The lisiiigis j ust thestart of a detailled marketing plan Arc you thinking pf selling your sure Ios3elI ina àiurry, imclsbe may *Bmwork - One of the miost pupose ofmsellîng youehome. Thme reamor wîlI tell you about home? advmcc you tu lisi lselow $180,000. imjoriaum sieps in listing a propesty As an owmler. youlil be resPnmible preWmng Uie house. arragrng tbow- Ifso. you'll need professonal help to On the other hand, if you*re not' is for the realmor Io cWiop a good for tiying Io asaist in the rtrei ngso pnoueamdclyu essuie limai your homne gets maximum pressed for tisse. your reallor may working relami>ong1pMih yosr. AI of your propermy where possible, abgo opaen bnouses am tfell p- expoliurc and is well-marketed. YuulIl advise you to lis& il slighmly above disi stc you. thme broker and sales- witliout actally imeomming pfmysicaily aotwasivle nofrpe wanm to enlicit the services of a real muklvlepenDs arc formning a teamt for thme involvcd mn simowings. etios esmame practimioser mn makle sure you achieve your goal. ,Tise listing ms the heginning of a seli- ing process tham ncludri a vieil- thougmi oum and dcmailed marketing plan. acccs.ibîlimy iii a %vmde range ofA Y LI F poiesmial buyers and commimmenm mo 9 prfessîiial service. fi aisoý means youlil reccave trien*. helplsl.adsiçe mhcroughou thc sale <if yotir home, Tecmnically speaking's 0.' isting is an auihosily grMhby yoD 11o a ceal esmame imnîker Il, ici as your agent in olfenng y iiir prips-riy for sale or lease - according o the (erins and conclions scm oui is the listing c.iniraci. When yiiu lisi your tiomce wuih a tract estiae hniîkerage, you're entering mmo a hindinf agreemeni ssilh mimai lino. so is- important mi cNsîse a coimpati> and a tcql esiale, salcsperson mimai yotiure satified ssilh To iind lime ngmi tino asd indisidual. tmy <siens icsiig ihnce nealions &ihd .isk qhcm aisiui tie sensvices ihey;ll olfen sshen mhe> l1s1 y oui housseà Your realor ssilI coiiduci a iimimniugm inspectlin t y our pnî,pvnîs il) belp dceroiie mimai youn Isuiies% market sdlue 1 #,H cor ýhc isill ake a<rurale mca- ssrc Siiii a Iiifg ssiih à deti.rled dccpiif i he pnilpenls - Yîru'l al.) , k <Led liii Üiirumenla- lion ris taxes. %ursey%. lit le deed and morigage iniiirmatiîi A, wiscl, mCs impriani lur lhei 1. koî et limere are any limilainîns oni th prirperi> sshich mlgmi aft lils salue s uch as a lm reallor ssifaIsrî ast. yîîs ques. lins lii gel a hemier idca oif your sales cirruinsiancessshethcn you'rc pressed 111LU lor lime or soi i aid sshai your esperia- lins are Folîr Instance. >iu may have ni, press- ing need il, self jiour home and are willing il, isait a >car uil lime righi W d oG olic rnes iniinat On ihe rimer band. il )iîare heing on nent- tnanslerd il) arîîîl her jî,h pîrsti iig, ý 'I hase more lime riinslrainls These anc ihîsgs yorru reailor mviii need Il knoi. so mhaî i-me/e can recimmesd Q E W a marketing appri.ih limai hcsi suit% yiir seeds. Tme real esiams prgiiiessiimnal àIso needs mo do a market value guimpansonARVE S .A iiilice whai cnimparahle homes in mime c R N area ame selling for,.A DE l iru'Il a1sÀ) decide Isoi long Imle lmsi- cis~ ssll bc ior and wheiher il will bcse pt ris ihe Muliple Lîsimng Service.3 !« <MLSî,>C tlse i9 mime MIS gises youn home A ES O E D mîaximumt esposure sn uday's market:* place <recause il offcns mime ncalmqr mime opponmuniiy mo osie mthe facîlîmies and * sensices of olimer relotrsluorugh a sys- akt h » lem openamed by thme local real estame wnt l hoard. Only realtos (membhers of time Ontanir Real Esmatte Association) hase access mo ML& Undersandlnq Value à OrCla - Before listing your home, yl;îbhmld undcrsmand mimai miere os a dîfference imelween thse clarket value of your têli!taim ak propcriy and mhe prîce you ask for. Ofen mime mwo are noi lime saine. lie instance, a neaito<nsay esimate thme markiet value of your home to be $380000- buA if you'rc under pies-