«0 F 6é ier 806.uihsbar (@dm IOBODVDOES ET 7iRE STORE M8 ONETARIO ST. 14. MILTON TELEPHlONE: 878-2859 AOa 'A IJI im , auto centpe. For oaver six pe owner/operatr Steve Wilson ho@ Doon providinq Milton with top quality service. -0 Prom regular tune Upu to brake ,and tirs service, the staff et /Bargein Tire Auto Centre will enIIsure cuetomer satisfaction from start ta finish. Located conveniently near Oonown Milton; try Bargain Tire Auto Centre the next ture you need the assistance of professional a&tomotive arir-. anou-ialimtu WeédiifnwMdaê I SHERIDAN 6i PO#sIrom 0 &. dwspqa y i wrs U ppo<f AUTO REFINISHINO . Thanks Milton for a greai 1996 Steve Bertasson and Reflections Auto Refinishing have heen retinis-h- ing and repairing cars ror over 11 >ears. Speciàlizing in base/clear paints. "Don't just get your car repaired dt, any shop Repair it where your car 's 4.ast a lfetime.", LCLASSICS J -Exclusive framers for - - Pro fessional Framers fo)r over 20 vtar s - II Original Artwork - Corporate Incentives s Personalized Gifs , Limited Edition Prints 'I * Special Gift items Ofrer oxcSes Juo .27 Authorized Service Depot Full Training Contracts Software & Accessories Network Insfalling Sales & Service On-Site Service LARRY -e li GREEN Malfown Computer M. ..Il folia "For the past-20 years, Paradise NatuJral Foods has been Milton's best choice for >Specialty natural products and vitamins. Paradise Natur 1 Foods is very supportive for those on veg tarian diets, high protein diets, macrobiot Ic diets or for'athietes seeking an extra edge. dv Special orders available upon request. 4&