lO-The Canadar Chamnp4an. March 30,1997 Sooters eMac 10EnsMa ~s eapew~Io~ Educatlonal Scholarshlp Prizes $~ ~ 500 LAURIERAVE. spnite Ey A -8394> Contact store nearest to you for details. Corne ln to SooterIs for ai your )Aotography services. Pmru mufue sufRn - a.oms wamia".PU $3395 MW¶L1. 349 1jr 49m8 83JM 16 wme.m - ï &Fm-m- Mm àfusl a MTIIISFUMUS %mes0 410 UCI0YMAN RATi Tu L P OiPTS Sel i WM uau- Ma Fffl SEMINAR! OUED IE NCE/PROBE EM SOLVING M.~~~~ rmmr, u nMA( t Opportunity knocks Staff end voluntéeçs mnade apendlng lissie ln hospilal mor-e pieni for patienta end vialtors by dscorallng doors ln fastiv style. A . leul *r-ay of paper flowers apruced up the halls. Mem, Alison BorWiu4 of Mon District HospIal'a food sarvkce dlapaya a tray of Easte oles aarded Io. stff end patients ln conluniction w1th'the hotlay WeMr noti Donovan Baley but we're STILL ruxmlngi ~1~' 45 MIn t. M. 878-86ù 4 lMI a@aM.a 100 X M0, brmW mw $M sde *ITUL t waâ,g Vait hard baads, 1-1 test ,de . "M,.$100. col 575541 MM - * Mr'paam, rsdr $75 MW undar oul SEIIIAT Ma- r:r,= a9 oglume, Fmsa fi ilo : e k «M. Y, ve = ttd d me -ofo o Lielfyi Dow $fa O us 77.7m0 IIIIIIIOLS 44# Cabls oonverlsr, honte 871-194U PROOTOR SILEX 4 fi lo oSi, geste ordomq, sa 050 mi- -01 RMSYWtLLOWSI l 4 M =rgo,30 nSnw sUINIM twist. of Io CW 112 or 330 le" STOVE,. moirro n Moo cn Io rse 00 ECon paèA lu trie 17a swiveI Offia Chair, aii hagrt .19 port "N ee.rwo ibaronI Jek fier CD a phono OIb FOR saE *NO STRINGS AITACHIDi - AVUI ro! 19 AIl %V *0 h1 u. .d .IIO rIe. 4N i.Ai.l jfA l" l R A ýttLeowk«