off.e4 by Bob ýLe o., Rteirement ]FinaiaI ýS taluts with yearsof evperence' and tbe. cofes aysbee gi *Security of inve tma± * >Comprtitive segregated aii m~uluaI funds. *m't iveG.I.C.s . 'frerson-Jhz&I dogoing consultation e*S.oa s'alable pf * Apmmenfs avaiable evenings àn4 Saturdays CONTACT Bb"Pe Le Mltowne Iuurase *pgelcled *7S-57868 Servag &mritn,'ce 1975 CALL FU l 'C; OBLGTO COTDNILCNUTTO r et frée fies without .even wokng-1here< 30% MORE "FREE' ,.with an>' meal pirchasc IlF' New Cnupy Fesas. Cri"y on the outsidi wssh gras mosa mr on the Nq.Sow pi 30% maWof th. tasie you love. RÉAL MEAi.S.~ EASr A;$KFÇ.- 276 àMai Stéet E4st, Mfiton, 878471. Halton ni<WçsÇ' toi crùnch, numbers I RaginWa officials sali taki tIair firsts i tcdy <Wednady) fi muiaa flusancial impiets of massive clisnges the provine bau , qona Chir Joyce Savoline Vwaréed thi nuinhers will' orly hae prehmhuutiy, end m baid uapon aimher offsmnfo She vci d iM numtens iaud hy ollitc munlcip&htie in thle immedliate afictualti of the .no«Pcîoents wirs hused upon s plâsy vaump tiagus aka tic lurgely meaninglsa., "Remmnhr. it has bien Miant gel an deSss frin the provincial zaverneseni." Mis Savohine saut. .We did m want Ioi"uimhers withoui sanie ba&gru;tuva<l hecause wç aim airauiha ic epib- lic sali remeintier oiily the ui nunihers ice issue. Ami liey wl in aiac.carding tu reilional .OVOIIYOIIP officiais, the ptovinge said, they> "Ii usai have theïr own. mon: deiied finisial impacts sysalabie. f(r e asin a inh. pedtia1wo. "Ever Silice tie announcenwens'l've cied nilsiciqan dulit go nunihers have heinl* vailatiue." iaid Bunlingla CouncllaHr "a Bnechin. "fl'e numben ase ow~ n, rap snmys ~ons distl any numtena we praue wulde Unn 7 ini oar us goSi off in alsosaf djeiu 7 ike thickhicN sying 'Ille sky is iaimin, thsky i. falling." 'Ile pragnani change% "d tir financial ipacts shauld have heenanncsas.ed iogether.' said takvîlile Couuncîllor Kevin Flynn . aiville Mayon Asti Mulvaletllasd lW4 Wuvaous NDP.gcvem- ueiWs mancenenit of ihe social coiract did ot ainsi with aj zelevant ciann tjan . î Burlinglan Mayon Waltn Mfuikewich %as] hi IuIly expected 'poitm'of dmu infietia wauld n.,< h asaîlabke fsW a yean. mi saine of i t g*ognahs will he pbaed in 5>egtnning Janusny L. NOW OWNED MND -C Ow2,We*oe sponshinbp 1on r4 îho * Rsv. youi aotdy CALL THE COItIG MWC , 467 SPEERS ROA UWAE, ÔWK M S4 FAX. (9m5)86&0 11 'g MIR - 1 *. Ô M A