Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Mar 1997, p. 9

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ui] THE 11EARIrBEAT 0F OUR COMMUNITY NEWS AND INFORMATION FROM MILTON DISTrRicT K( Sponsored by Bob (PMe) e litc aitît' nI cii Mg lîiatit c o<ti, Miltoni I)istrit hlîîîst.ti ittilît F.Iii ln donaîtionst illor' titan ci"r. TI I MDI F>ol"iiiitlit wtt n pttiitd as a registi'rtd ctnty mît I9wt i r*' t t' mnuttanit antd dtstnibitt. itese ticîtatît foînds. Titotigitt Foiitittatiîtît doesn't con- triiiite il) the ormtal operatiitg cists of tîur Hospi tal, it' dlues provimie ftîîtthtîg for tlt ticii tof M DII, Thruught tise FoutîcLton(îtîdMdi(uaitx. businesses, service clubs andi comnhttity organtzations clin beli oiîprtîve thse' i tlity tif our hc'alth (-lre services. Yoîîr donations, leqlests, plintie giving anîd specîtîl evetîts' proceeds can be clîrectedta specll'îc equipîient or areas, or tippliet to prior:iy items. The Founidâttoî is abtout to embark oan àmajor fondrais. er. W. hope ta help Taise tise $300.000. nc'essary ta finance al new c'trdîac mtoniltorinsg system fer [CU. Tise proeedah frott tis year's HIIE FUR 111111ALTU wlI bie usèdto helppts'ehaetisainvaluable eqsulpment. lIfyou wouis bille Io mace a donation towaî'd thse cardiac moni- tort.g system or would hlke morie infornmation on the Foundation, contact us at 878-23&3 Ext. 2170. REMEMBER ...the Foundatiott issues receipts for mttrai' tai psîrposes. 111.E FOR HEALTH CHALENGER'S CORNER lfiyoîs art' itîtereste in la sttîg a HIKE FOR HEALTII challenge. let us kîîow andi we w 1 ade t itte our CHALLEN(.EIIS CORNIi adets WE NEED YOUR HELPI If Vot woîîlliki tri belli omît at any of tihe fundraisetrs the Fuuîndtiîî it is ne wotuld LOVE tulisentr froro you. For ats little as a few hotîrs ai yeur you wshl Isenerit a #reat cause, YOUJR HIOSPITAL, please call the Foundatiais Office at 878-238 Est. 2170. TRS FOUNDATIOIi15 EXIl AE SMILING... A to5Vo4 tihe mnhîin' tisanks goes ta Tise Canadisa Meter Co., tise Dicksens Restautrant, Don Cherry's Grîmpevine, Kelsey's, Optuint Centre, anthfie Milton Legion for maiing tits St. Pttriçk's bay a ittie bit preener for tise Fttîîndattoiî. Duri to thet wonderful efforts oi' Brman jobtîstoit, piaitt manaîîge'r at Canaclian Meter, $93.00 was raised iîy tit' ù%'st.tiîittents se-itng paper shamnrmcks antdt Cattaitî Mi-tîr 'tpleswetring green ciotlthtg. THANK YOU TO THE KINSMEN CLUB Tîattks tii tii Kitiîtumet (:luit ofi Mitoti netuf Ditrict wltii dtltîedtî $2600 0. Tii git liai iiti tiad toi pîirt'hmîî ...... Andr'ic Xiic'/wr, lKipriut' Tryuîsuîri'r, MDII, kîiindilii Boacrdl Mei'uihmr, 'Itini I»oie. MïDiI Exeî'tttiteî Diri'î'tor. Alltn Haltls; Allston l>iî'cita-Wilkes, RN and Rit k Mnlbtisf, Mlaiten Pa Prtcsldtnt % Sponsored Apîr":îtmî tith tuni ' Voit tri iît.tt Ici ?l qoi ai sa d i tclitait,it 111 titie litijilitti (tNçirti lInm't'tî titi blaitrs ofi 1 10 tcè attîif '2(x) pîmi. o ~5tdm'ma.Apnl itt. 1%7, Titis lunit i sjii s<îrî'îl iy ti.t Miltonî District Hitaiu l t~tti Ijireciors ttt tmpprevc'atmitî îf titi sumport ani tfitrts oif thte Aimxiîaîy Pli-tise cIIII.t out, ib.,lj5ctm imitai andi ttet mtiter vttlîiitîîerp. otit frîmîtts aitt get tu iusow some ofomir mmcv tii'ibers! SPRING INTO FASHION BY PEGGY'S 0F MILTON A Fashion Show andi Lunciseon taces place atte Trafalgar Golf & Country Club on Sindmy, April 120th ai 12:30 pas. Tickets lire oniy $30.00 each. For tick Ws cal! iris.Wilchiasky lt 878-273, Grame HildebrIci at 854-2675, tiie Hospital Gmt Shop. Peggy's (Miltonu Mili). Delacourt's or Thse Ceasine Cid Connectiou. Tise Ovation Quarter (Acapella Showcase) wiil entertata. There are wonderful door prises ansd a super raffle for: Susas Bisttal Sweater donate by Peggy's of Milton Dlamond Pendant donaied by The (.enmuiac Golî Connecuon Paintlng by Mtary Down Rloberts Wekend In Niagara Falls HOSPITAL RESTRUCTURINC COMMISSION TO VISIT 1114LTON %is fleah Serries Resiructtng Commaission (HIISC hutasunoeucSd tisi it wtill b.e seat reîlb heltla tie Crsacter Toronto Ares. sartiag la the tient Iwo iveelt. Hali u lbc exanitaci, sog wîtb Pei, Yoek Wat Duthamn Reqion. Tise HRSC bas huviteti intered idivduais aniII organîizattitas to submît initial reports, O them on hospital servces in tises acceai by Aprdl4,1997. At ibis point. we expei tuai reports wîhl hi' ruadte Faimt tais, andi [rot the entîre îîînctcîn hospitals ta cte GTA Ouîr reports viii fiocus oitsuit ttitgi as tlte raptil point. ittimn grseh projiteil [tir t It.iit aîs nîli as ur <trrett eff'tt enttei ici proi iing sii'ic' wte nl argile' tai titi tIISC shtîîîiîl loot tii iti%#tt atiiîitititai rî'îiitrti' tii prît. v ile çervies in liltnt. rather tuit t.tkitg titur lattai .uppintach oif service tî(tjitiiis t Il i'api' titi titti thse (ntiitnisttion's re'portt Mtili lx.' <suit. 1ltti' l titi muleîîîîr tir eari F'ail UX I> CVONFII. 01111 .VW ASSISTANT'7 DIIIECTOR " P T SER1VICES ,y'Il A wacrm weicîîme tÀar iiwn Cindy Mcboneli, as she $tepsi nto the nessLposition of Assistant Executîve $125 (8> Cim 1 i-rtifit iitI' ituititt b> I i.rrui itut Wtti, irtv ti lîki' Ilt expre'ss tîtîr thi.tiikîs ti tit(-i' titr% PE<.(Y's for lxlliitriiig tii- tîtit lia ",it yiîtir fritiihs atif gît yitir tic kits in' I)îîîtiit tic'kts trie gitg FAST! GARAGE SALE WILL SOON BE HERE Thse Gtaragte Sale wil be iseit on Saturiy, Mtay 3rci aitie fiaiostal. Stsfl savlag yotr wite ciepittirts. wt Ch wmlbsontetsne else's treaucr FEEL LIKE A SPRING MAICEOVER? Tise Salon attse- Hospital invites you tompake tan appoiment for a new sprin< isairdo o<r a pechicure which is a% luxurlous experience offering grecît value. For an appomatasent ealu 878-Z383 Ext. 2425 (24 hour answertng aitwhiae>. The Salon in tise Honspital seelcornes evetyone -patients, visitors, staff and tise gênerai publie. Clft certficates tire tlso avaiable lis tise Hospital Gift Shop for three servies. What a grioat way to rens.'mbrr somenne spi-citi tit Mothrrs Dtty. Directar -Patient Services & Quatity lmproîctnî'ni Thts new1y creatiet position foltmws in thse wake of iàz Wickhsad's retîremeat's our Assistant Eaecutiue Director - Nuraing. Cinc, bai b+r employed berte ai MDH for aimait tels >eus andi sie will now stsume responslbility over aur nursing deparss a welr ai .a bost tifother fitactiona iacludlng ouw Continuacus Qissléty lmprtivetncent profiranci. Thtis appoinutinent wilI a1so assist tise Hcospitai ta reduci' uts iiverai roi tif tadiistraîtiotn anti wîii save approcci' înately $701,000 ta ihis cifing Cet 'i itituigît WELLNESS FAIR - APRIL 5TH J ut-t' rî'îîîîîîîlî'r Ii attend îîîr anitti F~ihtt's air at tihi Mitiî MIi tit Saiîiri.uî, April th rini 9 30 a ut tci, .5.30 pil nî1titptainstittI'rt'siitig aidt v tit'rat i spti.ts s DID VU KNJW.. ()tîr hittît fi'liai.littttîii Si-rs tsi I)t'îi.ètiiiî't iriihii' A tota ti 16 staifful[l anti part tile) ntrici thti ilt'pari. inent ittchiuittg 7 physiotherapisis. 2 itcc'ip.ttiitîi. tira' pis, 2 audiilogists, i speecht laqguage patiitigisi. 1 rehaititaion assistant anti 2 cieriKai sUppcort staff, MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL Help us bring quality Health Carle to our Community. r 1 l a ueil V

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