Wu1l CuiUNU!lfl taMWY8i Liiti tels au 1. r STOI~ ~~~8 or Ormu ~h ~IIA MINISR4TO ys , a __ be_____for__ ;tSiLens.W sZe vay Itiple.07WSAoo ib. Saf R.owei.quromt f Menu omoiml Films 1k 7.3 pi.ý M% ,Ii t. 0 q d mTf. â R a Jonac eruI toM OX4 M va.. amime air là ïo Su.elo rioio Muali $110 aiEe 0. * "t 0R. UReOncialfo 275 G.L. Uý 181A 90-74 de« Vé M»b mmih $«*M -ilA 90670-71 9054lt."6s4-W l P.R Stats Canada ors * G.L 810» 058 Ml. silli,-u eO MS SwaI Canada4 m...od. 00 or bug afli. LASS rowonf for rent, 3 be*oons 3 RRES G 31BEDROMW *~Bh. Ptrk~sePLa fiC.SB. d ~blegstu.l 4 upplatai. Net à lut SIoo BRONTE TOWNiMOMI9 ,shore Wiàl nds ào~ £6570. Ca USNO $7 mun ms bo, mnt -0402 Excellent location, quiet Iree.lined strest.. ExeWnos od he wii i*dmdffle m kmuj. Oent "O*IS0I'Sa 3 1, ,1ow Garage. epadocus mific , friehty paiied. *Comchaq an asset mm. Cd Ma", 58434. ugg Faùy'o 8 rot eal40,, rmu cups<ng. tsdmood in PSSSLles Avak «ml e tdning anmes. Brigt, u~del tiichti. mu- Apply Io 05800 ______No_____or__________un_2007__ couriers, Whie cupbolldim, datAi 4* wNhe, Box 228,CandienChapion 111, PUA. WCS, Binerupt? Need anottsr WR uas3BdomHome. in A-mi.. vgete aprier. nome toeainq tifige, hal 191 main St. E ,chance? Wu «mi hel. Fulur, Car Cm*itM6- h-M dmose pM an ais ol. Aido" gft s»ve.,Wkc o privats îenced yard *Millon, 0161,1. LOT 4NP 300 g;êu7WÎ 1. 8006.00 Né doe pieu. 519- and pere. Excobety large living rooni. &tri6 aple bememefiet storage space. %qoi le aWuee 0eo cSon .i flexib cloting. AalMg $11403. requk- SSPUOOM %;@0101 Upper 'Apariment. prilaie Ne78-901 CCt~D~TAfl 1*nm uhs ox-Y sln in. SEeREtmu. $700hvot*i + ub*s.111f iorn ireqied ______________ Thsfuil time positi rquires excellenlt SALSàLA AsbW 1 1UW -7 - 06 hUSPSIIOOSt kwu 18w con~i. NEW-_M .________awm caton kf.Wrd proctimélnq, accountln plus -Ms USED AVIAI hotml 4 Smdaa YpieU nd mptrelgperienctior essentiel.00 o eu l U .C sluetiur your rm&uul 1.0: letpeei Au, ha87Shrgr0407si. M $ * SL-UPECtAL LABORAOA LTD. 6% ELL - LEASE uasi Bae fi. Sinây7Frf 21 AMP 31. Uyhgr.Nerua.308- P..Dc 75 rot S.L LAAGEST SELEC1ION 0F US5U &A- - 1 ~ ruyt. Pi0MM nfmd@1ovnh4t Mflton,~~ OmsIJ 40vgHicLEs iN miLTON nomu bmeaa. 6OfhiN $100. 874M0 Fia (M 0em*t plu uglliu, rmooft. setride. momLSI SAL. le pourell. i5i0 l Fax: (SO) 076478 p5~77d= 11»Q UO ge domr fa ig pn. 415080. aller. Twdur hp oms m0 opeus Relmefanase. WM ta le 4*m.pewomri 006 or bou ent en». Stai0 dn te tirdi lit. 878-1310. 8726. 1 . MDEL CANE ,sei In sur home: SMi tMcrt&j i APSLVUS am *Mrui fale muPOtUE.m uu . pins tVNcR. home. $IOtmntu I motudesIIti Morn- «i uwhtdmmer, 80.87-1900. * 3id ie. Mu tude o. Luler à Coie ergs.in _______864-M.________ CO oeo -41-244,000, 5.30 P-. - 10 P.M. RICHRDSO Senle 89*6i L R DercnuOt$071mm DAVOASE AY.LIL te une tome. For bramo M~svc.ee0llA M..ito 8a oaia 7-15. CH -OLIDS - GEO dro- 3u a Slm cùn ___ ___ ____sa t nemr Rbea PeIdiShO Receipîs. plur You" CM allr6:00 pým. 47906 $40. 076463 mlerui«m .87-4135. ,4~ PE*&IY pointed, spèlata 1, 2&à 3 bedami UOCLARY Y., Clt - ro aeln DO"MretC Or_____________ aperutril OMS Mn* highin s ineglon. wwWlng crdian Molar tis bise rMO&wd $75 Truck- Purcham To vise. 33-0648 12 -O p.. * - or buet aller 827-8725, BWr -ELL Paele, 9oad eMesn UELPN LME/LITON Tabemi, 7Yei~tf5leYO i i mêle1 dioal C 87839 a"d toW buo pmeng à gardien. Aplpte S70 apew à lep dagý A"dhm 0 1' plu Aisu. 1.416-767-1126 Wod - 41:. !2ý7.- 20Psni781-W10. __ O o n crubteai 5 86 78-M00 £865en WmaWi For hel cd 8784M5. à LAMG 3 Bedmo unn syffli fdJe - 24-hau «"i fins for abuss saM .e t4dle SAO TATiON For Pem& Nol hall oe i. t S67U4rion plus WIoe 7433 eemn_ - @mes Mu srgencvW s maesi or need soie priîaythni 6 seitf àe,' SP.A fflu05- 27 Uam ise.i-F for.1 stue salre nid 0e diNd lea~ sI~Q.~e d as nMl Hr i.ANG Mm01 fdl, frbstely palniei. ~ ton Pleiin. M Cam m q0idn15 eWef ii3 piue.il . waahblle Fmlx let 00.1 MPU rAsi ARE DItiG amoli e yu Proeme - luodo 7tn 07us 44M.u.8100 Jiofno lin help Wb mmW FiieW a$« el MMi 0 1 17CU. $2. Gels 7.1,2eh grâc Angom CNiat.ft lOSS fi.S BaseI .UUU ei, Mo»MMUR bos. 85,00 8740& *hu~ Pd. 4à 2 okbmpf teS 5dia mi n $l0 Fu» 07 4 -a u Ma ', AuiwIStMMpm btU sl£*dC*iuiit. 1100 AleMIerea Musi pi. iS lUm Ami numedaMWqe TOOM Le.~ liai la ex emmW Lie. muIq ammr. kadeis ade 8Cuu S . -hi-i~~p Pios euss0e$ 0U,*ib. le+. -6BS-a400 euimî.pn is OEAUIY PSYCII Deser. Thousué eells rmem 1-U-41-70 cm»0rdiae ai e 9aw' WRSTIN@MOUSE Cutita "tPolo m m1o u u e * M a m i i e r 0 1 0 7 0e0 À WW O ir Ieil tae MW mon US<rM1W eh.. M rg ipi(O.mo euri fi»e«u (0e619)ifijijCI8l0 nuid MIN. à"le -hs~JTM N M~ THE OFFICE OF :________________ ubHE Chiw CHAMPIONë »w- Of Coi. ofmie . M sied lute. I hombly MMGO AM V." 7-.'H- » INMMPO Oboum mfs bu e m u _ __ __is_ __ __ _ mus i =e MONDAYS UNIm O Pi l, ,. - if t. 1 oS (3~ *mi Sns 5-1 h. wiib -a ,6ao