'teaop a Troy Waleeak hâtif polued il'sec Iwmu *îwo break byJohn.Nail avlDavidl und andl final equalixcr just one miinute VACA V ON carlief. lifting in a rebaînnaloft 11y holh PEO ~LE ACoîuper andl McPhail. PEOP LuBremaleas homeal much more uffensive NI c~~reîtivuîy hian in the firsi ihiree garnes, miny oiferings te>y have ted afier 27 ..ne Kpri lurm 5-ane we re tuLrainc by yrar54ol serving ilie vac.aion iraveiler they teSmc. Kypromnc ectre nb airc jusI airai tlie revu au fi The> lirre a i rKyle Amyolle, ('raîg Hemil, Je Cboude- par t the wt,rid' Iargct leivuire travclt ens m..<om andl foirmetr Geonrgetown "dear bave companty. <Busih lnavvd AIRl*OIIRS, md D'Amnti,ýi, wh brilaie ilrougit Mikonie% o1ein %utin art ho s I Fromt dir unI> lie GO Slrong, Unyioldifig deliensive weh andl baid an upllsiaire wrti ru tri> corroerv tl the glotthe, te, vacatuin sln for bis rcame intil goal, piivkagcrs including 71 'ail incIuiuvu b tu Soit. Flexil Rinkra la ile iigael' al Iîvitîtîns. plu% places cxcinstvc titi> Iuov,~îa S IUT 'ir liii p.ailge hantkînu Pt1k t wiJ Styl l>aîria a h Mi lvngtc alypN 1h itvltem evhut Ftr i Fs, .mpie the dilennce nbi.nn um Oak & the play %villea i.tIh% ali tv it)>us e!tIje tce fi thiih v s iv dîtii W ADo. Tv, Oak IrOu Il tv, 'GO' ntrorrgr a00 jet rv tr,,veri break rn tho etrn Tvh Ae yenlo If vo hi l' Clre I, soin andabit, 1, envsiland the tend but flot Qtrsrg. e IbIis U i niron uint l 0*0s ff banches 4 Il 1akes ut, etornéri 'Go i iv' O. Id lOARMO. <ilaiI NY & BALANCE IN, k chat es qsek and s the mas% laritl1ad h ickliide I)IAM<>Nt> ~ ~ ~ ~ St lé*. Ad I ot:I yeoARATE w. study ai 'fi~ttmng Gnfln Mlariali h DIAMOD MrEtWnMo b> Thre Canaien Onracina cd Sienr J, Kin lic, play %ea% Iravie Riggio, velu,. ailloli ON TH SEAW<4>TI:Zvîînî,i ite a, Okinateav Go Ju RyunChlsro Sonrte Scott muth Maii Vin Arkcl, mie iiiuipl sv (tvurreulleredhy St NQII;NI andulie> Hoga1Aart I ee# Henad ntMot, gt Oh aorovnalflic opaînoi n-1 hove jucli nntaunreal ie>y wiii etend <llirt VIitiisCrfflui Th1e 1,I huie vinbinel for jusi uiec goal service lihere throug~h (huilier 19ilih r t~ Ars'rt rlvïberuaui Orignait ha% lvn m-as nies* imai darir. i Marchent notent AI prees unie, gante sion AN IIC.IIFPoikr rvhýilh Weeb <îi)nlrrence Ji)ei Ilirce muls frît ilie airpot ltsutede l euolirrdangqnM ull actuiplieuf% ortrh tel LA PAS tri 0i nesaur> gante ie wîiula reveni baiK Iiie the MîVXIC'AN RAJA imbere miny Caoi!. I aml Bramalea iuimurriim tMindayt ai 7 4 ' (ranaaianche ieiiieideduning themwin - pp-,r m I)eiail, *Ill hoe peublished'Tueday tor due ici îe fabuiuu meaihcr!Ithle revira tentares un l1i hole elianipiinsliip ginI vcouerse (in il% griiendh' Wundrai %teuieu'.- tlots tve .ind dei. piu, enjît> ilirwatlur - ttok un page 84 teilieu lirîihure and plan ltr book iul, (i(,AR LOYERS- TRIS I' -FOR Y(>LJ Whal boriter plane ut enjîl> a cigar L hlan un lie dock of a IILL0lAND AMER- <CA CRUISirSHIP The> arc cauerung tuE iq u 1 rr 't,îgar atfiinadîre euuh uheir 'CIGARS IJNDER 'HIE STAR' SOIREE and betyE &STC . unelade a:urdials. cougnacv. niusvueand dîm FULL LINE 0F BXLACRM PADS&STC . lighting t enlanei amlriance'! STICKS FROM S30.00 TO $105.0O vu _111Q ON-SITE REPAIR 0F EQUIPMENT - AND STIRK RESTRNGING. DID Y<)U KNOW: We nîrurd in a ,Qunr.rrk a-onrn n- . enîru .no . . feceni colum, (and many peuple a.,krd ns 885 Mains SI. E., Milton alunl il after readuing ili abovut ur JEEP 878-8862 Ank r: Ron MacNeil OEING STOLEN frornt an tarpoun ,urip bolet parkung lot Wînli. TORONTl'S FINEST RFCOVERED IT" Secrti u suis $uiung on a tritp to CZFCIOS[.OVAKIA.HA TO int veav uniercepîrd dnrung a 'staleont' hy HALIfN pitcue Nom lt i ntaI t nuire 'untu uheft' tnuff. URCNSA * MINOR HOCKE Y TRAEL TIP OF THE WEEK: You S RN 'R O T »alle frnt the 19 mnmer INDEPEN- DENT INNKEEPERS 0EF ONTARIO. Fh puea osvay rintaieluin - tait TEAM 1ST DATE lIME ARENA COACH 80034-4fl orino.MINOR NOVICE SUN APR 6 9:25 AM NWCC IBA àigkâ Pb-d'Pl NOVIC~E SAT APR 5 8.3Q!AM NWCC B. O'NEIIL _____ MINOR ATOM TUE APR 8 7:0> PM ERIN C. WELLS i rave ÀTOM SUN APR .<' AM NWCC K. BARBER * Professional TraVel MINOR P/WE SUN APR 6 (155 P M NWCC O. SYVRET and Cruise Offiiais' PEEWEE *SUN APA 6 \320 PM, ttWCC H. FRASER 87 - 8 6MINOR BANTAM SAT APR5 0O0 PM NWCC S. MELEE -8 8 28 6BANTAM SAT APR .5 7:30 PM NWCC B. DAVIDSON la MuoUn St (d mon MIDGET TO BE AOVISED C. HANMAN Afi£in AtonFour lryouts booked per ieam, to be completed by April 2Oth A h. ctoa d ! Tryout Fee' $12/tryout or $40.00 up front for 4 tryouts iamdstRa s od . Rs1t P M~ oeu defeu. Il pwuto .haldWoPeu th back-te-bok mfIn lai ghOM lhlaa Oied off oemýe-flombeud am n ueibeumgh. Oien Va mi wilh die game-wimer<n"f Il ly. AuIahing on lter g8>0"a gar nie Tuiner. sauf Pelio. nuewhile, mu die ar aed Puuto*igsiln andl fNaal lia op betweu due pipes. AltIo ueonng y Seeds mhhle Mitchell and Laic R dm eac. Singla helpers mai I<q sa IIerI sam Ben WIiSlsn 'eteitaogi hula a brief oni.gpa la Mildw belote dielocal mruclkeen il mnmd goals for à 4.2 triumph. nu its mi a goal AMa Iwo assiste w afin icil icoreallance ana taddeld si 1 isilical. wuîh ans lu Van lxb Bason. Kyle Canon ramoeli the min il 'eletiretufli ho"te garne four Fild availalile ai penne imeý If tcva yod Ibis aftftue~ (Sunday i iA. i hue 2:34: a.caI I1onarch midgetsl win goit, n Hamilton tournament Il mis <lieni a cuouple lil gai. ue uiri ot neautral. huait i l)e atîn Miarvît tualigca bary% bq#k-lbail loamt vveiual. ly L ned liils-ha chauuriienhip' tfille ai fle llaiiiliiioin Rebuiunding Irotn Carl> laies es. lthe cresu riacenhi> piusld a 06-59 min arver th1e AIîvaster Magie lai claim fille giuild Danny Merritl andl <'ana hvne peaiviiea flic beuik tlth svtiuiig malh 17 pint uislei Mail iIaglu'> atil Ruiîbr Skialner aie, v unirluulr tai ofiii e. wite euipMIianii îaei tileiailrr Sqcvcuu Ha.rdhingt <urat*aad eigh.reiiutid.e Aruclioruing ihe ilIfenuvv citons ma% Rirai Masse> Giadent; qla yean'e (teiare v iv ireh Li.aîa v Ftriut autîl 11cict Matali 'Ibrîor neoa chl echre mill ourne Aprai 25 toit] 26 tt ilerlinguton GAMES PLAYEDON SUINOAVS AT GEORGETOWN HiGt- SCH0OL NEw TEAUS oR NEw PLAVEARs Musi' REGISTER BYAPRIL13/97 ëOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT a 3-4 victoey Saqediy Lom proavidied d*À fialho ma of Jeter Mitchal ad aM paie ofaula. He di.DSe McTinach mas fain Piail Losider IId bMt chalked Up two *Cmu Leigli. Salive ad d folidg;;W' nigit rmced bock milli ihree Pacing the offensive sSeds. Redlhua andl aglui. Dan Mebuffic (2), Turner andl Jeff ale ly nili ka~lis were *aft Ugcti)wn