Dateline le à fra MWIt of cong averie endi mon Wednaaday for SeatdWe lafflon. Oeoietow ati 7:3Op.m. Ail memtiers of «tlY. Thé cofunss leavelti rd& 10 ocal coin- godbetemi e l ot bu -e çi -cei by tala- te counicil ari Igny inseresteid parents are mnniy groupe la &&aloi ln pfomotirtg thfilr phononint uated fuure ivente. Orily charitable or non.proff inieitfated comntunoiy groupe moly uié triosaerooic. We T'uhady Apr. i ilit" Apr. 3 con 00ly gueranice onise .of poàhliciiy eM closest t0 the date of the occurrence Tfie CalIUW New Paente Group ineets The Humectafi Division of the Million ciradl Chiltis Dr. fromf 1;30 tn 3:30 p.m. For Agriculture[ Hall ai the Milton Fai, 99. ààioj Ù f NonolsýL ghIIne houdl e hn Sin more infrormation, cail 825-6060. ex.Grounds ai8p.m. Admission costs 3 7 fl E.. mailed fo0 .0. Box ?48, Milton~, Ont., L9Tï 7365, 1 vficli includes lunch and Mines. EvMeye 4N9, or ta*d Io (90É)878-4943. The final The Bishop geig Sehool Couiseil is welcame. deedine le noon Fniday for Tuesday's edgoo mnet ai Holy Cross Sehogi in ' The lûcloaan Order uf Nurses hloids a font caie chnie ait he Milton Seniors' 905-896-35 0S Activîfy Centre, 5S0 Chîlda Dr., fram 1 iu 230 Dundfee St. E.. Mealaeug 1 JO Gkib. Some councillors wonder if 4 pi. lThe cma ta $f5. For furthor infar- ~- . et a6ion or an 827-8800.~' *i ' approved plans in jeopardy Fotctchisaey pinrgt l. fromt REIlON on pope S and ettiargeti is still ie counicil direction. aed on lte, informnation CIW resuits. Mec agreed lthe study proceas provides Milton cotaicillor Colin Seat calledl for e Hallon iil lie edveîeg of Wigiting e fes sult-commiltele of Itealdi and social ser- months Inlu eif ù%~ provincial goverti-, vices lu sheherd lte oatcifie deteils. fmit< position on findmtg flic committ direetion saiied îhruugh taciflies wilI change. cauncil with Mr. Denniaon tckting e more Mr. Dennison sesid ire fhs riity le ta concilielory.appoeeh, keep tise fecolities et Allendele lagelier. lThe oniy lhiisg liey changei wcas toi Any option la privatize caulti ha consid- look ait he.lung.leon cosis." lie said. 'Il ret fil e ler doge, he saiti. foaeil onT H don'i have a pruhlemn wiîh Ihat. Thaî's changes in gavernment legisalimn. Mr. ' H goand linancial management." Dennishn suggesîrd thet on 10 years Mr, Denniauon calleti the study "a sicify Alîcodafe could ha a pnivaîe fccilily or internaI învevliglhion" and suid lis position caould ha caqJrlled by lte provincial gov- I Aý.é .d H thlet Marnin, Hsiuse sold bc maîntained terminent. School gets bumped down on board s priorty f îu* - froin TRUSTffS on paop I ing ai new gru.wth W . lerso od niade "on tht. bonis of s niloh Jmc Igý- %li.-rkK:o.f-l moi.-. Wcq Oak rlo.- nbL h. le mggcstid. htioo.v. ih.i lIh. whoile .Ill. Mfifhrîvok îwhich fi% nu e Ihce ý-euw Nuld lx lor naughl if the- huierd 'luni her t rl Iloly 11(1 ar r1<e nIl op wiîh lsi ssii funding for lhe nct Itiftrî juifle v Ille. l t , th I Ia N ,l lot .ir - 'l hw iii. .n paon if oooth ai Bol, fi.- asd - wil. - o wa ieda o>i for ., iurtifi-r 11 un filii f)n iicr lt e loiai wc. kno iii hi ilts noinistry 551.n -i do(hff Il Ille. bord kniiws Il viii lic gel- W.- r.- çcNat.oI. s ili MN Jiil ale igii ng, fi l s i i o, ndjic luiaiioing the% Ifle Illes liirI.ngtti ie wei flt rc itciol ti os J iiidi lis faiol if Ilo oed on fhli e s.'Ille. IIIOiIisr> us tilk i s>. There's a new traffie sign in town. j -- TOOMPSON $10 There's a new Hertz location in town. Drop by and dis. caver why our great cars, great rates, and great service maki Hertz a sign for the limes. AIvanti Auto Tech 909 ýNipissing Road "'> * Milton, Ontario (903) 878-2952 Heorti resta Perdi wA pou as. Ruth-Ann Hill would like to extend her )l congratulations to 16 year old I4ndaay LAfl.cche from The Dance Sh >PCe who won, "Mié. Footloose Eh:te Mhaipion 1997". Lindsay w'ill now go on to compete in the National Finals this summer. We wish her ail the best. 29 (Att "Break-a-leg" Main Street 8"7O diliIside Road) 87 48 iu -