Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Mar 1997, p. 15

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,Rid1ey twins steal more than bases Pair jroving to be quite a hit in first year ait Bail State Merchants finally lose one in series, Sif STEVE LSI11LANC Specoioml ta lOite Chploanpui l iit I ii * a ilio. ' ii ii o f Ille goitofy sîshleIn toliiopti toi tic lIrsi loime In 0 îîo lottts, fic Meins ie~itrvil dctcoic 't tic 4 1 lIwrs, coîur tesy 001 elie ilraiîottea Il lacs, marlks uNe oîîl y htuii (ion Mittiotis 11 1 piayoit anipiogli Il atsei broumgi an 18-gaine unkaien sîre:at ti a Natl andi prerentesi a West Cionfcrence inats Making their tiait stand, the Blues showed enthusoarm toor the forsi time on the senes and iinatly got a deceni performance ooui oîf gîoatie Buhhy DaCoisia l'Ne Merchants hy contrait sseren'l mentlty sharp andi spent muctio uthe evenîng fîgouîîng the pack wih miJiice tumoîrers andsi bown 'coing Ctiances, .Wc doda'i play wti the structure we tiave 0,5cr the pasi few weekàs WC osere real qpoity on the euirai zine andi on delence.' coimmeniesi pre'.ideni Gtregg Carnigan, uhiose clab ted tie kLsi-iif-scecn sioîwdoîwn 3-t ai pies'. lime 'Wc haventi peaoliccd Nince the sertes. kgan and thi ra.s erodeni toniogNIiTucsayl'" Milton %as ht wibt' a duslc-wtiammy in ganie foour. tn addition I~o tosing the titi, icIff Hayodar sustainesi a laceries rijti ponkie taie on the secoind. l'e 19.year- oodl oîsi the endl oof th inger and wîit bc out loir oîne 000*0o wceo'o The tlocal loirwand hai crme tonNte forefront as ut laie. '.coiring gooal%. ansi wînnîing face'iolfs - .. A LACC on page 16 Bi STEVIÈ LeBLANC Special fo rifle Champion 05 iOi . if. nuii Nationahl I illgo tî'Ahleiî AssO it li n s.ooîjo s I uNi 111V Psi( 111 AlIr .1 sîillil bigle s4, i .000 pâigo orooti Ilei Mitlon laîstros -T Mulaoolg%. elle uiling faost ysors thoNh 119î'ootlîsofilîe jloy Cs *11 Loiotiosoî trajet.î kîîIlîý liv m.jito goia liii S14110 ' I , iiO0' ll di % l o lo i ili e. timotiolîi t l. i gi 0 50Ili%Ii'llIf Ii l 10 00000 OiOO *I ii l..4 '1 4,111lt-,mi %ville ljI j àîii trîo ioî toit..o l i itý oul yvar Ioraoi ., i I I %4oI6itio'y iniitial 14 bibi boitltiy lie S5iili I.Miiii .11 bi'>em¶l h..s wti on M ilo oî o tro M o oo î il i i o i : 0 4r r tNlI0îoîo o it1,1l liioup WI)tt a liée N.ollieg averaoge mliii iiictiiolci 0*00doublesiaou a hioteu noir .otlîoOth lic I Inrvy oit Niooli Carofina -Ire sloîtmn l'ive baies soi fier sb wett. Sped i, stonoeihig ose 1 Shéync and 1 Itocuseil ion on toit hall andi noow ihe çoacluiog b fait os% basoo.aly giv- ong ub the griem ligh, o.aod Jereopy, whu &loong wiîh Nos Neother cnjoyà a paflial*ischolarship a( BSU. -Cnach Matoney os noos lelling nie thai the soaiersjoli coul Ne mine i latep produc- ing.- Consisteocy on the rild witt delermne Jeremy's sialuâ fhms year. Maloney said th raok- le has -gud inhield actions" on las pre-scason report, Nut witt neesi regutar testing Io mature. Pto*er andi vrsafiity woiI bc keys Io Shayne seeing; maj or actioin ihi sprtog 't moire o îen- %ivety so)unof oth k 0*, ke" ur< liing oiesig- naiesi Nüitonj duîy so far andi couli ^Pendl ganies ai third-Nase andi en tett-tieid, as oseil as ai, Nos Iong-lime poîsiton ut sNorlsiop. Descrnhesi as *an ustamodtng hoqer" Ny Nols new cuoach,. SNayne shoutd sc plenty ut ai-hats as a ruiokic, Nul witl thave a Nard lime upstaging detensose siltwari Jasoin Murray ai short. Hc's cun'entily hittlmg aorednsthe middteofikh tineup. Altiough tic stl hasn't tauncNeoi a ring hatl yet, ke ha% tlisedooubtcs, 0)re sioten bases aood a siid.320 avcraic Stiayne sai kL hois t oi mnr coîntidence filan 0Fno 4 tf Vt LaO.LAots Silsyne (tlt) end Joremy Midley have wooled no lime provInq Ihemreetves in thse NCAA. Thse Instn brothers ore manIq big contributionsi wlih Ball Stau University in Indian. "Coud. ;=kooq b e aie. He% a r mE mue aum eue 1 dedded te ,orn to flu St@We' kc torughi he'd tiare aI Ilu pooint in Nos unorersi- (y career. A slriog perfrac Ny Nboti brohers on fait bail etouui ke îhk rason [fir fins, or prtiapo ast summer's exploosive non wiîti the H-amiton Blue lays. Along sîtt polchong sensation Pa Lynchi. Otie, led the Junior tecamr tu afourlh-piace finish ai thk Connue Mack World Senesjn Farmuigoon. Neos Mexoco., Thle Roidlcys' Contrnbutions Nase kîpesi BSU lo aj impressore 9-4 siam Tits cartyw sucesa. sihieh onclu&be a l'ue-gam e on streak, shouki serve u momnentun lor upornoing cottircice Natîtes soiN Toledo andi Bowling G'ren. 'We're gellong abatte 10 tilts a Sanie, su ouor. ollence is oliviausly soliandt WNai ive neesi now es consisency on our potctigior." explailtet Jeiemy. Having takien urer a( BSLJ lasi spnng. coachi Matoone, wott ki tooking to rakc Nos Carolinats frum mmd-pack dwcrs 000 MAC champions. Last year. 0ki cami fiînîskd 16i-14 in confer- ence play andi juso misset gratobiig the ast play- off spot. Shayne beimeves a hogN.nsk. ttelnsive-minstes appruact il solkp BSLI gel 005cr the Nump, "Coach Malone> os a gambtcr. le's a greai basebatlicacktr andi oine o the main reasons Jereriy ansi t decodesi tr conte te0 Ball State.' Nc saidi "We're gooîng O) Nhire (fur Nantis [al ilh teails lofte Kent andi Oio, Nul 1 really think tis Icami os capable rit kong coonference chamnpions.-

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