2-71111 Canadie OimTwi. Tu»ey. 4txuoey 1B. 1U97 'VDE Or4nGtf~ Pc*ee Posi HumeI DIJnPI D.Ir!U!~L ern Asa or we clown~ C rol PliOf 7W ~<~oeAn expensive call 12 o. 170 on a real long shot, coke CISsL<, ý1 '-. 'Wisie g. MiN Sfl or 011? *~@sm .The Ch&rpon "fyur inr Carm Halion residenis aoe Iearming the hard I'uaeaWDlr - t way Ihat Iooks can b. deccmvming. you ihouln't have to psy or Did Th~~e RCMP-OPP task force myt u v Did ~~~Phonh.sters has rceived hundeds ofnoe oreev complamnts ahoui Canada Po,%q-delivered yoar prize." c1 ards mham rcsemhIc an Ontario Lotiery ...................... 2LCoeporation scraqh-nd-wmn ticket. aiEmIV m hUIl The cumId,, which depicg a sini machine MWd am~ duhhd 'Simas of Gmld'. have keen Sdrmcpped in mamlhotte', hy the million% a %ummc nmni. c&hmch. polce .am, IN cu cm b- I.oM.k 11' NDBo.dlIy across threc Canadman provinces - the aIIy a dmelmvery location %imiar mii a p-I itecst gg. tw.. month. M1o c.dnc rccim'ed IIiiw!vcr shat %orne partcipants. dccni mke canis mn Dccemher. reaime until %ck.. lamer wmhcn thmc% look ài The apparent cccnmest mdverims..cm phel %ui , lmmt ct. î.t $25 9 F$500.000 wmîrmh ol pligues - $10.000 Whmle many un.mm.pcmmng vmiler. tee instant cash. 52-mnch ciclîur v'e i c.i m izmîed -espc.ily the cideri> --ihe 3 ? '1 "rmund-mnp tickets mo Hamwaii, pemsonal com charge is perteell IegaI. s.mîd IX'm Gu% ou pumers. Sony camecorders and deluxe ga.. Lamicrge cl Phcînchuqm harhetcmmcv Interactive Casimnoî. reccîrm 1c".1rn' Wmnnmng cardiiolders mmny namuraily caliers (if te c hargte and gis. % c ni[ho P. .&cuniuu. mc Icam whai te) ha.ve won -are ccpominnmmy go h.mng Up Notificatmion ofl he ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~c..~ ~ ,,>.u ~ ,~ mc ~ ~ us..cc m. ,*- i Gm urget tIo pho.ne a 900) numtr Bum ail mimai c c.. ai... itmen mn fmne prni (in the hua. R dw- om g 9 caller. gcm i%. a rc'.ccrdmg trîcm Slmm. cci oi te card... The (K) numchr' cperamccr RdGold nperamcr Interactive Camin infimn- tinteraclave Casino) gem.. a portiocn tif the sm .kuts ng hein of thkmr prizes accordmng to the peciccents and s.o de.. Bell Canada, chich. "Swinmimng combinamons" onu ikîr ickets. hauidies the hitmng. The recordmng advmses participants in Bicti Phonehusier% and Bell ham.. dlaim their awardaby sendmng hkmr cards recemneti compliants about charges oer (Xlig t0 a Chicago. Illinois addems tmam inludes . gas POLICE on popeS ~DENTURE HEARING AIDI I LF I Dnue NdtIal. M CENTRE èo,,U __ cd.d 1 u I Sem D aenes RPâams M.ANNUZ à ASSOCIATES 1 tISSUS~jet 8.bSS j I g j ant A*îusments 10 Yeats Experdence i 3.20Wi --PGd~ js-,~ I- W 1 10% Discotini for Seniors , gl,À - -' - id& ! *NoGST - No P.ST. 4 LOW COST DENTRffES HOUU CALLS DURY WOA NEDOAL CffNtN ['B)M hmtEabin 878-1100, * Bàftq' Ckib lfl<O - .Anipde Fnte Pdtkin 2 LOCATINS TO MUVE ySU 72 MILL ST. 3Me oimvl RD. GEOATOWN #las MLTON 077.074 ami. iSà