1Thse Canadien Champion, Tuasday. FabrY il -997 - 27 Letdownscosily for minor atoms against Georgetown, Ttrird-perîîmd Icidiîwn, silsi ilîe Ilato iitlt I *rts k junioîr itlîlot.AA 'WinterhawLs hack-lo- hack ti-es lIo iirriîxi - lire in the Tri- Cîiunty pta>oit and tire orlher in gaine vuîe -i the.r I<ktrinit 001I1A sertes liltimos ressnt lrtfhreilk lut il, Niîtiug Pointî lu the d>in mosoiirtl ,thel ni ileri(ýuOlu ninchst îîtîli le Raider, I 'p 5 1 sfiti an"er lVi miinutes; reriitiînl. thé I as C1 einqistrî itiei triîd. vlith a giilatgalîhsi ai t:34 anit ie eqîalttei ngiri ai ihle tinal hilîer Ssiiring Itîr Mittion v-ec Lait lurrett, se I ti-l'n. l>iî t s Lrîti, Mailie Reed toit Jauile Viehi ~yyvy~ Rep Hockey tre 'llawks ended mrp on the oiniiingsl suil ai itiird-peitw oini cmhack aualnsi tlie rne~t C'rushers, wîIh a 2.t décision in tiir urpciling Where iSy ubiited in T«ri-t?îint> Play~. lie Tri- Ciîuniy tit Duarrell hasked a Immu,e Pusk PaIs triiekers sltnîpty ue tel l teýep ihriiugh the fital he C'rusiers* giite t4i cexen ihe Cioila ille Seth trm i, nut bei r initiat OMI lA suint liioitiil0 l-nrusin 11111k a bLa-titut Pas% trîîîn K) te Saroing Mitim erawud a1 Iu-giat detîcli in the secoind and nicisr the game-winner lxxi mîilltes ltler, and rnxed ttre.md earty in the thîrd., ihen tîîtded Lip tîke lenis anid alowed the Railler, toîur uann Rutz, Robertson make marks sxxereit ibia ule ,1e)ii a fi-i vtntîiy. 'uiixh tattied lvtise ixhile )(ecd rîird in the Tire majoîr aloni tlurmstîes mre xxaiig iii taise îîher It1rl. FE*lttsiîn, Nthan Keilti anid I)ad .un thre inviet uit the Branrpiion-Niagara Faits Ilgrtas, ar sweCkeîîd jry-rt, lglatrs dped vlere-nid ria [eîRn [ntalion îî et ihe C e>BuýCt- i t 'rev hîîudîs They us-nI tit il) elloîuiale the~ I lighiauder, liii a '4 Il uliclir) ini Dundutk the lik-n -'lsîn iater mxv11%1 uiIIiîl11' lîun Juittiir a siettar ini lis1 tli gaie %vsii white Aleo Mstauuut, hacs-uîrped the jaistn tiifll iiriiig c1,n01051 t)ann) S)vrel ancisired the '(«n aitiîkeililh six peints lIrett ktuiit)risîî sîuntrîhpled v.# l~ ise peints, xxiii tîîur iiring lroim IA-rek (ireis ex aind aiuuher tihree hy i.dani Keiiip <@MHUNIIY ~RReuisItip ai MILTON MALL i FRIDAY FEBRUARY 14TH & SATURDAY FEBRUARY 15T'"I -~~~ ~~~~~~~~ F uL'M iUfIiIfI~ ~ Ç' OPINTHOUSE REISfATO EU AT~~t Tii L April.F & 199h 1:00 10RA:00Sp 1997 RÉGISTRATION Location: MILTON MALL Fnday..Feb.siIy 14 5 Pmr - 9 Pm - Satorda, Febn.ay 15 10 lan-S 6 11 Softball for girls bomri 1976-1987 Finait il- play- 10010111 FREE6 Sill anrd P.toIiuig Clinins 1. playr .gd 14 and .nde Mou". Loague. 1160 and Select 7.811.for ail s9e groupe Fo7 moti.oliaiiiCIa ROY HARROLD 816-3357 or BEI7YMCGEE 878-7473 Filles- $70 (firri child $lii 60 (each eddttonat child) Spr*.ngers GYMNASTIC CLUB ,« ECEAiO CA . MNU CMP Girls 319 yrs Bbys & Girls 3 5 yrs L Fuil Pay 9am - 4 Pim H-ail Day 1 doy mot 1 or3 #11. Mu819iJ0.4.OOffl «Ii& 3 di"a MM 10, 12, 14 $8U, 1u 4, 9M0 al- 12 f0011 $18. S depi MUI. 10-14 $140. SESIO M>IIarIN lob ne f i M--- 1Il, cliMo N Ni )i11 fo 13 teksi Voir tUrtiiPr infoiafon or to register cIII1: 87USOj MILTON MALL RIEGISTRATION PFri. Feb. 14th Sait. Feb. l5th FOA-MORE INFORMATION CALL Sue Robertson <Secretary) 878-85681 oBrad Ruti (Vice-President?- 878-482§ Mîlton L dîs LeaguewOVuld lke toIvte Ï womeri 21 yeare & older to oope Out to Our~ redist-rwit st: MILTON MALL Fr1. F.bruary 14 5:00 Pm - 9:0l'ff Sat.Februryl15 0:00Oam- 5:00Pm «Cime Out ad have somIe FL/N t-hi. oummerill Girls T-alil & Rookie BallAsgociàtion Pdda, February 14th ...5:00 Pm - 9:00 Pm 'qjju Piste: iMiltoni Mail Filli: $6 ler "0 fo~r 2nd p In àrlemfaiIy S2& for 3rd player, in a famly Voiawar Coîuuftw*at ibi Icagula i n IoIay by W blum. We 111100 yffl holi IAny leai 0( coumnnm yS ucati a M ppecaWe. j Çmi.r am / d .flkf.N.,fu Cc4A"" CcVI BSeac COec SM U SPOW Bnai qotrdhetoi< 8' Age groupe: T-89ell Girls born 1988-1992 Rooki. Bail Girls borin 1966-1»8 Hard Bell Girls born 1984-1906 Rep Teams: Players iniercied in pIayttig oin a Rep Tcamt shîîutd spcas Il a xiiIurieer ai the lime iii Registratioin tRep Players uiti c hargred arsaddittinalt teet Questions??? S retIP Ay rces -Registrar. ......... 878-391 flrîaA Rcd ..... ...t Predcnt . . ..ý..... 878-50«t ianilbhcpherd. Vice Presîdeni .. Il78-,-'-l 0* \j) DAY CAMIP - JUIX 1ITH - 19TH * AGES 8 - 16 FEE $12.'lt - IÈIRST SIGN UIPAT MII:UON MAI, FEB.14TH & 15TH krrhi r mt iooil a nd1 ,iloiooii calt tPai and ýtiiOts tir i n 854-2714 -