à-The Ciio Ctîmrion, Tuuey. ~EOnfy 1 t. 197, H'unter.,slams Howard -for. 'imm ature' .outburst- IV mvRAD RljAWE Me. Hunier brssed aside suggestions 'The. Chmn'pe igot couinciiors arecengagcd in back moin, leth wih e ol' broadNide frinm town sessions. He "aid councîllors offent cail stae ~peers go "Ici lbem know wbiai îbey ar Cougeillor Marin Howtard, nevera o iber ibinking." He soit] ibis îype ofi altack s% * colleagues are îryîng te undcrsiand.jer wbhy mnany capable peuple wîill soi rne tu* motivation. municipal office. M, Howard ixem a amrp off lber prs ai .Slw bas; more or less AdmitIed shes% nuui ast wteeka meeting of couecil, enumnerai- dong the job. su) mayhe sbe sfloald.lare ing à wide-raoging basi of giesances. She bock bier siipend." %'I>r. Hunier said, 1 bhriaiened te resign ber coueicil seat. ibink site sbouid apolîgize fi counicil and 'Il ibnougb sfix stas very impiofessunal ihe public. cowardly and immatufe," said C(ouneillor Mr. Hunier saitd severai tif Ms Hostard's Wally Hunier. "She used a bruad bnusb. Il suggestions bave bues adopied. He poinied * ses a frusiraîîng ecmng fer ibose ni us liilber puifi te prihînilie budget seiing who are doieg îit 1o. domIt knîîw wbere by deparlment and ber iCfftbr% go stop lbç abe is coming frnie on ibis." gihobif rural egl suhdis'isiqns. p W -, i-u a mm tSy c W lie ow bcr D nUat! V/ doigi. rnggk r an '11 cbc f ouc o lw-ii r p&e ilSSO "Ilon*'t know Wf1eresel s. -dn fhis. Business. is- booming in Halton ' tram BUSINESS ce page 1 vir. Kc.irs said the trend liuusird tact! diinrhulioii pilai s d,..îîrii sr,'. Nort b/nivruic as riiaiti muIàcIuflar r relira li thein iuîre haiae.ses and! ctuîir.it ui the di iribuî ini f thiir prou,'Ja (ieigrapiiicills M1ilton id pîsliui to srsn ibl'is trend. fie sudý Aisi. -There bas hecni a signilicaar groiîs lbn siiiilI btist?*ss regislraiiiin,. suid Mr Kearse Wc glaai 2.5iKi neus hasi. ncese' regiter an 1996. ap alsui 30<1 Ium fie yvear belîîre There hi, ber a <trIisl iii aboutl 3,50QV jîubs 'a c bis siii lar iii totlal lIo the IFord pliait Mr. Kgarseitid thie lîrsi lev% davs, ol 1997 hase cîînlînued the tre±nd hsilhi mail, new husinesses regislernf wsth ilun business deselopract ami lie added tifî w iîle Iotaily cew -greenticd desehop ment- bas becs skiw Iblere arc snme comcu panrs uiinsêdening suefi deseluupmenis in Haltîîe. fIe otber trend in-businiess is 'big ho%' relailers, wbo bave buge stirea aimed in a .single market. These dcvelnpugenqs are especially niitice.ible en sotibher Halin Mr. Kearse atinihaîrd the 'big box' retaît trend (o careful consumnera %vit arc oa siaeily cîimparing pinces and seleciion "Mhe mial issue isc'ithle 'big boa' trend.. il is bow wîll cnîsîîng reinlers comrwte." saîd Mr. Kearse. lis a markel-drisea thîeg bui wilI bc inieresîing 1o Inîkias.- Mr. Kearw. Naid -the 1990X bave sn) fin bcs- cbaracqieud by a cbanging business ensironmiect where companies tr> Io becomte mnore streamlunecd and ernemieni by sbeddieg peripheral buaineanea. Hie also called bier aPtackn heavy coule- cil reprÇseniiiiin un the Milton Public Library Binarb unfair.' bcausc several couriciIIoré arc sving 10 cuver for ihe sUdden deai i*îbe chair<iilI Himnor He said bier flush iii change fic, generâl commuitc siruclure ilpio several smialler panels is sgrange iiînidring %lhe lias a ponir ailcndance recoîrd on subKiîmrpwcs and voied tu make Ie personnel sivàe. milice a prpilanent part of thé* prescrit gen- eral cnmmiiie l iirllhiere are twi.mypesti oi illor ihose who do and glaise %%o Nim mtad sfit- bas litome irai ofns iso% %ho %snI. r, Hunier aid. lIn my eyes bier credihiliis glas drpedi CamieIIvilk Ciuuncilnr Gcrry Bronk, aid Ms. Howard*% commurenis hase uxiused bîm te reileci on the workings oI counicil, He added gigat on the issue nif hack riole pubicii. Ms îwards contiments reilei bier parfieular perc ption ni esent, Mr. Brooks sid bie sas apprisicbed ses- craI ycars agi) go paflicipate mn pnsate dis eussions regarding counicil issutke bui dtelîned, and ba% noi receival phý,nL, iall. fori a similarApipo in ai leasi .3-4 >eàrs -l'm niuieiîlible diseussing pubii issues ea ite lorum.- be said. 1 don'i stani tu torra an opinimn pnr iii the irecl ing 1 uont usamn i, K eesunîbered hi pre conceised ideas on ain issue. Ir Brmuiuls said fie iuuld nio( s.i mi thc mîeetinîgs ssere coiiminn tkause he hia, i heen approubd IlIuuscr hie -ud us feea niai er iuimes helire ciiir il aii a mil ai has been uuii'ed and %etiskd ýli s miii a lige leap lui dew,riuuî il hi, )uuun dissassedl pogo th e iniiim IN